messages to lovelydaisy:
(click here to add new message):

from pocket-pool :
I did some math. If I had fathered a son at 15, he'd be your age today. So as for feeling old... hush yo mouf!
from caterpiller :
Thanks.. and yes, bunches of assholes, bunches..
from pocket-pool :
Damn, bitch! You go!!!
from erianne1 :
Chin up'll be ok and you'll get through what you have to. Hugs at ya and wish I could help.
from pocket-pool :
Uh-oh. I can't find the password you'd sent me! :-(
from peanut97 :
Happy Birthday! Kieran's birthday was actually yesterday. the 17th. However. My twin brothers were born today :) Hope you had a great day!
from crazeemomma :
Oh no! I can't get in to read. I hope everything is ok with you! ((HUGS))
from pocket-pool :
Sweetness, don't swing that pan unless you intend to use it! ;-) So few stick by me. You do. You are so beautiful. ~seth~
from crazeemomma :
Hi Carrie! Been so long since we've talked! I'm glad you are doing well. ((hugs)) I'm rarely here at dland but do read when I get the chance.
from erianne1 :
I'm so happy you're finally in your new house! You go girl!
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks so much for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites! Love the pretty daisy template by the way.
from hissandtell :
Hi again - just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you while you're so busy packing and organising things. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Oooh, how's the packing going? I'm having trouble negotiating your diary, darling, so I could only get into the current entry - and then I got propelled over into someone else's profile and became hellishly confused. Sigh. I'll try again soon. Love, R xxx
from erianne1 :
Thanks for the comment hon. And it's sooo good to see you back. You were missed. :)
from hissandtell :
Hi - thanks so much for reading me; I've only had a quick look at your diary so far but I can't wait to come back this weekend and learn lots more about you! Love, R xxx
from crazeemomma :
Yaay! You're back! I had probs getting to your notes. It's linked to someone other site. lol! Anyway, have fun moving!
from erianne1 :
Yay! You're back!
from lettynow :
I left a comment on you xanga site, I guess my son does Xana.. Ooopps so its has his signature. I didn't read. But I wanted to. I read you but I mean i didnt read him. Letty
from ladybug-red :
I have had to lock temporarily. If you want to keep up with me my username is ladybugred and password is temporary. Sorry - I hope you can stay with me for a short period while I chase away the stalker.
from brian-writer :
Thank you and tell Blaine there's a psycho in L.A. that'll trade places with him if he don't give you some re-re-re-re-spect, just a little bit and cut you slack. Its a scientific impossibility to keep a house immaculate with children, unless you have a team of maids.
from brian-writer :
You have what I once cherished beyond anything I had ever dreamed of. Give your family frequent kisses and hugs. You are very fortunate.
from pipersplace :
Why am I not surprised that you're the girl next door and progressive. Funny, those are the results I got.
from swingerdiary :
:-) Just wanted to say hi!
from nora555 :
Congratulations the pics are beutiful!! SO are you!! Let
from crazeemomma :
You still getting snow? :)
from erianne1 :
Thanks for visiting my diary!
from crazeemomma :
Thanks for your comment! :) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is a great movie. I'm not sure I've seen the other's you have mentioned. How were they? ((HUGS))
from pocket-pool :
I warned you! :-)
from pipersplace :
Thanks for the comment. You're a real sweatheart. And I love the new place. You've done wonders with it. Very nice.
from nora555 :
Hey you!!!! I got your note Ill add you to my Favs Letty

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