messages to loftwyr:
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from volcanic :
Hi, I don't know if you'll ever get this, but if you do, I'm desperately trying to get hold of dictation - if you have contact details for her could you please ask her to contact me - volcanic - via [email protected] Thankyou xx
from morguecrawl :
I am NOT worried. I am 100% convinced that you will not suffer a disappointment tomorrow.
from politika :
If it makes you feel any better, I remember going through the *exact* same feelings when I was quitting. All I could think of was "who can I bum a smoke from?" and then not do it. Uh... except for once at a metro station I bummed one only to turn around half a second later to have someone bum it from *me*. I took that as I sign and gave it away. It truly does get easier after the first 3 weeks, then after the first 3 months there is a HUGE improvement. And just think, as you are freaking out, in possibly less than a year you will be holding your baby and you don't want to even think that you smell of cigarettes, right? Think positively, you'll be just fine. My baby will be born right around my 2 year quitting smoking anniversary, can't really ask for a better present than that....
from monstre :
I don't know if there's any *other* answer besides that one.
from morguecrawl :
Stick to your guns. She wants to know what you really think and she'll just have to accept your content for what it really is. You've worked on your ability to listen, haven't you? Now it's her turn. She may not like all the things that you like, or she may not understand them, but just taking an interest in what makes you happy is important. Try not to fight with her about it, just explain how you feel and keep on doing so. She's a bright one, that Gila. She'll get it.
from monstre :
Yes. It is.
from loftwyr :
So, I'm back... tell me... is this a good thing?

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