messages to mobiuslife:
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from tathagres :
I was just thinking of you yesterday, as I stared at my un-updated LJ and here you go writing in this old place. Glad to see you're still around somewhere.
from mobiuslife :
I went and got myself happy, and married. I will write again, soon.
from tonality :
I wonder where you've gone.
from z0tl :
man, i survived. am i happy about it. no. more like indifferent. i know you're married, i hope very much happily so. most of all i miss elipsis, but i'll nevah evah forget your comment about crossin' stix which you likely don't remember and i delete notes every now and again, so it's been lost in the darkness forevah. cheer:z!
from volleydahl :
well, you are far and few... or at least that's the way it seems to me. do you ever feel alone in your thoughts?
from volleydahl :
wow, that is an interesting thought... and nothing beats a good game of peek-a-boo with a random child in a grocery store line.
from volleydahl :
that was beautiful, and five minutes later i'm stuck still trying to catch my breath.
from keryanna :
Hmmm ... I agree with your opinion of good advice - although I wouldn't liken it my first sexual experience which was neither warm nor comforting. But I did laugh :)
from gods :
acute bronchitis turn pneumonia & kill you?
from z0tl :
but you don't understand. "evil bad naughty zoot" - they called me zoot before you came up with that, i only tried to fit the mold, don't you see? i only wanna be loved for who i am :z
from z0tl :
i went to the auction site and i purchased your ass. you were shivering in a corner and looked very scared, but your teeth were ever so beautiful. don't worry, i'll free you as soon as we get off this one-sided mobius life we're both walking. haha. sensiblerize me now!
from z0tl :
i too. now link to me bitch, didn't they tell you i'm a whore for servants? muaha. your mobiusity is legendary my friend, if you can withstand my daily goo i shall cast upon you, i forsee long one-sided friendship building. :z
from elipsis :
now there's a funny coincidence... the only vonnegut i'd read was "slaughterhouse 5"... which i liked, but not life-changingly so. but i JUST bought "cat's cradle" from the curious bookshop on a whim. must be fate. :)
from elipsis :
i looooooooooved your entry today! it makes me feel...mmm.....a little less strange. :) maybe i'm wrong, though. maybe i should just smile and say "welcome aboard!" (thank you!)
from z0tl :
so nice, a mobiuslife has no beginning and no end, just keep on walkin the one side. kewl :z
from keryanna :
Anniversaries, driving in the rain, saying goodbye, drinking ridiculous amounts of alcohol, and then finally closure. I've been there too. You're not alone. If that brings you any comfort.
from mobiuslife :
The choice is yours and yours alone.
from fieryswallow :
You have a way of making me shiver sometimes, do you know that? Why not be the wind? Truthfully, I never considered BEING the wind. I just love being IN the wind. But you're right. Envoking him and being one with him would definately be fulfilling. Yes and no. Being naked was both of what you said, Yes I do talk to her naked, strip myself bare, expose me and nothing but me. No trappings, no mask to hide behind. It's both frightening and exhillarating. But not fearful....I am not afraid of HER. More of myself. And my reaction to whatever she chooses to tell me. you can have a Goddess. Just close your eyes and free your mind and let her come. Or him. And yes, He will tell it like it is too. (Sorry bout the note bit.....guestbook won't let me sign again just yet!!!)
from mobiuslife :
xandrique, Thank you for the compliments. Updating is never far from the front of my mind, but, alas, life tends to get in the way. Writers are like insane people�insane people never admit their insanity but can�t keep from acting insane just as writers never admit to being a writer but can�t help but write. It is always so surprising and startling to me that I could be another�s inspiration. You humble me and make me self-conscious. Interesting that you �found� my name on the back of a guy�s jacket at church. Divine intervention perhaps? I will tell you something�If you do not know what a Mobius Strip is then you should take a thin piece of paper and bend it until the two far ends meet, as if you were forming the link of a paper chain. Before attaching the ends you flip one side over. Now if you run your finger along one flat surface you will notice that there is only one side. The inside and the outside, while appearing to be different, are really the same. My username is about life repeating like history, and seeming deceptively simple and complex at the same time. Deep. Thanks again.
from xandrique :
I came across your diary a while ago, I was on a library computer, a little rushed, and I forgot your username. It was later when I was in church, I was thinking about what your name could be and one of the people sitting in front of me was wearing a jacket that said "Mobius"-something on it, and I finally remembered what it was.<br>I really love the way your write, and I'm waiting around for your next update. When I look around diaryland, I'm sometimes very intimidated by the number of people who call themselves writers, but most of all by the people I know that can write. Well, it inspires me quite a bit, which is good. So thank you for that.
from elipsis :
i think that most of what i write is born of hubris. any time you try to pin down some wriggling thought with an adjective or noun you're killing something beautiful. can i stop? of course not. so i call it creating. when we do it to people, we call it loving. poets do it to everything, and should be shot. :) just kidding.
from fieryswallow :
I wonder why it is that e must bleed to know we are alive, and that when we hurt, we wish so much that we weren't? You have a burning arm....i have a burning arse, wanna trade?;-)
from fieryswallow :
Am really liking the way you write.....Tortured soul comes to mind....a man stumbling through the days....searching for the way back...a man who knew the road he was travelling on...but someone changed the signs and now he's just looking for that detour, searching for that inconspicuous little path that will lead him to the solace and that comfortable pair of shoes that he so desperately needs...... Or not! Have only read the last two entries but well, like I said....I've read...and somewhere, a bird sang, the earth turned and your words touched a place I had buried long ago..... I'll go now since in my feverish state I am unsure as to whether or not this is even comprehendable, so disregaurd the above and I'll just say...I am somewhat intrigued. ~Fiery~

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