messages to pantone-292:
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from iwillsurvive :
Hi, I noticed you listed me on your favs list. Firstly, Thanks for that! Secondly, I'm trying to rally the Diaryland Community to raise $10,000 for the victims of the Tsunami. Please visit my diary for all the details. WE CAN DO THIS!!!! Thirdly, looks like you've stopped posting (I can relate to that), but hopefully, you are still doing well :)
from vivelepunk :
hey, that was a great last entry. ::nods:: i kind of agree with the whole stable issue and sucky journals. i go through that whole bout myself. well, to try to shake things up in my rather boring life, i've relocated to so i'd just like so thank you for having added me to your fave reads list. always an honor. come visit me whenever you'd like, you're more than welcome to read about my nonsensical garbage. have a great new year, i'd love to hear from you. -katie
from vanoonoo :
hi :)
from tornshadow :
if you had just told the Truth from the beginning. Now, let me guess, your going to steal me away from Melody again :)
from areyouoz :
it's all a joke, really ... your too young to know...he's to old to care... it's all a game .. how do you fee? these are all make believe things. they might "seem" to feel......but in REALITY....they mean nothing. Get over it..... you'' be better off.
from prowlingleo :
I know this is officialy random guestbook signing week, but I'm making it a 'thank you for reading me' day. So here is me, thanking you, for continuing to read me.
from prowlingleo :
This is me annoying anyone who hasn't updated, so update!
from prowlingleo :
Wow...what a flashback. I used to sing that song for auditions. Beautiful entry once again, you are my inspiration.
from prowlingleo :
Awe I love you too sweetie...and I love him too...heck I love everyone! I'm so loving lol.
from prowlingleo :
Glad to see you're back, you've been missed sweetie. IM me, I miss ya :)
from prowlingleo :
Psst...I miss you, time to update.
from ray0flight :
Hello hi.. I just wanted to let you know that I will no longer be updating smushy. I have started a new diary .... the OF is actually zero-F not o-f :)
from willowrain :
Funny...when I read your entry today I felt as if I were reading something that I had written. I feel the same way that you do in a world full of friends that are fucking their lives away. I work hard to stay out of it and they keep going further and further into their pit. I like where I am at, but it is lonely. Isn't it? And frustrating? I will be back to read more.
from prowlingleo :

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