messages to neckbreaker:
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from ceildah :
have you ever read this article? Spotted Jeanette in your profile and as i know you're into astrology.....
from ceildah :
hhhhheeeeeeey. nice to see yer!
from hbaybee :
Lookin for a diary review? Don't be silly, of course you are! Come to Hitlar Baybee Reviewz for the best review this side of the time-space continuum =D x
from ceildah :
Im riding the eclipses like a bucking bull baby! glad yer back 'n' bad. Your house sounds delich....super jealous. x
from ceildah :
from ceildah :
ahh i just read about the eclipses. Think this calls for a stash of chocolate in my top drawer.
from ceildah :
hey matey - glad to hear you are Ms HBA (hot buffalo assss! hehe). Things are all good. I have the Venus effect at the moment and my gosh am i feeling it! Its the best! Are the eclipses you refer to like that octaganal occurance that happened a week ago or what? tell tell! x
from ceildah :
psst where've you gone? Buffalo swallowed you?
from ceildah :
aww sorry to hear that...nice entry though. Someone found my diary yesterday by googling 'old slappers'...! Hows the no-coffee thing going?
from ceildah :
A kindred paranoid astrology geek in my midst! yay! Be bold and quit that job, im sure the sky won't fall. Later gator.
from ceildah :
wow thats so amazin?! Ive only seen seals in the wild a couple of times in my life and they have been on pretty remote beaches. Must be a seal with a taste for the city life.
from bare-my-soul :
i am SO not the center of the nyc blogger community. you will need to change that, for sure! thank you for your words on al-anon, and i miss chatting with you! how are YOU? love rose
from argylecool :
Happy birthday to us indeed! Hope you have too much fun tonight and don't have work in the morning.
from argylecool :
I love what you gleaned from my diary. You have clearly done your homework. A+
from bare-my-soul :
a small group of d-landers are planning on meeting up next thursday, 6PM, at slate, in chelsea. i would love it if you could come along. there's a link to it on more than one of my more recent entries. let me know. best, rose
from guitargod :
Ack! How'd you know my room was dirty??? And I can't say being locked in the closet while you're at work would be enjoyable, but the not being enrolled in school, while morally wrong as hell, would be quite enjoyable =) And no.... I would NEVER turn into eminem, but you might have to worry about me turning into Ozzy Jr., eating bats and snorting ants. =-/
from bare-my-soul :
okay, you make me smile. that's HUGE! found you doing a search for new york blogs. i'll be back! rose
from guitargod :
*hugs* You rock! Thank you for your wonderful comment! Can I be your internet son??? And how the hell is birdwatching a sport? Do they have cheerleaders, and gatherings of fans watching people birdwatching? And how would the commentator actually... comment on that? "And FAR into left feild a BEAUTIFUL cardinal comes flying in to the birdfeild! Let's see if number 47 will see this one! It's going... going... OH HE GOT IT!!!!!!!! RED SOCKS WIN!!!!!! RED SOCKS WIN!!!!!!"
from rae-babe :
A friend of mine had her daughter run away and she might be in the New York area. Please take a look at the picture. It's right at the top of my page and it will only take a second. If you have seen her the contact information is below. Thank You for your help, Rae-babe
from guitargod :
:) Heck yeah I did! When I read that line, I just DIED laughing. I felt it had to be made public!
from shutupmom :
prank phone call invitation is always open. (608) 245-0054
from guitargod :
Hey, I've been trying to catch you on AOL, but you're not on usually... So just drop your password in my email, [email protected] . thanks :)
from guitargod :
Thank you :) I don't know what to say, I really don't write in this thing for anyone other than Jennifer... And things are always interesting between me and her :) So if you like the diary, just keep letting me know :) It's always nice to hear compliments. Thanks

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