messages to menderz:
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from hucksterfinn :
ok, i've lived on the east coast too long. i didn't even realize it was cinco de mayo. and yes, i did know it isn't mexican independence. that maximilian! wasn't he a hoot?
from menderz :
I know, sad huh? I tried younger, but that was only good for one thing (which was good, but not for anything long term) And older is just... older!!
from hucksterfinn :
when did we get to be 29-35? sheesh.
from hucksterfinn :
dude, kim's hair is a fucking fright night. can you imagine making that choice knowing that you are stuck with it for an entire season? clearly elisha is about as bright as kim in real life.
from menderz :
And such a great story that is!!
from hucksterfinn :
speaking of kari, recently, i was asked to tell my prom story. you know the one.

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