messages to monicatutu:
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from sparkspark :
Oh, he did buy me a guitar. He also bought himself one (electric) and another one (acoustic, classical). He now must learn how to play. He's a lefty too, incidentally--he just plays it like a righty.
from sparkspark :
Thanks for the comicconspiracy info to you & husband! I'll e-mail you Keelhauler's number and you can hear all about his great new guitar that he's learning to play! He has made great progress in the 48 hours he's owned it, and last night organized a guitar play-along (I refuse to call it a "jam session" for several reasons, only one of which has to do with the inaccuracy of the term) on our boat. Today, he's noted that his fingers are sore, which is the first sign of impending rock stardom. Prepare to be amazed by his soulful melodies!
from sparkspark :
Ha ha ha--efforts at encouraging the Keelhauler to have his own korner are proving unsuccessful. This is not altogether surprising, as I'm sure you understand.
from sparkspark :
Geez, as in Geezer. Hard G, yo. Stillwater? When?
from lotuswarrior :
To solve your image size problem, try this. You can use percentages as in this example (at least I think I've remembered it correctly): <img src="thekid.jpg" height=50%> Yes, I think that's how it works. By the way, I can't believe that our new office is pink. I much better love the orange that you have in your template. It just makes me feel good.
from sparkspark :
Well... twats, inverted trees... I can see how both would improve the holiday spirit. How and where are you? I miss Minneapolis and want to visit.
from lrig :
ha! its Lrig. like girl backwards! i hate earwigs! [they are nearly the only kind of beetle that i dont like, actually.] and also, i just have to say 'thank you!' b/c we made the pistachio chicken dish the other night, and it was insanely good!! we should have taken pictures. so delicious!
from lrig :
so cute!! yr son is absolutely adorable. ADORABLE! the kind of child you just want to smother with hugs and kisses. congrats to you! on yr family and on the new job as well!!
from sparkspark :
Man, I don't know when we'll be in Wisco next. I would very much love a repeat of the Christmas Craft Fair, though. I totally cleaned up at that, and it cost me all of $18.
from sparkspark :
When are you going back to Minn? Congratulations on your new job! That's great. You are giving me hope. (i.e., for myself and my lame non-job-looking-for status) Now you can (unrelated note, incidentally) scan that picture of me kissing the snowman so I can see it! (Notice the annoying way in which I phrase my request.)
from sparkspark :
I do not recall this picture, but it sounds entertaining! Thanks for the props during my bout of whining. Also: good luck in your interview with the mystery firm. Blow off Ms. Negativity's comments and go for the gusto. (?) (Is that a beer commercial?) XOX Vio
from lrig :
i found yr diary b/c you left a note for sparkspark and so i clicked on you. i enjoy yr entries. they are interesting and i will stop back again if you do not mind!
from sparkspark :
It's weird: the book doesn't say anything about Hiroshima, but it DOES say that you are bad company, and that you enjoy running with the pack, and that your lucky colors are silver, blue, and gold. INTERESTING. (Actually, I'm at home and I left the book at work. I'll swing back atcha in a day or so!)
from sparkspark :
It's weird: the book doesn't say anything about Hiroshima, but it DOES say that you are bad company, and that you enjoy running with the pack, and that your lucky colors are silver, blue, and gold. INTERESTING. (Actually, I'm at home and I left the book at work. I'll swing back atcha in a day or so!)
from sparkspark :
Baby, when I think about you, I think about LUHH-huh-huh-HUV. Dollin, can't live without you and yer LUHHHHHHHHHHHHH-huh-huh-HUV! I have performed that song at the Lucky Kowloon karaoke bar, much to the delight of the drunken old guys at the first table. Maybe my great new band should cover it. It might mean scheduling a rehearsal, but I'm willing to try. I once saw Al Perry and Fish Karma perform this song, including the lyrics "If I had those golden dreams of my yesterday/I would buy you some string cheese from the Circle K." TUCSON, ARIZONA! Yee-haw!
from sparkspark :
Oh, my god, the Rooster! I still have a drink token for that place, from the Keelhauler's sister's wedding. I should go back and redeem it. The last drink I had there was a lime vodka with 7-Up, which was an experience I will neither forget nor repeat. (Yeah, right. You know I'll do both things.) In other news: I'm thinking the band should wear matching hats.
from sparkspark :
RUSTY! How could I have forgotten? He is the Napoleon Dynamite of his era! But in Arizona. I am a day (or five) late and at least a dollar short on wishing you a fabulous birthday! I hope it was happy, and I hope your move is going well. (And now I'll trail off like the dude at the end of "Shawshank Redemption.") I hope...
from sparkspark :
Dude! "Portland, Oregon," the great Jack White/Loretta Lynn duet! "Well, Portland Oregon and a sloe gin fizz... if that ain't love, then tell me what is. Uh-huh!" Giant congratulations to you! I'm so excited. I'll tell the Keelhauler. He'll be excited too. Plus, I've been bugging him to move there, despite the fact that I don't know anyone and have never been there. Kinda the way I ended up in ol' Tucson, Arizona, and look what that got me. (i.e., the Keelhauler and a lot crappier wardrobe.) GREAT JOB!!!
from sparkspark :
Stupis Macloser College! They don't know what they're missing. I'm crossing my fingers for a wonderful opportunity to come your way. And I want Olga's/Mimi's link whenever she gets around to sending it. (She is the former Charlemagne, right?) XOXO --V
from sparkspark :
I been thinking about my doorbell; when you gonna ring it? That is a good one, and the approximate 4,700 consecutive listenings to that CD have burned it into my memory, which not only explains the many, many Jack White-related dreams, but is why I am all the more disturbed when Shania sneaks in through my sleeping brain and pummels me with her lycra-clad high-kicking Canadian-ness. (Is, too, a word.)
from bluemeany :
You're too kind! (Or should I say "your" to make you feel better? hehe!) Anyway, I figure, cynicism may be a flaw, but why not make it an entertaining flaw, like nymphomania? That way, everybody wins!
from bluemeany :
Hey, thanks for favrit-izing me! "Cece Peniston," hehe[snort].
from sparkspark :
I know that you sing me these songs out of love and a desire to teach me the right way to live. And so, although it is painful, I thank you.
from sparkspark :
DAMN! It's in my head again. I'll get you, my pretty! (Empty threat alert: there is no worse song I could try to stick in your head.)
from sparkspark :
Hi, bella--I'm so sorry you're having a rough time of it.
from sparkspark :
I am guessing you waited on Cindy Crawford at the Lowell Inn. I recently had the occasion, during a work-mandated customer service training class, to make the acquaintance of two employees who'd been to the Lowell Inn. They all had fond memories. (I'm making that part up, but they seemed to like it.) Perhaps you fileted trout for them, too! XOX V
from sparkspark :
That is an excellent dream. I am certain that CGD will appreciate it, as he enjoys all activities that have him as their focus. You should make this dream into an arty black-and-white short. I'd watch it just for the voice-over at the end! XOX Violet/Colette
from sparkspark :
Looks fab, darling! Orange you glad you changed your template? (I know, I'm a big krod. There's nothing I can do about it.) XOX Violet/Joe

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