messages to poetlucia:
(click here to add new message):

from camera-girl :
Thx for your note. :-) I really want a peak in your diary. Can you email me your pw etc. kjersti at liers-hq dot no Thx!
from dieter1 :
thanks for the diet support. You and your husband are such and awesome couple and its true you can see the love you guys have for eachother even from across a room. Have a great weekend. Oh, I love your husband diary Adam-Hazel he says the sweetest things about you, I wish my man was like that.
from dieter1 :
yeah, I love your diary. I finally got a diary and it is about my weight struggles so we can support eachother all the way to fine-hood,lol.
from doing-it :
I didn't get the email - but I definitely want to keep reading! :) please send it again...
from randomshit :
hi, you know i love to read your diary so if you would please let me continue, password, and username please.
from doing-it :
I'm doing good - I haven't written in awhile, but we're doing good. We're home at my sisters wedding right now and I've been meaning to write soon. no, I haven't picked up the book yet :(
from randomshit :
hope you have a great time, i know i did.
from me-me-meee :
I had "bad" inlaws so I understand how hard it is. I fought for years to make them like me, and eventually I stopped caring. It was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I guess in a sense, I have a new set of "bad" inlaws, even though they're not technically family. I just avoid them like the plague. I'm so much happier.
from me-me-meee :
In the end, they're the ones missing out. Maybe a better way to put it to them is "We're happy, that's the way it is. I love him and he loves me, and I didn't marry you so I don't really care what you think. End of story." I think as long as they know it bothers you, they're going to keep being cold and distant, because people are cruel like that.
from me-me-meee :
That's a beautiful song and a beautiful memory. I do have one thing to say, though, in regards to the end of your entry. If people don't understand the two of you, that's their problem. You don't have to defend your love or your marriage. :)
from randomshit :
Yes, July has been extremely busy. Thanks for the "happy birthdays" i am really excited about lailas first one. In your opinion do you think i should put all three of the girls bday party together this year? we were going to rent a big building with bounc-arounds in them and amir thinks we should have lailas bday party the same day, just curious on your opinion
from me-me-meee :
There's a mile long entry about what was bothering me before the most recent one. I didn't really address the issue though. I just heard his voice and that calmed me down.
from randomshit :
The storms missed us! and i was actually looking forward to hearing a good thunder. Hope all in well with you and your family.
from me-me-meee :
She's much, much better. It has already healed into a line with a white scab over it.
from me-me-meee :
I remember what I was going to say! Ya know the song "You are the sun, you are the rain" by Lionel Richie? That song reminds me of you and your hubby's relationship, especially with entries like the one you wrote today.
from me-me-meee :
I was going to leave a note about something in your newest entry but I don't remember what I was going to say. Anyway, it sounds like you had an amazing day. I hope the night is even better. :)
from doing-it :
well...we got a couple more months to plan something, but we do plan on doing something for our anniversary! I can't believe that it's been 8 months already. I love reading your diary - it always inspires me. :)
from me-me-meee :
I've been working quite a bit the last couple of weeks and haven't had anything worth updating about but I'm still around. Glad things are good with you. :)
from jammybastard :
S&M = sadism (the enjoyment of inflicting pain on others) and masochism (the pleasure derived from receiving pain). Add to this "DS" (dominance and submission) and "BDSM" (the catchall term for 'bondage, discipline, sadism, masochism) and you have a general idea of the shorthand.
from jammybastard :
Glad you enjoy it.
from randomshit :
hello, i am glad you stopped by to say hello. i am sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but all is well as to be expected here. it seems you had a fun and new experience visiting with the inlaws, that is great. I hope all is well with you and your family. -waiting to read your next entry. -randomshit
from doing-it :
ha ha - yay having sex while staying with the in-laws! :)
from me-me-meee :
I couldn't catch you fast enough on yahoo so welcome home!
from me-me-meee :
That song is very touching! I love those moonlit moments too. I feel like I'm in a romantic movie.
from me-me-meee :
Since we go there pretty late, the selection is limited to breakfast foods, burgers, and fried crap. I usually get cheese sticks but I didn't eat this time. I just stole Louie's coke by accident and drank that (he shouldn't have put it in front of my spot when I walked away!) but I had already eaten. I hope you're having a good time!
from randomshit :
have fun and be safe on your trip, looking forward to your return.
from me-me-meee :
Have a safe and fun trip!
from adam-hazel :
This weekend was great. I really like going to the ballroom dancing class with you too. -One of these days someone is going to say something about our porch adventures. Love you
from doing-it :
I love your diary too! I read it all the time! it makes me optimistic about the future of our marriage and what a little experience can bring to our sex life. Sorry I don't leave you a note very often - but really, know that I read all the time! :)
from randomshit :
i do hope you read all three lyrics i posted that day and i just posted an explanation so i hope it is helpful, to understand the full realm of my situation. LOTS OF LOVE _()_
from me-me-meee :
Louie once told me that he likes me because I'm the type that will give him really hot sex, then go make him a sandwich. He also puts a few actresses in that category. I think men must associate all pleasure in the same way. lol
from me-me-meee :
Actually, you did spell clique right and that's total crap. Forget them. They're not worth your time if that's the way they're going to be. Someday it might be you, waiting on their friendship. You deserve better.
from randomshit :
she is doing much better, thanks for asking. she has a little cough now, but nothing big. and things are looking a little more greener on my side of the fence. (wink wink)
from the-moo :
I'm still alive sweetie still stopping by occasionally just get busy lots and don't always have time to keep in touch as much as I'd like!! I'm going to try to update today with scanned wedding pics!! WOOHOO xxx
from adam-hazel :
I just saw that I haven't written you a note so I thought I should. Hey sexy! Love your diary and you too,lol.
from randomshit :
well spontaniety isn't working well for me. but thanks for your advice, really appreciated it. you have such a good relationship with your man, maybe mine just do reciprocate my love for him. he rather get up and watch a porno in the middle of the night than stay up a little later and have sex with me, can't win for losing
from me-me-meee :
I always go with my bad self. haha. Our record is 12 on my 26th birthday though. That was 15 months ago and we just haven't been able to match it but I guess that's okay. I couldn't walk for about 3 days afterward.
from me-me-meee :
I totally agree about people not wanting to hear it in the real world. I'd talk about my happiness 24/7 if people didn't roll their eyes all the time. lol
from me-me-meee :
To add to the advice about great sex and communication, a lot of the women that I know will "fake it" to get their man to finish up and get off them. Most men can't tell if a woman is faking it (although they say they can) but faking it sets you up for a lifetime of boring sex because your mate thinks that what he's doing is really working and keeps doing it. Not that YOU are faking it, I don't mean that. I'm referring to those same women that have boring sex and don't communicate with their spouses about it.
from cdghost :
enjoyed your words
from me-me-meee :
my yahoo is fiveluckystarz. I am working a ton of hours this week so I won't be around much, except Thursday evening. Add me though and if we're on at the same time, I'll say hey. :)
from the-moo :
aaaaaaaaaaw thank you for your comment AND that entry was sooooo cute and sweet and I so much agreed with so many of the points *sigh* love is GREAT! *hugs* xxx
from me-me-meee :
Thank you! If you're not busy sometime, we should have a chat session. Let me know if you're interested. :)
from me-me-meee :
Thanks! And as far as your entry, how incredibly sweet is he? That song reminds me of Louie an dI as well, although we're not married and the symbolism is a lot different. Still though, it's an awesome song. The other one is Nothing At All by Allison Krauss. That's at the very end of our sex CD because I burned it in an order that goes from foreplay to cuddle time. You and I have a lot in common, at least as far as music tastes. LOL
from enfinenfin :
Always practice safe ice cream eating. Ben and Jerry get around.
from randomshit :
hello i have been reading your diary for a few days now and i am sadden to hear of your disease, and although i have no idea how far along it is or what your special circumstances are, they say if you catch it in time and treat it that 80% of treated people survive. Only thing that is obviously a great thing is that you have a husband that loves you unconditionally and that is priceless.
from me-me-meee :
Even old people in nursing homes have desires. I don't think there's anything abnormal about you having sex at all. In fact, the hormones released during orgasm are supposed to have healing properties. Not that it's a cure, by any means, but if it makes you feel good, go for it. As for the love part, that's how marriage is supposed to be. Maybe they're just jealous. ;) Thanks for the compliments. I'm glad to have you as the new girl on my friends' list.
from me-me-meee :
I looked up Wegener's granulomatosis on google because I had never heard of it, and now that I know, I have come back to offer my apologies for you getting such a tough break. I hope everything works out well for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, let me know. I don't know what you're going through firsthand but I can still listen.
from me-me-meee :
Not only do you have well-placed nerve endings, but it's also a compliment to your hubby that you orgasm frequently. :)
from me-me-meee :
hi back. I am very much the type that will orgasm. Cumming is when you get that feel good almost there but not quite feeling. Orgasming is the thing that makes you go numb and quivery. Obviously some women are more likely to have one or the other, but it also depends on your partner. If your partner knows how to hit those nerve endings, you'll have an orgasm in no time, and if he's not quite hitting them, you'll just cum. I used to watch a lot of the sunday night sex show. lol
from coexistapart :
Thank you for the lovely note. I find your name extraordinarily familiar; did you previously have another Diaryland incarnation?
from the-moo :
No need to thank me honey any excuse to send crepy internet love about the place makes me happy have another hug *hug* you seem really really sweet I'll be coming back to check you uot more xxx
from the-moo :
oooooh hello you also filled in my survey too so I've come BACK to give you more thanks and to say your answers were really cute and *hugs* you deserve a hug!! xxx
from the-moo :
Hi there *waves* thank you for joining my ring I shall be lurking about enjoying your blog *hugs* have a lovely day!! xxx
from minstrelite :
That entry, including your husband's post, was totally beautiful. Thanks for leaving me a note, and for compelling me to check out your diary. Thank you, and God bless you.
from misssmitten :
Thanks very much for adding my entry to your favorites. The best part of diaryland is knowing other people feel the way that you do.
from ilmomof3 :
Thanks for your note. I hope it was clear that I am talking about the extreme religious right in my post. I find the concept of "truth" to be very personal and very subjective, but I'm glad that the Bible works as a beacon for you. I agree with you that Christ is about love and acceptance. I think he would be horrified at what happens in his name today. Peace to you.
from poetlucia :
If you read this diary and want to leave a note feel free to do so

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