messages to noahjaidyn:
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from linneabear :
Yay! I am glad his first game went well.
from linneabear :
I'm glad she had such a good first day! Cute cute pictures!
from drivenbyl0ve :
Happy birthday Noah! I can't remember if I said that... ;) HOW did he get to be such a BIG boy??
from linneabear :
LOL. It looks like Brian is naked in that one picture. Glad they had a good Christmas!
from linneabear :
Noah's writing is great!
from drivenbyl0ve :
Aww! I love them dancing! They are adorable, and so clever!
from redshoegirl :
I love them dancing! They look like they are having such a good time!
from drivenbyl0ve :
I love the one where Jaidyn is wrapped in the blanket! Too cute, and the one in the dress with the hat. And the one where Noah is petting the puppy- it shows that he is a gentle and caring little boy. What a beautiful family.
from mamaness :
they are just beautiful :)
from redshoegirl :
Hee hee, what lovely children! I am really looking forward to being a mother myself. You are such a good mom, Robbi
from redshoegirl :
Happy birthday beautiful Jaidyn! I hope you have a lovely day and party, and some great presents! I'm sure being three will be even more fun than being two!
from drivenbyl0ve :
She is one beautiful girl!
from machogirl7 :
Noah's shirt ROCKS! I wonder if they make those in big people sizes. Too cool.
from machogirl7 :
Aw! They are going to break some hearts when they get older. What beautiful children. Oh, and happy 5 months to Chase!
from screwedupja :
OMGoodness! My little girl looks just like your Jaidyn. I can't get over how much they look alike. (except mine just turned 2 in August) Email me and I will send you a pic!
from azrialla :
I love the layout! Its so fitting, right down to the paint splashes and the font you used :)
from babicharmz :
this is a cute idea!

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