messages to mentalimages:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from nightmare54 :
Well sonofabitch, look who is alive and apparently well. Welcome back sucker!
from goingloopy :
Another one returns to the fold...yay! I'll put you back on my buddy list. :)
from cnotefwb77 :
Hey, you left me a note a really loooooong time ago - sorry it took me so long to respond! If you still want the password to my diary - do you have an email I can send it to?
from misssmitten :
Hey, I was just reading my notes. Why do you think he was lying? Just out of curiousity? That's why I write my diary. To see what other people think about things. Hope to hear back from you soon. He's gone now and we aren't a together anymore anyhow but thanks for the advice. Write back if you can.
from rickscafe :
hey sweet cheeks, your super gold has been out for a long long long time...
from bigpimpinmba :
Your comments don't work. I've tried several times, so I'm guessing your SuperGold has expired. And it is virtually impossible to leave you a note, since your "Profile" button is actually a link to your newest entry, so I had to go to my favorites, go to your profile, and then go to the notes page to leave you this note. If everyone is even slightly like me, they are too lazy to go through all of that trouble.
from warcrygirl : Their comments are free but you'll have to check them manually; if you want email notification that'll cost you $$.
from warcrygirl :
Spell it? How the fuck do you pronounce it? Ditto on what Andy said...
from rickscafe :
Better a smacker than a farter. Get supergold back, damnit.
from goingloopy :
Yeah, I typed a comment, too. Here's what I said...(1) Blog Explosion for readers (2) Washing one fork counts as doing dishes in my world and (3) Clear liquids (i.e., vodka, water) are pretty much interchangeable.
from warcrygirl :
At least you have your notes. I figured it was your supergold shit, and I had left such a witty comment, too.
from incredipete :
Hey, I have a password for you. Just send me an email at [email protected] Later, babe.
from lesbfriends6 :
Yeah I figured that out... but then I thought about the advertising scheme.. if you advertise a picture that is in some way kinda off (like a horse with 3 legs) you are more likely to remember it than a picture that is true to life (horse with 4 legs) but thanks for telling me what i already knew.. hope you have a good evening.
from incredipete :
It would work. But hey, I'm just your future boyfriend. You don't have to trust me or anything...
from incredipete :
Try this: <TABLE BGCOLOR="black" CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=4><TD BGCOLOR="#C6CEFF"> <FONT FACE="verdana" color="black" SIZE=1> proud member of the incrediring: <A HREF="%%next%%">next</A> - <A HREF="%%prev%%">prev</A> - <A HREF="%%random%%">random</A> - <A HREF="%%list%%">list</A> - <A HREF="">join</A> - <A HREF="">Diaryland</A> </FONT> </TD></TABLE>
from incredipete :
You are definitely qualified for the elite Incrediring. Way to go. But just so you know, I'm the smartest. LoL Welcome!
from incredipete :
I tried to leave a comment on today's entry, but I think your comments dealy may be effed up, because I couldn't seem to get it to work. What I was going to say was, don't bother committing suicide to get out of work. I tried it once, and they revived me then docked my pay for wasting time. So there...
from kristintracy :
whoa. i sent out a notifylist email right after i posted. sometimes they take a while to arrive at their electronic destination, but i know for a fact that another notifylist person has received theirs. so, let me know if you don't get it, and what email address you used to sign up, and i will check my list!
from gothgirl245 :
hell, i don't know what to write. if i put something overly emotional in it, a certain assclown will be......assclownish. and if i put something sarcastic, the person i write about will get mad. i can't win. grr
from morbidium :
Sorry my guestbook censored ya, I'll have to take the filter off, everyone knows I can swear like a sailor, so should everyone else.:) And it's a new guestbook so yes, you're the first, thanks for singing though.:)
from chaostraffic :
So I left you a comment. But that comment was instantly vaporized, my fingers were broken, and a large man named Phil sat on me. In other words I think your comments section is still, I believe the technical term is, Jacked-up.
from ozwald :
Hey! I would love to work some magic for you. Her comments page is based on the rest of her design. If you like - I can whip something up for you. Draw me a picture literally or with words and email me what ya want!
from kristintracy :
hm. i dunno about etiquette re: diaryland, but your request seems reasonable to me. what i would do, honestly, is hit up ozwald of diaryland, he did my design for me. he might be sweet-talked into hooking you up!
from incredipete :
Believe it or not, I have worn a rag on my head on only about 2 occasions, one of which was for that picture. The other was because I was drunk and someone tied it on my head. I hate to cover up my sexy shiny cabasa too often.
from gothgirl245 :
i'm surrounded by such assclowns....california sucks.......i need to come live with you. lol
from incredipete :
HEY! My name's Peter! So I guess now you'll list me as a favorite. HA. Keep up the writing! Oh, and don't worry about turning 30, I'm sure you've got another 10-15 years of happiness before you fall apart totally.
from gothgirl245 :
i know this is abrubt and uncalled for but I miss you.
from kristintracy :
hey! i am so thrilled that you think i am lyrical. fantastic! my feeling abou the bank error: i TOLD them. so. if something does happen down the road, i will simply feign ignorance, and/or raise hell. i would like to close that account out, but my car loan is with that bank. boo.
from porktornado :
Okay, for the comments section (that's the official name for it), I think you have to have a gold membership. Maybe not. I have no idea, actually. Aren't you glad you picked me as your answer guy? Anyway, go to this page and it will give you instructions-

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