messages to nygypsy:
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from hissandtell :
Hi - I found you through the Women Over 30 Diaryring and am enjoying your writing very much; I'm looking forward to reading more. (And I see we have a mutual buddy, too.) Love, R xxx
from ilmomof3 :
Thanks for that note -- WW has some new twists to their program, which is actually a good thing because it will keep me from being bored. I'm not gaining back everything I lost. Not gonna happen.
from ilmomof3 :
Virus writers are wastes of sperm and egg! Hate 'em!
from ilmomof3 :
You may want to invest in a dehumidifier for your basement. It helped with ours, though it ended up being too little too late!
from ilmomof3 :
I'm glad things are going so well for you -- I know about shoddy workmanship, yes, indeed. And unfortunately, we won't be able to undo all of it, but we'll make a dent before we list the house.
from ilmomof3 :
I'm game to start over with it. It sounds like a good idea, actually. Want to?
from ilmomof3 :
Your diary is aching for an update...
from ilmomof3 :
Listen to your intuition... whenever I've ignored mine, I have sorely regretted it. Ask Jeff.
from ilmomof3 :
Woo! I knew the UU church would yield some good contacts for you! I hope you find a good drumming group. :-)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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