messages to orlith:
(click here to add new message):

from readnglst999 :
Where is clarity25? Recent vacation blog - "Eric's" Photobucket account -
from lifeasme66 :
Glad to hear you are okay, even if other things aren't too good right now. About Hunter, well, even if it isn't the "right" thing to do, you can't exactly not give him space if he asks for it, you know? Whenever anyone asks for space, the other person has no choice but to give it to them... hopefully he will realize what he had and he'll come back. As for the lawyer bit, could you possibly get someone to work pro bono? For free (Or whatever the term is that they use)? I've never done it myself, but you hear about that kind of thing on tv... Anyway, I'll be anxiously awaiting your updates, hope things work out **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
I'm sorry you're feeling trapped, my dear. Believe me, I'm familiar with the feeling. Here's hoping things will look up soon, and if I could, I'd totally spring for a Supergold upgrade for you. If there's any of your other readers who can afford half, I'll pitch in the other half! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
*shudder* Yeah, I hate that "OMG, could I be???" feeling =( **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
It's great to hear you so happy =D **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Happy for you, sad for your kidneys! Hope you feel better soon, hon =) **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Ooooh... excited for you!! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
I'm not gonna scold you or say otherwise cuz you're a big girl and can handle your situation =) But I will say that I'm happy you're so happy =D **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
We all deserve happiness, my dear, and one day, you will find it! Don't give up hope! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
It's raining men for you, literally! Congrats on the job, btw =) **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Hmm... not sure if I'd go anywhere with Mr. I-Have-A-Girlfriend. I mean, it's kinda like walking into a baited trap. What if you guys do hang out, just to hang out, and a real attraction there exists? What would you do? Maybe it's best to wait and hold off meeting up until he's in a more final position with the g-friend? Just my thoughts =) **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Fingers crossed for you too, hon! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
It will come to you, hon, don't worry. Try to put yourself in situation where you'll meet a lot of different people. Good relationships are out there, and we are all deserving of one =) **HUGS!!**
from tiaris :
Hi! I clicked through from lifeasme66. Heh, did you get the prototype for your layout at Raging Pistachio? (See mine and you'll know what I mean.) Anyway, don't mind me while I poke around in your cabinets and raise your stats a bit.
from lifeasme66 :
Good to see you back and posting, my dear! Although your comments still do not work... but that's okay. Good luck on that job search! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Happy belated, dear! Glad to see you are still well. A kitten? I'm so jealous! **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Glad to hear you are ok and doing well =) I keep forgetting, your comments are turned off =/ **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
My gosh... my heart and my prayers are with you... **HUGS!!**
from clarity25 :
I just realized that the notes I've been leaving in Haloscan haven't been going through. I'm going to try the notesection now. I'm so sorry Orlith for what you've been going through. I pray that everything will be okay. Thank you for sharing your 2005 memories with me. I truly hope that 2006 brings only good things for you and the ones you love. Best wishes, positive thoughts, and prayers from me to you. Thank you also for your friendship here at Diaryland, it meant a lot to me.
from lifeasme66 :
Ryan says you're never too old for toys. I have to agree =) **HUGS!!**
from lifeasme66 :
Glad to hear you are ok, hon! But so sorry about the job =/ Things happen for a reason though, right? I hope things will work out soon =) **HUGS!!**
from scotvalkyrie :
Howdy doo -- I have always wished I could have been found on a Search, myself. What color would your dragon be?
from nicim :
11/7/05 Hi - Your comments are turned off so thought I'd leave you a note. Funny you should say "a fine line between love and hate". There are two entries in my archives - A Fine Line Between Love and Hate and A Fine Line Between Hate and Love. You will like them. Hope life gets better for you!
from theswordsman :
Damn. Great answers! Take care. John
from theswordsman :
Hi. Thanks for adding me to your buddies. Take care. John
from hissandtell :
Hi - thanks so much for reading me. I dropped by the other day and read several of your entries, which I enjoyed; those "Layers" quizzes are quite revealing, aren't they? Good luck with Barry and your new life - I do hope everything works out brilliantly for you. Love, R xxx
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island and thanks so much for adding my diary to your Diaryland favorites.
from bindyree :
just popping in to say thank you very much for filling out my survey. :-)
from somnambulist :
Hi there. You don't know me, I found you through the comments in one of Chris's private entires (shout-out to the inner circle!) ... just wanted to say that from comment about your husband (in there) seemed odd after thumbing through the journal... sounds from the jounral more like your problems are with his ex-wife. Of course it's none of my business and I really just had come to say that I understand the original comment -- I could've cheated on someone (we were not engaged even but we did live together) to get a great girl -- who is now off in Buffalo NY somewhere and ended up with some other guy (he's not there, I'm not sure what happened to them, the whole thing is just a big mess, really) while I stuck it out (except, unlike you, my relationship ended). <BR><BR> Best of luck, in any case.
from lifeasme66 :
Hey girl, thanks for the comments. I hope you don't mind me leaving a note here, couldn't access your gbook for some reason! I smiled when you said you missed my updates, it's nice to know someone misses me! =) **HUGS!!**

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