messages to poopaloo:
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from stepfordtart :
Hey Poops! I totally resepect your decision to be drunk, for as long as you deem it necessary, but Im also a mum so Im contractually obliged to ask if youre OK - is the drunkeness still fun or have you hit the self-destruct button? Hoping you come out the other side of this. s x
from stepfordtart :
Nope. I dont. Is it not enough that your legion of diaryland readers can see your name pop up in dog-cock red? I dont have a notify thingy so Im being no help at all. But then, I am still at work and everyone else has gone home, so maybe Im just being a miserable old bitch. ACH. Hurry up, weekend! s x
from stepfordtart :
I forgot to comment on you liking the smell of your poop and now the moment has gone. Drifted away, like the poop smell itself. s x
from eatmorepizza :
Thanks so much for the kind note! I always have a fear of being too complain-y and obnoxious, glad it doesn't come off that way.
from stepfordtart :
You didnt ask for comment on this, but Im a bossy old bag so Im commenting anyway. Surely there's 2 issues going on here, dude? The reason for finishing your current relationship should be 'I dont love her any more' and if you could walk away without this other girl on the back-burner then thats cool. You might also need to have in the back of your mind that this new girl probably also: stinks up the bathroom, picks her nose at traffic lights, expects you to go to her parents EVERY Christmas etc etc. Choose carefully, young Skywalker......and then get back here and spill the gory details for our delectation, natch! s x
from stepfordtart :
Hey! Thanks for the add (and the nice descriptor)! Im adding you right back, and not only for the erudite hypothesis on Mr DeVito's trouser parts! s x
from stepfordtart :
Really? Im the first commenter? *shrug* Maybe you were right about nobody else except you reading this! Ha, you reckoned without slightly bored Englishwomen, stalking diaryland in a listless fashion! s x

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