messages to mariamania:
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from mrs-roboto :
you uodating? I don't have your passwords - sigh.
from mrs-roboto :
yay! you're back. I *did* miss you.
from mrs-roboto :
???? Where are you????
from myra-lee :
I'm very late to say CONGRATS on your casa! I love Austin, and I love Zilker Park (after having such a great time at Austin City Limits). I love how that whole area is surprisingly wooded and green. Just from that photo, there is clearly a good vibe...the light looks so nice. And big yards are where it's at. Yay!
from krugerpak007 :
The house looks great! xoxox
from mrs-roboto :
Thats awesome! That yard is huge!
from firstgirl :
Happy Birthday, amiga!
from krugerpak007 :
Firstly I hope your dad is doing better. Secondly that sounds like a really nice thing to be obsessed about. How exciting! I hope it all works out for the 2 of you. ould you come via Israel? Please? Anyway honey, keep us updated, and you both have a good weekend. xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
I am sorry to hear about your father dear and I hope your cold is better. Thinking of you. xoxo Kathy
from mrs-roboto :
I'm sorry to hear about your dad.
from krugerpak007 :
I am happy to hear about your good news. Not so happy about the cramps and you and your stressful job. I would never ever be able to tell that poor man about losing his job. You are a very special person. I hope the cramps have subsided. Thinking of you. And oh yes, what is up with that mud monster thing? And thanks for your notes!xoxox Kathy
from mrs-roboto :
I would totally read that too. I mean, how could you not? "The Hideous Mud Monster" - that's really the best they could come up with?
from krugerpak007 :
The hotel vacation sounds awsome. I am sure you guys had a great time!I hope in the end you had a good time overall. Often when we force oursleves to be social, things turn out way better than what we thought.I don't think I am making sense here, maybe jetlag?:-) Anyway have a happy 2005, hope you have a wonderful vacation! xoxox
from krugerpak007 :
You are so successful at work. You should be so proud of yourself. I know that is one of the reasons I am so hard on myself, because I am a stupid assistant to a president, and am capable of so much more. Anyway enough about me. I am glad that things are going well with you at work. What else is happening with you? I hope you are ok..Really, take care and keep in touch. And about the binging...welcome to the club. It sucks. But it will pass. I promise you. xoxox Kathy
from firstgirl :
hey maria. I lost the password to access your diary. Can you send it to me again? Thanks. Lex (
from myra-lee :
Oh, ratas! In a perfect world, you would be going to Austin this weekend..and me too! I have tickets to Austin City Limits ( next weekend, but have posted them on eBay, since I, like Chuck, have a super lame vacation policy. Booo. I can't tell you how much I yearn for be treated like a real, true grownup. Oh amazing. I think what you've offered him (a letter of rec) is very sweet...and I think you're right: he'll end up in a better situation. Poor guy. That'll learn him: never tell the truth.
from kstyle :
well sometimes you have to hit a low before you can get to a better place...sounds like psychobabble, but it's true. hope we get to have lunch next month...steve's gonna fall in love with the city i'm sure!
from krugerpak007 :
You and your husband are both just beatiful. BEAUTIFUL!!! xoxox Kathy
from krugerpak007 :
Wow, that is quite hectic stuff going on in your life. you seem to have everything on your shoulders. You are in charge of everything. I think you need to take deep breathes, relax and maybe go for a massage. Just try and spend an hour with out worrying about anyone or anything but yourself. Thinking of you!xoxo Kathy
from mrs-roboto :
Good Lawd Sweetie! You sure do have a lot on your plate. Please tell me you're having a good stiff drink and a smoke right now? I am sending you every ounce of strenght I have to get through it all and I know you will!
from citlalli31 :
wow, those are beautiful photos. beautiful bride, handsome groom, and such a lovely setting. oh yes, gorgeous dress. congratulations.
from storyoflo :
Wow - your mother did a beautiful job on your dress. You look absolutely gorgeous - and that smile on your face is simply infectious! What a wonderful group of photos. Thank you for sharing!
from mrs-roboto :
You look stunning! I love the photo with the cake.
from raw-voice :
what a beautiful bride! and that setting was gorgeous. i'm so envious of you right now!
from raw-voice :
112 days! how exciting! i don't know how to relieve the stress - just breathe deep? or accept it...?
from raw-voice :
i think you look great, though i understand your habit of self-scrutiny. more pictures!
from myra-lee :
Whoo! You look gorgeous! And so saucy...
from kstyle :
wow girl, looking good, mamacita!
from storyoflo :
Whoo boy, do I understand exactly what you're feeling with this. I've been there. It sucks no matter what you do or say. Best thing you can do is remember that you treated the employee with the respect and dignity she deserved and hope against hope that she can land on her feet.
from citlalli31 :
haha. that entry about sleeping on the job made me laugh, but you seemed to handle it well.
from myra-lee :
Is this to say you're soon to be Mrs. Edamame?! With all sorts of officialness and fancy hotels?! Well, I have been your friend and faithful reader for 1+ years now, and I know there is much more to it all. So, I guess I'm really dropping in to say besos y abrazos. Por su esposo futuro, tu es como la banana por el mono. I know I didn't make sense there. Hasta pronto...
from mrs-roboto :
post the letter! I'm seeing Cafe Tacuba at Bumbershoot at the end of the month too but I bet the Filmore will be a better venue.
from citlalli31 :
i'm trying to make it up there for that show! why does it gotta be on a tuesday? oh yeah, and i'll be in town again this weekend. woo hoo. cuidate.
from mrs-roboto :
Things I worry about : That my life is so normal and dull that I am repressing something. Like maybe, I'm not nearly as happy and easy going as I think. Like I have deep rooted issues that I'm not dealing with. But really when I give it some more thought I think "Nope, I'm just normal, that's all."
from irisheyes70 :
Beware of very long note ahead. :) Sometimes I worry about being normal too. I remember once you wrote that you sort the silverware in the dishwasher. I do that too. So that automatically makes me feel more normal because someone else i know does the same thing. But it's like they say. What is "normal" anyway? Here's a quote from a favorite movie. "My darling girl, when are you going to understand that "normal" isn't a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." I like that. It makes me feel better. As far as the lady at work who's being beaten... Well sometimes maybe we enable it by allowing her to get away with so much. Stealing, not showing up, that sort of thing. Maybe she feels like it's okay because she's in this crappy situation so everyone else has to cut her slack. That won't help her in the end. But that's just my opinion. :) For whatever it's worth. Teehee.
from kstyle :
how funny, i'm thinking of posting a list of what i've been digging on kazaa, a kind of will-make-a-mix-cd-of-these-soon list...have you heard anything by pinback? i highly recommend...hard to describe, kinda mellow, interlocking vocal and guitar parts...hmm, that's not too clear! would like to hear what you
from irisheyes70 :
Hmmmm... Office politics. Not fun. What unprofessional behavior on her part. Doesn't she have any friends to slap her? Poor thing.
from raw-voice :
love the design ... but i want more than super secrets. i want juicy secrets!
from mrs-roboto :
Gah - okay last night I was watching MTV2 and there was an ad for Cafe Tacuba. I about flipped out.....I really hope MTV doesn't see one of my favs as marketable in the same arena as all their other crap. Sorry - I know you love them too so I had to vent to you.
from kstyle :
here i am babydoll...just lay back and relax, cuz i'm about to pop your cherry! hmmm, "f/up"...all i can come up with is "fuck up", that can't be right! "spin the wheel"...uh, the lottery? nah...stress penguins and 10,000 gold and black m&m's...amazing! haha, i used to love the stress penguins, their first album was a classic...that's gonna be MY new phrase..."don't let the stress penguins get to ya!" loks cool, nice color and i dig the painting, of course...much love (and thanks!) - mk

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