messages to oh-my-darlin:
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from dontgogently :
If I had wanted to simply ignore everything that had happened I just wouldn't have responded at all. Can you tell me one thing first? How's James? And no that wasn't some thinly veiled insult, I actually would like to know.
from dontgogently :
Yeah, my walls are high. They're gonna be. After everything it would take a miracle for me to just openly trust anyone. As for where I stand? I don't know. I've been trying for a long time to squash those feelings and thoughts so that I won't ever have to actually deal with them. This isn't me saying that I won't talk, this is just me saying I don't know how much I'll say.
from dontgogently :
So why is it when the questions you have may be able to be answered you withdraw?
from dontgogently :
fyi, i didn't respond back because facebook is retarded and so are their security measures
from dontgogently :
i remembered this one. ya know, for all the stupid things i could never remember, some things stick out. like this one. i remembered.
from for-you-only :
you sound pretty interesting yourself. I'd like to hear from you again,

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