messages to papersails:
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from raven72d :
Still out there?
from raven72d :
You are missed. 2 June 16.
from raven72d :
still out there?
from stardumb :
Hi, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, I've opened up again and will be updating... I was writing somewhere else and I'm closing that place down and writing here. It just feels more right I guess. I'll be transfering some of that work here daily. Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it. ~star
from raven72d :
5 April 12---- do update. you're missed here.
from raven72d :
Thank you for the kindness and encouragement.
from raven72d :
Hull House, yes: very sad.
from raven72d :
thanks, girl!
from raven72d :
You're locked again! That's no fun--- I was hoping to read you tonight! But, still... thanks for favouriting the entry.
from raven72d :
Thanks! Which one?
from raven72d :
Ah, now. Born New Orleans. Lived in NYC and New Haven and Vienna and Birmingham and Izmir.Back now in the Deepest South.
from raven72d :
I'm male, yes. And older than all trees and many rocks. A pashmina--- the shawl is called a pashmina.
from raven72d :
And I'll very much be reading along with you. (And, yes, I do enjoy finding notes from you!)
from raven72d :
Glad to have you back!
from atwowaydream :
discretion is certainly something i understand and respect, sweetie. will be reading along.
from raven72d :
I will need a password for here (I do enjoy reading you)...and I'll be discreet about the other blog.
from raven72d :
I'll check out the blogspot site!
from raven72d :
Are you still posting? I'd love to hear from you again, and to be able to read you.
from corposant :
I'm back from holiday-making. In answer to your last note, I don't mind at all. I have a blogspot at agatehinge, named after my first book of poetry.
from corposant :
You remind of a line in the movie "Three Days of the Condor", a line that makes a small poem. Robert Redford says to Faye Dunaway, "You take pictures of empty streets and trees with no leaves on them. It's winter. Not quite winter. They look like November. Not autumn, not winter. In-between."
from atwowaydream :
I like "papersails", it makes me think of sandcastles and eastern shore sunsets and very childlike, beautiful things. Kind of like billowing in the wind like dandelion fuzz.
from corposant :
"papersails" belled loud in me.
from tinea :
just wanted to let you know, re: your most current entry, that your name is exactly why i chose to look at your diary in "recent public entries." it evokes just what you intended, for me anyway.
from corposant :
If you decide to start writing online again let me know and I will subscribe.
from corposant :
I don't know if I consider myself a "professional" poet. Don't you need an MFA and to be teaching at a university for that? ;) I have made money from my poetry, but it's such a small amount, you might consider it no money. Very few poets can make a living wage from their art, I try not to worry about it. I enjoy the art of publishing, so I make my own books. I take encouragement from Walt Whitman, who learned typesetting as a teenager, and self-published Leaves of Grass.
from raven72d :
that makes it all more interesting.
from atwowaydream :
If having an online diary makes you stressed, then most certainly do whatever you need to. Just never stop writing, though, in whatever form it comes.
from raven72d :
I haven't seen Nip/Tuck in years and years (though they had some good soundtrack music)... Though as long as it's the actresses and not the surgical procedures that excite your friend, he's probably okay...
from raven72d :
02. August 10... lovely entry.
from atwowaydream :
I think Live Through This was a perfect title for your entry. It's your life, you're getting through it, and there is a great strength and beauty in that.
from stardumb :
love love love the beautiful tori amos! (starling) is probably my favorite song on AATS. good stuff, keep rocking!
from atwowaydream :
Tori Amos is on a different level than any of the other music I listen to. I'm one of her many ears with feet, have been since I was like, fifteen, and I bet the soundtrack to your life would be quite beautiful.
from atwowaydream :
i think some of the quiet and subtle movies are the best ones, by far.
from for-you-only :
Welcome to the 'obsessive' diaryring! lol. I think it's funny that you have 'Wizard of Oz' down as one of your favorite movies. *chuckles* I still find myself randomly singing; "we're off to see the wizard..." lol. Anyway, welcome to the diaryring. I'm not really on diaryland much anymore, but I can be found here; ~Raederle Phoenix
from atwowaydream :
i don't know what my version of sanity is exactly, but i think i was a bit high and philosophical last night, and all i could remember was that insanity felt as though there were bars or moats or electric fences between me and the rest of the world.
from atwowaydream :
i used to have an interest in Geisha culture, and yes, sometimes it does seem like all of this vaginal rejuvenation is quite like foot binding. god, have you seen the pictures of some of the feet crunched into neat little petite shapes? what women do for 'beauty'.
from raven72d :
i remember "big blonde"... and a story called (i think) "telephone"... long ago, alas--- but i do like her...
from raven72d :
thought i saw you quote her "might as well live" poem.
from raven72d :
you quote the Velvets and Ms. Parker both! Very impressive!
from atwowaydream :
"I'd sit in that kitchen at 3 in the morning watching Cold Case Files lovely young brunette women disappearing on warm summer nights in the early 1980s or late 1970s in California" -- I'm always up early morning watching the same shows with the same long haired brunettes, too. Beautiful writing.
from chsturtle :
I got my layout from this site: This one is called "Cantletgo" and is in the "Exploding Dog" section. The pic came with the layout. That's interesting that It looks like drawings someone you know did.
from erases :
the more you read, the more you write: the more you understand.
from erari :
because writing is my only solace <3
from chsturtle :
Hi, thanks for joining the "Help" diary ring :) Also, I love your poem. It seemed sad to me, but beautiful. Finally, to answer the question in your first entry, I keep an online diary because I like to document various things in my life (even if those things are boring). I like typing better than writing, and I guess I don't care too much if people read stuff about me. I can always omit stuff if I want ;)

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