messages to like-giants:
(click here to add new message):

from vibinghigh :
Hello! I'm a member of your gluten-free diaryring and I just wanted to let you know I made a new survey today, called glutenfree, in case you would like to fill it out. It's at
from zkandaloza :
WOW i just happened to stumble upon ur diary! Very interesting. I will be flipping through ur archives-if you don't mind- for days to come!! -Lety
from itisntlove :
Hey! Good luck in Boston! I'm so jealous. :)
from anniedontcry :
Please give me a hug! :)
from itisntlove :
details lady!
from itisntlove :
boys are evil. :( when are you going to greece to see braveheart?! *jealous*
from nothappyasme :
Thanks for stopping by my diary and saying hello, it's comforting to know there are other people out there who 'get it' .. and understand things .. take care and be well .. and say hello anytime .. I'm 'nothappyasme' on yahoo messenger if you've got it.
from itisntlove :
i was always a good kid. =P
from itisntlove :
lol. watch out for those honors kids. love the new layout!
from masala- :
take care of yourself, lady. i've got my fingers crossed for you.
from miame :
Hi there. Just surfed though via your diaryring...I love your design! I'll certainly be back! Sandy
from like-giants :
FYI--> you may now email me at [email protected]. I am not placing a link in my template.
from masala- :
Congrats! Yay for career!
from masala- :
:( I hope everything comes out okay.
from masala- :
I think boys are the devil.
from masala- :
I've skipped or come really late and left really early for pretty much all of my classes so far, and I never cut class, not even when I'm sick. My excuse is that nothing happens for the first week or so of classes anyhow. Meh. Good luck not thinking about Braveheart.
from velvet-box :
Thanks a lot! I made it myself. There's a bunch more I made for people to use @ if you wanna check em out.
from masala- :
That sounds really awful. :( I hope they find a different way to help you. Hormone therapy is scary.
from masala- :
Urg. From one of my friend's birthdays, there's video of me riding in the back of someone's car, completely drunk off my ass, telling pretty much all my friends' sexual histories. And giving my own little commentaries. My best friend heard it a few months after, and didn't speak to me for a few days. *grin* Greece and a boy...I'm insanely jealous. :)
from girliebod :
That's ok I was surprised to see the ring on here! So I thought I may as well join it, x
from masala- :
I hate it when you know they have to go away.

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