messages to omri:
(click here to add new message):

from tuxedo :
from fatmaster :
I lost the sauce.
from mattarmani :
Will you be in town this summer? Or are you staying away from the wolves that lurk in the tall grasses of Our Special Lady of Mercedes High?
from bugiardo :
super cool Rebecca... but when the cookies come out of the jar, there's no going back, what is made cannot be unmade, unless it's a bed...
from brickpit :
i am 25-35 all at once (with more than a bit of 12 year old mixed in). i'm not a mandolinist, keyboardist, or any kind of ist that i know of but i'm sure i could play an instrument in your play. and i damn well know how to sway. one question, will snacks be served at the audition? -bP
from hushangelz :
Hey there! I stumbled across your diary and just thought I'd leave ya a lil' note to say "Hi!!" :D
from behold-me :
You're my new bestest friend. <3
from fossilise-ap :
you have a top taste in music!
from tofukiller :
from jeffretard78 :
hey there young lady, I'm not a dead link. you go fix that before i tell everyone about your love affair with Leif Garrett :P
from jeffretard78 :
Tell Judge Judy I already gave you a dollar.
from jeffretard78 :
Gabba Gabba Hey!
from squeepy :
So you've purged me and my entries. Guess I didn't even mean as much as you said I did. Rot in peace.
from squeepy :
from omri :
These are my notes. Leave one, and enjoy a licking.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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