messages to musicman575:
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from papotheclown :
I really hope that there is Ryan C fan fiction. I hope it's extremely speculative and highly erotic. I will read the shit out of that once I find it.
from jilllybean22 :
from greenstar7 :
your last entry made me happy. you sound so grown up. i just like the way that i saw you in my mind as you wrote it. its a good you. heres to good days.
from dudemanflab :
For some reason, I am drawing a complete blank when it comes to said goat-canal incident. All the memories you have of me are more crazy than anyone else's. I think you bring out the wild in me, Sir.
from sahera :
YAY Jesse!! Yesterday was awesome!
from greenstar7 :
happy grad-uation!!!! and you new diary is sweet. i also saw nigel walking down church st. is truly strange and yet not so much...
from cindylou03 :
JESSE!!!!!!!! WOW.

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