messages to noophiechick:
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from candoor :
happy new year :)
from karmicenigma :
Your last entry was great. I hope to hell some guys read it and take notes.
from karmicenigma :
Hey, just found your diary and had a blast reading it (backwards of course). You cracked me up, which is hard to do during an attack of insomnia at 2am. So yeah, thanks for writing!
from boutish :
Hi! Thanks for your note! So, why am I writing in english? I guess it's to practice my english a little since I don't have classes anymore. It's also because I feel it's more private that way. Funny to say but I feel like I would be more "exposed" if I wrote in French... Don't exactly know why.
from lauralgood :
oh my! what a happy surprise to get your note! I loved your latest entry. I too love kissing strange boys and girls. I hope that silly friend of yours gets a clue soon. He should be all over you. boys are so silly. I will be thinking the best thoughts ever for you, girlie. and I will be waiting for your next update! Laural
from boutish :
Thanks for joining my quebecers ring!!
from lauralgood :
Might I love you? You seem like a really cool girl and those paintings the ex boy did are great. For me the reason I write on here is to give myself an outlet where people can comment on my ideas and hopefully give me some feedback. I have made some incredible friends from this place and I hope you do as well. Keep happy. Laural

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