messages to mkia:
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from swirl-girl :
Love your new template!!!!! It's awesome! That's quite a story about your rings. That was one of my treats too, to get a new engagement ring. I couldn't trade in the diamond because it was my deceased MIL's and my husband would have killed me but I had it reset in platinum with 2 trillions on either side to bling it up. HAHA! Hope you get some great b-day gifts.
from normaltoilet :
so how old were you when you considered the single-parenthood thing? were you going to go to a clinic for anonymous sperm or as a friend (or for that matter, possibly a stranger?)You can email me if you'd rather not have this discussion publicly ([email protected])
from normaltoilet :
Thanks Missy!
from chubbymum :
mkia... everytime I click on your new diary entry in the buddy list it sends me to the 6th February...
from normaltoilet :
you are too kind! (BTW, i'd say you are doing pretty well as far as Mondays go!) :) NT
from normaltoilet :
Wow, thanks for the Mucho linkage! ... But... i hate to make you do more work... but if you aren't going to use NT as my name, it should be Wih not Wil... (it's how my friends kiddos say my name hehe) Thanks again for the linkage!
from normaltoilet :
aaah much better... BUT..sniff sniff not more link to me from your page...
from normaltoilet :
tried to view your page but it's blank... thought you should know :) NT
from normaltoilet :
thanks for the info, unfortunately i don't think that's it since i drink at the very least 2-3 liters of water each day. hmmm good thought though!
from fat-to-thin :
*innocent* Me? Look at numbers daily?? Nah.... ;) Okay I sometimes indulge... every few days... but I only ever record the Saturdy weight. *g*
from chubbymum :
15 Mar 05 Thank you mkia... I will try! I always love reading your notes to me... keeps me going... thanks thanks thanks
from normaltoilet :
thanks for your note I'm going to add syou to my favorites so i can keep up on your posts :) NT
from chubbymum :
Thanks Mkia... I will try those things this week. I appreciate your thoughts... {{{big hugs}}}}
from chubbymum :
Thanks for my note tonight... I agree and will try the things you have said. Thank you! I measured myself last night (well hubby did) and not much of a change at all grrr he he he and it got me frustrated. I do know that something good is happening because I can do the kick boxing for an hour now and not feel really bad afterwards but enthusiastic instead... sort of like a high he he he who would of thought that I would enjoy doing exercise he he he. Thank YOU!!! for caring. Love Chubby Mum.
from normaltoilet :
I absolutely HATE bananas so that option is out. i've tried taking potassium suppliments and that didn't help either :( Thanks though! NT
from chubbymum :
8 Feb 05 - Yayy to the riding of bikes. That is my ultimate goal! When I loose my weight that is what I want to do with my kids... so I can now live through you till I manage my goal. Thanks. PS Thank you for the note! I will stop looking and start feeling and go on a better road to weight loss. Have a good night!
from normaltoilet :
what a great list! thanks!!
from fat-to-thin :
I love your new layout. Are you going to keep it past Valentine's Day?
from chubbymum :
I love your new website... Yayyyy
from fat-to-thin :
Oh, communication with J isn't a problem. I know he'll listen... it's just that I don't want to say "This isn't going to work" until I've actually tried it first! :) He's confident that I can do the meal planning myself, so... we'll try it his way first. If it doesn't work, you can bet I'll be "communicating" loud and clear!
from chubbymum :
Thanks for your note mkia. I don't like salt and don't use it in cooking find it yukky he he he...:-) but thank you for your suggestions as it is great to be able to think about what might be causing this strange weight gain and weight loss and others might come up with something other than what I think of. I really do like all the notes I get as it helps me no end. Hope you have a great day and keep up the notes. I am glad that you have gotten the mortgage sorted that must be a weight off your shoulders. What cretons the utility company are... not good and good on you for finding another way. Anyway that is long enough he he have a great day.
from fat-to-thin :
Hi there! You have a fabulous diary. Hope you don't mind if I add you back!
from sarahsundae :
Thanks for the sweet comment. I just look at myself and don�t see what I want. I still see myself as NOT thin. I just don�t get it. *ugh*

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