messages to maya84:
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from whystinger :
I clicked into you diary this morning and got a big kick out of your 8/17/2020 entry. Why? Because I have been really disappointed at all the false and misleading information today on the internet and social media. So many people pass on articles that (like you said) have only read the title or headline. I have also noticed a ton of small, one horse news sites that don't have the resources or people to verify stories and they all share the same crap between these news sources. Thank you for posting that, I hope more read it and start really checking things before they pass them on.
from ctrl4del :
Hello, i just searched someone who listens Ravel, because i red today one book from David Albahari where he mentioned that compositor. anyway, the realy thing is that i wanted to say Hello to a stranger. peter
from hamiltonian :
Poor Ann will be disappointed!

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