messages to pools-of-red:
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from bridgecity :
I enjoy yr writing. cheers!
from raven72d :
14 Sept 19--- It's always good to find someone else who's been at D-Land since the beginning. I've been writing here since...June 2002.
from e-nymph :
you're welcome. I've enjoyed knowing you.
from e-nymph :
words you may appreciate:" if happiness is on the other side of sorrow for me than the choices made by others and how they choose to share them are of minimal concern. at times I remember more than I should." -E-nymph
from e-nymph :
falling in like with a girl who wears capri pants...I knew it would happen someday. ;) I found a guy I want to cook for too, it is a weird feeling for me...I want to make him lasanga from scratch and I've already made him a steak dinner.
from e-nymph :
You sounds good and I'm really happy about it. you are someone who deserves something good happening in their know, a positive place to come into your own...that kind of good.

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