messages to miss0delaney:
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from degausser :
from degausser :
You aren't a dumb human being. Life is messy, and it makes us all train wrecks at some point. The key is finding people who love us in spite of it.
from movingsands :
Pizza and body loving. The way new year's should be.
from degausser :
That's so devastating about your family. I don't know how you're supposed to deal with that. So I'm just sending hugs your way.
from degausser :
As you wish! :)
from degausser :
Hey lady! New digs?
from fat0free0air :
my heart is broke, but i have some glue, help me inhale, and mend it with you :) alright so I ripped off Cobain...heh.
from fat0free0air :
Thanks chick! I'm having a bad night. You don't write much about your stuggles, which is what my diary is based on, but I can totally relate to your writing too. One day we'll all be okay, right?
from fat0free0air :
I just feel like I'm always waiting to feel normal. But I don't remember what normal feels like anymore. I felt less crazy when I was anorexic, like I was able to make a choice, everything was black and white. Bulimia is so...grey. I'm always confused, always thinking "I ate this, so should I eat this I not eat or do I eat everything?" If only life came with a manual, I need to relean a basic human function - to eat. At least we're in this boat together? Let's hope it doesn't sink. xo
from fat0free0air :
Exactly! I have one side telling me "it's been four hours, time to eat somethin" and the other side saying "well, it's only another four hours until dinner, that's not that long.." Always a battle, anorexia was SO much easier to deal with because the answer was always no. But this has also been my best summer health-wise in almost a decade. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves :)
from fat0free0air :
Head is up! Tomorrow's a new day :)
from fat0free0air :
I often ask myself "how did everyone else do it - how are there so many accomplished adults?" I'm scared of growing up and moving on...I'm so comfortable in my parents house :\
from fat0free0air :
Your last entry...story of my life. Bang on.

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