messages to my51dreams:
(click here to add new message):

from jaggedvision :
from pinkyrink :
Hello my is Candace. I am at work going crazy...e-mail me if you can at [email protected]
from laurelote :
Ahoy! Thanks for joining my (Captain!) Jack Sparrow diaryring, mate!
from gnometits :
you can add me to your friendster!!! my e mail address is [email protected]
from sex-n-candy :
yes hektor, oh hektor. and i loved igby goes down, and i hate sign my guestbook dot com.
from hottieheat :
i hate sign my guest book dot com. i hate it. i just signed like an eight page adorable letter and its gone, just gone. i have tried to sign your guest book every day for like three weeks to no avail. i give up. and i repeat, i hate sygb.c
from pantalatina :
I love your taste in write beautifully.
from indie-snob :
Hello! I just added another Hot Hot Heat review (my first was done back in March) and thought you may be interested. I have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here, too, including Radiohead, Coldplay, two OK Go reviews, Cat Power, Zwan and the Postal Service (wow, I like your favorites). Check it out, thanks!
from yngdivorcee :
I have learned that as cliche as it sounds, that life is full of self fulfilling beliefs and behaviors. I have lived this, seen it happen, so in response to your diary this is what I think. If you believe that day will come,and you allow yourself to take the risks to get there, both emotionally and otherwise, then you will see your dream come true. Do not ever doubt it fora minute, because the minute you do, and you allow your mind to second guess and pick it all apart then you will create that which you fear most. I have lived it, and seen it, time and time again, and its downright spooky how true it is. Be free, allow yourself to be happy, be reasonably responsible, follow your dreams and they will be true. You will make them so. I promise. ~v.
from raschel :
Hey, thanks for joining the ocean-diaryring. Welcome!
from yngdivorcee :
I was just thinking about you, and pop there came a new entry. I wish I had been dancing with you as well, I know it would have been the best of times. But your note to me was almost as great, and made my day. If you find the magic ticket back to the start please...take me with you :) ~v.
from iwant-joel :
both. haha. howd u know im mormon?
from iwant-joel :
that would suck, a lot. but when you have cars, are you really outside in the heat that much yanno? So it shouldnt be that bad.
from iwant-joel :
Sorry i left this out: happy birthday! or late, im not sure. =D
from iwant-joel :
You are welcome, im not sure if i remember who was sitting in the front or not. I was sitting on the left side, but you could call it the side closest to the entrence. And in the middle-ish. Was roni the one that gave the big speech? Well a lot of people did, but was she the first blonde girl? That was beautiful. Friends would be great.
from iwant-joel :
hey, you dont know me. But i live in las vegas, and i was reading a couple of your entrys. I went to crystal's funeral here. My dad worked with her dad at cox communications, and i didnt know crystal that well but i did know her atleast. And i just wanted to say sorry that shes gone, i dont know you and all. Im not sure if you got up there and talked. But it was a really good funeral for her. Its too sad that shes gone. Hope youll answer back to this.
from the29th :
Hey, happy birthday. Sorry I missed telling you that until now.
from yngdivorcee :
If you wanted to know how I am doing, I just put an entry in for you. If nothing else, it shoudl give you a laugh. Those glasses are awesome, I hope you get them! ~v.
from yngdivorcee :
Its when youve given up, and simply either don't care, or can't be bothered to think about caring , that everything takes on new light and it all begins again. you are amazing. :) ~v.
from yngdivorcee :
Sometimes I think that my notes are preachy and annoying. I am glad that you like them,and that you arent taking me for some sort of nosey over opinionated person. I like what you write, and I understand where you might be coming from, I think. I see so many good qualities in you, and I love to read your entries and see how youre doing, so if I don't write, its just because I dont want to overwhelm your diary notes with silly comments, but I am here :) youre really cool, and I am glad I know you.
from yngdivorcee :
the night I asked my husband if he needed me, really needed me, and he said he didnt thinkso...was the night I knew it was over. you havelife, you have charm, and you never know how much people really need you. I am a litte unsober...but i mean what I say. :) ~v.
from yngdivorcee :
I love your cast :) Okay so, here is the good news,people say your teenage years are the best and worst, and it only gets worse as you get older. As someone who is older, not too old, but old enough I can tell you with all vertainty your issues may get worse,but the manner in which you see them will only get better and as a result, your teenage/college years end up just being the most amazing on reflection, giving you the experience and character to embrace the person who you are. As far as I am concerned, that makes it only get better, giving you more power, condifence and knowledge to be happy forever. And you, as far as I have read will be even more of a spectacular flower than you already are :) ~v.
from one-eight-7 :
ahhh spank you, yeah im trying to get the hang of this whole thing. i've been using melodramatic as my journal thingy, but i need a change. but my melo does kick ass. haha, well sorry for whipping out the melo terms on ya..well thank you for being nice my dear.
from one-eight-7 : hot heat..the postal service..go you
from yngdivorcee :
I know exactly how you feel. Thank you for your note, I tried to send you a thank you email, but the email I sent it to was just returned...If you have an email, there is a picture I want to send you. Nobody feels liek they fit in, all we want is to feel that comfort with the person or people we fit in with, all we want is to be loved, and nothing fills that space, except to fill it with love. But how. not right now, and right now is when we need it. In this cyber world, I will hold your hand. :) Goodnight...
from yngdivorcee :
Hi. well I hadn't read in a few days, and so I have many thoughts on your entries. Firstly, your dream about the boy. Sometimes our minds talk to us in dreams, I really believe this, and so I think it realy was a message that everything will be okay. I know exactly how you feel, struggling with getting back what you once wanted, trying to figure out how to get it. The only answer I have ever come up with is to just be yourself, do what you need to do, be honest with yourself in doing so and it will all come to you. Everything that you need. (This is such a ramble in notes, perhaps I should just make this a diary entry to you...) ~v.
from yngdivorcee :
re: will you sleep tonight. The ocean is like life healing. I hope you get there to your dreams, and one day this horrible hell of a place will be behind you, and you will be happy. I know exactly how you feel. Shall we see who gets to their ocean first? I'll hang in if you will. ;) ~v.
from yngdivorcee :
I love your most recent entry. If we hold on to things with conviction and stop second guessing ourselves, then I guess its all true and nothing can defeat that. Thanks for the enjoyable and firm diary today.
from eveningsun :
beautiful words in a beautiful lay-out.. wow!
from eveningsun :
beautiful words in a beautiful lay-out.. wow!
from onechoice :
awesome for you...june 7-8th will be the best day of my life:
from gnometits :
it always feels good to go home.
from serenekiss :
I think this is the natalie in my 3rd hour! well if it is its alyss in 3rd per. hehe! your such a awesome girl with the best style eva! luv yah!
from behindamoat :
excellent taste in...well...everything.... interesting journals as well...
from onechoice :
ah, darling, your words are beautiful as always. thank you for the offer of congratulations, but my rational side has taken over after a drunken starry eyed night. the boy is in my life though, and it is good. and i am nineteen.
from jzyjsmalls :
Re: Karate recommendation - Thanks for the suggestion! I'll check them out. Glad to see people are visiting my diary :). Have a nice day!
from im-not-here :
whoa whoa whoa...that other diary is yours too? i had no idea. i just went to everyone who had karate listed and looked at their stuff. see, we were meant to find each other :)
from rj-rj-rj :
You say that you "wish that someone was here to save me." Someone has already saved you...Go back to Him. He'll take you back with open arms. Love in Him, R.J.
from rose-trees :
guess what? me too.
from rose-trees :
I like reading your profile because it puts all of those songs in my head at once. It is great.
from im-not-here :
whoa, your new layout makes me fear the **blue crush**!!! did you see that movie, on my top 5 good/bad movies of the year.
from rose-trees :
i am single too. i only ever mind on valentine's day.
from megang :
death cab for cutie will definitly be playing all day=)for its single awareness day.
from megang :
your diary made me smile. I fucking hate valentines day.
from im-not-here :
i am the a in your name. a smile is slightly forging its way forward for us both.
from onechoice :
your diary (and you) are gray and pretty. and i agree. i like your lyrics for that song much better.
from rose-trees :
what happened?
from im-not-here :
do you ever use aol instant messenger? if so. im me sometime. marlasinger270
from im-not-here :
thank you for your kind words. they made me smile from my toes. i gave you an email once a little while ago. i thought that you thought that i was some wierd stalker-type. i am here to tell you that i am not. i enjoyed your entry today as well. sad and nostalgic and familiar. did you write or find i wonder? either way somethings have a way of making themselves our own. i hope your day is full of magic. (p.s. it warms me to know that you like ok go too! we become one in the same with each passing day.)
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from im-not-here :
guess what? i also love karate. i also love fight club i also love geoff farina i also love chuck palahniuk. we must be twins.
from unmaskedhero :
thanks for the secret stars info, and yeah Karates great but its alot easier to find than secret stars or geoff farina.
from my51dreams : the used.
from luluslost :
I had an urge to write you an e-mail today but i realized i dont have the address... Just wanted to say I love you and I just started to write again...Love you... -Lauren Stemmler [email protected]
from alilemoboy :
Your Diary is so cool and I love your love for music (even though mines better *cough cough*) I mean you have everything except ska, what's that about. Anyways you seem like a very cool person and yeah I have nothing more to say. I just ran across your name when I clicked Chuck Palahniuk and you popped up, I read, I liked keep writing. Buh bye.
from my51dreams :
from my51dreams :
from sex-n-candy :
it is and will be more than extremely special, please dont say its not before its even begun. dont let me be the cause of bad charma. i didnt want to be that way, and its not how i feel. if my mom will keep the kids, and i think she will, i will be there on the beach with you and nothing will make me happier and nothing could be more perfect. no drama. <3
from gnometits :
i have a guest book now yo. check it out. rock and roll foreva.
from my51dreams :
from xcavemanx :
from gnometits :
the catcher in the rye is one of my favorite books.
from my51dreams :
from pierrecoghil :
so, i am supposed to be your love?
from my51dreams :
from my51dreams :
from ray-andrew :
dead diary=sad
from ray-andrew :
I don know how to get a guest book. I have never had one before!
from ray-andrew :
Great music taste! Loved the giant in gloves entry.
from xcavemanx :
i want the sky to be red. cuz i wonder if it will hurt our eyes. well maybe not cuz it would be normal to us. =/
from thentheresme :
Your name of Natalie-Rose creates a passive, friendly, easy-going nature, but your desire for sociability and the pleasant things in life makes you too easily influenced through your associations. You are too generous and if appealed to will give all you have because you find it difficult to say "no" and mean it. You do not like to create tension or friction and will try various means to avoid such situations. You are very idealistic. You have imagination and many ideas but lack the ambition and drive necessary to accomplish your undertakings. Many times you dream about the things you desire in life, but when it comes down to putting forth the necessary effort and accomplishing your goals, you do not have the strength and initiative. This name does not allow you the system and order your life requires to run in a smooth, efficient way, and if possible you will avoid having to make decisions because you feel much more secure when you can lean on others. Many times you make promises you do not keep, although your intentions are always good. Any weakness in your health would cause you to suffer through either kidney trouble, female problems, or varicose veins. Due to a sensitivity in your nervous system, you could experience nervous disorders.
from sex-n-candy :
natalie, your entry today was the cutest entry ive seen in all my diaryland days...<3
from thentheresme :
Natalie. Sorry I've been weird and mean lately. Don't take my shit. Tell me what a bitch I am. I can take it. I think that's what I want you to do. I LOVE YOU!!!
from thentheresme :
You're cute!! Kiss!
from xcavemanx :
oh i <3 you. rawr!

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