messages to pharseer:
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from absinthesigh :
Jing-tsai! Thank you for joining the Firefly rings!! Fang xin, we may be small but we are mighty 8-). with love, ophelia
from ilmomof3 :
Thank the gods Dear Abby came through -- but even if she didn't, you sure as hell did. What an ass! I'm with you -- in the cab, calling the divorce attorney.
from kilowatt :
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing; it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." ~ Voltaire ~ I thank you immensely for adding my site to your list of favorites. May the beauty of your world and life leave you breathless.
from ilmomof3 :
I did WW a few years ago and a lot of luck with it. I'm not actively on the program now, but I still use the concepts. I'm on a journey to find the muscles beneath the fat in my body, so I hear ya!
from ilmomof3 :
I love Jim Butcher! I read everything I could find last year, though I haven't read the most recent release. I see we have musical tastes in common too. :-)

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