messages to mpeacock:
(click here to add new message):

from fightn4life :
You're locked up. :( Maybe you told me, maybe I just am behind in every thing. I hope you will give me your pass word. I am locked too for my safety, e-mail me at [email protected] put "key" or "pass word" in the subject line. I hope all is well and I hear from you soon. xo Sandyz (fightn4life)
from fightn4life :
Got your mail Saturday and your book was sent with this mornings mail. I hope so much you enjoy it and any comments will be helpful. (I have started my next book) This one is "fiction" a little bit humor a whole bunch about life...a baby boomers life. ;) Sandyz BTW...(Thank you so much for giving this book a chance...I hope you spread the word...only truth...honesty. Word of mouth is going to be my greatest asset.)
from boxx9000 :
"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness." Sometimes the experience is really unpleasant, but it's the one that is most needed. It does all work out in the end, it always does. (((hugs)))
from fightn4life :
I am so glad things are more positive than before�meditating does help. I too am sooo glad there wasn�t a wedding. I am so grateful you are finding a little peace now. I am sending poitive thoughts to your heart is with her, Sandyz
from boxx9000 :
OMG. Sorry about your Mom. Will you be traveling to visit with her next week?
from boxx9000 :
I'm teaching 7th grade next year. WheeeEe!
from fightn4life :
Love has no boundaries...for me that is an understatement. I find it difficult to let go even as a part of me screams, "unhealthy!" If I do decide to run off and join a hippie place...want to go with? ;) A woman has to dream or reality will drive us to the brink. Sandyz
from boxx9000 :
from poolagirl :
Thinking of you! I truly enjoyed the pictures of your "pirates" on Facebook - and thanks for the lovely comment yesterday. You are so sweet!
from boxx9000 :
[email protected]
from cocoabean :
I moved cause my old place was a bit too expensive. I kept hoping I would get a better job, but didn't, so I decided to move. Are you posting again? If so, could I have your pw? drkchocloverATgmailDOTcom! Thanks!
from boxx9000 :
MERRY CHRISTMAS. Peace, Love, Health & Happiness in 2009
from fightn4life :
I understand the fear of letting go...I don't do well with that either. I am glad you are financially set does help ease things when worry about money doesn't come into play. I often wonder what direction I would have went if making ends meet hadn't come into play. My thoughts are with you, Sandyz
from boxx9000 :
Your letter is *S*
from boxx9000 :
I MISS YOU! ((((HUGS)))) I hope all is well with you and Mo and school and life.
from boxx9000 :
I MISS YOU! ((((HUGS)))) I hope all is well with you and Mo and school and life.
from boxx9000 :
from boxx9000 :
Are you ok? I'm worried about you.
from curiouoso :
Iknow you could give a shit about me, and that's your perogitive ( I'm sorry you you've applied your preconcieved notions to me, but we all do that more or less ) but I still think you are a fine person, better than your emotions let you appear! See my diary for what I think, anonomously, it can't make your opinion of me worse, but it might help you clear your thoughts. if not just ignore me or cut my access to your thoughts, as you were tempted to a few weeks back. How much alternative (read unpleasant ) opinions can you put up with to get better?
from boxx9000 :
I remember being stuck in the same place you are right now. I couldn't stay in the relationship and I couldn't leave either. Finally, I decided I had to divorce him to move on. As you know, we got back together later on. What does your counselor say? It's so hard to see the whole picture when we are right in the middle of it all and so emotionally attached. ((((hugs))) It will work out, it always does.
from fightn4life :
I'm a spammer says your comment's...comment: Yes...that was a flirt. ;) Enjoy it, you are too funny. My Florida friend and her daughter both met their now husbands on a internet dating service. My friend told me she had many free dinners and allot of fun...until she met Mr right. Not that she stopped having fun after her name came off the site. I told her what you wrote about...before you wrote about it. Anyway, most of the guys my age had let themselves go and it appeared they didn't take care of themselves. One guy use to come by my work area, (very cute) and one day he gave me his number and birth-date on a slip of paper. His friend was following him and stopped and told me they guy was a drunk when he wasn't working...go figure. I tossed the note out but not before checking is date of birth. We were the same age age...damn it...I wonder why those that drink seem to "find" me...not just "drink" but roaring drunks. Sigh...I am glad husband gave up drinking full time. I was thinking I would be the old woman with 40 cats. :) Some days that doesn't seem so bad. Don't give up just yet...there are guys with age behind them that care about themselves and others, Sandyz
from boxx9000 :
Sorry. You're comments says I'm SPAMMER! You look absolutely ADORABLE. No need for negativity (that's for overweight menopausal women) Life is too short to be UNhappy. You deserve to be happy. You are BEAUTIFUL and SMART and KIND HEARTED. GO TOMI!!!! You are the BOMB. Believe.
from curiouoso :
No problem. As for special connections, I only meant as a friend, nothing more. Mortorcycling is one of the things I do....For some it might considered that way but I go for rides with many different people. No, I won't call you again, I not a stalking type. I wish you the best, and thanks for being honest. I'm sorry you got the wrong impression of any intentions, you thought I had. I am married & intend to stay that way! Curiouoso*
from words-4-less :
I got a new computer so I no longer have your password saved. Can you give it to me again, please? My e-mail is [email protected]. thanks!!!! I enjoy reading you.
from fightn4life :
Hi, I live in central Florida and have a job at Disney in Housekeeping. I have 35 years in food and beverage, I took the job hoping for a jump start. Now with the sluggish economy...well feels like I hit a road bump/brick wall. Sandyz
from annanotbob :
hugs xx
from fightn4life :
Thanks for adding me to your world, I would love to enter yours. [email protected] Sandyz
from annanotbob :
Hello, I'm a friend of Boxx - any chance of a password? Best wishes x
from curiouoso :
Definately we should meet when you come home. In regards to your "love life," I don't think anyone here can give you advice on "what to do." They can empathize, tell you their stories, but only you can do what works for you. That's really too bad in a way, how easy it would be just to have all the answers that work for you, but then again don't you want the luxery of saying, "I did it myself and it worked!" or "I fucked up that time but never again." I would just remind you to go in with both eyes open. Remember the fable of the snake who wants a young girl to put him in her poicket to keep him warm? she says no you will bite me, but he reples, Why would I do that you are helping me? She accedes to his disires and after getting warmed up, bites her. as she falls down she asks "why did you bite me? I kept you warm." The snake merely replies "Why are you surprised? you knew what I was when you picked me up? Once bitten twice shy! Curiouoso* only nips playfully!
from boxx9000 :
Thanks for your nice notes and good wishes for our play. I don't know HOW you do this on a regular basis?! I bow down to you. It was so hard to organize these kids and all the million and one details that needed to make it a success. I'm glad we kept it simple. There was NO way I wanted to compete with the elaborate plays of previous years.
from curiouoso :
Thank you kindly for your comment. I'm truly sorry you had to face a truth that finally came out. You will go on. I promise that you can and will. Sometimes love or our expectations of it defy all odds to persevere. Other times new times happen that reinforce your belief in what you want and need. I always enjoy reading about you. You are wonderful. In the early 70's I was wandering Europe when I met a young girl, too young for my 18 years, but she actually lived in a castle! That would be Chateau de Spontin. I couldn't believe I met a "real princess" (to me anyway). You were apparently a schoolgirl right near where I seemed to end up constantly, Bruxelles. Last week I was going thru thousands of pictures in boxes to find ones of my father, for my older brother who never knew him, when I started coming across old pictures of those years. Jackie, who went from rich spoiled girl at the Brussels Free University to a teacher at a public slum school, mostly Algerians and poor people from the Belgium congo. Once she made a somewhat ignorant racist comment to me, and I tore her a new A**hole about accepting people for what they are, not generalizations, and I guess it took because when I last saw her at her school in 1980, I couldn't believe she would subject herself to such a demeaning workplace, in the hope of changing just a few of these kids lives. Too strange I never met you then, right? But I look forward to meeting you someday, as I'm sure does the person meant to be one with you forever. Your son? No problem for Mr. Right... My mother always said, "Love me, Love my dog." She wasn't actually referring to me, (I was adopted) but rather nothing will stand between those who make it thier destiny to be together. Sorry for the long boring note. Curiouoso* justs wants you to have comfort in your sorrow.
from boxx9000 :
The play is "Blame It On The Wolf" by Douglas Love.
from curiouoso :
Glad to be helpful. I was thinking you probably already knew and would think I was a dumb shit for interfering in your plans. Have a good day and week, and don't let life's little uncertancies like Mo's attitudes get you down. Think how proud you'll be in 15 years when as a young adult he amazes you with actions and a good life you never forsaw! My two children, make that young adults, amaze me with what they are accomplishing. I always wanted to do better than my parents, and they will certainly do much better than me. It's so gratifying when that happens. Curiouoso*
from curiouoso :
Come on girl, Try Ryanair you could fly to Dublin and back, take in the Irish theater for less than 200 euro total. That's a may timeframe. For flights further out you can go most places in Europe for real cheap. If it was me, I'd go with you to Venice in September for 134 Euro! You are very lucky with cheap airfares in Europe. It costs me $118 just to fly to San Francisco with real advanced notice. Anyway, Have fun wherever you decide to go. I'm jealous already! Curiouoso*
from curiouoso :
Perhaps if you aren't just racing through here, we'll have a chance to meet for a few minutes. I'm sure Amy would like to meet you too,and you could relax by the pool before you continue your long trip. (I 've begun to hate those long Northern California drives from here, and Oregon is just that much further!) I hope your school year is going to finish up neatly without stressing over lots of last minute chores. Curiouoso*
from curiouoso :
Thanks for the note.Amy will appreciate it. I'm going on Tuesday morning and if she hasn't recieved it by then will bring her a bunch things. I edited that last entry because I left out why I ranted on Nancy Grace, so if interested, you might reread it. I'm sure in Belgium there is quite alot of anti-american feelings over this. Your Arizona "lifeline", Curiouoso*
from curiouoso :
You know I just love reading your diary. I'm just sad I don't think I'll make it to Belgium (Again!) I figure I've been to Ireland at least 12 or 13 times in the last 20 years, but only went to London and southern England, and Sweden once in all that time. I miss my Belgian Friends and Friends in Germany and Austria. I don't know how this keeps happening, but some how that's got to change soon. Well maybe you'll be back in Arizona one day and I'll meet you here. I've only met 1 D-lander in the 8 years I've been reading or writng here and I'm close to meeting another. I wish I knew everyone I read or reads me. Please don't get depressed, You have so much to be happy about, especially Mo. Having my two and watching them successfully grow into reponsible adults, really nice people, is the absolutely best thing I've ever done! So don't sound so forlorn....lots of people seem to care about you!(from your other comments) Curiouoso*
from mzbee :
You are invited to meet up with Dave and me in Ashland this summer. Wouldn't that be fun to see the plays together?!
from nicim :
You left a message about Ben and Anna. I don't know if I can answer easily - but probably the easiest is to read the entry link at the top of the page "Chapter One". They had tried years ago, but Ben was never ready to commit. And Anna was married. The last time, Anna was living with someone that she has since left - and would have left sooner had Ben ever been able to say "I want you." But he simply never could. It can be confusing, but NiciM IS Anna, and Anna is NiciM. Sometimes I write in third person to tell the stories. Sometimes I just write about me. By the way - love to read you too if you wanted to share. XXOO NiciM
from curiouoso :
Gee whiz....You are just sooo old. I'll be glad to trade you years. On the 22nd I just turned 56! Talk about grey hairs. I earned everyone of them, besides they are really silver hairs. 44 sounds yummy to me! Cheer up! Probably everyone thinks you are 35! Curiouoso*
from poolagirl :
Fabulous update! Fabulous pictures! You are having the adventure of a lifetime!
from boxx9000 :
11-22-07 HAPPY (healthy) THANKSGIVING
from curiouoso :
Thanks for the pw. I think I'll pass on trying for your help on locating some friends there. It sounds like your a bit busy trying to get your life together right now to deal with extra stuff. Still, Jackie is a teacher, or was, in Brussels, right off the road to Namur, near Place de Orleans ? if I remember right. So if you end up going that way some day and want a small challenge....let me know. Her sister Elizabeth probably still lives at 127 Rue de Stassart to this day. Curiouoso* just might go there himself in April when he's in Ireland, because even after 28 years curiosity runs wild!
from curiouoso :
please send me your diary password so I can add and read you. Since I'm on your favorites, you know I'm not one of your students! Maybe we can talk about you helping me find a couple of Belgian friends I've lost track of too. Curiouoso* presumes alot of people he's never met!
from boxx9000 :
10-07-07 no post card (yet)
from scrappergirl :
stupid tech people at work did a computer upgrade and deleted all of my saved passwords. email me, please!! [email protected]
from poolagirl :
Oh, how cool is your life right now?
from boxx9000 :
from pyroguysr :
I noticed that you were one of Tony's (T85225) friends. Perhaps you read his blogs about his battle with cancer. I'm sad to report that he succumbed and passed away this week at age 49. He was a good online friend of mine and will be sorely missed. I left some details on his D-land diary notes.
from boxx9000 :
OMG! That is such INCREDIBLE NEWS! WheeeEEe! I am so very happy for you. HOW EXCITING!
from starlight42 :
Ok, I dont think this posted right in your entry, so I'll do it here: That's good news on the brother front, I hope that maybe in the near future you two can patch things up. I know it's got to be a strain on you! Annie is such a fun show....glad to hear it all went well and good luck with the job possibility!
from wyndspirit :
That's right... Your interview was today, wasn't it? Hope it went well!
from wyndspirit :
Sorry, looks like comments are down, at least mine. (I can't get into your diary to try yours, because I'm on the desktop and don't have your password here.) I was thinking of you when I wrote that entry... You were one of my first buddies, back when we were talking about our 20th class reunions. Mo was just a little tyke then! :)
from boxx9000 :
Are you OK? Where are you?
from boxx9000 : a2_383.html It takes only ONE asparagus spear for me to KNOW I have eaten asparagus. I would not describe the smell as HORRIBLE or anything but there is a very distinct smell to my pee if I eat asparagus. The same thing hapens to Dave, too. We BOTh always forget about it until the first pee and then one of us will yell from the bathroom ASPARAGUS PEE! and the other one knows exactly what we are talking about. hehehehehe. You either GOT it or NOT. It's in the genes.
from boxx9000 :
My parent's house was soOoooOoo messy. My Dad collected *stuff* and my Mom never cleaned. There were 6 of us kids. I shared a room with my sister who was SUPER MESSY (like Kelly) It felt like the ODD COUPLE sharing a room. I can't stand messes, it reminds me of my childhood home. I always felt embarassed to bring a friend over, so I always went elsewhere instead.
from boxx9000 :
We can have dogs at our place, cats too. have to TELL them you have a pet AND you have to pay $20 extra per month per pet. They know we don't have a pet. HOW they keep track of everyone I have NO idea. (maybe they remember us from the mail boXX fiasco??? They charge for EVERYTHING. Apartment on the poolside? $20 extra. Each floor UP is another $20 per month. Community garden plot? another $20. Extra parking place? another $20. kachiing, kachiing. I pay my rent plus ALL my utilities. NOTHING is FREE here, not even sewer or trash pick up....AND IT'S AN APARTMENT COMPLEX!
from boxx9000 :
I'll send you my copy of THE SECRET.
from boxx9000 :
from chaosdaily :
would you be willing to share your password? please?? me @ thanks!
from boxx9000 :
Are you feeling any better yet? Did you get the flu?
from boxx9000 :
from ava-reborn :
Ah yes, Norfolk's a different story though, they get snow far more often, it's much colder up there. It's much more of a novelty down here. You're right, it is magical!
from boxx9000 :
If we lived closer (wouldn't it be fun to work at the same school?) I would make sure YOU had red tulips on your desk. hehehehe.
from smedindy :
I am chagrined. I lost the keys! So sorry!
from poolagirl :
I really want to add you to my faves. Might I have your password, please? [email protected]. That would be awesome!
from smedindy :
May I have the keys, please??? Thanks!
from boxx9000 :
I got a restraining order on my youngest brother because he was violent towards me, my mom, and my dad. He had hit both of them and had threatened me.
from mnlady1962 :
I know, I know. It's confusing when I talk about Baby Girl and Baby Boy. They are BOTH my kids, although Baby Boy wasn't born into our family. We "adopted" him when he was 18 and about to go into the Army. He and Baby Girl were friends from high school. He's been in our family ever since and he will stay, no matter what happens between him and Baby Girl. Thank God they both understand that, otherwise it would make things even more difficult than they already are.
from boxx9000 :
Opposites attract! Yin and Yang. Hot & Cold. Complimentary colors.
from starlight42 :
apparently, i see i wasn't the only person who got a new Iexplorer and I lost all my passwords!! Can you email me the info- [email protected] Thanks!
from boxx9000 :
My camera is a Canon digital ELF Power shot SD600. I'm really happy with it and it has been easy (even for me) to learn how to use. I'm really enjoying being able to take and post my own pictures. I can't wait to use it at school. Dave also bought me this really cute little carrying case. hehehehe.
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much!!! Happy new year to you and S and M!!! Hugs!!
from hissandtell :
Hi, doll - I had a new version of Explorer installed yesterday and all my DL passwords have vamoosed. Could you please email me yours again? [email protected] ought to find me... Thanks so much. Love, R xxx
from t85225 :
just checking... you still with us?
from boxx9000 :
from ava-reborn :
Thank you soooooo much for your note the other day! It meant a lot to me!! xx
from t85225 :
smiles... clicked my banner, huh? I'd apologize, but I had no direct control over who saw it. In fact, I figured Andrew really just ran the banners as filler in an infomercial on his local-access cable station. But since you did... can I peek at yours? (damn... finally a legit reason to use that line!)
from ava-reborn :
Thank you soooo much for your note!! It meant so much to me! I think the biggest obstacle we face is "how do we cope without him?"! And to recognise we can cope quite well is something that empowers us! Hugs!
from danddteacher :
You have to pay to renew your teaching license? That sucks!
from hissandtell :
Hello - first off, I am not a snoopy student! (I am a shameless snoop, however; honestly, you don't want to let me anywhere near your bedside drawers because I'll be poking around in there like a flash...) Thanks so much for reading me - naturally, I'd love to read you too and would really appreciate your password if you're inclined to share. Love, R xxx
from boxx9000 :
I took only one class LAST summer '05 thru UCLA extension, but I had until THIS summer '06 to complete it. That threw my student loans into deferment and I had to call every month and tell them I didn't WANT deferment. Sheesh! I had to beg them to take my money. THEN I got the idea if I only take a class every year it will contiinue to keep my loans in deferment. hehehehehehehe.
from kungfukitten :
You can't just add me as a favorite and then lock your diary! I'd love a password, I think you'll figure out real fast I'm not a student. :)
from xnavygrrl :
Thanks for the note! Also..I'd love your password...I've been slacking off on diaryland..and haven't read diaries for a while until recently. I suck.
from mnlady1962 :
Hey!!! I didn't know you met Boxx in person. That's cool!!! She's someone I would like to meet, too. I have tried to check out your diary, but of course it's locked. I would like your password, if you would allow me to peek into your life? You can send it to my diaryland e-mail. Thanks!!!!
from ava-reborn :
Thanks lovely! And good luck today!
from boxx9000 :
hmmmmm a CARAD? THAT'S interesting. Sheesh! A CARD! Thanks. (even if I am keyboard challenged)
from boxx9000 :
from wyndspirit :
Dunno if you got my e-mail, I only had the D-land one, but could you resend your password, because I don't have it saved on the laptop and I can't find where you sent it to me to look it up? You don't have to put it in my notes or comments, you can use my D-land e-mail, it dumps in my "real" account. Thanks! I'd like to get caught up with your life, but I only have time to read favorites at work when I have the laptop.
from ava-reborn :
Thanks lovely! xxx
from boxx9000 :
FOURTH GRADE re: homework assignment sheets. I write on the overhead what their homework will be. I actually attatch (staple) their homeowrk to their assignment sheet. I walk around the class and CHECK every sheet. I WATCH the kids put them in their backpacks to go home. WHAT happens after it leaves my room is beyond my control. (sigh)
from boxx9000 :
I can't feel guilty if I'm doing my BEST effort, but I understand how my BEST just might not be good enough. (sigh) Thanks for leaving a note for H2ophobic. She is such a nice lady. She works for a school in their payroll department. I think they are in Arizona right now for her son's funeral. It's so sad. I can't imagine if my son died. I'd be absolutely DEVASTATED. (is your comments section turned off?)
from wyndspirit :
I didn't know her, either, but I was also compelled to stop by and say something. (Supergold run out? :))
from avalonte :
Thank you so much. That means so much to me! x
from boxx9000 :
I'm mailing you something today (padded envelope) it's something you've been asking for! (hehehehehe)
from ava-reborn :
Yeah, he's male. He has had loads of facial surgery to look like a woman, but doesn't want to be one, so won't have gender surgery! Freak! xx
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much lovely!! That really helps to know! Hope you're having a good weekend. xx
from scrappergirl :
Ooohh, I'd love to read what you have to say! May I please have your password (thank goodness none of my students have found me yet!)?
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much lovely! You don't know how much it meant to me to read your note!! Happy new year! I hope 2006 brings you all the happiness you could ever wish for! And that it squashes all the need for those insecurities!!
from boxx9000 :
MERRY DECEMBER 25th 2005!!!!
from boxx9000 :
Hey, *someone* sent me the most adoarble teacher x-mas ornament in the whole world! You are too, too kind and.....WONDERFUL! Thanks so much. I LOVE IT! I will beg my daughter to post a pic of it. Thanks so much. Love, BoXx
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much for your lovely note! Don't worry about me. I'll survive, I always do. As for not going unappreciated for long, well, I've been single for 4 years! Matt is the first relationship I've had in 4 years! So it could be a long time before I find anyone else. Thanks anyway. *hugs*
from danddteacher :
Pssstt... Thanks for adding me! Do I pass muster so I can get a password and read you? My e-mail addy is [email protected]....
from poolagirl :
Thanks for stopping by my diary! I would love to read you, but you're locked. I would like the code someday - but only if that is something you would feel good about. Anyway....thanks!
from purple-momma :
Oh, I have "misplaced" your unlock code. My new e-mail is [email protected] I have been too busy. I do miss this place! Hoping I'll be able to write once in a while!
from starlight42 :
Thanks for the notes. :) I'm glad I'm not the only person who cares about what others think of me. In fact, I'm sure most people are probably this way. Only a lucky few who don't.
from acaldwell :
email me for the magic words!
from boxx9000 :
Oct. 13th has been marked on my calendar for.....YOU! However, Thursday is a work day for me. San Francisco is about a 90 minute drive. It's do-able, but it's not going to be easy. Let me see what I can do with my schedule, OK? WhEeeeeee! SF!!!
from acaldwell :
yes, apparently it does work! but as for a weight loss deal, i dunno! BTW i losted the sticky note with the username and password for reading your page. can i have it again>? ♥
from awittykitty :
Any chance of getting your password? I promise I'm not one of your students. I'm 47 years old. Thanks. [email protected]
from starlight42 :
Glad to hear you're having fun with the classes. I know my sister also loves talking with other teachers, who often go through the same challenges etc. Man, every time you talk about Alaska it reminds me that one day I need to get there! The pictures my parents took last year were amazing!
from starlight42 :
I lost your pword info...can you either leave me a note with it or email me? [email protected] thanks!!
from purple-momma :
Hi! Thanks for looking! I have been gone, again. My business is swamped at the present time, and amazingly enough, I was away on vacation. Just got back, and checked my notes! I would love to read about you, if you would leave me your password . . . Thanks! Oh, I have 2 "drama-kids"! one in college, one entering high school in september!
from ava-reborn :
Thanks for your sweet comment. The reason they're so hot on my menopause symptoms is because my mum had hers at 31, and it can be hereditary. So, yes, there is actually a good chance I could have it early. But I'm fine with that. I'm actually quite happy with that! As for "there, they're, and their" I'm in complete agreement!! They bug me too!! Grrrrr! Hope you're having fun!! Love you! xx
from acaldwell :
hiya! i seen ya comment today about pogo! well, pogo is a fun game site that lets you play games with people and chat online. and if ya diaryland pals are pogo members, u add em to your pogo friends list and can then click on thier pogo names and goto the game where they are at and start chatting! and playing games! and fun fun fun!!! yay!!! now, i tryed to take a gander at your diary, and its locked up tighter than a penitentary!!! so if i may, can i have the user name and password so i can read ya stuff?? email to [email protected] thanks! and if ya dont wanna, thanks, anyhoo!!! byeeeeee!!!
from ava-reborn :
Thank you so much for your note about Caleb! He's home at last! Have a good weekend. x
from ava-reborn :
It's a great song isn't it!! And the album is a true classic! It's one of my favourite albums. Even though I haven't been able to listen to it for a few years! It was one of my dad's favourites! I didn't know if if anyone would recognise the lyrics. I'm so glad you did!! xx
from boxx9000 :
Happy Happy Mom's Day! ♥
from ava-reborn :
Aaaarrrggghhh!!!!!! Did you change your password????? Please can I have the new name and password? [email protected]
from prncsaimee :
I would love to have the password. I'm sorry to hear that someone found you :(
from ava-reborn :
Hi sweetie. Thanks for your lovely comments on my new diary! You don't need a paswword for the Dave stuff. It's not locked yet. Anyway, it's only the stuff from Avalonte. You've probably read it all anyway. But you're welcome to read it. When I eventually lock it, I will email you the password. But for now it's all open. Hope you've had a good weekend lovely. xx
from xnavygrrl :
I lost the password to your diary. :(
from boxx9000 :
Hi! I am just fine. I am alive and well. I have NO idea WHY my diary is locked. I must have messed up my diary settings. I will ask my daughter to fix it for me. I am enjoying my vacation. The weather has been beautiful. I am sorry I worried everyone. ~Love, BoXx
from boxx9000 :
I used to feel so lonely in my marriage. I wanted my husband to be something that he just couldn't be...present. Even if he was in th same room with me (physically) he was somewhere else mentally. The more my husband was detached from us the more i started doing. Mostly working and going to school and the kids. My #1 job was always the kids. It was hard for me to make the split because I wanted him to act right and make the marriage work. I guess I just gave up. I'm still lonely, but I don't resent my husband anymore.
from avalonte :
The only place I can direct you to learn The Wanker's story in a nutshell is my cast list. It's only a snippet, but should tell you what you need to know. Hope that helps. By the way, yes, I know Lauren Hutton. Thanks for telling me. Have a good weekend if I don't speak to you before. xx
from avalonte :
Smooth. Why? I'm not sure the English are very good spellers!! I am though! Hehe!
from boxx9000 :
Father/daughter comment was in reference to *D's* men selection. Maybe that theory doesn't hold. I got along well with my Dad but I haven't made good choices with men. My daughter hasn't either. How close are D and her dad? I have heard that girls who are close to their Dad's make better choices with men. So, I can blame my daughter's bad men choices on her father's lack of Daddy/daughter mentoring/role models.
from boxx9000 :
A post card from Arizona arrived today! THANKS. ♥ ~Boxx
from starlight42 :
Just catching up on your diary...that's great you'll be doing ball room dancing!! How cool. But I also wanted to comment on your entries earlier this month on S & his secrets from you. I know I'm a bit late and you're trying to move forward, but I do want to say something. I don't think anyone in a relationship should feel the need to keep a part of their life seperate from their partner. I think you're in the right here...I just don't see how S can justify what he's doing. You're supposed to be able to tell your partner anything. And most certainly your past should be an open book. I learned enough from my ex to know that when pasts are hidden, there's a reason & it's not good. That's just my two cents. *hugs*
from starlight42 :
I like Phil Collins. Follow You Follow Me is a cool song!
from avalonte :
Floyd, Def Leppard, Phil Collins! Fab!
from boxx9000 :
Oh, the ballroom dancing will be fun to do together. How in the world did you get him to do that? awesome. It's a good plan to try and think positive. But, you have to listen to your intuition, too. School sounds like it is going well for you. Post pics please.
from avalonte :
Haha, it clearly has different meanings in different countries! It's used here as slang for home made alcohol here, particularly in prison! But that's about it. No, here it is just a famous designer clothing label! The only reason I had to explain it in the entry was because I realised other countries may not have heard of them. Glad you like the coat. Thanks.
from avalonte :
Sweetheart, you are the least moany angry person on my buddy list. I read quite a few diaries, and I have to say honestly that yours is the least angry! You occasionally voice concerns, but that's about it. Even that's not all the time. It seems he's trying to put all the blame onto you, simply to protect himself. He KNOWS you have a valid point, and therefore is trying to make you feel guilty in order to deflect the guilt from himself. Lots of men do that! It's a speciality of abusers!! You know, they hit their wives, and somehow makes her believe she's to blame! If you were always looking for something to be angry about, that letter would have been a hell of a lot different!!! Hey, just let ME write the damn thing!!! THEN he'd see some anger!!!! Please don't let him make you feel guilty!! He's the only one who has accused you of being like that, so that doesn't give much weight to his argument (excuse the pun!). Let's face it lovely, HE'S been confronted over something HE'S done wrong, and HE feels guilty!! SO what does he do?? Turns it round on you! Doesn't that sound more likely?
from boxx9000 : (I think I've found my problem)
from connie-cobb :
OK, I can't read your diary, it's locked. But thanks for reading anyway! ;)
from connie-cobb :
Hooray! I loves the new read. My archives are probably a lot funnier than the more recent stuff. I just moved to NYC & have been having... complications to say the least. Now I'll check out your diary! ;) xo Colleen
from xnavygrrl :
Leave me a note with your email addy, and then I could tell you. :)
from boxx9000 :
OMG. People always say that I am happy and upbeat, too! YIKES. I often wonder if it is ME who is the problem? Do I create all the drama in my own mind? NO! where there is smoke there is fire. Trust your intuition, it's usually right. I always try to give people a chance. My experience has shown me that EVERYTIME I trust someone to do the right thing they BURN me somehow. No more Mr. nice gut for me anymore. It's sad, tho. I liked the nice me, but I got taken advantage of. I'm a new person, and not for the better, but I will be far more protected from future hurt. Is it better to have love and lost, then to never have loved at all? I don't know. For me, LOVE has not been a good experience. SOMEHOW I still believe it COULD be a good thing. Maybe before I die I will actually experience what love really is???
from avalonte :
Perfect! It's up to you, but I would give it to him. This whole issue needs to be out in the open. If you don't tell him how you're feeling it'll just eat away at you and you'll grow suspicious of everything he says and does. It's a nice letter, and not at all accusing. I'd definitely give it to him. Good luck lovely. Thinking of you.
from boxx9000 :
me and you must be a lot alike and we seem to attract the same types. The lack of trust broke my heart repeatedly.
from avalonte :
I don't blame you for checking his emails! The way I see it, it's only breaking a trust when there's nothing to hide and unfounded. But to trust blindly is just naive and foolish. Well, especially when the evdience is there from previous occasions. You're just protecting yourself. If he doesn't like you mistrusting him, he shouldn't keep important things from you! I'm sure there's nothing in it though. He probably thinks it's best to keep quiet about his plutonic relationship with this woman to save you from suspecting there's more to it. What he doesn't realise is that that just breeds more suspicion! But he's a man!! They're not that smart!!! *hugs* x
from boxx9000 :
THANKS for ALL your kind notes. It means a lot to me. I am feeling relieved it is finally going to be over. I wish my Ex only the best. I am finally ready to move on. Thanks again.
from boxx9000 :
Congratulations! I am happy that all went well for you. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about with the TP. The same thing happens here at my house. #1. Our families are filthbots and they really do not care if things are dirty. #2. Me & you are clean nuts. #3. Not a good combination but we seem to attract each other. #4. sigh
from avalonte :
I'm so glad that your friend and her family are ok. We live in Berkshire ("The Royal County of", lar-dee-dar!! I live down the road from the Queen!! ;) ) I went to on holiday to Suffolk once a few years ago, and we went into Norwich for the day. But that's the only time I've ever been to Norfolk. Do you still get over there?
from boxx9000 :
*PUP* of the week? Is that like the special person? How did he get such an honor? Pup as in puppy? Is the class mascot a dog? My class mascot is a Baby Bumblebee. The special person gets to take it home for the week and writes a journal page about their adventure. The special person gets to sit in a special chair all week and is also line leader all week. I am going in ABC order.
from boxx9000 :
Yep, me too, back to school tomorrow. Only three classes, but you STILL have to stay until 5:30? I'm glad you and Mo got to spend this time together.
from boxx9000 :
Tomorrow is your birthday? WELL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Were you a happy little tax deduction the year you were born? I took down my Christmas tree and decorations yesterday. The cats have been helping remove ornaments for weeks! Enjoy your mother/son time together. My daughter said her best childhood memory of the two of us was a week we stayed home together, sick as dogs, and didn't move from the couch. Have you heard any news re: your friend in Indonesia?
from boxx9000 :
GO MO!!! A trick I used on my kids when they were learning to ride a 2 wheeler was to BEND the training wheels UP so they weren't really touching the ground unless they were going to dump the bike over.
from xnavygrrl :
Thanks for the well-wishes. I hope you had a great Christmas too! :)
from boxx9000 :
I'll NEVER marry again!! That means they can take half YOUR retirement and sue YOU for spousal support. Even if they turn into a drunken cheater. NO thanks. It should be WAY harder to get married and a whole lot easier to divorce. Even if (god forbid) I was to fall madly in love with someone I wouldn't marry again if my life depended on it. I've passed that same advice on to my own kids. I'm sorry it makes you sad, tho. ((((hugs))))
from boxx9000 :
MERRY CHRISTMAS to Tomi and Mo (alias Spider Man and Spider Man's Mom) I hope it was a magical morning filled with lots of happy times and great memories. Wishing you lots of health and happiness in the New Year. ~Love, BoXx
from avalonte :
The Wanker has just sent K a cheque for her birthday and 1 for Christmas. A total of �300. Generous it seems, but when you consider that's all he gives for a whole year it's a piece of crap!! Screw that manfor all you can get! He owes Mo!! Anyway, thanks so much for your lovely notes! Merry Christmas lovely! I hope you all have a fabulous and happy time!!
from boxx9000 :
email me ([email protected]) and let me know what's going on with the child support. What did you have to do? How will it be enforced? My son told me he knew he was getting old when I gave him some socks, boxers, and t-shirts and he was....HAPPY to have them. (hahaha)
from starlight42 :
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Holidays & much happiness to your family in 2005.
from avalonte :
Isn't it funny how those gremlins don't seem to care when the house is a mess, but as soon as we try to tidy up, the go into overdrive trying to make as much mess as possible!!! Good luck with Mo coming off the stabilisers. Enjoy your afternoon drive! And if I don't get the chance again, I'd just like to wish you a very merry Christmas!!!! xx
from boxx9000 :
There should be a special HELL for Dads that do not take care of their kids. Don't you agree?
from boxx9000 :
Oh, poor Mo. Nose picking is on the report card????? SHEESH! I have one kid that EATS his boogers and it totally grosses me out, but I wouldn't put it on the report card! Maybe Mo is excited about Christmas??? Maybe the teacher is PMS'ing. Who knows. I try to be generous and always think positive. I only have one kid that REALLY pushes my buttons. School is for practice NOT perfect. These kids are still babies. 5 years old = only 60 months in this world. Give Mo a (((hug))) for me and a couple for his Mom, too. ((((hug)))) No more Spider Man????That's HARSH!!
from boxx9000 :
I've had that experience with kids that were a total pain in the ass and then they see me and they run up and hug me???SAME kid that was just torturing me, thinks they are my new best friend?? They may not know how to connect in a positive way, but they feel connected to you. OH GREAT!
from boxx9000 :
It IS a good thing that he spends time with his son. He needs to do a better balancing job tho. Have you told him how much it hurts? Give him an *I* message. *I* feel------- when you------. Try it.
from boxx9000 :
He failed to mention it because he knew it would upset you.
from starlight42 :
That sucks. I'd be hurt too. Hopefully at some point you can sit down & maybe discuss. Men are stupid, he may not realize how it affects you.
from boxx9000 :
I really do hear what you are saying and you are right about taking care of myself or I won't be any good for helping anyone else. The kids are old enough (20 & 21) to be helping out, and they are doing their best. We are a family in crisis and I won't desert them or abandon them like their father has. The 3 of us are in this together. We will either sink or swim but we will do it together.
from starlight42 :
Awww..hope your back is feeling better soon!
from boxx9000 :
I think S took a good photo.He doesn't like having his picture taken? me neither. I DO want to trim his mustache so it's even with the side of his mouth (no fu manchu) MO of course is just adorable. He must have got his eyes from you? YES, a beautiful family pic.
from boxx9000 :
YOU are BEAUTIFUL! You have such pretty eyes. How nice to see the whole family happy and healthy. That pic should be a Christmas Card. Congratulations on Mo's achievement award. Will S be at home over the holidays? How goes school/work and the current play production?
from starlight42 :
Thanks for the note the other day- I hope you have a happy turkey day!!
from boxx9000 :
$4.00 (!!!) I used to get a DIME. Did I just date myself or what?!
from boxx9000 :
Lost his first tooth? Did the tooth fairy come?
from boxx9000 :
I hear you on the cleaning thing. My mother was NOT a good housekeepper. It makes me nervous to have things out of order. I think it is a control thing. I also feel OTHER people are being passive agressive when they leave messes for ME to clean up. So, here I am all by myself because I can not live with messy people. (((hugs))) Will the Tooth Fairy be coming to your house soon?
from boxx9000 :
How many kids does S have? What ages? Same mother or different?
from boxx9000 :
I have dental insurance for my son, but his dental work this past summer cost me 1,200. My EX had agreed to pay for half, but of course reneged. Same story with our son's college tuition. I don't know how these *fathers* can sleep at night???!!! Have they NO conscience?
from boxx9000 :
I do NOT know for sure that I will NOT be re-hired. I am a temporary employee for the '04 - '05 school year. You KNOW this year and the next FOUR will be the WORST ever for education. I am NOT planning on being re-hired. No matter how good a job I do, it all comes down to the budget. Last hired, FIRST fired! Then there is the part about my EX wanting to take most of my salary.......NZ looks DAMN good!
from boxx9000 :
I went to Fiji the last time I was in NZ. You are so right, they are VERY close. I will definitely come visit YOUR island and you can visit MINE!
from boxx9000 :
That pic of SpiderMo is too too PRICELESS! You have got to get it blown up and framed. Too cute! I'm sorry about all the car troubles lately. When it rains it pours. Does that mean we are *due* for some sunshine?????
from starlight42 :
That's scary about the blow-out with your tires! At least you're ok. I know what you mean though about it always being something. In the last month I had 2 big unexpected expenditures come up, it sucks! I'm just glad I had the money saved. Why did Allstate cancel you?? Or did you just use your 2 uses up?
from boxx9000 :
HAPPY HALLOWEEN.....BOO! any pics of Mo as Spiderman?
from starlight42 :
Awww...being away from your loved one can be SO hard. I feel for ya!
from boxx9000 :
Mo's progress report looked good to me. He couldn't be much better unless he was PERFECT. He's only 6! Kids need to PLAY more, they really do. He has a man teacher? How is that? What is Mo's #1 strength?
from boxx9000 :
Where does S go? Is he out of town on business a lot? Are Mo's grades tied to the state standards? I only give progress reports and then there is always behavior reports. I got lucky this year. I have a really nice class. What is Mo's teacher saying?
from boxx9000 :
What's going on with Mo? What sort of problems is he having? What's going on with you? St. John's is VERY mild, the effect would also be very mild. I am so hoping I LEARN my life lesson this time so I NEVER have to repeat this same mistake.
from starlight42 :
oh boy, lots of stuff going on with you- I've been so bad lately at keeping up!! I so feel for you in your situation. I wish I knew what to say or what would be a good thing to do. As for the trunk, ya, I guess it's nice to sometimes keep stuff, maybe it just depends on what type of person you are. I kept stuff for a certain amount of time, not doing anything rash, and then tossed it. I'll always miss photo's- being able to look back at myself, but oh well. New memories to be made!!
from boxx9000 :
I have NEVER been able to understand how fathers can separate themselves from their children so easily? How much damage they do. My EX is really burning his bridges with his kids right now. He's stupid. All I can say is "his loss". I only wish it didn't hurt the kids so much.
from boxx9000 :
(((((hugs))))) WoW! I feel your pain on this one.
from starlight42 :
I'm not sure if I remember that student (witch)--would she really do something to MO? Yikes! I hope everyone complies and keeps her away. MMM, lasagna!!
from starlight42 :
Wow- 53 kids, that's a lot of kids!!
from boxx9000 :
What year and make of car do you drive? I also worry about my VW breaking down. I'm going to drive it as long as I can, but I know I will most likely have to get a more reliable car. I'm happy you are having a good year at school. I am, too. I didn't know you were part time? How many hours per week? How does that work with your contract and retirement and benefits etc? How is Mo's year going so far?
from boxx9000 :
I don't actually *bring* my daughter to work with me. (today she didn't show up at all) She's nearly 21 and she signs in at the office as an official *volunteer*. She needs to go get her TB clearance for this year. I really depend on her, tho. She does a TON of prep work for me and ALL the samples for the kids to see) of the projects they do. I'd hire her in a minute if teachers were allowed to have aides.
from boxx9000 :
$750? Sheesh! I can't get mine to agree to $400 after 25 years! No house, no car, no savings, no nothing. All I got was the debt. Right now I think I hate men.
from makahagirl :
I'm happy that its finally over for you. :)
from boxx9000 :
I think I've mentioned before that my daughter was a DRAMA major and attended a special HS for the arts? What I've probably NOT mentioned that she is dyslexic and did NOT learn to read with any real fluency until she was in HS. She has always had great coping skills and compensated for her dyslexia with having incredible memorization skills. When she was in the 5th grade she palyed Dorothy from the Wizard of OZ and I read her all her lines and she memorized all her lines without being able to read them herself. In HS she FINALLY learned how to read with fluency by watching foreign films because it forced her to read the subtitles. HOORAY for DRAMA increasing language arts skills. Drama classes did more for her than any English class ever did. Different learning styles.
from starlight42 :
Yay- glad you liked The Village!! Sounds like you're going through a lot of the "same old stuff" and that you can't really write about a lot of it. That sucks. And wow, S is going to be gone till the new year?? I feel for ya!
from makahagirl :
I sat down and tried to remember the password and voila! I feel smart now, lol. I'm actually glad I haven't read your diary in a long time, because reading those Alaska entries and seeing the pictures, really made me feel warm and gooey inside. I started contemplating whether we should move back! Silly me. I'm one of those types of people who never really know what they want. I'm never satisfied... Thank you for cheering me on during the AI auditions. It was wonderful coming home to such encouragement :)
from boxx9000 :
I LOVE Camelot. It is one of my alltime favorite musicals. I saw the live stage performance of it back in 1980 starring Richard Burton as Arthur at a theater in San Francisco.
from avalonte :
Thank you so much for your note and saying you're proud of me for my decision! That will show that "friend"! But I don't think you read my entry correctly. I agree with you that a man should be told he's fathered a child! That's not the issue. I don't know where he is! I don't know whereabouts he lives, not even what part of the country! I don't even know his surname! So, the issue isn't about whether he should be told. The issue is that as I have no way of telling him, does that make it wrong to keep the baby?! Anyway, thanks for showing your support! I hope "friend" reads those comments! x
from makahagirl :
Oh thank you so much for the kind words. I'm sorry that I stopped reading you. I did, when I lost the password. I was lazy and didn't ask for it again. I would love to start back again. If you'll have me. :) Thanks again. Take care!
from avalonte :
I'm glad St. John's Wort is working for you and that you're feeling good! And how cool that your kids love your class!!! Makes it all seem worthwhile, eh! xx
from uramazing :
Hello! Judging by alot of the comment it looks like we have some things in common! Id be more than intrested to read your diary! - Sandra
from boxx9000 :
oooops, I see what i did. i said CBEST on the first note when i meant CSET. It's amazing I passed it when I can't even get it's name right. (hahaha)
from boxx9000 :
Thanks for your note. Your kindness made me smile. I had to take the CBEST before I could enter the credential program, too. I was a Liberal Studies major with a waiver for the MSAT/CSET exams. GW Bush changed the rules AFTER I graduated (retroactive) so then I had to take the test after I already had my credential. I am so relieved I passed it and that is one less thing I have to worry about. Getting a job is another major RELIEF. (big sigh) kindergarten! do you think I will survive?
from starlight42 :
Thanks for the note. Hope things get less stressful for you soon...I don't know about you, but summer FLEW by!
from boxx9000 :
OCD? Maybe. I think it's more of a personality type. You are intense and thorough and most likely a perfectionist. I think almost ALL teachers are. It comes with the job. Good luck on your drama season. I always liked doing the scenery and costumes. What happened to your English class? I passed my CBEST!! I am now highly qualified. Woot! Woot!
from boxx9000 :
I've been thinking about you. I miss you. Sorry about your class reduction. Keep us updated on your school year. What plays will you be doing this year? I have a job interview (again) tomorrow morning......kindergarten.
from starlight42 :
ok, I'm a ditz, but was that a real fish?? It looked fake, but when I read your entry it sounded real. I've never seen a halibut, so am I dumb or what?!
from starlight42 :
yay- you updated!! glad you're having a nice time. very cute pic!
from boxx9000 :
That picture of you is so adorable. All your male students must have HUGE crushes on you!
from starlight42 :
Hope you have a nice time at the class reunion.
from boxx9000 :
Oh, Mo is such a cutie! Too bad about your EX. I don't know why they have to make it so difficult?!
from boxx9000 :
7-4-04 Happy 4th of July!
from starlight42 :
Hey- sounds like you're having fun. Even in the heat. :) Sounds to relaxing, I'm jealous.
from starlight42 :
Thanks for the note. It's nice to know that there are other people going through similar things....oh, the pics look so wonderful! You're going to have such a great summer. My parents are taking a cruise to Alaska at the end of June, I'm jealous! One day though...
from boxx9000 :
I'm so ENVIOUS of your Alaskan adventure AND I am guessing you are taking the WHOLE summer OFF from school? Lucky!
from avalonte :
Sounds like heaven!! Enjoy every minute! x
from boxx9000 :
Thanks for your note. Something will come up for me at the last moment (it always does) It's the waiting and not knowing that is such a killer. Kindergarten? That would be something!
from boxx9000 :
I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are? I thought you must be busy with your end of the year stuff? You're done? My last day with kids is this Thursday. There's *talk* that a KINDERGARTEN class may be added for next year.
from starlight42 :
I was wondering where you've been!
from boxx9000 :
My daughter (age 20) does the same thing to me (re: her boyfriend ALWAYS being here) She can NOT see my point of view at all. I don't dislike her boyfriend, I dislike the NOT ever having any privacy. I need my privacy.
from boxx9000 :
Oh I can REALLY identify with what you are saying! I can't imagine trying to balance a young child into my crazy hours at school. The house cleaning thing really gets to me. NO one cleans ANYthing around here except for me. Sometimes I wish I lived all by myself just to get away from other people messes.
from boxx9000 :
Happy Mother's Day (your son's card is too, too cute!)
from starlight42 :
that sucks about your students. I thought that died down a little bit ago. Well, hopefully they'll be respectful about it. I did get a note from my reader, she has a diary her on DL. It's just so weird, it's a lot of reading! And like you said, to read the whole thing probably gets boring. oh well.
from wyndspirit :
Because a peek into the private life of somebody you know is absolutely irresistible, especially a person of authority, like a teacher. Of course they read it ALL! I would have, too, if I were them. But, if I were YOU, it would freak me out as well. Locking was the best choice.
from avalonte :
Ahhhh, I lost my username and password!! Please can you send them to me? Thanks, hon!
from boxx9000 :
WOW! Thanks for saying what I am constantly thinking! I am really fed up with all the baloney associated with TRYING to teach these kids! (insert sound of me screaming) Maybe it gets better? Maybe this is NOT what I should be doing?
from boxx9000 :
Hey, after 23 years of marriage I'm only going to get $400 a month IF I can collect it! Oh, and I get ALL my school debt, too!
from starlight42 :
These are the days I realize I should have been a teacher, not only because I'd like it, but also for the free summers! I know they're not totally "free" though.
from wyndspirit :
I hate to say it, but I never cared for English class, either, and I'm a WRITER!!! It was a slough-off class for me except I never "got" the lit part. I loved the reading part--read my lit book cover to cover within a few days of getting it--but never did figure out "themes" and the like. I always think of Mark Twain, who insisted he didn't HAVE any "themes" or deeper meanings in mind when he wrote--he was just telling a story! And I had to remember to write as an English student, not a writer, when we were assigned essays. I know--and I have told many other people who whine about English--that you have to understand (i.e. practice!) the rules before you know when you can break them. I still have to remind people who expect me, as a writer, to use "textbook" grammar in my essays (and diary), that I KNOW the rules, and, if I break them, it's on purpose. Not long ago I had to explain to my one IRL friend who reads my diary--a TEACHER who cannot spell to save her life!--the purpose behind "improperly" starting sentences with "and." I'm NOT a teacher--I don't have to set a good example for anybody. :)
from starlight42 :
ya, I thought of you when I got those Van Halen tickets! Also, do you have your images saved on the diaryland server? My images are & they seem to be loading very slowly. I noticed yours did today too, I was just wondering then if it's not just my diary. Ugh- why bother to pay for this damn thing!
from wyndspirit :
How wonderful for you! That would be a dream come true. I don't blame you for not believing it till you see it, though.
from starlight42 :
well, hopefully the principal at the school will understand what your role is in the play and what the students role is!! Also, have fun spending that $200 at V's Secret!
from boxx9000 :
Don't worry, Be happy! Here's some *worry* quotes for you. Why is it we worry so much? I think it's just that type A personality, don't you think? 1.Beware of anxiety. Next to sin, there is nothing that so troubles the mind, strains the heart, distresses the soul, and confuses the judgement. ~William Ullathorne 2. Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. ~Swedish proverb 3. Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its joy. ~ Author Unknown 4. One hour of worry is one hour in hell. ~James Dodd 5. When I look back on all these worries I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had a lot of trouble in his life, MOST OF WHICH NEVER HAPPENED. ~Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
from boxx9000 :
Congratulations on your show. I'm glad all went well. Now, what's next? Not much left to the school year.
from wyndspirit :
Then break a leg! Or assign the good wish of your choice as coming from me. :)
from starlight42 :
break a leg!!
from starlight42 :
Mo is so cute!!
from boxx9000 :
What a CUTIE! He's going to break some hearts.
from boxx9000 :
Happy Easter. Did the Easter Bunny come to your house last night?
from starlight42 :
I know...I should just be happy with what I have. And like a few people said, marriage and kids aren't something you HAVE to have to be happy. Well, for me, they kind of are, but everyone is different. I thought of you writing that entry though. And I'm like, I'm going to seem like a brat, because I know what you're going through. I've got faith for you though, that one day things will fall into place :)
from starlight42 :
Loved the pics. Your son is too cute!! Hope he feels better soon.
from boxx9000 :
So sorry your little guy is sick. The Renaissance pictures look fun. Both my kids went to the Renaissance Fair here in Marin County (California) on a field trip in Jr. High.(I sewed them costumes) I've never been. (sigh) Thanks for the pics. Now I REALLY want to go! Actually, I want to dress up in costumes and sing show tunes from CAMELOT!
from boxx9000 :
The Charlotte costume sounds adorable. The kids may *suck* right now, but they usually pull it together when it is the real show. Right? Keep us updated. I have begun to pack my classroom (sigh)
from starlight42 :
hey, see, us women have it hard. even last night, we had friends over and ate pizza, two hours later, who do you think had to clean up the boxes and wrap up the left overs? I don't know why I would have thought anyone else would do that for me! Oh well. I can't wait to see the pics of the festival & costume! We have a Renessance Festival here in MI in Aug-Sept. It's a lot of fun.
from starlight42 :
ya, sometimes it's the little things in life that make all the difference!
from xnavygrrl :
You're Oregon ex doesn't want to pony up ticket money either? Must be something in the water.
from starlight42 :
Awe, that was sweet, saying your thoughts were with your Dland buddies! Ya, it's funny, after I wrote that stupid entry on food yesterday, I was so hungry all day long for some dumb reason!! It's like I jinx myself, but I was pretty good though.
from boxx9000 :
I LIKE YOU! I can so relate to everything you say. Begining teacher salary here is $45,000. The only problem is GETTING A JOB! (or keepimg it)
from wyndspirit :
How well I know the feeling! Yeah, I only went to a vo-tech and got an Associate degree, but I haven't even used that. This job I'm interviewing for today? All stuff I've picked up on my own, and none of the office procedures training they are going to expect.
from avalonte :
Good luck at the doctor's, hon!
from xnavygrrl :
It won't let me read your journal. Did you lock it?
from boxx9000 :
Mpeacock: That would be a GREAT idea except in this COUNTY you can not apply for an unadvertised teaching job. I can fill out apps and be READY but not submit. There is really nothing keeping me in this COUNTY except the hassle of moving AGAIN.
from wyndspirit :
Ah, he's just afraid some younger, cuter guy will steal you away! :) Most guys hate change, especially in their SO's. Give it a little time, and if it doesn't grow on him, next time around go back to what it was--unless, of course, YOU become really attached to the way it is now! Meanwhile, if he grumbles, remind him that it it's not necessarily a forever thing, but you want to enjoy it for awhile.
from starlight42 :
Hey- That's crappy about Mo's father. Maybe you can swing the trip anyway? Or maybe you can get him to pay half of what he should- at least chip in something? It sounds like you really want to see your family. And I think that S should not have a say in that, they are your family. But that's up to you. It just seems you don't have as much say in the things he does, you know? You have a right to make your own decisions. Ya, your mom has given you trouble in the past, but maybe it's time to try again. S should be understanding.
from avalonte :
I'm glad you're feeling positive about things. And thanks so much for your message about my sketches!
from boxx9000 :
your book is UNlocked today?
from boxx9000 :
HOORAY for you! I am so happy that you have a job for next year. Now, keep your fingers crossed for me. (but remember, I'm in California) One time when my son was about 2 years old, he was at my mother-in-law's house. She was playing some game with him where she would tease him by pulling the chair back and forth. He said to her "Leave the fucking chair alone!" She retold the story to me and I was so embarassed (but it was funny, too) Can you imagine a young child saying such a thing? YIKES!
from wyndspirit :
Glad you got that test out of the way! Personally, I don't know ANYBODY who has benefited from NCLB, but maybe somebody else does. *shrug* Me, I am SO GLAD I have never had a yen to be a teacher!!! As for your son... Boxx probably said it best, but I agree, I would be pretty upset!
from avalonte :
I don't understand men! I know they don't have the natural bond that mothers have, but even so!!! How can you not want to do everything you can to see your own child?!!!! I fully understand the dilemma of what you tell Morrison!
from boxx9000 :
THIS is what I am telling my *kids* and they are 20 and 21. Hey, your Dad has some issues, that's why I'm NOT married to him anymore. No, he's NOT father-of-the-year, but he ain't the worse Dad either. THERE ARE MUCH WORSE DADS. I know it sucks, I am sorry. What else can you do anyway?
from starlight42 :
Hey- it was so hard writing that entry about strengths & weaknesses! It's so hard to examine yourself that way. Congrats on passing the English class! Very cool.
from avalonte :
Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!!!
from boxx9000 :
Hooray for you! Take whatever you can get. I still haven't received my credential. I am SUPPOSED to be *highly qualified* theState of California gave me the $20,000 APPLE grant. What state are you in again? What was your major and minor? CONGRATULATIONS.
from alternamommy :
Yes ma'am, password please. [email protected] Thank you! :)
from starlight42 :
ohhh...I don't blame you. I think no matter what he says, it would bother him if you went out with your ex. I don't know what to tell you. He's not being fair at all to you, I don't think. I know it's got to be eating you up inside, and the fact that she's not a nice lady makes it harder. :(
from avalonte :
I really feel for you. I wish I could offer some words of wisdom! Although he say he wouldn't mind, I bet he really would! I bet it would drive him insane! I'm not suggesting you actually do it, but letting him think you're doing it couldn't hurt!! ;)
from makahagirl :
I don't know what I would do in your situation. I think I would be scared and those horrible thoughts would constantly run through my head. You need to stand your ground and let him know that you can't do this anymore. What you are going through isn't something you should have to go through the rest of your life with S. I've been there. I have. If you want to know more, just email me. Take care and hugs.
from boxx9000 :
I wish I could help you out, but I'm a big loser in the relationship departnment. My first husband REALLY broke my heart and I don't think I ever got over that one enough to care about anyone else THAT MUCH AGAIN. You'll have to decide if you are better off WITH him or WITHOUT him. That's the bottom line. It still hurts, tho.
from wyndspirit :
It's locked now--I was asked for a password. If he wouldn't mind if you went out to dinner and spent the night with your ex-boyfriend, I can't help but wonder how much he really cares for you. I would expect most men, even ones who think it's OK for THEM to hang out with the ex, to be livid at the idea. Men tend to be prideful and possessive creatures, and if they really care about their SO, they're going to be ticked off at the very idea of her spending time with another man, at least one in the "threatening" category, like an ex. (Hands off MY woman!) There is no question that YOU love HIM, and you say he loves you, but actions speak louder than words. It's a tough situation. You have to decide if you love him enough to take him as he is, or if the pain isn't worth it and it's time to move on. And here I am, spouting off again like I have some clue where you're coming from! Diarrhea of the...keyboard? :)
from starlight42 :
well, looks like you're unlocked? I got in without a pw. Anyway, that sucks!!
from boxx9000 :
I think another job would definitely be less stress and work. At my age (48) I chose teaching as security. Hahhahahaha.
from n1ghtmare :
Hello, I used to read your diary and now I noticed it is locked. I was wondering if you could give me a password. I used to have a different diary myself, but some of my students found out about it and I had to delete it quickly. Thanks. :)
from makahagirl :
Thank you for the password. I'll send you mine in an email. :)
from boxx9000 :
Iago? I LOVE Othello! Well, at least the movie version with Lawrence Fishburn. (hahaha)
from mattieluna :
I clicked on your banner just a few days ago and found your site, and I liked it. I'd like to read more, if you don't mind sharing. [email protected]
from avalonte :
Thank you so much for your message!! It meant a lot to me! You're a sweetheart! Thanks, too, for your password! I tried to get in earlier, and was going to leave you a message asking for it!;)
from starlight42 :
you're locked!! If you don't mind, I'd love the password. Hope things are ok.
from boxx9000 :
Hooray about your eval. Boo about your students finding your dairy! The password works, thanks. I don't like to censor myself. I'd hate to have to lock my diary. How did they find you?
from wyndspirit :
You're locked, all right. Thank you for providing the password without making me beg. :) I hope it's personal and not because the online creeps have been harassing you, too. There seems to be a rash of that going around these days.
from republicans :
What a beautiful design you have. One of the best I've seen!
from avalonte :
I've never heard the phrase "pork nut curse" before! lol! I recently wrote an entry about what goes around comes around (when I got my own back on my company for treating me badly). Unfortuantely, Karma doesn't work in the way I'd like. Karma doesn't happen to you until your next life. Whatever you do in one life you will be punished or rewarded in the following life. No instant gratification for Buddhists! lol!
from boxx9000 :
0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000777770000000777770000000 0000077777777700077777777700000 0000777777777770777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000777777777777777777777770000 0000077777777777777777777700000 0000007777777777777777777000000 0000000077777777777777700000000 0000000000777777777770000000000 0000000000000777770000000000000 0000000000000007000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 I stole this from Kitty-Kaboom..... Anyways, I wanted to be the first to say Happy Valentine's Day.
from starlight42 :
Hope you have a nice Valentines Day! I know what you mean about the color of your furniture. I'm like that too!
from wyndspirit :
Color therapy, or just getting something new? :) Can't wait to see them!
from wyndspirit :
I don't know how the pecking order works among teachers, but seems to me somebody is taking advantage of the newbie! Hope things get better soon!
from boxx9000 :
Thanks for your note at my diary. it's comforting to know that I am not the only one who is not absolutely thrilled with being a new teacher. There is some horrible stat about the percentage of new teachers that quit within the first three years. i never could understand WHY, now I understand. i can't imagine adding a young child into the mix as well. I don't think anyone knows how many hours teachers put in. I didn't even know until now. (sigh)
from starlight42 :
I love that Vanessa Carlton song!
from avalonte :
I'm so glad your booby pain's gone too!! :) Thanks for your kind words!
from wyndspirit :
Music sure has that effect, doesn't it? Whether you liked it or not. All of my work in NH was in manufacturing, and we always had the music blasting over the roar of the machines (yes, I DO have slight hearing problems now, but it saved our sanity). To this day, if I hear a song I listened to then, I am instantly transported back. It's fascinating that we can be so suggestible to auditory cues! The funny thing is--I almost never listen to music anymore. I spent so many years with constant noise in the background, my body seems to crave quiet!
from starlight42 :
I liked your entry where you were reminiscing.
from boxx9000 :
I'm feeling guilty about something I wrote yesterday. About badly behaved kids and parents who don't care about their child's education. I KNOW it is impossible for some parents to help out because of their work schedules and I apologize for being insensitive. if I had young children right now, it would be impossible for me to volunteer in the classrooom. I always worked a lot with my kids at home and I am sure you do as well.
from makahagirl :
Don't you hate that? I remember growing up as a kid, my brother *never* flossed his teeth, let alone brushed! I was the one who always had cavities, even though I took care of them religiously. My teeth are much better these days though. :)
from avalonte :
Thanks so much for your lovely message.
from boxx9000 :
Thanks for your note. You are a HS DRAMA teacher, right? My daughter attended the ArtQuest Academy with a Drama and Dance concentration. You probably understand her a whole lot better than I do because I can not understand WANTING to perform for people!
from athome :
You seemed to have a great time on your holiday and you sound refresh, glad to have you back!
from boxx9000 :
I know what you mean about that first week back to school. I'm glad it's over as well.
from spikeheap :
Oh in that case I apologise - some random person noone knows.....It's all a bit random.
from spikeheap :
hey - I haven't updated in ages. I will get round to it this week.... :P
from makahagirl :
I'd like to travel to Fiji or someplace like it. Escape from all the madness of modern day life. I think everyone needs to do it at least once. :)
from avalonte :
I'm thoroughly enjoying reading your adventures! It's the next best thing to being there myself! It sounds heavenly. Well, aside from the mosquitoes, obviously!! ;)
from boxx9000 :
I'm so glad you mentioned BOXXing Day! I'm dreaming of a FIJI Christmas.....someday.
from makahagirl :
Sounds so exciting :)
from starlight42 :
good job at conquering your fear!! that's not easy to do. Happy New Year, I hope it will bring you much peace & happiness.
from boxx9000 :
WELCOME BACK. Happy New Year 2004. Your picture is beautiful. Tell me more about your holiday in Fiji. details, details, details.
from makahagirl :
How wonderful :) You two look very happy!
from boxx9000 :
MERRY CHRISTMAS. Hope your FIJI vacation was wonderful? Pics please!
from athome :
I love reading you, yo are such a talented writer. I took time to look at your pictures today and I fell in love with Hush, that picture almost made me cry.
from starlight42 :
thanks for your note the other day, I appreciat it. Hope your trip is going well!
from avalonte :
Merry Christmas, hon!! I truly hope you have a wonderful time! ((hugs))
from makahagirl :
Have a wonderful Holiday! Take care!
from wyndspirit :
Have fun in Fiji!
from wyndspirit :
I guess I've never been satisfied with what I already have, either, so I won't find the secret to happiness. It's a failing I've never mastered. I say sometimes you need HOPE to be happy, not just what's there right now. Anyway... If this helps, that's good. One caveat only, and you know I've mentioned this like eons ago: Whatever the world thinks, legally you are NOT married. Love him, stay with him, plan for forever with him, but also plan to be independent if necessary. Not because you don't trust him or think it won't last, but because, legally, if anything happened to him, you and Mo would be up a creek. Insurance policies, house(s), everything, would go to his kids and maybe even the ex, but without that document, NOT to you. You would lose EVERYTHING you did not pay for personally, and if things got ugly with his family, possibly some of that as well. It happened to my sister's MIL. She lived with the guy for 20 years, they loved each other dearly but didn't need a piece of paper. Then he died suddenly. She was literally left without a roof over her head. Don't let that happen to you. You have your job--that's a good start. It's not a betrayal of your love if are sensible and plan for a possible future without him in it! Good luck!
from boxx9000 :
The real secret to happiness is just being happy with what you already *have*. Isn't all misery caused by want? I just want to be happy. I signed divorce papers today, but that didn't make me very happy. (sigh)
from xnavygrrl :
I'm sorry you had to hear that. It cuts to the quick and makes you wonder "what's wrong with me? Aren't I wonderful enough?" I've heard the same statement from Mr. Sweatpants. I absolutely adore him; he is my best friend. And yet, I think there's something holding him back. You're in my thoughts. :)
from makahagirl :
I'm so sorry he said that to you. Does he truly love you? I figure if a man truly loves a woman, he would do anything for her, including making her wish of getting married, come true.
from boxx9000 :
marriage is over rated. You aren't missing anything.
from avalonte :
Awwww! But it's not you, it's the marriage thing he doesn't want! As girls we're brought up to believe that marriage is part of a fairy tale. But in reality, it's really just a piece of legal paperwork that often simply brings heartache and complications! ((hugs))
from wyndspirit :
Knock it off, that's MY song!!! "No one will ever want me, I'm totally unloveable, I'll never be good enough..." I think what we BOTH need to learn is that we ARE good enough. WE are just fine--it's the others who have the problem. If they can't accept us for who we are, that's their loss. If they think they want us, but not THAT bad, that's their loss. I'll try if you'll try. Deal? Maybe somebody better will come along. Maybe not. But do you really want to settle? Every time I think I might be willing to settle for less, I think of other things I've settled for in my life, always to my regret. It's YOUR choice now. Are you willing to stay on his terms? Do you love him that much? If you do, stay. If you have hope, if you think he may change his mind, take that into consideration. But if deep down you believe he has told it like it is, don't expect more, because he won't give it. Is it worth it? Only you can decide, but DON'T decide now. First you need to mourn the death of dreams. Let yourself be sad for those dreams and hopes. Take your time, and, eventually, your thinking will clear up and you'll know for sure in your heart whether to stay or go, and you can plan accordingly. But don't do it now. Everything seems so much harder, more emotional, over the holidays. Give your mind a vacation. Try to live for the moment and enjoy Fiji, just for now. You've been trying to work this out so hard, you really need a break. Try to NOT think about it for a little while. (Yeah, I know, and while you're at it try to NOT to think of pink elephants! OK, then. Try not to DWELL on it!)
from avalonte :
I will try to remember that, to pet the cat!! Does it work?? Hmmmm..... looks like I'm going to end up with thread-bare cats!!!
from boxx9000 :
I WISH I was 39!!!!!!!
from wyndspirit :
All I can say is hang in there. Enjoy Fiji and deal with the rest later. :) And, yes, I do plan to use the job interview as a refresher, practice for interviewing for the job I REALLY want. (Think positive and all that garbage.) My biggest fear is that I'll be offered the job and have to juggle working half-time and STILL dealing with unemployment. Then again, it might mean more $$$, which would be a relief. I don't know how much it will affect my unemployment if at all. I'm not going to play games, since I really don't care if I get the job or not. I plan to be fair to them and me and be upfront that I need a full-time job and I will be continuing to job hunt, and if I get a better offer, I will take it. Of course, if I got my DREAM job (also half time, but comes out to almost 2x what this one pays), both claim the hours can be flexible, so it could be we could work something out and I could work both jobs till they find somebody who can really use their hours (allowing me to get caught up a bit on bills, too). Do I really think I might be offered the job? Maybe. They are paying $6-$8 DOE, where all other similar jobs START at $8-$9 and call centers (which ARE hiring, and don't require ANY experience) start at $9.50. On the plus, I know the software. On the minus, I have NO secretarial experience. On the plus, pay stinks and only PT, I doubt they'll be anybody's first choice. On the minus, the job market stinks even worse. It's a tossup. But I'm just glad to get a response. I feel like I've been throwing applications into a void for two months!
from makahagirl :
Yeah I agree. Today I totally feel your pain about men. I'm totally disgusted with my husband today. Wouldn't mind taking the kids with me and fleeing.
from avalonte :
Sorry you're feeling that recurring pissed off feeling!! Men, eh!! Hmm.... don't I just know that feeling!!!! ((hugs))
from boxx9000 :
I see the divorce lawyer on Monday. I was in Fiji in 1978. BCM (before current marriage)
from makahagirl :
Fiji sounds so neat :) I need a vacation, hehe
from wyndspirit :
Never thought about posting my Christmas letter, though. I just might do that!!! :)
from wyndspirit :
I love, love, love the much-maligned Christmas letter!!! I love Christmas cards, but I love the letters even better. Even from my SISTERS, whom I daresay keep me relatively current throughout the year. Not sure I want to re-read last year's, but I know I won't be able to resist. My life was so different then!!! Settling in, after upheaval the PREVIOUS Christmas. (What IS it about November/December and changes, anyway??? At least in my life.)
from xnavygrrl :
Thanks for the note. I hope to get it under control some day, so that I could have a semblance of a life.
from starlight42 :
cool. I bet scuba diving is awesome! It is the little things that a guy does that can be the most important or tell you the most about what kind of person they are. I'm glad that S is like Dave & helps out so much!
from wyndspirit :
Very good character development. It's always interesting to me to see the creative writing others come up with. And, while I can understand following it up with a disclaimer, anybody who has read more than a couple entries of your diary would know it was fiction. :)
from xnavygrrl :
I'm such a doofus. I bought it. You are a talented writer girlfriend.
from makahagirl :
Did someone think your story was true? *giggle*. The title of that entry made it like sooooo obvious. I think you are a great mommy AND writer. :) When I was a teenager I was a great writer then mommyhood happened and the writing stopped. *la sigh* It'll come back to me again someday perhaps.
from starlight42 :
ohhh....LOL I re-read it and thought that might be the case.
from xnavygrrl :
You are pretty much on the money when it comes to parenting. On one hand, I adore my daughter, I cherish her. On the other, I wish I had more time/money/sanity. It's one way or another. We can't have our cake and eat it too. Enjoy not having kids and live your life to the fullest. So if you ever have them, you won't feel like you missed out on anything. :)
from starlight42 :
Hey, well, seems like you had an ok weekend, other than that trip to McDonalds. I thought you did have a child though, must be step? Anyway, I'm hoping that in time things will work out for you. And that reminds me- I need to rent Remember the Titans!
from makahagirl :
That was wonderful! :)
from makahagirl :
When I was little, I wanted to be anything but white. I dreamnt of being a princess from India, or an Egyptian queen. I still feel uncomforable in my own skin sometimes.
from avalonte :
Well, happy birthday in advance, in case I forget! It's not the holidays here, but thanks for the wishes anyway! And the same to you!
from avalonte :
Oooh! You're birthday's coming? So exactly how old is over the hill then?? How old are you going to be?
from makahagirl :
Happy Thanksgiving from one mom to another :)
from boxx9000 :
Fiji? I am soooo envious. Your son sounds like a real smarty. I teach 5 year olds. Thanks for your nice note at my diary. Even tho things are bad right now, I still have a lot that I am thankful for. Caring people at Diary Land IS one of them. (hug)
from makahagirl :
Thats great that you have a diagnosis, but it does suck too. (*scratching head, wondering if thats whats wrong with my husband* hmmm...)I hope you have a great Thanksgiving though :)
from prncsaimee :
Hey you - the archives are all fixed, hope you don't mind :)
from wyndspirit :
That is what the diary is for! Vent all you want.
from prncsaimee :
just to make YOU smile, I think you're great, and no matter what, you do deserve to have a wonderful holiday. xo
from starlight42 :
believe me, finding the strength is as much acting like you have it, convincing yourself you've got it and talking like you are strong...I think that's what has helped me be a stronger person than I was before. I think we can all be played for fools though, any day, any time. That sucks too.
from avalonte :
Aww, thank you!!
from avalonte :
Thanks for your message! I'm glad reading that entry made you happy!
from makahagirl :
I really like the way you write and describe things. Beautiful penmanship :) I'm from Anchorage, Alaska (in answering the question you asked me) and I'm finding that I can relate more and more to your 'dasmel in distress'.
from starlight42 :
I hope things start getting better for you & S. I know I would feel the same way you do about his x. He does need to try & include you more (reading back to that old entry). He's got such a great person in you, it'd be too sad if he messed that up!
from boxx9000 :
I think we have a lot in common (teachers, divorcing etc) I can relate to a lot of what you say. Best of luck with work and life.
from avalonte :
MEN! Can't live with them, can't kill them; life's so unfair!
from waterstain :
your banner made me laugh, and i love the way your diary is designed. just thought i'd say so.
from starlight42 :
Yes, I should go to Victoria's Secret! Good idea :) Hmm, your last entry was interesting, but kind of chilling. I hope things are ok over there!
from wyndspirit :
There needs to be an Act III, but, unfortunately we can't skip to the last page to see how it ends. If only there really were fairy tale endings... Well, there ARE, but we need to make our own, and they're still almost never the way we imagined. But the protagonist WILL overcome the obstacles--even if she needs to get rid of her knight in shining armor to do it. (There are other knights--and who needs them, anyway? Knights are for weak damsels, not strong heroines. The right ordinary gardener or...whatever is plenty for a REAL heroine who is looking for a companion, not a rescuer!)
from wyndspirit :
You're going to buy D a Christmas gift anyway, right? Why NOT work pants? Nothing wrong with a useful gift, and nothing wrong with helping somebody out a little bit. Sure, she COULD have worked and had more money to spend, but she'll be working for a good many years of her life, and, the point is, for whatever reason, money is tight for her, and you are willing to help. It's not like you're ALWAYS bailing her out or anything! (You will notice no mention has been made of any ulterior motives. :) )
from hadassah :
wow I love your diary. Keep the faith! Take care
from avalonte :
Thanks so much for that message with the excerpt in it! I did look through loads of your entries yesterday, but I hadn't read that one, so thanks! By the way, congratulations on entering your 4th week!!! I wish I had your willpower!! Mind you, I'm doing ok so far today, I've been up for 3 hours and haven't had one yet!! LOL!
from avalonte :
So you have a Golden child sibling too? Is it your brother? I don't have a bad relationship with my mum, but, like you, I have learned to be careful what I talk to her about. It's a complicated relationship! Anyway, thanks for your message! It's so good to know I'm not alone!
from boxx9000 :
Just realized you are also a teacher. This is my first year as a first grade teacher and it is kick'n my butt.
from starlight42 :
Well, at least you had Vets day off! Think of it this way, I was at work :( Hope you cheer up soon!
from heatherash :
getting better. things are looking upwards. ;)
from avalonte :
As a fellow sufferer, I'm sending you hugs!
from starlight42 :
great news about your loan!!!
from avalonte :
Woohoo! That's great news!! That means you have a spare 13 grand to spend!! LOL! Sorry, that's just my twisted logic! Must be why my finances are in such a mess, eh!!
from nygprincess :
Thanks for the note. Your family is beautiful. So I take it that you're a teacher? I thought of going into teaching, but then I realized that I just didn't have it in me. I think I would get really annoyed with the kids who didn't want to learn, being that I love school. Good luck with your students. :)
from avalonte :
Just found you via one of your banners. I love your diary. I wanted to let you know I sympathise with the Diet Coke withdrawal! Being an addict myself, I know that fatigued symptom well! LOL! By the way, I love your Halloween photos. You all look great!
from prncsaimee :
Awwww! My daughter was tinkerbelle too! ( - you guys all looked amazing!
from starlight42 :
I love that Bon Jovi song! Also, glad you liked my entry. I'm sure that as a teacher you will touch many lives, think of how lucky you are to be able to do that! :)
from prncsaimee :
That is one of my favorite songs of all time, one I can really belt out when I'm all alone :)
from prncsaimee :
Hey you - I hope you are okay *hugs*
from nygprincess :
I love the design of your diary. It's beautiful.
from wyndspirit :
GUYS!!! :( Sometimes they are well aware they are being hurtful, but... Other times they are just totally clueless, sitting around scratching their heads (or other parts of their anatomy) and wondering what they did wrong THIS time. So we nag, in hopes that they will remember. And they get mad about being nagged like small children. So we decide to treat them like grownups and stop nagging. And they forget. Every single time. (Well, ALMOST every single time.) What to do? If I knew, believe me, I would be a rich woman by now! Hmm... Offer to call and book the hotel room for him so your poor guy doesn't have to think about it when he arrives all tuckered out, and he can just go there and crash, without having to think about where he's going to sleep? Subtle, all under the guise of making HIS life easier. (And you ARE!) But you get what YOU want. :) Just an idea... (With the usual disclaimer: I am not you, and I have never been there. Advice is offered only as a possible idea-starter.)
from starlight42 :
Awe, I would feel the same way. I hope you don't let it bother you too much though. I always try to think of that, I wouldn't want the "other woman" to know (whoever she is, a co-worker, old gfriend etc) I would feel this way. That sometimes helps, knowing you want to feel confident and secure. And not wanting to waste your time feeling bad or fear of what other people might think, giving them any satisfaction. That was a wonderfully written entry by the way.
from starlight42 :
Ya, I used to work at KinderCare and I think the way it worked was that you could pay for a half week or full. You migh have even had to give notice, I know some places you do. It's sucky! Should be illegal really to be paying for something you're not using.
from wyndspirit :
Such a content looking family you make! :)
from prncsaimee :
You are looking fabulous - a VERY happy birthday to Mister Mo - I just got your email, I'll write you back soon, okay? xo
from starlight42 :
I just caught up with the past several entries of your diary...I really feel for you. I understand what you mean about wanting to be married. (I think most women would) I hope S figures somethings out soon and that he can give you what you need and deserve! :)
from prncsaimee :
Ugh! Sorry my email got sent back to you- try [email protected] - I have NO idea why it wouldn't be working - I'll write you one too, just in case! xo
from prncsaimee :
Hey you - I hope you're okay...what is going on? E-mail me if you need to vent, okay? xo
from wyndspirit :
Hang in there! Some things (like greenness) will only be fixed by experience. I shudder now to think of some of the stuff I did when I started here, some of the garbage I put up with from customers... No training can truly prepare you for being thrown to the wolves, whether customers or kids! Hang in there... I'm willing to bet (looking back on MY four years of hell) that experience will fix most of your problems. The trick is to survive the first couple years till you GAIN the experience!
from wyndspirit :
Why ask why? Because some people need to make sense of a situation, find a reason even if they have to manufacture one out of thin air. There is ALWAYS a reason why... Even if it is only, why not? I'm not trying to be cute, that's the reasoning that got me through my brother's death. Things like that just didn't happen in our family (no Jerry Springer family, ours, that's for sure!). They just...didn't. I was forced to answer the "Why?" with the equally-painful "Why not?" What made our family so special that they should be exempt from the sorrows that affect other families? Other people had to deal with situations like ours, even worse ones. They survived, and we would, too. It seems weird, but, in a backhanded way, it really helped. Remember, drama teacher, "why" can be issued as a challenge--or posed as an honest question from a person seeking an answer and willing to accept one even if it's unpleasant. Just my lecture for the day...
from starlight42 :
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm sorry to hear that you are down about S being gone. I know I would feel just as bad as you, a month is such a long time!! :(
from wyndspirit :
I love it!!! Someday I may end up borrowing it, or at least sharing it with my teacher friend!
from starlight42 :
awe...I feel for you! I'm sure he'll tell her to buzz off though, what does he need her for when he's got a gorgeous woman like you?! :)
from starlight42 :
thanks for the note the other day. I hope your work situation improves soon too!
from starlight42 :
great new design!!! And Charlotte's Web? That should be cool. I love that story.
from livefan91200 :
absolutely beautiful layout and picture... love the wings on her. L'amour toujours ~LP
from flyinby :
I LOVE the new layout! Very very pretty.
from maiarayne :
Amy did a great job on your layout. It's just wonderful!
from prncsaimee :
Wow - talk about a hectic schedule...but to be honest, it sounds GREAT! Take care!
from prncsaimee :
Hey you - if you need any help with your diary, just let me know. I'm not the best, but I can get rid of the default template for you if you want ;)
from starlight42 :
I hope your diary fixes itself...that's really cool that you'll be able to work with that student and probably relate some. A great teacher is one of the best gifts. I've always had a special place in my heart for a few of my fav. teachers.
from mpeacock :
Thank you soooo much, I have been so busy, I haven't had time to write. But hopefully I'll be able to write soon...
from starlight42 :
Just thought I would say hello and hope things are going well. :)
from starlight42 :
Well, hey if you talked to him that qualifies as semi-knowing him. That's really cool. It's funny because when that song parents just don't understand came out, I loved him. And I wasn't a big fan of rap. But it's cool to see how he's changed and progressed.
from starlight42 :
Ya, my porn entry got a lot of comments. I guess it's not just me :) Best of luck with school!! I bet it will be a great year. Have a good weekend too.
from tigerjaide :
I am having trouble adding faves to my list. I saved your journal in my faves, but I cant seem to figure it out for the diary site.
from starlight42 :
I liked your entry, snippet of romance. I think I know what you were talking about. And I wanted to say I always appreciate your thoughts on my entries :)
from tigerjaide :
Hi I enjoyed reading your journal. My journal addy is Jaide
from starlight42 :
Unfortunately, we didn't make it to the concert. The tickets actually sold out today :( No Sammy for me this year.
from starlight42 :
from starlight42 :
yay! the class is over, now you can enjoy the summer?! I know my sister is ready to end her classes. She's thinking teachings not for's tough.
from summerbreath :
Thank you for the wonderful compliment. I hope that your days grow easier as they pass. ~M
from wyndspirit :
I meant to add, sorry to hear about your grandmother! (Got too wrapped up in my soapbox in your guestbook, I guess!)
from starlight42 :
awe, that is so frustrating! I'm sure will things will improve soon though. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
from starlight42 :
sounds like a good time at the concert. It's always funny when guys try to pick you up!
from starlight42 :
Thanks for the compliment!
from review-world :
Hi, your review is up at review-world. It can be found at
from starlight42 :
Students are so different in the last few years...I don't blame you for being pissed at that girl! Oh- and hope the private issue gets better for you.
from review-world :
Hello, this is kathleen from review-world. Some time ago, you requested a review from Megan. Megan is currently really busy, so if you want your review done soon, I can reassign a reviewer. If you want to wait for Megan, you are also welcome to do that. I am sorry about the delay- Kathleen
from starlight42 :
band aids, that's cute. but ouch! when they're taken off! like the pic. It's not so bad.
from diaryreviews :
Nope, you're not pending. Try re-submitting, sometimes it doesn't go through. ~Vicky
from starlight42 :
Boy, I really feel for you with your family situation. It's SO hard to just let things go. Or people for that matter. It's hard to not let things bother you...My sister is always telling me to blow things off my mom says, easier said than done. My thoughts are with you!
from proofrok :
RE: the entry titled "rest in peace"-we share some of these things...only my brother never directed his lunacy at the family after one single event that caused his arrest and forcible admission to a mental hospital-and even that was not directed at me, my sisters, mom or dad, but his son and wife at the time. but what i'm saying is-desperately as we might want to, we can't save damaged loved ones from themselves. yet it's all we want to do. i know. i've recently written about how my brother (maybe unwittingly) saved my life when we were children-and i carry a debt of pain because some small part of me knew i'd never be able to repay him in any way. it's only my opinion, but it seems to me that the best you can do is embrace the happiness you do have, know you love them in your heart, but keep moving forward on your journey. just my two shekels added to the pile.
from hel :
Hey. Neat prog that puts itself into Internet explorer and lets you spell check stuff. I use it myself, mainly here at diaryland.
from starlight42 :
That picture is so pretty! That dress looks great on you! I can't wait, my 10yr reunion is next year...
from onecooltaco :
I'm not taking an economics class but I hear that they're required. We have personal finance and I sure that we have economics. I'm not really sure how people feel about them but they sound kind of boring to me.
from prncsaimee :
I hope you have a wonderful weekend with S. and endorphins aren't the only thing making your delerious with happiness :D
from ladybug123 :
I just wanted to say that you have a beautiful layout. :)
from prncsaimee :
Woo! I finally saw the banner!! :D
from goovie :
the clue banner is way too cool.
from prncsaimee :
Hey Tomi - I'd be happy to make some banners for you! You don't need to get me anything, I'm happy to help! Just email me ([email protected]) with your ideas! Take care! (lot's of !'s in there, sorry)
from autumnrayn13 :
Looks like we have a lot in common, even after the Mommy-hood stuff! I love your diary. I'll peek in again soon. Love, Jamie
from onecooltaco :'s onecooltaco. If you want some more Sandy diaries, check out leadersailor, canopop1722, and satan-spikes. For people that are from Sandy but don't update as often, check out cloey15, roxout2music, and Ri40.
from sam2208 :
oh ya email me back at ma220@aol
from sam2208 :
hey mpeacock. would your name happen to be Tomi by any chance? And did u hang with harris for the last month at SHS???

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