messages to meepful:
(click here to add new message):

from fridayfilms :
Hey lady, I'm here. We're doing karaoke tomorrow night (19th) for my birthday. You're welcome to come, but I need to know soon so we can book. email me at [email protected]
from fridayfilms :
Er, 16th, actually. Friday.
from fridayfilms :
I'll be in your town on the 15th of June. Likely sleeping and crying from all the flight trauma that day, or maybe drinking beer in an attempt to replace jetlag with intoxication. I'm staying until the 20th, so please make room for me in your schedule. I will see you all day every day, that's a promise, if you have time. But I leave it up to you. Do you know of anything fun to do? Do you know Pablo? That's who I'm staying with. We could all have a drink and go dancing. Or you could take me to the shops so that I can oggle things I can't afford. What do you say?
from fridayfilms :
So I won't jump the gun this time if I say, "Whee! Congratulations!" about the job right? That's very exciting news. See? Some things actually do turn out for the best. I'm going to send you an email shortly, provided there's one attached to this page. xo
from fridayfilms :
Ohhh, sad. I'm sorry, my congratulations were premature, but I will now congratulate you on figuring out that you are a good person with strong beliefs and a good idea of what you will and won't stand for. And that's a good thing, as Martha would say, and if anyone knows a thing or two about goodness, it's Martha. I'm sorry little meep. I look forward to seeing you and hugging the living daylights out of you, though. I'll be in London, then Krakow, then somewhere outside of Krakow, and then who knows? The sky's the limit (or my budget, or eurorail pass or something). Kisses, and feel better soon. (And remember that you're destined for greatness no matter what.)
from fridayfilms :
Congratulations on the job and the new pad. I too have bookshelves in closets, as these old houses tend to have more windows than walls. I'm going to be in your area on June 16-19 or something. Are you free at any point for a wee drink?
from heelandlass :
Oh and I have missed you Meeps. And anyone who can call me a bastard in the first sentence of a hello deserves to be missed, missed and in a gorgeously fantastically homely flat. A joint account is dead easy. Both go to the bank, tell them what you want, they'll set it up with whatever overdraft you need and you provide ID and stuff and then bingo! You'll both be sent cheque books and switch cards. I can recommend Royal Bank of Scotland - our joint one is with them and they've been fine. Although don't quote me on it. Good Luck! xx
from heelandlass :
Ooh, how did your lasagne go and what was in it? I keep clicking on the photo of mine and wishing it was still there. Mmmm. It was a veggie one I made, with millions of veg. I put layers of spinach under the pasta with extra white sauce, that's what did it for me. TOO GOOD.
from heelandlass :
Yikes! You're scored through everything!!
from fridayfilms :
Feel better, darling dear.
from heelandlass :
Awww, Sweets! I've just read your new entry. Thank you SO SO SO much. You're bloody right you know. And so elequently put. I'm going to go and give Bandito a kiss and not even look at the escapees from his dinner last night as they lounge around near the rings on the hob like some kind of stragglers at a near dead student party....okay, maybe I'll wipe it up but I'll still give him a kiss!
from heelandlass :
Excellent. I was listening to the album most of the weekend in your honour! And for my listening pleasure obviously. And thanks for the note. More people understand than I could ever have hoped for!!!xxx
from heelandlass :
Ooh how exciting! They played in Edinburgh last Sunday but I couldn't get tickets, boo. I LOVE the album. I LOVE it I tell you!!! Have fun. And please, please clap your hands at least once and dedicate it to me! HL xx
from inkysoso :
I had a ruwde boy blasting out Eminem on his phone on the train today. Fortunately I was well plugged in to my own headphones (avoiding the drone of the scum on my train) and so never heard it until departing. I did wonder why there was a wide berth around him though.
from fridayfilms :
I am a big spaz. I looked, and apparently, I'm only at entry 480. How did I surmise an extra 20? But yes, I'd be most honoured to meet up with you at some point. I'm not sure yet what the length of my visit will be; I anticipate it could be as long as an entire weekend, because I may be coming into some money soon (I could as easily not, but I'm optimistic). This could mean a posh hotel and some extra spending to boot. I'll let you know, closer to the day, where abouts I'll be. Then you can tell me, "Oh dear no, not there! That's a dodgy area!" And so I'll move. Sorry, I'll shut up now. As I just finished saying, I'm a spaz and should therefore go straight to bed.
from fridayfilms :
No one will think I'm a genius if I keep misspelling and misusing words, however.
from fridayfilms :
I wish I could take credit for the kitty cat video, or even for coming across it on my very own, but a friend of mine found it via someone's MySpace profile and pointed it out to me. I guess that's the danger we face in posting things without their original context. People tend to think of you as more of a genious than you actually are, and then you have to let them down gently, like so. But if it will reinforce any positive view you may still have of me, I did, once, make up a nonsensical song about my firstborn kitty and sang it to her nearly ever day of her life. She's still alive, but I grew out of it. I can juggle three smallish oranges though!
from heelandlass :
Hey! Thanks for your lovely note. I must admit, I found it VERY difficult not to click onto D-Land when I was away! Looking forward to catching up with your shenanigans. Am very behind. Glad to be back. Happy 2006! xx
from girlsdontcry :
Wow, my chicken-shaped kitchen timer died very recently... has someone dropped a dirty bomb on London that affects only animal-shaped timers??
from ladyvaduva :
thanks for adding me as a favorite.. I'm sure u will become one of myne very very soon.. I've just started reading your d-land.. I'll be back for more *thumbs up*
from misspinkkate :
Thanks for adding me to your list of favorites!
from fridayfilms :
Hey Ms. Meep. What's going on with your posts? Like the noter before me, I'm unable to see text. I just thought I should let you know in case it's something that's only afflicted a few of us. xo
from squeeky :
hey, um something is amiss with your diary. I can't see any of your posts tonight. Weird! Ah well, I will check back tomorrow. Thanks for the congrats. Oh and when you get the chance, you should definitely get a scoot � they are a BLAST!!
from heelandlass :
Oh how exciting. I will definitely look into that book. I am going on a 3 week holiday over new year and want bazillions of books. Especially ones I can get lost in. I am annoyed I have read so many books already, they would be perfect for this holiday - The Poisonwood Bible in particular. Curses.
from heelandlass :
Ooh. Dumplings indeed. I can never make up my mind to go with herby dumplings or yorkshire puddings. It's always a very tough choice. In fact, I think I will have to make both at the weekend now that I've spent time thinking about their lovliness.
from pollymagoo :
I shared a flat with a Spanish boy when I lived in France. I was a veggie at the time. He refused to eat any French food but instead kept whole chunks of meat loose in the fridge and gnawed them whenever he was peckish. Think yourself lucky you have packets, young lady.
from pollymagoo :
Oh, that was me with the glitter. I did it on my bike - it really doesn't take long. You're welcome to take over my Stokey route the next time I go on holiday, if you fancy it.
from heelandlass :
Ooh, fingers crossed she gets home soon. xxx
from fridayfilms :
I very much look forward to pictures!
from f-i-n :
sending virtual hugs to you
from inkysoso :
hello! yes thanks, i'm fine. Hope you and all you know ok too x
from heelandlass :
Are you okay? Were you affected by the explosions?
from chauffi :
It's bang on my drum all day, but whatever. I like your version better as well. It brings all the boys to the yard, and their like, it's better than yours.
from schmutzie :
Did I promise to send you some template stuff? I'm awful, terrible, unreliable. I vow to get that to you toute de suite. Also, I thought I'd let you know that your boy's band's link is not operable. Happy seasonal holiday this an' that.
from schmutzie :
Definitely liking the new colour and the new font. Very cool.
from pollymagoo :
I like the new colour. It's peaceful. And a bit lettuce-like.
from fridayfilms :
I meant "as well." But yes, I'll always suggest samosas in a crisis.
from fridayfilms :
Feel better, Ms. Meep. You know what makes me feel better during down times or a crisis? Lots of sushi and even more beer. And trashy novels. I hear your Indian food is to die for, so I suggest samosas always.
from schmutzie :
Are you looking for how-to sites so you can do it or a re-design by someone else? I do know a few good sites that help you do it yourself, which are listed under "how-to and tools" on my links page. There are a couple more I should throw in there, too. If you need any advice or help, drop me a line. I only started teaching myself in September '03, and I've already started designing for other people. Of course it took a lot of thumping my head against the wall, but it was fun nonetheless. Good luck, and I'll send you any good how-to sites I find.
from stellarose :
hey! i just found out that i'm one of your fave diaries! thanks! i look forward to starting to read yours. xxx corey
from pollymagoo :
Oh i LOVE Ramona.
from dominguez :
i like the way you write a lot, but i gotta be honest, at the risk of offending you, the colour of your diary gives me a headache! do you like it like that? i could do you a redesign if you like, or you could tell me to fuck off. i'm good with either.
from pollymagoo :
But the other day, one of my flatmates (M) was in the garden and my other flatmate (B88) came out and handed him a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. M was just enjoying a big swig of juice when B88 ran out and snatched it from his hand. M thought, 'How bad can it be?' but apparently B88 had found a part-juiced maggot in the grapefruit remains.
from girlsdontcry :
Your bowel must be a thing of joy and beauty with your grapefruit/coffee/cigarette based breakfast. And to answer your long-ago question about bookshops, I don't know about anyone's current staffing policies, but I do know the manager at Borders as she was once my manager at another book chain and she's lovely, hurrah!
from jonquill :
Thanks to schmutzie (God how I misspelled that.) I happened on your site, and was quite happy to find what I did. I look forward to more lines akin to: "The pint of water is Very Important to my little morning ritual, like toe nails are to voodoo." Note to self: Be very careful with toe nail clippings, as it may result in head shrinking and or me growing a tail.
from schmutzie :
Let's say that I nearly did the NaNoWriMo. I made it to 30,000 words after much coffee, smoking, red wine, and beer binges. It was a near future speculative fiction piece about a society in which advertising has taken over and our governments and nations are defined by corporations -- you know, kind of like now. I think I'd like to give NaNoWriMo another shot this year.
from schmutzie :
It was a joy to discover your site, and then to be doubly blessed by being put on your favourites! Thanks!
from fridayfilms :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite!
from girlsdontcry :
Christina Foyle, owner of Foyles, is dead now, but before she died there were always loads of horrible stories about her and her racist employment policy and also her fascist sympathies, so, you know, uh, not sure what my point is, just that you shouldn't feel so bad buying books at Borders, I guess.
from inkysoso :
which piracy link? you have to pin things that I might like to look at in places that the enternally stupid can see them. Also, I stole the Secretary from work recently (video, not her, herself) and it is one of 3 films that I own x
from girlsdontcry :
I'm so glad you found me because now I've found you and you're brilliant and funny.
from inkysoso :
Answers to the ones I can - Picasso Scissors Woody Natural History Museum Doodle Hungry Hippos x

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