messages to myrkur:
(click here to add new message):

from myrkur :
your notes are off. please email me. [email protected] thank you.
from waldon :
I haven't talked to you in forever. How are you?
from milkandpasta :
skirv. vil du ikke?
from milkandpasta :
s� g�r du lige som mig.
from milkandpasta :
er du sikker p� de ikke bare er p� standby?
from milkandpasta :
Er det ikke en afvejning mellem at kende mange overfladisk, og nogle f� ind til knoglerne? Begge har sine fordele, begge sine ulemper, men jeg h�lder mere i retningen af de f�. -- du bliver en god mor, tror jeg.
from blueallover :
i wonder how you've grown
from milkandpasta :
jeg skal s�dan set ikke nogle steder. jeg er bare flyttet fra kollegiet. det, som jeg nogle gange skriver i dagbogen, er meget kaotisk og intetsigende. jeg skriver kun n�r jeg er fuld. - - men det er lang tid siden jeg har set noget af et menneske, som ikke rutinem�ssigt skuespil.
from milkandpasta :
maaske skulle du overveje at begynde at skrive igen
from blueallover :
i am 21 as well and excited as hell to learn that my diaryland is still existent.
from plume :
Wow, under byen. I still have 15 concerts from them that I need to listen to.
from resurfacing :
i want to talk to you...miss talking to you...miss loving you...
from resurfacing :
your entry has made me miss you even more
from zatch :
the end of the world
from blueallover :
the irony on my part is halfway through your entry i wondered why you did post in english. then i became a little sad when you stopped. i do wish i weren't so removed from your life as little comfort as that may be. i'm so curious about you.
from milkandpasta :
jeg kan ikke engang huske hvorn�r jeg skrev det... det handler ikke om et band jo.
from milkandpasta :
from blueallover :
i've signed my life to the u.s. army and if i go overseas i'll most definitely be going to europe... perhaps we could arrange a meeting?
from blueallover :
just dropping by to let you know i'm still existing and am glad to learn you are as well. i think i also miss you.
from milkandpasta :
yeah... but i don�t think it�ll go away. i don�t think the doctor will make it go away either. i used to see suicide as one, but certain escape route from all this mess, but now... i don�t really know. maybe it won�t set you free either. expecting help from the outside is just another blind alley you run into just to end up banging your head against the wall. It�s not coming, and, in a way, it is good to know. Live as long as you can take it. Maybe you�re not made for this world, and maybe I�m not either. If you want company, just call.
from milkandpasta :
It�s oversensitivity. These ever returning moments whey you fill up with fear, anger, despair and helplessness so much that it physically hurts. Depression only comes along, the eternal companion. People seem to move on. They keep going back to their schools and jobs, like it�s the most natural thing of all. Like it�s the only way the things could be. Meanwhile, not being able to escape, you learn to play along, and pretend that you�re living your life... but you�re not. You�re standing aside watching the sleeping world pass you by, and noone, noone knows where you really are.
from milkandpasta :
Maybe it's the other way around. We're alone cause everyone else is asleep, and we're the only ones awake. Death would put us back to sleep. If everything's an illusion though... then it's been a pleasure to meet you in this dream.
from cylee305 :
its wonderful to have found your voice again :)
from half-empty :
nice to see you're still around...even if i have no idea how you are. presence just does something for me. still think of you now and then. by the way, i'm moving. finally going to start with the writing again. xo
from plume :
jeg har addederet leira instedet. Jeg har st�et stille i 5 �r heh. Jeg har det udem�rket. Livet g�r mig nerv�s. Men g�r det s� g�r det. Hvordan g�r det?
from plume :
Well, du har altid v�ret en favorit, selv n�r jeg ikke kunne l�se dig... jeg flyttede bare alle mine favoritter fra min links entry til min dland faves for nylig. Derfor dukker jeg pludselig op. Og nu er du pludselig unlocked, og der er en lj (jeg har added dig, hvis jeg m�...) og et website og alt...Long time no see. <--- fantastisk.
from blueallover :
oh. my. god. i knew it was a good thing i didn't delete you off my friend's list. i miss you terribly.
from sin- :
Now I have a livejournal, yay! It looks like crap and all but hey, it's there....
from sin- :
nah, i dont have a livejournal; the whole thing about needed a code from someone else to get an acct sort of put me off. but who knows, maybe i'll still get one at some point. i had a look at your site and that is some lovely photography you've got there. you're really talented, in my opinion....
from sin- :
i hope everything is ok with locked your diary (again) and I don't want to pry if you want to be left alone...thinking of you, sweetie...lots of hugs...
from mindspin :
It's definitely been awhile. Love to hear from you sometime. Is this locked, or do you not update it anymore?
from xgoddess :
you naughty face. i knocked the door so hard but still you didn't let me in. (can i have password or sth?) <3
from xgoddess :
knock knock?
from raped :
I want to meet you when I get to London. <3
from flagermus :
�hh. hvem fanden er aya? (det der m�gband, haha). anyway. jeg ved godt. at det m�ske lyder som om jeg overdriver og s�dan noget. og .. ja.. men als�... jeg har ikk �bnet een fysik bog hele �ret. og ja.. ad. og desuden f�r jeg l�n her om en uge. og den skal holde til b�de sidste skoledag & kashmir-dims (og tim c og barometer - hvis det var) det var rimelig fucked kun med 300kr. hehhh. men als�. det er bedst jeg blir hjemme. .. skal du til kashmir eller hva? hvordan gik din sidste skoledag? hee.
from flagermus :
jeg dropper barometertr�f & tim c. jeg s� lige hvor meget jeg skal l�se. pyhhh. r��vvv. g�r det?
from gallinula :
a home's nice; sure, yeah, you can go whever you feel safest.
from iglooo :
from gallinula :
home, essentially.
from gallinula :
don't give up so easily now. . .
from blueallover :
there's a gap in between. there's a gap where we meet, where i end and you begin.
from antigen-x :
i just woke up, so im too tired to make sense, so instead i'll just send positive happy love vibes your way. *wiggles fingers*
from raped :
Phil Elvrum<3 You<3
from zatch :
thanks for the reply. you are my first note. "tee-hee."
from flagermus :
�h. tak. smiler nu. meget. du er rar. rigtig meget. kys.
from blueallover :
i thought i'd not hear from you again. :) miss you crazy - your little daisy
from waldon :
Are you still around? I'm listening to the song you sent me. Pretty damn sweet, like you.
from half-empty :
i kinda wish i'd see you around, or that i could be there; that i could be just a fraction of what i once was...
from blueallover :
sometimes, those forgetters wonder if you care they've forgotten. at least i should think so.
from zatch :
i like the way you write. so dark.
from obidil :
lad v�re med at give op.
from xenorevlis :
happy (belated, since itstomorrow already) valentine's. i'll mail it out to you soon with something else too.
from hysareyl :
Vanen med ikke at tro p� komplimenter, tror jeg faktisk ikke er uundg�elig for alle, ikke for gennemf�rte narcissister og egoister... Men for mig, og for dig, er de... Uundg�elige...
from half-empty :
it's nice to have you on the map. :)
from hysareyl :
Ah, s�danne vaner kender jeg godt fra mig selv...
from hysareyl :
Slet slet intet, men hvorfor vil du egentlig ogs� det?
from hysareyl :
Himmel og helvede er hvad man g�r det til, og hvis jeg ikke tager fejl, s� er der mange af jer sataner, jeg har sikkert adlydt en eller flere... jeg synes stadig du er smuk...
from hysareyl :
N�hjah, det husker jeg godt... S� derfor bestemmer du... alt... okay, og hvis jeg ikke adlyder?
from hysareyl :
Det vil sige, at du skal bestemme hvem der m� mene hvad? Pisse uretf�rdigt...
from hysareyl :
M� jeg ikke selv bestemme om jeg mener at du er smuk eller ej?
from mindspin :
90 days.
from hysareyl :
Du er s� smuk, in all your essence.
from sickofsex :
Hey, I think I'm the first to see your new design, because your older pages have the old one. It looks absolutely beautiful.
from blueallover :
despite your absence of feelings i'll always have some you could borrow should you need them.
from trashpunk :
jeg ved det. har det lidt p� samme m�de lige nu. faktisk ret meget tomt.
from pinkglass :
from trashpunk :
something happend?
from realtin :
ohhhh great layout .. really! i like it .. and i love conor... and by the way .. i adore your photos .. they're inspiring
from kaukanakotoa :
Yooung, I looove yah. A part of my Costa Rica-pictures can be found online. I'm the girl with the blue shirt. The blonde girl is Linda from Norway. The guy in the first picture was the love of my life. Ohh no but that's you! So he must be the next best thing. I've missed you... but I guess you know that. <3! - Elina
from waldon :
Here's a thought for you. Right now, thinking about you.
from trashpunk :
a special few.
from trashpunk :
verden er ond.
from plume :
what's wrong with being a girl? I like girls. If I wasn't a boy I would have wanted to be one.
from flagermus :
arhj! man. det bestemmer hun da ikke.. hehh. men okaje.. du siger bare til. ig�s. : )
from flagermus :
okaj.. *ae*.. �h! en labret. det oss pisse seje! virkelig. min bror har lige f�et en .. det g�r ikk s� ondt sir han. jeg vil godt tage med og holde dig i h�nden. hvis det er?
from flagermus :
uhu. :/ det' s�dt. hehh. nej! tager den ikke ud. hehh. hvordan har du det?
from flagermus :
uh. g�r du?.. jeg blev glad over din sms forleden. havde ingen penge p�.. ville ellers gerne have svaret. men .. ja. jeg har f�et ring i n�sen. igen. hehh.
from flagermus :
bwah.. jeg savner dig. mhm..
from ciaramyst :
from trashpunk :
Min k�reste m� ha t�ndt computeren og msn m� ha auto logget p�. derfor svarede jeg ikke tidligere.
from hysareyl :
Det er som sagt dit eget valg...
from hysareyl :
Jeg er ikke farlig, jeg bider ikke, jeg d�mmer ikke, men det er stadig dit valg...
from trashpunk :
hvem/hvad hader du?
from hysareyl :
Hmm, okay... Jeg ved ikke, jeg kan sige mange ting, om hvordan jeg selv lige har siddet og stirret ud i tomheden uden at kunne se en vej v�k fra det hele, og uden at kunne forestille mig at jeg kan klare det - men det hj�lper intet, g�r det vel? Jeg kan bruge min p�tvunge positivitet og sige at alt nok skal g�, hvilket det naturligvis vil, det g�r det altid, der er bare s� meget smerte p� vej hen til det punkt hvor man er befriet, men jeg har ligesom p� fornemmelsen at et menneske s� smukt og godt som du, nok skal klare det, jeg har altid v�ret �rlig, og det er jeg ogs� h�r, ja... Hmm, jeg ved ikke om jeg t�r bede dig om koden eller ej...
from plume :
I wish I could be there. I'm barely here. For 3 �r siden havde jeg intet. Jeg var d�d. Alt var d�dt. Verden var g�et under. Det hj�lper selvf�lgelig ikke dig. Men. Du f�r noget, du har fortjent s� meget. Lad v�re med at smide det lidt du har nu v�k, du f�r mere. Hold fast. If I was stronger I'd be there. You deserve much better than now.
from hysareyl :
Young, jeg synes du er et smukt menneske, og fejl er uundg�elige, dine g�r dig blot bedre... [jeg er Undomiel]
from salviated :
Med fare for at lyde paranoid og som en idiot uden situationsfornemmelse. Hvor har du mit navn fra? - Jeg er i �vrigt ved at installere AIM, hvis jeg da ellers kan f� det AOL-lort til at virke.
from trashpunk :
kom tilbage.
from plume :
It does. That's the damn thing.
from obidil :
jeg savner dig.
from plume :
I wish there was though. You're a beautiful good person. Flawed as humanity but perfect. I wish there was.
from trashpunk :
jeg var online til 02.41. s� gik det op for mig, at du nok slet ikke kom online igen. rusk i mig hvis du g�r.
from pinkglass :
..and there are never words to make it ok.. if only there were..
from plume :
I wish you hadn't done that.. I wish there was something I could do. I should have saved you a long time ago. Somehow. I don't know. I wish you were ok.
from trashpunk :
from bunnydetox :
I do the same thing with you.
from sin- :
hey babe, i'm passwording by diary but i don't have an e-mail for you to give you the password... :( if you could just drop me a line to my diaryland e-mail i'll give it to you. *BIG hugs*
from lewton :
Joooo m�gtigt.. Eh.. ?!
from lewton :
Hall���j!... :).. Heheh
from lewton :
Det er sandt.. .. .. Men nu har du en ny
from lewton :
Det er sandt, men jeg vidste jo ikke du var herinde :|
from lewton :
from siopup :
email me your address, and i will send it to your very own apartment!
from xgoddess :
hi and hugs.
from gallinula :
I'm very happy for you, though -- making your move. That's the mettle legends are made of. Billy Jean's already had hers, now it's your time. Godspeed.
from gallinula :
' why don't you just live? ' -- I know, right? But it's hard living in hell.
from sin- :
*has got fingers crossed for you* :)
from justenough :
thank you
from hyperballadd :
we can bathe in each other's tears.. i will kiss you on the cheek.
from salviated :
Ok, I'm officially pathetic. I can't even add comments in a fucking guestbook. Well, screw it. It doesn't matter, really. If you really want to read it (Which you probably don't since I've just totally wrecked your guestbook), you can view it here:
from salviated :
I wrote this poem after reading your diary. Thanks for being so inspiring and also honest about yourself. The rhythm in the poem, I must admit, is a total mess. It's not really suitable for reading but it will have to do. Sorry for being an excuse for myself (I'm so funny). Lets get to it. What is that beneath the cloud? But above the city shroud? In the middle of the day The world down there is far away And it seems so gray It's a rooftop from which I stare Wind caressing my hair At the world far below Engulfed in its mad glow Where everything seems slow All I can see Seems meaningless to me Below things blur in the rain Seem in vain Are utterly insane As I try to see all While trying not to fall I realize that those who dwell Down there in the meaningless hell To them I probably seem insane as well While sitting there, looking down And carrying my solace crown I turn around because I hear The falling of another's tear Another person is here I understand I'm not alone In this place I claimed my own I realize not all is gone Some things are just not yet born My crown seems now no more a thorn Two people stand Not hand in hand Not sister and brother Not knowing each other I look at you with surprise I have forgotten the art of disguise You are carrying a letter That explains Your chains Your pains And your hope of change for the better You let it touch my eyes of stone And it seems a cut to the bone You have touched me with your writing (How symbolically exciting) You turn around and walk away There is nothing more to say The below is still so gray Though I'll never leave the top Of this roof (If I do not drop) I feel somewhat less alone But still black is my only tone And as you walk from me again Before I return to my Zen I want to give you some advice To help you evade all the lies: Always be your own life's ranger, Mysterious rooftop stranger
from hyperballadd :
mine is in the hospital.
from pinkglass :
awww that is just so sweet.. we should ve gone out together.. big crowds scare me too..
from pinkglass :
i think you re one of those few people who actually can imagine.. thank you for the hug too.. and dont worry too much about the present..
from hyperballadd :
agree/with everything. even when my stomach feels like this. this. xo.
from pinkglass :
from hyperballadd :
intrigued = me. xox.
from siopup :
i'm usually not a pink person but something made me do it. i like it!
from gallinula :
How are you enjoying that red jacket you bought not so long ago?
from sickofsex :
Whoops. Strange typing error there. I meant to say 'getting your own apartment'.
from sickofsex :
are you really getting your new apartment? can I come live with you? I am so jealous, I wish I could move out of here. I hate this place, it's slowly killing me.
from sin- :
ummm...just throwing some cyber-hugs your way...
from plume :
do you check your oodead_insideoo email? You should. ..If you need a mysterious room mate who never leaves his rooms and makes strange noises at night let me know.
from pinkglass :
aww.. you re sweet.. you really dont have to you know.. but eh i m not gonna say no :)
from dailysp :
I should mind my own bizniz, i know. But you should try and.. work it out.. or something. From what I know he's a great guy. And I can tell he's got strong feelings for you. You can only listen to yourself of course. But you should give it a chance... I think.
from antigen-x :
ooooooohhhh... young got some ass. word.
from pinkglass :
yup.. wish you both lots of luck too.. hope you ll find happiness together
from plume :
That makes me happy somehow. I remember many many months ago thinking you should be together. Life sucks but it's good to have someone to share the pain with. Anyway, I don't know anything about anything I just wish you good luck. Both of you. You're two of the greatest people I know. I don't know that many people. But then there aren't that many that I'd want to know. And I just hope everything works out.
from antigen-x :
a haiku: my dad is a dick i cant call you anymore i miss you so much
from ana :
i'm so glad you're having a nice time :) xoxox take care & keep having fun.
from xgoddess :
i'm sorry, i don't know what to say. i hope you feel better but what happened was terrible, i know. i love you, okay?
from xgoddess :
my head is whirling and i read you and you'll start whirling in my head <3
from fadingscars :
theres nothing wrong with you dollface. don't let boys get to you. they are just little stupid boys.
from blueallover :
i thought that might get you out... i am fond of this layout, i'd love to put a credit in there for you but i'm too html illiterate to know how to. care to modify it some to make it so?
from hullabulla :
jeg elsker dig.
from pinkglass :
thank you :) love yours too :)
from plume :
Hehe. Det lyder som et godt tilbud. A tror a ska p� fisketur.
from antigen-x :
i will not break my promise.
from pinkglass :
happy birthday..
from plume :
Happy birthday... no mercedes or porche or anything. just happy birthday. It'll be ok. Aren't digital cameras neat? I need a better one. I like two faced..
from waldon :
Happy Birthday, dear. May your wishes come true :) Remember what we talked about a year ago? This day came too.
from siopup :
digital cameras are very cool. i have a pentax. it's great. your banner wasn't predicable, but it was uniquely you.
from siopup :
don't worry, 18 is a nice age. you have a couple of years before you're considered old. :o)
from vixenated :
[Lil from lovesongs] You have both the coldplay albums and you don't even like them! That is so unfair.
from realtin :
my mum is a pharmacist ... and i get codein pills if i have such a cough like you. i think your throat needs a break of coughing but it's codein be careful thanks .. i think i'll watch 'the million dollar hotel' soon .. :)
from half-empty :
sometimes you wonder why it is...
from invisibledon :
thanks for visiting
from antigen-x :
i see nothing but shadows, and in the darkness i remember to make shadows, you must have light. then i turn around, and i see you.

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