messages to naivepegasus:
(click here to add new message):

from the-grey-one :
Er sorry.. I may have been intoxicated when I wrote that. It was unsolicited and really I like the way you write and write whatever you want however many times you want, this is your journal and I'm just happy to read it. Sorry, again. :/
from the-grey-one :
Hmm.. I have read you ever since you came back writing that long post you mention in your most recent one.. So I know the story. You keep writing the story. This whole post told the story you've already told a hundred times on here already. I'm glad you recognize you want her to read it and that you want to upset her. You know what would likely drive her crazy? Not writing about her anymore. You think you're getting something from the fact that she still reads it? Think about how much she's getting from the fact that you keep writing about her. I dunno man. It's definitely none of my business. And if this is the story you love to tell, by all means keep telling it... Just make sure that it is, I guess.
from peggypenny :
If some x-chick wants to 'sue' you cuz you say her full name, tell her to read the Constitution. She need only read the 1st Amendment. But, you keep in mind that after the 1st came the 2nd Amendment.
from the-grey-one :
i am glad you are back
from dangerspouse :
Oh man, you had an Asian guy try to cock-block you too?? I will NEVER forgive Kim Jung Un for my own instance. Seriously, what is with them? Glad she had your back (so to speak) on this one, though. My own babe would've been all like "Oh! Help! Help me, kind yellow stranger! He's killing me!!" just to see what would happen. Seriously. (Oh - and you were probably amused more than bemused. Just guessing. Or maybe projecting.)
from the-grey-one :
also, because notes are back on and who knows for how long, keep trying to write as uncensoredly as possible. fuck em all.
from the-grey-one :
bah. sorry to hear about the text. it takes a certain type of fortitude to date. i say props anyways.
from movingsands :
i don't think anyone does tangents like you do. And whiskeywhiskeywhiskey indeed
from lovestruck-0 :
I just randomly clicked on your diary and the entry you wrote today. Just wanted to let you know that your lyrics are fucking beautiful and so artistically profound. I envy the words that spill out of your brain. Just thought to let you know.
from the-grey-one :
"love feels impossible until it arrives" - ain't that the truth.
from the-grey-one :
"we are hopeful for a future, but simply because we cannot describe the loss." that's a pretty sweet lyric there. also! hey. welcome back to dland. i liked your entry and i think you should stick around.
from writerchic88 :
Can i be honest here? It's quite "normal" for you not to have a girlfriend in the twenty years because with the way people are these days, their shallow thinking has gotten them with people that are so wrong for them, it isn't even funny. Anyways, i agree with these people because, yes you are attractive and yes, girls are such.... weird creatures that i think you definitely will find someone when you least expect it. Good luck, Goodsmith. -Nafia
from somedaychick :
Hey Jeff-- just letting you know I still read this. Anyway, sometimes people are dumb but just because of one day, you shouldn't think of yourself as an afterthought. In the long run, they appreciate you more than you know. Probably more than they know, too.
from skydancer18 :
hey, just wanted to let you know that i've been going through my old music, and i just realized, the wrens ARE really good. -me.
from alimountain8 :
I heart the jeff with goatee. It's super sexy and supah coo'
from bozetta :
hey, I think thats a kickass fourtune, if you read it correctly. A proper fortune is read thus: For better luck, you will have to wait till spring... IN BED.
from alimountain8 :
I had a dream and you were in it!! I was in this huge grocery store and I saw you and I ran over and hugged you and was like "JEEEEFFFFF!!!!!!!!" and it was exciting.
from somedaychick :
His "Man I wish she didn't have a girlfriend" statement was probably insensitive, but not meant to be offensive--whereas when they intentionally make jokes about it, it's definitely much more bogus, even if it's also not supposed to be offensive. Why does it upset you that you don't have a girlfriend? Because it makes you 'weird', or because you like the concept of 'girlfriend'? It strikes me odd that all the situations you explained at the party left you wanting a girlfriend-- it would leave me being like "I hate humanity." Anyway, I'm sure you get this a lot, but I think you're fairly attractive and you will find and be happy w/ someone eventually-- and that relationship will probably be a lot more meaningful than anything you saw at the pirate party. <3 J
from skydancer18 :
yeah, i don't think you have a "make fun of me" air at all. You always seemed confident to me, and you have humor, which usually stops people from digging on someone. I get what your saying about the comments that get close to insecurity. It sounds like they honestly are just teasing you, and don't really want to make you feel bad. I dont think ignoring it will help, but actually, if you adress it and say "yeah, i've been worrying about that lately" and let them know it's something that's seriously bothering you, not just something your comfortable enough to laugh about, I think they'll get it. Also, I bet they start teasing you about that because they can tell that your insecure and are trying to get you to open up and talk about it. Try it?
from somedaychick :
I read yesterday's entry. ;)
from alimountain8 :
from skydancer18 :
you have the most ADD dorm I've heard of so far. btw, have you heard of a band named Kasabian? Or did i already ask you this? shite. if you haven't heard of them, go look them up. they're really good.
from skydancer18 :
"The roommate woke me up at 11, saying it was bad for me to sleep in too much. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just got up." You're roomie sounds oddly like my mother...
from alimountain8 :
Was it my Homie L? But anywhos, you're genius funny. Don't matter. All I am is the funny too. It's all good.
from no-map :
hello thanks for the link! I'm just listening now.. and so far.. yeah Im impressed! xxx
from no-map :
hey there :-) thank you for the note. I love that you were so inspired by the song you came to tell a complete stranger about it *hugs* when I get a spare moment I shall have a nice long poke around your site!! Nice to meet you and I ADORE your user name! xxx
from skydancer18 :
IRT the quote about grammy's for music making music: I agree with that up until the point where I refuse to watch the grammy's because I know they don't mean ANYTHING and am thoroughly disgusted. Who wrote the quote? -Me
from cymbolguy :
Isn't that what you had to memorize for nameless english teacher? And Jeff... Sunday and Monday... I'M STILL HERE!!! And guess what... NO ONE ELSE IS!!!!
from bozetta :
i think you stole my idea in weeding out weak entries. AKA i think its a good idea. but then again, who is going to go look back at your entries? why put the effort into purgeing it, unless you want to get rid of contravercial entries on the sly? well whatever your reason, its your diary, your thoughts. why do you care what we think about your censorship if we have already read them? They are your thoughts to choose to censor if you want.
from bozetta :
i have a pretty good idea of how you feel about the whole we-used-to-be-the-best-of-friends bit. I've got 2. well, had.
from cymbolguy :
wow... your father... way to give you a vote of confidence!
from alimountain8 :
Jeff in a club? Why does that make me nervous?
from toastergirlx :
Man, I thought you said "like nobody's bananas" and you almost won my undying love and affection. Almost.
from toastergirlx :
Try Xmas shopping at the dollar store. I know it sounds really cheap, but sometimes it's more about you thinking of them than anything else. [Dollar Deals on North Ave.--it comes Tilda approved]
from leofiregazer :
I realized that I hadn't read this in a while and decided to update myself. Wow, I'm depressed now. Listen to Sarah, she's smart! I think that people stopped leaving as many notes as before because they thought you were in a better place or something. You were handling stuff good and all that. But you really shouldn't worry. And if you think it's annoying with no girls noticing you, try being in a place where all the guys are gay or still have their girlfriends from high school. It's disheartening with a capital S. that's right, "s" for "sucks". I feel like I should be talking to you in person. I think you need a hug. Oh well. I should be in bed right now. Really, I actually have the chance to go to bed on time today, but I didn't do it. i suck. And I have to present for one of my conference projects tomorrow. Yuck. Well, feel better about yourself, or hold out for a few days until you're back home and we can make you feel better (well, not me until the 17th - you guys suck so much).
from doordain :
Ha! It's a note! ... So I'm not an expert, or anything, but I've come to the conclusion that people. are. stupid. when it comes to relationships. Especially high school students; college students, maybe a little less so. (Or, given some of the drama I've seen, maybe a little more so.) So you spend a lot of time convincing yourself that you don't really need a relationship, 'cause they're full of lies and pain. Eventually, you believe it. And after you believe it, after you've gotten used to the idea that you don't need someone to hold you when you're sad or kiss you goodnight, you find someone willing to do both. But that doesn't come when you want it to, it doesn't come when you're ready, it doesn't come when you really think you need it. It comes for no apparent reason, in no apparent way, and with no apparent purpose. ... And why am I rambling like this when I have a thesis to write? :-) Props, Antonio.
from bozetta :
well, for me its like: crazylife: random funny things AND day's happenings diaryland: what the day meant to me
from bozetta :
honest? no pressure though. I've reduced my diaryland quantity as well. but i dont think im going to end it anytime in the near future, b/c crazylife seems like a much shallower journal, practically only for social porposes. diaryland is for myself. which is why hardly anyone comments anymore.
from leofiregazer :
You're just weirded out because you don't like it when I'm angry. oh well. have fun memorizing...
from leofiregazer :
Blink what? Blink what? WHAT? What did you expect me to write?
from the-evil-key :
Jigga you know it's Arcade Fire, right? Not Fire Arcade? I assume this is a gimmick to be "creative"?
from not-the-norm :
YAY! Eternal Sunshine ROCKS! The DVD is Fab. You'll love it! (Whoa series of short sentences!) Hear you're comin' to Dracula! I'm Stage Manager! I have a head-set!!! Super! SEE YA LATER! (I'm really tired...DON'T JUDGE ME!)
from toastergirlx :
Dear Heff. [because Heff is cooler than Jeff] I feel your loneliness. When I was in France on the exchange, I didn't have anyone who really bonded with me or anything. So I was mostly alone in another country where everyone who spoke my language fluently were clumping together like platelets in a papercut. And I was all alone. And I didn't speak the language. You however, speak the same language as these people [thus avoiding many frustrating, though hilarious, conversations entirely in pantomime] not to mention you're charismatic and amazing. Just remember that people here miss you. Speech team will be�heffless. --with all my biggest ookies for you, Tilda
from bozetta :
~erases dry erase board messege from hell~
from bozetta :
from bozetta :
~draws a picture of Jeff wearing a beanie and a shirt saying "Republican Boy!" with Mr. Demos pointing his finger at you as he is surrounded and attacked by street urchins (some of which are children, some of which are jellyfish)~
from leofiregazer :
My god, boy, don't you realize that in a few days you will be too busy to worry about any of this stuff? i'm technically too busy to be typing this, but I am because you need a pick me up. Just so you know, I went to the "Jeff needs to be happy" store and bought you an attractive and intelligent girl for you to talk to. I sent her Priority Shipping, so she should get there in a day or two. Now, all you have to do is send me a smart, hot guy who makes me laugh, and we'll be even. Just take it easy and don't worry. Everything will be fine; you're not in an obliette (if you really want to know what that is and don't remember it from Labyrinth then you'll have to call me and talk to me). So with that I bid you good evening, and remind you that working out with weights even two days in a row is generally bad - you're supposed to wait a day between workouts so your muscles heal otherwise you're hurting yourself more than helping yourself. Tata!
from bluemintjazz :
*smack* FEEL THAT? Aversion therapy. Those depressing thoughts bring you PAIN. I explained this earlier: I think your lack of "friends" is basically due to your not being very used to your surroundings. Back in high school, you knew your territory, and you were comfortable in it, and allowed yourself to be the self-confident, friendly, and social person that we know you are. However, now you're in college. You've had your life-changing change session done, and you're really waiting for things to start. You're not really being yourself because you're still easing into things like an old man in a hot bath. Not that you're old, or necessarily taking a bath. Once you really get into things (a stride in classes and doings helps), you'll get back to being your normal self, and people will be naturally attracted to you, as I was. And was nearly EVERYONE on speech team last year. Listen to Emily, for god's sakes. We (or at the very least I) have faith in both your personality, and the likelihood that things will get better. Also: to hell with drunk people.
from leofiregazer :
Don't worry about the friends crap. You're like me - we either click with people and make friends immediately or it takes a while. I'm still warming up to people here. And there were definitely people who had ten friends after the first day. Some people are just whores like that. The only person who immensely close with so far is Kelsey. It'll take a little while, but don't let that screw things up for you. And don't forget we're all only a click or a phone call away. We love you too! You still have friends!
from leofiregazer :
Okay, sweetie, could that possibly have been more depressing? 'Cause I'm not thinking so. While I like the Flogging Molly lyrics (new CD comes out tomorrow, and the songs sound great!), an your dad is still the coolest man alive - running out of fuel while trying to reach the moon? You know about the optimistic Emily, and here she goes on another rampage to bring sunlight and joy: Rule #1 - don't settle. My new directing teacher just gave us the best advice, she said, "my mom told me when I wanted to study directing in college that I was throwing away my life and I would never have a good job. And here I am, making a living off of directing. If you truly love what you're doing the money will come. Just follow your dreams". So don't give me that bullshit about settling. Don't you ever fucking settle. Just a piece of uplifting advice from your favorite optimistic Emily. Have fun tomorrow and let me know how you're doing.
from leofiregazer :
Yea! Jeff read my entry! I mean, I'd be sad if you hadn't 'cause that was the purpose of creating one, but still, yea! Yes, your summary is pretty much correct. Hope packing is going well. I remember reading you saying that you weren't taking a lot of things. Why? I know you're close to home, but you should still take lots of stuff. I don't have room for most of my stuff, but I still took it. Makes the room feel more like home. Well, anyway, miss you lots you crazy boy, and eventually I will finish reading the rest of your story and talk to you about it. Talk to you soon, I hope, love Typhoid.
from bluemintjazz :
Jeff, everyone who has ever met you is going to be at such a loss when you become cut off from them, be it sooner or later. Not many people realize it, but you tend to make anything you're a part of better, and I can't express in one note all that you've done for me personally, despite actually having done directly very much. You have helped me through many woes of my own, while you still have had yours. You've almost single-handedly given me the love that I have for speech, theatre, and performing that I didn't have a trace of before. I can account for you having shaped, in at least a moderate way, the person that I am, and undoubtedly many others whom you've influenced throughout your eighteen years of life. I can't express in words rightfully how much I'm going to miss you, and I think I speak for most of us on speech that the ODDA's will never be the same. -The Mascot
from cymbolguy :
wow. *clap* *clap* bravo. That was probably the best entry you've ever written. It was like the excellent series finale to a very good series, ending, after all the trouble, on a good note and riding out into the sunset... of course, for you, this isn't the ending, but a new beginning. May your maturity be for real, and not misleading. With this newfound confidence of yours, I need to work harder to find a girlfriend so I can wind the race as it were.
from cymbolguy :
I thought you were going to talk about stuff after that conversation...
from alimountain8 :
We should hang-out before you go!
from bozetta :
i must say, i think the triplets of belville is one of the worst movies i have EVER seen.
from doordain :
So if a girl wanted to read something you had written and put online, how would she go about it?
from cymbolguy :
Isn't that still a free ticket that someone could use? ... or do I just not know how vouchers work?... christ, I'm so ignorant in the way of vouchers...
from cymbolguy :
SOX TICKETS??? If she doesn't want them, she should give them to someone else or scalp 'em. I mean, that's just wasteful. A LOT of people would want Sox tickets if they're free and someone else doesn't want them. That's terrible.
from cymbolguy :
"50 bucks for me, 500 for the bank account"... . . . . . . . that's not keeping 10% for yourself, that's 9.19% for yourself. I'm guessing that you just meant fift OF the $500 goes to the bank. Oh well. I'm an ass.
from cymbolguy :
Yep... people going to college and stuff. So weird... I gotta start doing stuff with people.
from leofiregazer :
Fine! If you can leave me a note, then I can leave you a note. So there! *sticks out tongue even though you can't see it* I'm not evil... just practical. So at what point did you realize it was me when you found the diary? I'm curious about how obvious I am. And email me your story bitch! Hehe, I wrote a song today, and it goes like this: I have toes. Toes are nice. My toes are stubby and cute. Stubby and cute. Yea! You have toes too, but my toes are magical toes. But you can't hear that melody in your mind! Now the Jeff in my head is saying, "Wow, what did you smoke today?" That was also a correct example of how to write dialogue in a narrative story. So it's useful... and pointless... funny how often those two coincide... This is long, but I want to ramble. I'm too awake. Maybe I should watch a movie or dig for gold in my backyard. Bye bye - oh and don't ever watch the movie Dreamcatcher: I'll explain later.
from not-the-norm :
I didn't see you @ GREASE! Glad to hear you enjoyed it! C U L8R.
from bozetta :
oh yah! ps.. thats Dont Fear the Reaper, the infamous teen suicide song, which is the only reason why lindsay knows who they are. ~going to stop being
from not-the-norm :
OMG! Cinderella was teaching me a lesson?! She is completely responsible for my rule abiding attitude towards life! If I had never seen that movie, think where I'd be now! Is that good or bad? We'll never know! GASP! WHAT ABOUT THE LITTLE MERMAID?! P.S.Luv u Jeff!
from the-evil-key :
Napoleon Dynamite is pretty much not about Mormons at all. Just a heads up.
from cymbolguy :
Um, Jeff? I just got the TB test too, but about a week before you did. I've still got some remnants of the spot. It's not the presence of the little spot, it's the presence of a LUMP that you gotta look out for. Prettymuch, if you had TB, you'd NOTICE something wrong with the spot and there would be no doubt.
from spinincircle :
wasn't saved hilarious? hehe i saw it last night too
from toastergirlx :
I think Death Cab For Cutie is a great band. His other band, The Postal Service, is really awesome.
from spinincircle :
i hate that. how it sometimes is so easy to think people like you..and then you never know. almost worse when you find out later that they really did. take care.
from bluemintjazz :
erm.. please just imagine the words between those <b> </b> symbols as bolded. It's MAGIC!!!
from bluemintjazz :
The only problem I have with this one is: it's got a backround tone of drama. <b>This should not be</b>. If you're going to have a dramatic back plot to something, make it less ambiguous. Other than that, great work, again!
from alimountain8 :
You use big words in poetry and it impresses me. Also the quality of the poetry impresses me but that's less important.
from cymbolguy :
You know what also makes this day awesome? The Lakers lost! This has been an awesome day for sports fans everywhere. (The Sox also came back late in the game, but you don't care about that.)
from alimountain8 :
I didn't vote cos I forgot to do it. BUT! I so voted for my mind!
from bluemintjazz :
I voted for you too- and I'm glad you won. Ah, the perils of an introspective graduated senior ^_^ *wistful sigh*
from toastergirlx :
Hey. I totally voted for you! I still think it was the upset of the year. --Captain Tilda
from alimountain8 :
Jeff. Your dance rocks my proverbial house.
from toastergirlx :
rock on...and stuff.
from toastergirlx :
Hey, so question, when's the "picnic--I'm on speech team" thing?
from bluemintjazz :
6-7, especially considering the sex-ay Jeff factor. Like a lead pipe destroying your sphincters. Not really, though.
from bozetta :
~thinks of meaningful number~ ferienheight 451?
from alimountain8 :
My vote: 4
from writerchic88 :
*chuckle* it won't be oprf without you.
from alimountain8 :
And you're about to be one of them . (And you did spell it right. So Proud.)
from writerchic88 :
God bless your heart, Jeff.
from bozetta :
about a week after you did. its hard to see. its small. (in size and number)
from alimountain8 : Watch that. RIGHT NOW!
from bozetta :
hey! no complaining about readership. i was just the 300th person on urs, and my own journal hasnt even reached 100. although mine is impossible to read...
from bozetta :
ok. its possible im a little behind on the latest fashon trends. but i know that braces were in during the summer b/c i remember reading something from a top fashion source (the comic strip Zits...) that said (during the summer!) that "having braces was like peircing your smile." ~evil grin~
from bozetta :
but.. i thought braces were in??? ~cries~
from not-the-norm :
I have 2 thing to say: 1) Awwww, your so sensitive and insightful when your tired! (Don't worry, you'll be love one day!--{the girl whose never had a boyfriend should probably not be giving out advice, but...meh!}) 2) That Ben Kweller song mad me realize, I do have a strange neighbor, and they don't have curtains! Later days!(that was from that Disney cartoon wasn't it?!)
from doordain :
Insightfulness? Yes. Feeling hallow? No. You can't feel hallow. (And the reason it looks like I spend so little time reading your stuff is that I'm a freakishly fast reader.) To review: Insightful? Yes. Hallow? No. Hollow? Quite possibly.
from bluemintjazz :
Es mi nueva cosa olvidar mis notas en espanol. Que divertido! Todo que yo digo en esto conversacion fue verdad. Voy a te alcanzar.....
from alimountain8 :
What time's the cast box social?
from alimountain8 :
Who rocks the casbah? And the canals of Venice? YOU DO!!!
from not-the-norm :
Prom sounds fun!!! I want a prom!!! AND I DON'T WANT TO WAIT!!! I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!! (god, I'm spoiled...) Missed u Friday! See u later!
from bluemintjazz :
Just looked at that tracking thing and HOLY SHIT, someone in India is reading your diary! WHAT?? Well, from that specific time zone. Now I want a tracker.....
from alimountain8 :
from not-the-norm :
Hey jeff I'm back from NY. I still read your journal, don't worry! (that either means i'm a real loyal-fan or I have no life at all--either way it's an audience!)See U later!
from bozetta :
i love chatbots! Zola thinks im God. its hilarious. and a big self-esteem booster.
from not-the-norm :
Thanx for the advice jeff. (I'm not sure the yelling would get me any further than the street, though.) P.S. I'll submit my application for your "new parnter in ruling the world" to you later.
from toastergirlx :
"c'est la vie" Just an avid reader trying to make you speak better french. Geez, for being from the french school at state, your french is horrible. :)
from doordain :
See, that's why I stopped writing in my journal. Otherwise, I'd have to post the love letter I wrote ...
from alimountain8 :
I want a copy!
from alimountain8 :
What's up, Red Riptide? Thanking you for the encouragement and words of kindess. Very necessary. Anywho, rehersal is increasingly awesome. Sorry to hear about all your fights. I don't think you're too nice. Keep Rockin' and Dyin'!!
from bozetta :
i konw exactly what u mean w/ the glasses articly, except how u can possibly do w/out ur glasses (i have much worse eyes then u.. my optomitrist says i have worse eyes then 98% of all ppl w/ perscriptions) anyway, sometimes i take off my glasses in philosophy just to see the world as giant fuzzy things.. today i was doing that in english, and adam was standing w/ the light behind him, and it was really hard to not burst out laughing b/c his profile looked like an actual stick figure.. only alive. nyway, there is a plus side to being near sided-- we are basically walking microscopes. yay for us.
from bluemintjazz :
Anyone who writes the majority of their diary on subjects on the depth plane of "American Idol" doesn't deserve to have the two bucks to put it into a gold diary. Just random musing that you would refer to as "crap" is still easily more digestable and entertaining to read than what some teenage girl thinks about the "hot guy three seats from me in chemistry." I know better than now to tell you not to be daunted or anything by these matters, but.. I just said it. Oh well. Keep at it, and your cheesy man-trap shall be waiting the day you leave for college.
from doordain :
"When I see depressing creatures With unprepossessing features I remind them on their own behalf to think of Celebrated heads of state or 'Specially great communicators Did they have brains or knowledge? Don't make me laugh! They were popular! Please It's all about popular It's not about aptitude; it's the way you're viewed So it's very shrewd to be Very, very popular Like me" -- from Wicked. And that's why people are stupid
from bluemintjazz :
A couple things: your poetry is GOOD, damn it! NFL would've been funner with you, and congradulations on making a descision. Now you must know that I shall bother you daily until you leave whilst I am in school this upcoming september, then slightly less constantly when you return. Hopefully the kidnapping will successfully take place before you leave. Say hello to a world filled with cold metal bars and lukewarm chicken noodle soup. I mean.. the Santa Fe resort, featuring the majestic....
from bozetta :
best o' luck. here. have a rabbet's foot. and a 4 leaf clover. not that ull need them.
from alimountain8 :
JEFF!! I love you! You roxors. This play will be so much fun. I'm glad that you are sharing in the comedy. I'm excited. You and I will rock our respective casbahs and tear that Studio down!
from saddiamonds :
I read your poem in your profile. I like it, a lot. It has all the Jeff GoodSmith charm and insight and happy endings. You and I are good at that, aren't we? You should write more poetry. It's good to just do sometimes, even if no one reads it. Well, I just wanted to let you know what I thought of the poem, since you've been mentioning it a lot in your entries, I could tell you really wanted some commentary on it. It flows really well and has real heart to it, which was all good poetry has. So there. Oh, and to thank you about not talking to much about the callbacks. I appreciate it. And I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I really wanted everyone to just have fun. See you tomorrow.
from the-evil-key :
Hey dogg, regarding your profile: "Hope" is a noun. Not an adjective. That is all.
from iagoadmirer :
it is a tragedy. but then again, there aren't many heroes.
from bozetta :
u got to see Wierd Al? ~insanely jealous~
from bozetta :
for the record, when i had the ability to get the chair before everyone else every single day we decided to each take a day of the week to have the chair. what happened to that idea after first semester??? anyway other then that i have no strong feelings against u. if u stopped being funny (which i think u are incapible of) ppl would still somehow manage to enjoy ur company.
from lemontina9 :
I definitely got rejected by U of C too. Now we can hate it together!
from kamikazesoul :
I guess that last entry officially groups you you with "things that go 'bump' in the night". ^_^
from kamikazesoul :
"yeah, I was once in a phone booth with superman. Man, I want my virginity back NOW!" HAHAHAHAH! That's the best thing I've heard all day =) That cheered me up. Thanks.
from kamikazesoul :
"I like sleep, but sleep doesn't like me." <- Kudos on that. I know the feeling...
from bozetta :
oh yah? well i called it in half an hour. so there. isnt that a great movie though?
from bozetta :
~gives blackbeard a high five~
from kamikazesoul :
Sometimes, you just have to sit back and laugh at the people who are nearly bursting a vein over a game in gym class. I'm really glad you took everything in stride today; we all need a day like that sometimes.
from pionmaster :
since i rarely do this you know it's good. Girls are fucked up dude,you'll never be able to read them. Trust me on this. You're not alone in any of this shit man just remember that you'll be fine. Being single can suck but remember i got you're back for any bitch that hurts you. (pardon the french i remember that line from some song) ciao mate and remember Superman was dope and if all else fails a spike to the face always does the trick
from bozetta :
for the record, there were other ppl working on that. and i came up w/ the pirate topic in the first place. so there.
from eclectic42 :
you have good taste in music! Harvey Danger and Flogging Molly are AWESOME!
from kamikazesoul :
That last entry was beautiful. =)
from doordain :
You spelled it wrong in the entry, but right in the note. That's what that "edit/delete entries" button is for. ('Course, if you get this, that means you survived rehearsal, so go you.)
from doordain :
Wait, Jeff? Looking good on camera? Now, where have I heard that before ... You set yourself up as eccentric, but you're still awesome.
from doordain :
Mmm. Insight. A very welcome distraction from my deadlines. Thank you for writing. By the way, when are our querencias due?
from kamikazesoul :
Your mom kind of seems like my mom. When she's in a bad mood no one else can be happy, and discipline is handed out faster than free beer in an Irish pub.
from bozetta :
one day, i will break ur leg.... ~shakes fist~ and sry about kicking u w/ my metal shoes.. i completely forgot i was wearing them... although that would have been an excellent way to achieve my goal..... hmmmmm.. ~strokes imaginary beard~
from bozetta :
is this one of the reasons y ur so keen on having the comfy chair in English?
from toastergirlx :
I'll steam your Wontons...Man it's hard to be sexual after that. I just want Chinese take out. Way to go Jeff, now I'm hungry. Anyway, that would steam my Wontons too [Sorry, I really like the espression] and I understand. P.S. Scotie WotWot. We're The Shiat. Or Shiot. Or...Um... *Scampers away* How I wish I were an otter. My Scampering ability would sky-rocket.
from bluemintjazz :
man Jeff, I learned more about you in about forty five minutes than I could have in five minutes. Deep, and truthful, albeit somewhat depressing. By the way, this is Joe, and my screen name is bluemintjazz. I'll talk to you later, I guess.
from bozetta :
that was thoroughly depressing.
from doordain :
Hey, um ... Yeah. How are you doing? Oh, that's good ... How was rehearsal? Um ... I should probably quit stalling. Would you like to have dinner with me on Saturday night? ~hopes the flowers and violin player aren't too much~ :-)
from toastergirlx :
I'm really glad everyone did really well. Yay us! I do know what it feels like to win for an original event. IT'S MOTHER FUCKING AWESOME. Like it just adds frosting to the wedding cake that something you wrote was awesome enought TO WIN! But this is your wedding cake, [with frosting of course] and I'm really happy you did so well! And great days are fun, so is sex. Good luck at Sectionals.
from doordain :
Jeff, you rock the world and you're an amazing human being. But it's spelled "volleyball." Sorry, I've been having grammar moments lately ... See you tomorrow.
from bozetta :
i LOVE that song! ~does a little dance~
from doordain :
You win the Rock My Socks Award of the Day for creating a new insult: dillhole. Congratulations. (And don't tell me if you heard it on "The Simpsons" or some crap like that. I know you watch "Buzz Lightyear!")
from doordain :
I will say this now, and I mean it in the nice way: You fight like a guy.
from cymbolguy :
You don't use friend-depricating humor??? Bullshit! Much of our time talking is spent exchanging insults (and your-mama jokes)!
from spinincircle :
good. no one should be giving che'carra any shit cuz she's too cool for them.
from alimountain8 :
Jeff! Dude! We all heart you. Isn't it obvious? If there is anyone deserving of a harem, it's you. Don't doubt your awesomeness, cos then the terrorists win. Your OC is amazing. It makes me really jealous that I can't write comedy. You're good. Very good. Remember, I'm always here if you feel like you need a confidence boost. WE HEART YOU!
from cymbolguy :
OC is about the only event where one can go 1-1-6 and NOT have a crap judge. Very often one does, but not always. OC scores are often based on an individual's insanely specific criteria. In addition, some people just have odd senses of humor. That's why OC is not an event where one knows exactly what to perfect. It all depends on the judge. I mean, in the last tourney I went to, I went 1,4,5; in that one, I beat this kid who has the funniest OC I've ever seen (though he's always gyped out of finals for some reason (which further reinforces my point about how arbitrary one's score is going to be)) and one finalist. My OC is not that funny. It's content, honestly, sucks. The only reason I don't get straight sixes is because I have so much energy that I'm boosted to middle-of-the-pack.
from toastergirlx :
Ding Ding! We have a winner. Good work, good work. However, the right of Parlay would be spelled Parler if it was truly French. Ah well, blame it on the French Speech Team school. : )
from saddiamonds :
Oh dear, much to say but lack of organization. Ok, lets try this. You thought this last entry was sucky? I thought it was great. We all love to see happy Jeff. Despite popular belief your friends do like seeing you happy and content. And just to inflate your ego a bit, I've had it mentioned to me by several girls that they're attracted to you by your looks. Just to let you know. So stop putting your happiness down because you think it's boring. It's so not.
from bozetta :
see, now i curious as to when the other one was... anyway, being asked out is annoying. u arent missing much. but, congrats on ur growing confidance!
from toastergirlx :
Thanks Jeff, And if it makes you feel better, maybe we could start a league of people who should be main parts of the plot. But more over, thanks.
from doordain :
For being smart and for not being lazy.
from doordain :
~high five~
from cymbolguy :
1-6-4... now as for extemp...
from doordain :
Ignorance is no excuse for wrongdoing. If it were, there would be no accountability. And the last thing you want is to go through life without anything you do being of any importance. Do bad things happen? Yeah. Do people get angry? Of course. But then you take a step forward. You blink. You watch a movie. Life is constantly moving, and you can't spend it on everyone besides you.
from cymbolguy :
You mentioned that you'll stop using your diary when people lose interest in it and you. The diary, assuming you keep it updated, will keep all your old friends in touch with you. People who only read a few diaries (like me) will continue to read it religiously. Of course, I will be suffering from the same possible fate as you. I don't think I'll lose contact with you because you check your email religiously. There's a good chance that we'll still have at least one or two of the same chains we've had going since august well into college. We won't have as much nonsense to talk about, but we'll complain about stuff, gripe about studying... etc. It's those friends who don't use email that I will lose contact with. Bill, for example, doesn't even have an email account (I believe) because he always loses interest in those he starts. I don't know how I'm gonna keep contact with him. Then there's other people who I don't email religiously (by that I mean we don't have any long-running conversations)... when I go for a while without seeing them, I will chicken out and never email them again. Ironically, the only person who I would comfortably email after a few-month haitus is the ONE person who doesn't check it agh!... Oh, fuck. I've just made a diary-entry in Jeff's notes. I guess I'll just copy and paste it so it will exist simultaneously in two diaryland existances!
from bozetta :
whell, it was more like Alice in Wonderland.. but its a lot like parts of ur entry. like the song lyric.
from bozetta :
have u seen Big Fish recently? b/c that last entry and the movie were like this ~crosses fingers~
from doordain :
Nope, no sarcasm here. At least, not this week. Sarcasm requires energy, see ...
from alimountain8 :
Ooooh Jeff, No angst. You are too cool to be angsty. 7-up was good but sad. Jeff, we love you!!! You are a super duper writer. Aiii Naaa!!
from alimountain8 :
Boy ya? Aii NA! It's Ali. When did you get one of these dealies? Weird....
from doordain :
Man, I wish I had your self-confidence.
from bozetta :
ull b living in this dream for a "limited time only"
from cymbolguy :
Dogs think! Anyone who has ever known a dog knows they think hard. Their thoughts are different and they cannot think with much complexity without language, but anyone who sees a dog and knows it well knows that it analysis each situation in its own dog way. They have jealousies, grudges, and a whole freakin' society below our knees!
from cymbolguy :
Jeff, you writing about the g/f thing is not "bitch, bitch, bitch." It obviously not you just being whiney, this is obviously something that goes through your head a lot. It <i>would</i> be bitching if it were trivial, but it just isn't. You feel bad about a lot of stuff, but don't feel bad about feeling bad. That's the same circular logic in, "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself." Also, "I'm sorry, I can get a new turtle," is freakin hilarious.
from doordain :
Leaving a note because ... well, because I can. And hey, jolt yourself out of your quiet mode, before I turn into a lesbian. :-) And buy me large, expensive presents this weekend, okay? You rock until the lollipops samba.
from maybetoday :
Stop making me smile. And for the love of Ford, hang out with ME at theater fest. Deliberately NOT counting the days until you leave me forever, Leia.
from true2332 :
I gotta say, there were some freaking brilliant discoveries in there...the warmth thing comes to mind. By the way, "My dad says that I'm a grumpface... the thing is that my family kinda rubs me the wrong way sometimes." reminds me of Office Space. You ever see that? I'm thinking of a feeling compared to yours when people say "Looks like somebody's got a case of the Mondays." I know EXACTLY what you mean. At least get that guilty happiness going when I tell you that you're not the only one who gets annoyed when those kinds of comments are made...
from doordain :
Well, I might still make you do that, but I wasn't offended.
from doordain :
Kidding on the square, Jeff. Was I one of the people who was supposed to be offended? 'Cause I have to tell you, I've been more offended on the Howard Dean blog. Anyway, I won't get into a discussion with you here. Another time, another place, but I do want to discuss. If you don't, that's fine -- I'll just call you a wimp behind your back and mock you relentlessly until you slug me. At which point I'll cry abuse and make everyone hate you. Um, yeah, in case you couldn't tell, I was kidding about just about everything. Except the not-being-offended part and the wanting-to-have-a-discussion part.
from bozetta :
I know what you mean with the whole "wide lawns and narrow minds" bit... i actually wrote a essay/satire about seeing things in black and white.. and how ppl should ban gray.. but anyway... for what its worth, i would like to hear a republican's point of view... the last time i heard one face to face was when i was on a plane to england, and i was talking to this kid from Oregon.. it was great for the whole 10 minutes.. and then he switched the subject to talk about Metallica for 6 HOURS STRAIGHT, but the republicaan part was very interesting.
from toastergirlx :
Deah Jeff Dahlink, [It's about god-damn fucking time I put my opinion in the suggestions box] All I can say is that if I were secret random crush girl I'd melt in my socks or mess my hair off or something. But do whatever you think you should do, because you're the one who will have to do it. Tah tah dahlink, Tilda
from cymbolguy :
Sweden is not in Eastern Europe.
from cymbolguy :
Jeff, you have to learn the careful art of looking at said girl when she is looking elsewhere. If she gets remotely close to looking at you, look like you're doing something else, but DON'T ADJUST QUICKLY. That will only draw attention to you... Oh, and some bad news: your diary entries w/ _____-class girl have drawn me to the conclusion that we are quite similar... and getting to know someone doesn't make it any better. I've in the past been able to get to know someone to the point where they seem pleased to see me and readily start conversations, but I STILL was unable to do anything. Sorry. Here's some motivation, Jeff: prove that you are unlike me. Go for it!
from doordain :
Yay us all being paranoid and having body image problems.
from bozetta :
my suggestion: guard your gollum toy with your life, b/c i am definately going to 123 fake street in the midle of the night to steal it.
from bozetta :
threatened? i hardly write as well as you do. anyway, im glas u understand lack of holiday feelings, but in general i dont feel anything. having no emotions whatsoever is kinda creepy. i think ppl hate me for it, but i dont care.
from true2332 :
Wow, good entry that last time...And you say you're not deep...HA! False advertising is WRONG, Jeff!
from bozetta :
those last two were very artistic.
from cymbolguy :
Jeff, don't take up a job for the money. It frankly doesn't matter how much you make for a living. It means nothing. If you enjoy what you do, than you can learn to live frugally, but you will be happy. You'll have kids who love you. You'll have a wife who possibly makes more money than you do (and is therefore not a gold-digger). You'll blow your savings spending your kids to college, but you'll have enough to live comfortably and quietly with your wife. For a long time I thought that I would be a math teacher. There's demand for math teachers, and despite what emily says, teachers get paid WELL. For example, Mr. Faust has been teaching for about ten years, and already his yearly salery is greater than my combined parents' saleries. But, I'd hate being a teacher. I've decided that I'm just gonna study what I want to learn about in college. I'm gonna have no agendas, for I just want to see where life takes me. Honestly, Jeff, think about this: would you get along with the dozens of lawyers around you who have no love but of the almighty dollar? If you become the Dave Barry of Oshkosh, you might have contact with more interesting people. Keep that in mind. You're clearly having doubts about being a lawyer, so study what you want. You can always go back to law school if you wish, but don't corner yourself. That's why I've only applied to liberal arts colleges: I don't want to decide to pursue anything until I'm sure I'll want to do it.
from bozetta :
Y tu mama tambien. Por que? Porque!
from bozetta :
stupid, stressful teenage abortion... but hey, its better then the alternative. babies (and no, they arent cute) are no fun.
from cymbolguy :
Cymbolguy appologizes for his previous note.
from cymbolguy :
I read your diary EVERY day. Whatcha talkin' 'bout, fool?!
from scammysgirl :
Geez, I LUV ur diary lol. Didn't know guys thought that way...then again I don't really personally know guys older than 13 lol. But ya...awesome diary :) Oh, and I update my diary over the Christmas break (go me!) but don't read it unless you want to laugh lol...the mind of a 13 year old girl is Luv, Scammy's Girl
from bozetta :
LMAO! firstly, im sorry if hurt your felings. seccondly, i was being sarcastic for that entire conv. thirdly, we both use the EXACT same writing style. that conv. was just me poking fun at online diaries in general. its funny how many people take me too seriously *cough*egocentism*cough*
from cymbolguy :
It's from a stupid little ditty that we sung in choir. It was hard and it wasn't fun to sing. Bad combination.
from true2332 :
Actually, if you want a really easy way to change what your diary looks like, just go to a site where they have some. You can probably just type in "free diary templates" and get a million and five hundred fifty-seven results. Oh, yeah: RANDOM-NESS!
from cymbolguy :
"The evening hangs benieth the moon, a silver thread on darkened dune. I cannot sleep my mind's aflight and yet my limbs seem made of lead. If there are noises in the night... something something something... than I surrender unto sleep. Sleep... sleep... sleep... sleep..."
from spinincircle :
it's kinda funny tho. it's acceptable for me to cry but i'm not supposed to be punching walls..
from clarsnminet :
Jeff.... The last entry was really touching. It rocks. Dont delete it, dont be ashamed about it, just be happy that you have atleast one way to let emotion out. I would hope the people who have this URL would not be the ones who would judge you. Especially because half of them have diaries or "Journals" of their own. About the template things, just go to the button that ways change your template. There are little things inside and one of them tells you how to get a title
from clarsnminet :
Jeff. I am glad that you are happy about your christmas gift. WE need to hang out over break.We are long due for a hang out.... That made no sense ttyl
from doordain :
Yeah, I understand what you're saying (and, for that matter, what you were saying). But by putting your opinion out there, you're inviting response. I didn't mean to be mean or cutting in what I said, and I'm sorry if you took it that way. But just as you have the right not to feel isolated as a conservative, I have the right to respond to you when I think you're wrong. And I do think you're wrong, on several levels. While I'm willing to discuss this with you further, this is neither the time nor the place. So if this is as far as you want to take this discussion, that's fine -- but I won't change what I write or what I say because of you.
from bozetta :
im glad that your a republican. In fact, i wish there were more republicans at our school. Im not one myself (and never will be, but im not affiliated w/ any party), but i get very fed up with how one sided our school is. Without any serious discussions between people of different political beliefs nobody would figure out exactly what they stood for and what they didnt, which means the repression of republican values at our school is a serious detriment to everyone. Currently, our school's politics are inbreeding, and it sickens me... true i am in the majority, but its so BORING. Educated people should discuss the different ways they interpret important issues, and if a person has a different perspective on an issue, more power to 'em, b/c my SPJ+APA etc. are getting depressingly pointless.
from doordain :
I reaspect you as a person. I respect you as a Republican. I respect your views as a Republican (although I think they're almost entirely wrong). But come on, Reagan? Does the phrase "trickle-down effect" mean anything to you? How about "freedom fighters" in Nicaragua? Oh, and guess who taught Osama bin Laden? The hawks in Bush I's DOD. I respect your right to believe what you believe ... but you're crazy if you think I'm not going to debate you on this. I will fight you every step of the way on your beliefs. Because Reagan might be a nice guy. But you can't respect someone who falls asleep during Cabinet meetings.
from cymbolguy :
wait... by previous entry, I meant previous note... on this board... that is all. Sorry for 4 notes in under ten minutes (I think... not really following a clock).
from cymbolguy :
Shit, I realize that my previous entry had confusing pronouns. Sorry. I hope that my basic meaning was made clear. Any questions, just ask me.
from cymbolguy :
Referring to you being a Republican, people say, "this is your fathers fault, isn't it?" ... NO SHIT SHERLOCK (not to Jeff, to the stupid people who say that)! Your dad is at least PARTLY responsible for your beliefs. What dictates our views are often the innate values instilled in our mind by our parents. So your parents made you a Republican... AND MY PARENTS MADE ME A DEMOCRAT!!!!! That wasn't their intent, but your parents taught you conservative values that would naturally pull you towards the Republican party. What they say is true, but what they meant is not... I'm not proofreading, so I appologize for any bad english (sarah).
from cymbolguy :
...let the castration begin.
from cymbolguy :
Jeff, about your comment about, "I know you just skimmed by it"... to be honest Jeff, I didn't even do that. I know that I'm the only person in the world who doesn't... but I just don't read it. Actually, I read it if I'm familiar with the song, but otherwise I don't bother. I'm not knocking it at all. On the other hand, it's now Joe, Sarah, Liz and me? Who else is "in the loop?"
from doordain :
Jeff -- Because, contrary to popular belief, she loves you and she cares about you. Think about it -- what better way to try to understand someone you don't really connect with anymore? I'd write more, but Garrison Keillor is calling my name.
from naivepegasus :
Sorry Jeff...we will never "ever" read this again but that is what you get when you share with the f_ _ _ing www (giggle)
from maybetoday :
Shh, shh, stop fretting. Please. And asking for viewer response is a little self-defeating, darling. I read you, and less than a handful of others, because your writing drips of GoodSmith. You don't dress it up, you don't dumb it down, and so the writing is my friend because the writing IS the writer and the writer is my friend. mwah.
from cymbolguy :
there was a plea for feedback? Well, I missed it. In all honesty, Jeff, I'll read your diary nomatter what. I mean, frankly, it's entertaining. Makes me relax about myself because I feel more normal.
from true2332 :
I remember that Christmas=trees. Pine trees in most cases, but I see the occasional maple leaf. I have a plastic tree. I call it a shrub most of the time. I see many of them in the department stores, in different varieties. I think they're starting to smell like pine, now. I think they should smell like lemons. That made me think of Lemony Snicket. A series of unfortunate events...
from cymbolguy :
HOLY SHIT!!!! I cannot believe you said that! That is ONE nasty cough. hee hee hee
from leonmcphelps :
17.436 is great. Thank you very much.
from leonmcphelps :
Well, I like the Beatle's and I see you have a little piced of Beatleness in your diary. I also had an Aunt named Tilda. I guess as far as Awesomeness goes you are pretty awesome. On a scale of 1 - 20, you are a 16.8754637. I would give you higher or lower, but it is hard to judge without photography.
from cymbolguy :
What you say sounds very familiar, so yes.
from toastergirlx :
"Normal" is a word that I can't come to terms with. Who's normal? Normal for me? Or normal for other people? Or normal for the ideal societal image of a person? So, in conclusion, who the fuck cares about normal, and Jeff, I hate to tell you this, but don't worry about it so much...I don't know how to stop worrying [something i need to learn myself] but I'll fit in with all the other people who will tell you that.
from toastergirlx :
You are awesome. Next time you say something of the sort--I'll go for the nuts. So get out of the funk for the sake of your sperm. *just kidding* But I do think that you're awesome the way you are and hey--if we all looked perfect all the time what would the supermodels do?
from cymbolguy :
The people who laughed at Martinek's comment might have gotten something out of it too. I mean, I laughed at it... but I got a lot out of it too. I mean, it's just a matter of mind over matter. I mean, but it's not as easy as he says it in his callous(sp?) manner. I mean, he's awesome and everything, but I guarantee that he has absolutely no tollerance for depression. He figures that it's not his problem and that the depressed person should deal. It's not that clear-cut, but non-depressed people seldom understand fully anyway (with several notable exceptions).
from maybetoday :
from bozetta :
"this is going to sting a *little* bit"<P>~sprays antiseptic on knee and grins as she hears screams of pain~
from doordain :
Well, I'm not going to play the journalist card and talk about clarity in writing. Really, I'm not. As Mrs. Young once said, "People suck." Whatever happens, remember that. (Wait, people onlt say things like that before fighting a huge battle. En garde! FREEDOM!)
from true2332 :
Except for the "girlfriend" part. Yeah, I meant in the case of boyfriends...nevermind.
from true2332 :
I hate to stray from our randomness, but with this ("Everyone then jumps to it, saying "wait, Jeff do you have a girlfriend" my reply is "no". Their reply? "Oh... Whats her name!?")...yeah, I can't help but relate...damn selective hearing!
from bozetta :
~does victory dance~
from doordain :
Dang it all. I had an idea of who this mysterious girl was, and I thought it was a good one. But no, she's not in any of your classes, so never mind. Talk to you later.
from true2332 :
I don't know the girls in Ohio, I just thought it was due time for random notes. Yeah cause I don't know anything about Ohio. My teacher went there though. Got sick. You're diseased, I guess. But I know the capital. Which is O. Yeah, that was dumb. Okay, I'm leaving.
from doordain :
I won't ask or guess who this girl is, because I'm going to be all sneaky in figuring this out. (Though telling you that I'm going to be sneaky is kind of self-defeating ... if I knew what class she was in, it'd be easier). So I'll be guessing, no doubt; but later.
from cymbolguy :
To answer previous question: Yes and just to annoy the hell out of you, I will ask a question that I actually don't give a flying fuck about: who is this girl?
from toastergirlx :
I'm "proud" of you. By the way, Jeff L. Creeps the Fuck out of me. Cause he's like, Rawrg, I'm scary, and I'm like, Yea you are.
from maybetoday :
Just do yourself a favor and DELIGHT in the fact that you don't know what your hormones are telling you. Besides, she's a lucky girl, even if (oh god oh god don't look at her just picture her right yes there what's she wearing today just look up for a second quickly quickly like checking a blind spot oh god did she see me) she doesn't know it. :] --LMD
from clarsnminet :
Everyone wants a man half as sexy as Jeff GoodSmith, or as Laurence calls him Badsmith, or as the coach at Palatine calls him Goldsmith. Whatever his name is he is way sexier than any other man and THAT is the true reason he does not have women fawning all over him. Its because they are afraid that they will start a trend of the Jeff Goodsmith. Besides im told that it is better to be single, I wouldn't know, its the only thing ive been. I like it anyway, atleast at the moment. SO cheer up old chap. AND GET ME FLOGGING MOLLY:)
from bozetta :
renting away your free will paid off!
from doordain :
I just read a study that found that the majority of high school students are single. Besides, you can't be bitter anymore. Your mind worrying about you getting random crushes on people is you worrying about conforming to society's standards -- you know you're cool, so you think you should have a girlfriend to go with it. But you think you're a dork, so you think you need the unrequited love to go with that. And you know you're funny, so you think you need a failed relationship to make fun of. See why I say emotions suck? :-)
from cymbolguy :
You asked if the most recent g/f entry made sense... I'll say it did. As I read it, a solitary tear rolled down my cheek as I realized: I am the new Tim Carioscio. [Time for me to be like Don MacLean. I'm not gonna say what that means, but lets see if other people can figure out what that means.]
from toastergirlx :
Dude. I totally already knew you would. *Raises Jeff on shoulders!* You amaze my small monkey intestine.
from bozetta :
here. have a note.
from toastergirlx :
Is it? Can it really be?! Why, yes, I do believe I have found the one and only Jeff Goodsmith! --Lots of Speech Team Luvin'; the other speech team mascot
from doordain :
See? I told you you got all the hot guys for a reason.
from true2332 :
Everyone else seems to have answered every question I can remember. Damn. But I wonder...have you ever heard of Jack Handy? I think that maybe you two might have been seperated at birth...but not in the creepy Siamese twins way.
from saddiamonds :
p.s. sorry about the errors and not making real sentences, I hate leaving notes.
from saddiamonds :
if you have a note, I'll leave one, but yeesh! Yes, it makes sense. I didn't really feel like a senior until hanging around the younger ones. Just the way the act and their reactions and what bothers them, seem so far away from me. I'm beyond that now and it's little weird. And yes, the intimdation because there's so many of the little buggers! It's like the constant threat of Mass Overthrow. Just remember, you are the senior and that does mean you have more privileges, hell look at how much more you've been through. And all the crap you have to deal with now, a lot more than they do. Well maybe not more, but more complicated. Yes, as we've all told you the OC kicks ass and you will make it to Finals this year and place my boy. I promise. (If it doesn't happen you can take my left baby toe, I don't know what you'll do with it but you can take it) Please keep writing. I know that us happy people need places to vent and complain and just not be happy. Because we're human and it's a place to let go. Not an easy place to find. So keep writing.
from doordain :
Leaving you a note, as is my wont ... Yeah, people thinking you're younger than you really are isn't fun. But unless you want to go around with a big old sign that says "I'M A SENIOR. FEAR ME", just act like the intelligent, mature, amazing person you are. And if people still think you're an underclassmen, just talk about how much you hate college applications.
from true2332 :
I have a small giggle that won't stop. Ha. Ha, ha, ha. By the way, Vin Deisal punched you in the face because he was preparing for the mirror-reflection sequel of XXX. Peter Jackson was asked to direct it, but he backed out and swam back to NZ. I don't know how. He ran into Frank on the way, who was water skiing with snowshoes (again, I don't know how), and made a jump right over floating Donnie. The fishes beneath him say hi. Ha. Ha, ha, ha. Random notes are fun.
from burntoutx :
Ok you win.
from burntoutx :
An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto a blade of grass and not fall of the earth. -Irish Proverb
from indie-snob :
now see, i TOTALLY looked for that baby-eating review, and i didn't see it. now im really disappointed. watch me go cry.... *cries*
from thekinkymary :
hi, i thought id say and make u feel special and stuff. now, dont u feel so darn special that i said hi to u? i would, hahah. have fun w/ whatever u do, buhbye-mary-
from doordain :
OK, Jeff? Let's take a look at your everyday life. I'll mane three periods of the day: math, lunch, and rehearsal for Emily's show. At all three of these places, I've seen you crack people up on a regular basis. And not just idiots; people who know what smart comedy is. Go to sleep; you'll need it. Don't think happy thoughts, don't visualize the tournament tomorrow. Don't think about the tournament. In fact, don't think about anything. Get involved in something -- listen to music, read a book, watch a movie. Tomorrow morning, you'll feel a lot better. Night!
from doordain :
Oh, Jeff, how wrong you are. Your hair shows your wild, hippie-like nature. Face it, man, your hair votes Democrat. If it isn't too stoned.
from doordain :
Well, that picture was from a Quizilla quiz -- if you take one, there's a box on the results page with a punch of HTML that you can copy and paste. It's really not that tough. Diaryland, of course, doesn't LET you post pictures without being a Gold member (stupid people). That's why I have a Quizilla account, where I can save pictures and then make then the answers to quizzes and post away. Yay beating the system!
from doordain :
Eh, I randomly decided to mess with the format. (Why does "decided" look like it's spelled wrong?) By the way, I don't think all your angsty entries are about you being single; I just like to generalize, like any teenager. (But I say again, just go hit on some random girl; you'll be surprised where you end up.)
from pionmaster :
so that diary entry was quite funny, don't get too down dawg,just remember there are people who've tried and only gotten called back once! **cough cough joe cough cough** i kid i kid just wanted to tell ya that i'll be your duelling partner anytime, aloha
from thekinkymary :
ummk, i added u to my favs b/c i like ur lil notes and decided to read ur stuff, sooo thanx again. -mary-
from thekinkymary :
hey, thanx for the note. at first, i thought it was for someone else, but thats crazy to think...soo who's doordain? they talk to u alot...ok, buhbye -mary-
from doordain :
Also, your novella was very nice, if a bit over-dramatic. But I think you should put all that creative energy toward your quarter paper, young man.
from doordain :
But remember, Trap didn't steal my life until mid-junior year. I still had time to try out for stuff until then, and did, on occasion. And failed miserably. I'm not trying to steal your thunder or anything, I'm just saying there are people less fortunate than you. (You know, the ones who don't get called back because they're bad actors.)
from doordain :
Dude, Antonio, it's good to have a dueling partner who can actually, you know, DUEL. Either the stage-combat version, the real deal, or John Wayne (although I don't recommend him -- he'd steal the show). I'd be your second, but I'm bitter that you made "Lost in Yonkers" -- that part was so mine, bee-yotch! Yeah, guess who NEVER got called back for a show. As in EVER. You can't talk, foo', so you best dodge the crap Mr. Amandes throws at you before I go Mr. T on your ass (and then get beaten up by the hot girls in love with you). Word. Seriously, you know what your problem is? You don't fit into any of the world's nice little categories, so you get thrown to the wayside. But when you come into power, there will be much rejoicing, 'cause you'll have created the Jeff GoodSmith Niche of Happiness. So until then, survive on the rotten fruit Mr. Amandes throws at you. But careful eating that stuff -- it's pretty bitter.
from doordain :
Oh. Er, right. Although a lot of good dream analysis, I think, is knowing the person who had the dream and what they're normally like. But sure, Mr. Goldberg is reponsible for my interpretations of dreams. So sue HIM if I mess up.
from doordain :
Then why the comment about crazy philosophy?
from doordain :
Well, since you called me Joseph (he of the amazing technicolor dream coat and dream interpretations), I figured I'd take the metaphor and run it into the ground. Why, what has philosophy done to you now?
from doordain :
Silly Jeff; clarity is for newswriters! Yeah, so with the new information, the sword going through a wooden column ... board ... thing means that you're only affected by her death after it breaks through the thing between you (in this case, a piece of wood). In other words, your relationship with this woman didn't work because you kept her removed from you. Or maybe she put up the wooden thing. Either way, this was not a happy relationship. But that only means that you need emotional people in your life to be happy, which makes sense. Yay! I get to be a Hebrew slave! And have my eleven brothers hate me!
from doordain :
Yeah, I'm leaving you yet ANOTHER note. Go figure. Anyway, since I have nothing better to do, I think I'll try to interpret your dream. First of all, the "Kill Bill" sequences are there because that movie has invaded your psyche because ... well, it's EVERYWHERE. But I digress. Being on a mountain with a kid overworking himself is you looking at your past. You're isolated, so you see yourself (you're older, remember?) as a kid, and you feel bad the kid. In other words, you'll probably look back on your life now in ten years and say, "Wow, those hot girls Sarah was talking about really did want me." Or something. The woman you had a relationship with is there because it's a sappy movie moment, but the way she dies (a sword goes through a piece of wood) means that she didn't matter to you in the first place. When the "Kill Bill" folk start chasing you ... well, that's just the "Kill Bill" folk chasing you. You going back to your house is you going someplace that you felt safe in when you were younger, but it doesn't work anymore. Probably because you're older in this dream, and you haven't been living at home for a while. To sum up: Looking back at your life, you realize that it was a lot better than it seemed at the time, although you still don't have a great relationship track record (the woman is wood, remember?). And you've changed enough that places you used to feel comfortable in now feel different. Yeah, I really didn't have anything better to do this morning, did I?
from thekinkymary :
hi, i thought id stop by and say hi, ttyl buhbye, -mary-
from doordain :
~overbearing, deep-voiced narrator~ In the year 2003, the world was a dangerous place. Terrorists killed innocent citizens on a daily basis. Millions lived in poverty. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the governer of California, for crying out loud. If the world ever needed heroes, this was it. Then, out of the jaded haze of violence and cynicism, a hero rose. Armed with intelligence, wit, and dashing good looks, he brought joy, happiness, and other nice hero-ish things into the world. And he did it all despite mean people sucking, school taking up time, and life in general not being nice. Because he had inner strength, good hair, and faith in fallible things (like the Cubs, and Sectionals judges). (Come on, every superhero needs good hair.) And this hero overcame the evils of this world, like Mr. Amandes and the New York Yankees (though I'm hoping for the Red Sox), to make the world a better place. Because he was just that talented. The world didn't always recognize this hero, because sometimes his brilliance was hidden away. (Then again, the world wasn't the brightest thing. It thought Saddam Hussein was responsible fot Sept. 11 and couldn't name even one Democrat running for President.) So the hero (whose name was Jeff, by the way) continued to save the day, and the world went on. The end. (Or is it the beginning?)
from doordain :
Jeff -- Like I say, you're Jon Stewart. You're smart AND funny. That's why you get all the guys.
from doordain :
My dear Antonio -- I assume you were down at Wrigley tonight? Party on, Wayne. Party on, Garth. Get down, party people! Get down! CUBS WIN! WAHOO! And how come I never have dreams where I'm dying? Seriously. All my dreams have to do with surreal situations -- the closest I've come to death in my dreams is when Emily shot herself, but she came back, so it was all good. Hmm -- haven't had any dreams that I remember recently. Probably accounts for my mood. :-) Go Cubs! And Kerry Wood says, "Yay!"
from doordain :
Blood is bad, Jeff! Being injured is not fun. I actually had no idea you were injured until you started cleaning the floor. I was like, "Why is Jeff cleaning? He's not Cinderella! He's a flounder!" Then I thought, "Hey, maybe it's an interpretation of the character. It's a metaphor for the flounder's servitude." And then Emily was like, "Jeff, you're BLEEDING!" And I thought, "Oh. That's why he grabbed a Kleenex." Hope you have fun at your dentist appointment.
from pionmaster :
have fun being jewish man,thanks for the words and you keep on trucking too
from doordain :
Yeah, I'm leaving you my third note of the day ... I have a life, seriously! I'm just sick. Anyway, do you know a girl named Liz Heller? She e-mailed me and she apparently lives in Oak Park, likes Howard Dean and "West Wing."
from doordain :
By the way, "oui" is pronounced "whee!" Although usually not with the punctuation, but whatever. I'm sick, what do you want from me? :-) I'll call you later about homework.
from doordain :
Yuck. I'm sick. It's not fun. Send out more magical healing messages, please! Also, tell me if we do anything important in math or English.
from doordain :
Duly noted, Antonio. Duly noted. I can feel my sinuses clearing already! Oh, wait, that might just be the crack ...
from doordain :
Antonio -- Yeah, I'm leaving you another note. I'm bored and tired of existentialism. Anyway, what'd you think of that movie in English today? -- Spoon
from doordain :
Antonio -- Hmmm. Not quite sure who it is, but it's a girl, probably a sophomore, who is either on crue or hangs out with crue/theater/choir people. I think. She also has an older sister in college. Whoever it is, they sound ... interesting. -- Spoon
from spinincircle :
no worries. you're a nice guy jeff. you'll get a girl.
from doordain :
Sometimes we hate those who control things we don't like. You do the announcements; I maintain that Britney Spears is the devil. (What does she control, you ask? Millions of kindergarteners who now want to be just like her. Feminism takes precedence over children once again.) Also: Everyone's life is just one great big mosaic. We remember things in flashes, and suddenly see connections between the B we got in history freshman year and our undying love for underappreciated geeks. (OK, maybe YOU don't see that connection ... it's a long story.) Anyway, people are like Silly Putty -- stretched out all over the place, with bits left in odd places you'd never suspect, wrapped around things, stuffed in containers, washed, chewed up, spit out, snapped into pieces, and yet ready to be a source of amusement. Wow, I took that analogy WAY too far.
from doordain :
Antonio -- One of these days, we're gonna go out and get you all liquored up. Do you know why? Because you are smart, and witty, and talented, and that means that you can't be bitter. (However, when we take you out, you are NOT driving. OK? OK. Just so we're clear on that.) -- Spoon
from doordain :
Antonio -- One of these days, we're gonna go out and get you all liquored up. Do you know why? Because you are smart, and witty, and talented, and that means that you can't be bitter. (However, when we take you out, you are NOT driving. OK? OK. Just so we're clear on that.) -- Spoon
from clarsnminet :
Jeff, I believe i beat you and Ian both. BECAUSE I HAD BOTH HAPPEN TO ME YESTERDAY...... What i mean to say is that I was at that marching band party, then went home to become whorish like, then went to emilys to be more whorish like, to then proceed to Rocky Horror where I Kissed my Virginity good bye. After Rocky Horror, I got hit on by two Scottish 30 year olds who proceeded to ask us if we wanted to join them for a beer. I would have to agree with myself when i say that i had the WILDEST NIGHT LAST NIGHT

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