messages to michelol:
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from sarkasmo :
OMG, what is it with people who moan? I hate when I have to use the restroom at work when someone else is in there, because there seem to be a lot of bathroom moaners there. How is that okay, to sit and just moan while you're peeing or wiping? It's NOT. Guh.
from sarkasmo :
sorry about the joblessness. i hope the unemployment checks work out for you. if you only eat tuna, ramen noodles, and kool-aid, you can afford more booze! and as for going out west, DO IT. I mean, i've never been there, but don't be scared to do stuff by yourself. you can always come back if it doesn't work out, right? at least then you'd have more stories to tell. i'm pretty sure you can go tubing out west, too.
from mathyou :
The song is by four non blondes, not 10,000 maniacs. Otherwise, you still are a douschebag and I hate you.
from sarkasmo :
You have got the funniest tubing stories.
from cdghost :
i enjoyed your words, with best regards.. Cdghost
from mathyou :
Fat Upper Pussy Area. A front-butt. A pouch. you know...
from gerg69 :
Got damn yous gotta funny site. Po Po birdy.
from gerg69 :
Thanks for coming by my little cartoon. I hope you come by many much more times. I'll take great care to be unaweful...Thats a pretty awesome compliment by the way. Thanks!
from mathyou :
I will miss you like the deserts miss the rain. Or like someone in East Lansing misses someone who totalled their car in West Virginia and is stranded.
from ammo-dots :
You should get a guestbook, because they are cool (much like me). --- I've never called anyone a "filthy assbag". But I'm going to save it up and use it on the next person that has it coming. --- I hope that's okay. I already know it's cool because I'm doing it.
from mathyou :
Eh eh eh ehm.

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