messages to oneredshoe:
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from realthoughts :
I don't really think that religion is all about hate. I think that religion gives people a way to live their lives, and that ultimately, people need something to belong to and something to believe in. And religion allows them to connect with others that share their way of life. So I think it's fully possibly for a religion to disagree with an individual's or religion's practices...but not have any hate for anyone. I guess I just feel like people use the word hate too freely nowadays or people claim it just because someone else disagrees.
from realthoughts :
I too think that birth control affects my mood and I don't like it. I think it depends on the brand you're using though. I was fine with the nuva ring, but the birth control patch (back before they took it off the market) made me crazy. Here's an entry I wrote about quitting it: I ended up using the IUD instead as it didn't have hormones. I'm sorry it's made you feel crazy - it's weird to think how it's totally normal nowaday for females to regularly take all these hormones...but really, I don't think it's always best for our emotional state...I hope you go back to your old self soon!
from omfggwtf :
stumbled on your diary, hope things go okay for you? xo.
from realthoughts :
I don't have advice or anything, but I hope things work out.
from sunnyrain828 :
Yeah, that won't go away for a few months. It took me 4 months to get totally used to birth control.
from realthoughts :
it does go away (although maybe not for months and months), but if it's the right guy, even when it does go away, it's replaced with a really deep and appreciate love. The new feelings may not be as giddy and exciting as the first, but is a stronger and more awesome bond than you can imagine. I like reading your entries though - it sounds like you're in a really fun time of your life and you sound so much like some of my entries from a couple years ago! :)
from hurt-so-much :
Stop trying so hard to's ok to remember him. It's ok because if you remember him, then you will be able to learn from him, learn what went wrong, how it went wrong...find any signals that you might have ignored and didn't see because you were "blinded by the light"...then maybe, when the next one comes along, you will be able to decide if he is right for you, and you'll know the warning signs that he isn't in advance. I used to wish certain people would come back into my life and make me happy again, if only just for a moment. But then I realized that one moment of happiness wouldn't demolish or even equivulate the amount of pain, stress, and self-loathing that he put me it would not be worth it. Things happen for a reason and your past is your past for a reason. You are still alive and there must be a reason for that. Good luck and my heart goes out to you.
from americansin :
thanks your last entry helped me out.
from elliestuff :
What advice can I give..none. Its just when I read you, I know its emotional..and yet I keep thinking..does this person know what it feels like for your feet to really be numb. Or their hands. You've got so much going for you. You write so well. Perhaps you'll just have to write yourself out of this. Stay creative.
from raving-mad :
Hi! i can't recall the song, but in understand how you feel. I went throuhg various periods like that at school during exam time. I am not sure if that amkes you feel better, but at least you are not alone! I would also say that i am also OBSESSED with Serenity, and avidly watch Firefly, which i own. How could i not?! Vx
from fallmode :
i don't know if you ever read these notes, but i just want to tell you this chick probably was having a really abd day, or had something up her ass maybe? that's never okay, i am sure you are fabulous and did nothing wrong!
from fallmode :
someday you will be rich and famous and look back on this day and tell your butler about it!
from jjscrush :
hi, again. i'm just doing my periodic check in on the ones. do you not read your notes? ever? i'd like to hear from you. even if it's to tell me not to write anymore. love, jj
from jjscrush :
i wasnt going to say anything, but you asked so, i will. is meeting his mom really that big of a deal? she might be really nice and you'll make a new friend. and you might get a good home-cooked meal out of it. good luck, and join 'the-ones' diaryring, please? love, jj
from onewetleg :
im adding you to my collection of diaries that start with one. nice to meet you . love, jj

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