messages to msboombastic:
(click here to add new message):

from aglaia :
Give us an update! :-)
from smilefactory :
I can't believe you are still msboombastic! It is great to see that you are still teaching, still loving it and still loving the kids. Seventh grade, huh? Continued good luck! ~J
from leishastar :
Glad to hear that life is going well for you. I can definitely relate to the stress of being scrutinized for your students' test scores. It's a really bad time for teachers and for students. But God bless you for sticking with it. Things will change. Somebody somewhere at some point is going to realize that this just isn't working. Maybe when there are 70 kids to a class and the dropout rate is at 50% Let's hope it doesn't get to that point. And so far, none of my teacher friends have lost their jobs, and they're five year veterans and up. I think you are one of the safer ones. When does the school year start?
from leishastar :
Thanks for your note. I have heard of that book, and am pretty sure my mom has it somewhere around the house. I'll definitely check it out. As for hating all pregnant people, you can't hate the single ones whose baby daddy has left them, right? Because nobody really yearns for that situation. I am very blessed to have two children, but being a single mom is very scary. The best thing you can do is make sure you have a stable relationship that you will WANT to be in for the rest of your life, because ending it once there are kids involved is a nightmare. You're doing yourself a favor by waiting and trying to make sure. Besides, you can always watch my kids any time you want to get your baby fix. I'll bet you you'll be beging me to come back after an hour. It's not easy. As for your wisdom teeth, it's not so bad. I didn't even take the pain meds they gave me, as they made me loopy (no, I could never be addicted to Vicadin). I just took regular Tylenol, ate lots of frozen yogurt, and was fine. EXCEPT for the fact that I didn't listen to the doctor and religiously ice my cheekcs every 30 minutes or hour (can't remember which). I think you're supposed to do a cold compress for like 5 minutes, then 30 minutes later do a hot compress, then keep switching back and forth. Anyway, I didn't do it and one cheek swelled up like a chipmunk. Not so attractive. Ice your cheeks! You'll be fine.
from leishastar :
I hate to tell you, but Smashing Pumpkins is my favorite band of all time, so I cannot relate at all. However, their singles really aren't their best songs, so I probably wouldn't want to listen to them every day either. It's kind of like Pink Floyd: you really have to listen to their albums to fully appreciate. And no, they didn't stop being good in 1995. They started getting weirder in the late 90's, but they still had good music. Sorry, but I had to defend my Pumpkins. I was thinking of what you said about the other teacher and you needing to add more visuals. Maybe you should think about adding all the senses into a unit plan. Younger kids like you to switch thing up a lot, which I am sure you know very well. Bring in food, music, costumes, magazines, whatever. Let me know if you need help thinking of fun ideas/resources, as I am not working right now and my mind usually feels completely unstimulated.
from leishastar :
Hey. Thanks for your note. Yes, we should get together. I haven't really been hanging out in Portland, but I'll let you know next time I go. I am sorry to hear about your man troubles. In the past, I would have been: you can't trust him! Dump him! But I have dealt with a few liars myself in the past couple of years, and believe me, it could be a lot worse. I am still married to my British husband, but of course everyone knows that it's been over for years with no hope of it ever working again, so I wouldn't necessarily freak out yet. As for the work visa, didn't he get a 10-year permanent residence visa (a.k.a green card)? I don't think his ability to renew visas or apply for citizenship is dependent on his wife after a certain number of years. Ben and I are about to be divorced, and he will keep his visa and is even contemplating citizenship. My sister married a Kenyan, and he still lives here long after their divorce. So he should look into it. I don't think it's all that bleak. If he's worth it, try to stick it out while he works through the kinks. If it's not, then you will be ok. You'll be ok no matter what. Hope this helps a little. Talk to you later!
from leishastar :
I actually never really liked Brandon from SYTYCD. He is a great dancer, but his personality...not so much. I loved Ade. I must say, though, I am jealous that you got to go. I saw an ad for the show the day of, and I didn't bother to try to get tickets. I guess I'll have to ask you more specifics when I see you next. As for baby fever, watch what you wish for! Everyone I know is pregnant. And even if you gained 50 lbs., you'd still be a thin pregnant lady. I gained fifty lbs. my first pregnancy, never lost all of it, and am adding more lbs. as we speak. Pregnancy does evil things to your body. Well, mostly. It has made my curly hair completely straight and glossy. I don't even blow dry it and it ends up that way. Very weird. This has been a long comment, huh? Ok, going now.
from leishastar :
Hey. I will actually be in Portland on Sunday, May 24th (my birthday!) until June 1st. We should definitely hook up. I would give you my number now, but then everyone could call me. I'll e-mail you later. See ya!
from mojitolover :
Oh honey, don't let a bitter, opinionated, hypocrite make you feel bad. I thought your response to her posting was forthcoming without being offensive in the least. Good riddance!
from dana-elayne :
I don't think you were wrong at all. Seems like she is being a bit over the top de-friending you because you don't like a bulletin she posted. I mean, honestly!
from leishastar :
Relationships are tough. I was alone for quite a while and enjoyed it. Now I'm in a pretty serious relationship, and even though it can be wonderful, it can also be very stressful and at times painful. You know this as well as I do. I guess what I wanted to say is to appreciate whichever stage you are in. There is joy and glory in being single and having everything your way. I hope you meet a man who treats you like a princess and makes you deliriously happy, but there is always a price to pay. The grass is always greener. Enjoy where you are right now. Watching the TV shows you want, eating what and where you want, not having to worry about or answer to anyone in your personal life? Priceless! I think I'll get off my soap box now.
from danddteacher :
OK, your "friend" needs to get a life. In refusing to talk to anyone who doesn't think what she thinks (which is essentially what she's doing here) then she's missing the whole point of being an American. You're better off without the stress.
from dana-elayne :
P sounds like a good guy :) Enjoy Costa Rica!
from aglaia :
It's been too long. Please update!
from leishastar :
Thanks for your message. I haven't locked it yet, but I'll e-mail you with the password when I do. I'm doing fine. How about you? I'll be in Portland tomorrow and for a couple of days after that. Want to meet up? It's been a while.
from miedema2002 :
Hi, I have been reading your diary for awhile now. I find your life very interesting. I wish mine was that interesting lol! What do you teach again?
from danddteacher :
I'm giving up boys. It's strangely liberating.
from danddteacher :
I'm so sorry, sweetie... *hugs*
from danddteacher :
OK, you know I always feel like I'm reading about myself when I read your entries, so I'm saying this as much to myself as I am to you. You DO deserve better. Here's a thought - instead of waiting for him to permanently end it, why do you do you? It's terrifying, yet strangely liberating at the same time. In just that one act you'll suddenly be the one with the power, and while you'll be alone, it feels exhilirating when you're alone on your own terms. As for New Year's? Join the club, but it's not that bad. Just spend it with someone special (my favorite New Year's was with my sister). And Christmas? You'll save $ by not having to buy that present! Girl, I'm in your corner - you can do this!
from danddteacher :
I swear I could've written that entry! I have all of those same issues - A through E - and I know what they are, I just can't seem to break the cycle.
from danddteacher :
No, you're not psycho, but yes, boys are - don't let it get to you. Your friend is right, you deserve the best!
from dana-elayne :
I totally understand that need to have friends who are supportive, especially if you're pretty hard on yourself! If that's the case....BAH, on him! :)
from dana-elayne :
Um, I'd have to rough the heifer up about my money! ;) Now are you expecting him to be a friend or an ex-boyfriend? I'd expect my friends to be honest with me: ie, you've put on need to whiten your teeth. I mean what are friends for? They should tell the truth with no one else will.
from f-i-n :
you gotta spend money on jeans!
from smilefactory :
According to the dictionary judgement is a variant (a different spelling or pronunciation of the same word)of judgment.
from dana-elayne :
*argh* I feel so bad for you with the whole Chad thing. I had an ex-boyfriend like that. He just wouldn't leave me alone. He'd break up with me, but keep calling. I was still in love with him. It would be this vicious cycle of--I love you; I don't want to be with you; wait, I don't want anyone else to have you either; I love you; wait, no I don't. *ARGH* I finally had to just completely cut him off. I couldn't do it otherwise.
from dana-elayne :
Did you run away? :(
from dana-elayne :
You know...sometimes, I have to just wallow in it in order to get over it. I think you need the two days to regroup and that's okay. You don't have to feel guilty about it AT ALL! Just know that people are rooting for you. :)
from dana-elayne :
I'm sorry about the breakup. It stinks. Of course, it is perfectly normal to think that there's something wrong with you. It is one of the stages of a breakup. You wonder what you did wrong. Then you wonder how stupid that person that broke up with you is. And they cycle goes on. I hope that the therapy helps. You deserve better!
from smilefactory :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! :->
from dana-elayne :
Only because you asked...those "hot" guys who don't seem to stay. Well, they don't seem to stay because they were never as involved to begin with. You are a very pretty girl. I think you're just rushing things though. You got out of a really long relationship. It is amazing that you're still friends with him. I think you just really need to sit down and write a list of the things you want. Seriously. A list of at least 50 qualities that you want. After I did so, Mark and I found each other. Is our relationship perfect? Nah. No relationship is. Are there times when I wish he'd pay more attention or when he'd be more mushy. Of course, but it all works out in the end. He's imperfect and our relationship is imperfect, but it is the kind that I can live with. Sometimes you have to give the nerdy boys a chance, they can be the very best kind of boyfriend--thoughtful, interesting, and kind.
from dana-elayne :
See the last note I left here...27 was horrible. Of course, I should add...28 and 29 sucked butt, too. I hope that everything gets better soon!
from basal :
from dana-elayne :
*hugs* I'm so sorry about Jose. I know where you're coming from though. Believe it or not...27 was my WORST dating year. I was dating a real jerkwad who would constantly jerk me around and treat me like crap. I thought I deserved to be treated that way was the worst part of it all. Just know that you're WAY better than Jose could ever hope to do!
from darkbeans :
hey, the summer is not so far off. plan something. even if it's small. i scoffed at the idea, but it does help. try and get wrapped up in the planning. my two cents. i hope it helps.
from darkbeans :
i am so sorry. if you need someone to talk to --IM or email or phone-- let me know. as i have found out lately, we are not alone. nor need we suffer alone.
from dangerspouse :
So after reading that entire New Year's entry, as great as it was the one thing I keep obsessing over is: Is your head as big as an un-husked coconut (with the big green exterior), or one of the brown, 3-eyed supermarket unhusked ones?
from teachersrock :
Hey, It's me, again! I saw your newest entry. I read the part about the kitty. If it's all black, you should name it Midnight. That's what I named the cat I used to have. ~*Stephanie*~
from marebear78 :
I really like your diary! I wish you much luck with Justin. He sounds like he needs the right amount of patience to really stick. Also, thanks for the tip about Bridget Jones. I feel the same way about Renee (HATED her in Cold Mountain, love her as Bridget)
from teachersrock :
Hey! I found your site and added you a while ago and thought that I would say, I LOVE reading ur diary! I give you props for having a job I would like to have when I'm old enough. I have 6 more years of school left though. I hope you get better though. Sincerely, Stephanie
from dana-elayne :
I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this. I know it may seem like it now, but if you know in your heart of hearts that it isn't right...then, you should totally go with that feeling!
from dana-elayne :
Hope everything is okay. *worried look* Let us know if you need anything.
from msgaladriel :
I saw from your diary that you're coming over to Europe. If you'd like to discuss anything to do with England, drop me an email at [email protected]. I'm based in London and more than happy to answer any questions you have.
from thatmarygirl :
from dana-elayne :
Its totally acceptable to expect him to work. I mean good grief he is an adult. Sometimes, we just have to "buck up camper" and get it done. While I typically like my job, there are some days I'd rather not go in, but you know what _it's my job_ and I have to do it. I loved _Dude Where's My Country_. I'm reading the Bush-Hater's Handbook and a couple of other books right now. *YEAH* Vacation :)
from msgaladriel :
Go the party! I'm sure you'll be fine and this way you'll get another chance to mix with everyone and like you said in your diary - redeem yourself. We've all had similar experiences to you - only last week at my work Xmas do I told the head of our department that I'd applied to become a teacher and would be leaving next year. Yup, that's right - I AM that stupid! Go to the party and have a great time :)
from lisse :
thanks for your advice. i was hoping for some suggestions from a teacher. no one else really understands the importance of your cooperating teacher's recommendation. anyways, yes, i get to fill out an eval, but i doubt it'll be that harsh. CT won a recognition award last year for having so many thankful and happy student teachers. (she takes one nearly every year...go figure that i'm the only distraught one.)
from crepeguru :
I noticed you have me listed as a favorite diary (thanks, by the way). Just so you know, I've moved to not that update very often. Just an FYI.
from msgaladriel :
Hi, I just tried to access your diary and you've locked it! I hope everything's ok and I'm looking forward to reading your diary again sometime soon. If you'd like to let me into your diary(!), please email me on [email protected].
from lisse :
For some fun young adult books, try the "Princess Diaries" series. I read all four in a couple days. They're now in my teacher library. (Don't base your opinion on the movie... Disney butchered it.)
from msgaladriel :
Hi again! I just read my notes, thank you for your note. I've also read Fast Food Nation - my favourite chapter was on how they create the smell/taste of food. Glad to hear your move went ok. I think you mentioned in your diary that you've seen it but if you haven't you HAVE to see Pirates of the Caribbean!
from msgaladriel :
Hi Ms Boombastic! I really do love reading your diary, it's so nice to see that other people feel the same way as I do about certain things. I'm applying to do teacher training (to start in 2004) and my main fear at the moment is that I don't actually KNOW anything about Literature (you know, even though I have a BA and an MA in it). It makes me feel less of an idiot when I read that you have the same insecurities as me. My most common saying at the moment is "They are just going to KNOW that I'm not a REAL teacher. I mean teachers are SMART and I'm so not smart". And then my husband described me as being intellectual and it made my day. Thanks Ms Boombastic!
from thatmarygirl :
Fast Food Nation!!! yes.
from thatmarygirl :
good luck with everything!
from thatmarygirl :
wonder boys is so, so good.
from msgaladriel :
Hi again - thanks for your note on my page. I'm going to create my booklist this weekend. Woo!
from msgaladriel :
Hi - thanks for your note! I just tried to email you but it didn't seem to work. I'm particularly impressed by your booklist page and was thinking of doing something similar (I don't want to use your code but I like the format of your list). I just wanted to check if that's ok with you - happy to credit you/link back to you if you'd like. I really like your scoring system as well and wouldn't mind using it. Totally understand if you're not happy with this. Again sorry I couldn't email this privately.
from gwenllian :
Hey, thanks for adding me to your favorites. I saw on your profile that you used to teach high school. So did I! Last year I taught 8th Lang. Arts. I will be teaching Journalism this year.
from dana-elayne :
I had a panel interview to get my current job. They ended up having only one person speak, but I knew that I'd better make eye contact with everyone in there. Just remember...if you can control a room of hormonal teenagers, you've got that interview all wrapped up! :) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
from rhondarubard :
Thanks for the note! I really appreciate it! I hope to make a full recovery soon! Take care! Love, Rhonda
from leishastar :
You left a note about that summer camp on the coast a while back, but I'm not sure where it is. That's cool you live there, though. And don't let other teachers get you down. I work in a kindergarten classroom, and some of the other teachers are the worst part of my job. But I have to keep reminding myself that it's all about the kids. And thanks for the advice on the shower/football player thing. I'll have to start showering in the boys locker room at the gym from now on. That would be an interesting way to meet someone new. Hmmm.....
from dana-elayne :
Four weeks!? Four? Oh that just struck dread in my heart. My seniors will be done tomorrow. My underclassmen will be done on Friday *whoo*
from leishastar :
Ok, so maybe now I can consider those tickets a little more seriously. Everyone thinks I'm in high school anyway. What kind of seats do you have? The best that's left are 21st row on ground floor. Is that good? (I've never been to the Rose Garden before)
from dana-elayne :
My students liked the Leo/Claire version so much better than the older one. No boobs! ;)
from supernovae :
Okay, I deserved that. What I really meant was (after having seen other HS teacher diaries, some by people who weren't teaching just yet) that being a few years out of high school and reading sentiments from youngish teachers, I realized that they were real people and had feelings just like the rest of us (by "not so smart," I didn't mean 'dumber,' I meant "not so much smarter than the rest of us after all" and I made the bad joke that this would be a problem when students realize that they're more equal to them than they may have thought). I can't say that I realized that until recently. I never really respected teachers much - I mean, I'd participate in classes and do well on tests and have lots of conversations with them, and I've even gone back and visited my high school (though I don't now because my favourite teachers have retired and I still get things thrown at me), but I never really respected their 'authority,' especially because most of them didn't do anything to stop other people from harassing me. Anyway, there wasn't anything personal meant by what I said (and this is one of those few times that I can say that honestly). As a matter of fact, I haven't really been reading your diary, I just noticed it one time back when the background was white and the title said something like "Ms. Boombastic - Simply Fantastic" and I was so impressed with the layout I went and added it as a favourite without really thinking first. I was probably one of those "dregs of society" banner hits when you first signed up for supergold or something. I'm not a very personable person, and I couldn't compel you to add me as a favourite even if I really wanted you to. If I can't think of something amusing to say in my comments, then I'll probably just remove you from my favourites list. I don't spend enough time reading other people's diaries to justify maintaing a favourites list. I'm every bit as rude and selfish as you must think I am, and I regret stomping onto your territory. If you've read the rest of my profile page, you no doubt see me as concieted and arrogant. I protest by saying it's not intentional - I'm just stupid to begin with and I don't think before I act, speak, or type. I'm having a grand old time just flopping my way through life. I thank you for bringing this to my attention in an unpleasant manner. I'm not being sarcastic. I hate it when I get mail saying that someone has signed one of my guestbooks (whether from my diary or from my main website). It's almost always someone lodging a complaint about something. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what you've said; I'm just lamenting about how everyone thinks I'm out to get them just because I think everyone is out to get me. =) You no doubt see me as a stupid, loser, undergrad, lousy GPA drug addict (and I protest that part, because I only smoke up about once every two months on average, and I only go to bars a few times a year). Thank you for being the reminder of the reality that floats around me that I must now learn to co-exist with. - William Matheson
from dana-elayne :
Good gosh! Thirty-nine students in a classroom is insane. I can't imagine working with that many kids at one time. How can the state cut twenty days off the schedule? Is there not a state mandated attendance policy? In Georgia, the students have 180 days and the teachers have 190. I'm just still in shock about your student load.
from dana-elayne :
*eep* That is scary. I'd have been petrified! I'm glad you and the house are okay. Don't feel bad. My best friend was making chicken stir fry one night while I was talking to her on the phone. She's usually a very bright girl. All of a sudden, I hear this horrible popping noise and she screams. The girl had been trying to make stir fry in a pyrex dish on an stovetop eye. Good gracious! She can laugh now, but it scared her so much!
from dana-elayne :
I had a para-pro in my classroom last semester. While I liked her, she was a total distraction. I had to make her stop talking to the students while I was lecturing. She'd come and go disrupting my class each time. I finally sent her to the teacher workroom to grade papers and run copies.
from drowningblue :
just wanted to say hey and that i love reading your diary! it always bring a smile to my face when i read about your students and school. i have a year and 1/2 of school left before i get thrown into the teaching world. :) woohoo...seems like a lifetime though. anyways, this is turning out to be longer than i meant it to so i better go. bye!
from mischief :
Just so you know, Gilmore Girls was a re-run tonight. They showed the season premiere again, so if you saw that the first go-round you didn't miss a single thing!
from jawns :
I had trouble signing your guestbook too, so here's my Note: I like the new design. It's a little easier to read than the gray and white design. But no Shaggy?!? I'll bet you shed a tear when you took that photo down. :)
from peeperjen :
I tried to sign your guestbook, but it was acting funny, so I decided to sign here. Anyway, it's so nice to hear my exact thoughts come out of someone else's mouth (the whole second paragraph on Nov. 8). And it's not the pay that's crappy, it's the lack of respect from everyone (especially the school district and the general public). They need to give us something -- if they're not going to pay us more, then they should at least give us more respect. Respect the fact that we spend approximately 12 hours a day doing our jobs (between time at school and home-time spent grading papers and planning). Plus some of us don't even get a break when we sleep (I had a dream about school last night). Don't get me wrong, though, I really do love my job. Oh yes, and a tip for stopping the kids involved in side conversations? Kill them. Good luck!
from blueeyes87 :
hey i found ur diary some how and i love it! its hillarious and great all at the same time. katie lew
from mischief :
How funny! I'm completely obsessed with American Idol, too. (It's '70's week this week and '80's week the following week, by the way. Sensing a trend here?) And I also just watched Crossroads because I just HAD to see it and I liked it, which sort of surprised me but sort of didn't, and compared to Glitter it looks like a cinematic masterpiece!
from mischief :
$79? Yikes! But something tells me I will buy it anyway .. just because. I'm going through Felicity withdrawl anyway. Thanks for the heads up!
from unluckyme :
Stray cats are so magnificently wonderful. Two of my friends have a group of cats that basically live on their porches, and for some reason, I'm so envious. I always wanted a cat too. Sigh.
from mischief :
I'm reading How to Be Good right now, too .. and I must say, I have to agree with you about it kinda sucking. I thought maybe it was just me or maybe somewhere along the lines it will pick up .. but I'm over halfway through (determined to finish it anyway) and it's still .. well .. not so good.
from deslayerette :
I like your diary.
from neishia :
Wow, I had no idea I was interesting enough for someone to read my archives. heh. Thanks! :)
from mischief :
Silly me! I just read your entry where you mentioned books and you've just purchased Jemima J. :) It's good stuff though.
from mischief :
Latest Bridget-clone book that I've read : Jemima J - A Novel About Ugly Ducklings and Swans. Pure fluff. But I really really liked it. I thought I'd recommend that one to you if you're still on that Bridget-esque kick. Oh, and I also picked up the Shopaholic sequel. Couldn't decide if I liked it better than the first though.
from epiphany :
My advice is to stick with The Corrections, if you can. It gets good again. Then again, I liked it from the beginning - it was only during the drug stuff and the cruise that it lost me.
from rhondarubard :
High School Teacher? You are a brave, brave woman. I teach third grade, and already they're able to beat me up (just kidding...or am I?) I would have to say that one of the downsides of teaching is all of the "after school homework" I have to do. This includes my mandated hours for training, grading papers (which isn't too bad), and meeting (especially with the principal). Well, now that I've written a book in your notes section, I guess I'll go now. I really like your journal. I just read a few entries, but definitely will be back to follow.
from jawns :
On your January 6 entry: In addition to the legendary Piggly-Wiggly, there is also a southern chain of convenience marts called the Starvin' Marvin. And heck, I thought Starvin' Marvin was just the name of the etheopian kid on South Park.
from mischief :
Yay for Bridget Jones! But in any case, the book I just finished and couldn't put down (the 610 page one) is Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married by Marian Keyes. I've also read Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella (love, love, LOVED it) and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (loved it as well, but if you're as into Bridget as I am, you've probably already read it) in the last week. I've got a whole big fat list of similar books that I'm going to attempt to find later today. Must feed the addiction. :) Happy reading!
from jawns :
Hey Ms. Boombastic: I totally agree with you about the Shakespeare thing. I've always vowed that if I ever have to teach a literature course, it's going to be called "Cliffs Notes: How They're Better Than Reading the Actual Book." (My opinion, as an English Lit major, is that reading "classic" or canonical works is only useful to increase one's knowledge base of literary allusions, which can be done just as well with Cliffs Notes.) And don't get me started on poetry, but I'm glad your kids are enjoying it. :)
from aglaia :
Your diary is adorable! I don't think I've every read into the "mind of a teacher" so it's been a fun little read. I'll be back to read more!
from epiphany :
Hey, what about "Resistance Song"? :) Great diary.
from frenchgirl2 :
Hey there- just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your diary. Only 3 months to winter break! Woohoo!
from jawns :
Wow, I feel so bad about your apartment and all the inconvenience it's causing you. But at least you found a new place, and I hope it works out for your neighbor with the two kids too. I'll keep all of you in my prayers. But most of all, I'll keep your sleazy landlord in my prayers, hoping that he realizes the right thing to do. Take care! PS: You mentioned Beowulf. I wrote my high school senior year term paper -- a 10-pager that was voluntarily all in iambic pentameter -- on Beowulf's sexual preference. Quite an interesting area of research.
from frenchgirl2 :
Hi msboombastic! I am a Middle School teacher in Michigan. I can sympathize with a lot that you write about. Even the bad stuff brings a smile to my face because that has happend to me too! Like, my mentor. . . I rarely see the woman (she is in another building!!) and hasn't done as much mentoring as criticizing that I don't speak enough French to the kids (puhleeze they are like 10!). We also target the borderline kids to try to get them to pass the MEAP (our standardized test and a 4 letter word). I also have had people covet my room and think that they can take it because they are tenured and I am not. And I have had an evil teacher who I cannot stand. . . that would be the Spanish teacher but you know what? She got her Master's in counceling and left our fair school! Keep up the front, good luck on your first day back, and remember what you're supposed to say. . . Just say no!
from jawns :
Ah yes, you too have felt the overpowering urge to adopt a pseudonym. Keep on truckin! -- Your one reader :)

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