messages to lorisporch:
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from augustdreams :
I really like the entries on memories from your childhood. There's something about the sights, scents and flavor of the world when you were small that's just so powerful. I think maybe because we don't have the vocabulary and experience to mark events in other ways when we're very young that we remember emotions/scents/visuals more than anything else, and that gives them such a potency. Anytime I smell a pipe it brings me memories of my grandpa, who died when I was 11. Anyway, many hugs to you and drop me an email anytime. Let me know how goes life on the porch.
from augustdreams :
I'm so sorry you haven't been well. Drop me an email when you get a chance. Fill me in on life on the porch. *Hugs* Take care of yourself.
from powerpantsp :
I am trying to add u to my favorites. seem to be having a little trouble. in case u have not figured it out, it is p. i will talk to u soon love ya,
from augustdreams :
Hello! My apologies for not adding you to my favorites sooner. You're there now! :) Can I come and visit The Porch one day? I'd really like that. Okay. I'm off to play pretend. *smile* Oh! And I think it's obvious why the Porch Kids have turned out to be such great teenagers - they've got a great mama! **hugs**

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