messages to poorpoetry:
(click here to add new message):

from lil-watkins :
I was reading your diary today and I decided to look at your profile and I saw your picture. It's funny, because my best friend swore thats a pic of me because we look exactly alike.
from suggestive :
i was searching through diaryland and came across your diary. i'll be reading, it's wonderful =). And I love the template picture. beautiful.
from hippy-punk :
i like the "everyone's a redhead" quote... just pretty much cuz im a redhead. rawk on!
from ensie :
Congratulations on getting married! The first time (a few months ago) that I introduced my husband as "My Husband" felt odd. But nice. Oddly nice. Since we eloped we have yet to receive our gifts, but we so will. I didn't like the high-pressure of a WEDDING, but I so like gifts.
from sarika :
hello. just incase you didnt realise, you have a naked woman on your diary. x
from swingerdiary :
Thanks for filling out my survey! :-)
from x-paranoia-x :
Arghh, you're not alone. I'm sick too... oh well
from invisibledon :
have a great weekend!
from brian2290 :
hey what up my name is brian and i liked your survey very much
from mojo1915 :
Howdy! I don't know you, but I hope your day is a happy one. :)
from dialytip :
I am just spreading the word around about my diary dialytip. Now I know that it is suppose to be dailytip but have a laugh then come check it out. Everyday I am putting up great tips, poetry, and stories. If you would like to enter a story or poem or tip that you have email me. So stop what you are doing and come check it out. You might help someone out. :) Add me to your favorites so that you can enjoy everdays tip, poem or story.. :o)
from silverbiker :
enchanting ring.. congratulations
from bodymindsoul :
just read your entry "interracial what?" i just don't believe why people should think that way ... go girl!
from fadedlight :
*i* like the layout -- everyone seems to be updating lately.
from fadedlight :
good luck with your interviews babe
from dakina :
i want to know why the AnyaSam movie (mentioned in your other journal) isn't among the top twenty! ;)
from ledbeatle :
I say Hi a lot. leave notes in other people's note columns. Don't know why. it seems to pass the time. anyway, here I am, saying Hi to you.
from dakina :
don't forget... we still have ears if you ever need to talk... miss you :/
from poeticsilnce :
i like your write beautifuly
from minelouche :
i agree completely with your entry today:) -mindy
from zzzz :
I really like the floweryness :) ~Z
from jeffmach :
Why not thank Jeff Mach's Cult Movie Overnight that there's a John? Yes, boys and girls, you, too, can find romance at Jeff Mach's Cult Movie Overnight! Quick, register today!
from silverbiker :
nice diary. keep writing that poetry!
from twinkybaby69 :
I know how u feel lately i just haven't been able to write or think strait
from twinkybaby69 :
I know how u feel lately i just haven't been able to write or think strait
from dolphinfalls :
Gee, wish I had such a wonderful live-in "nanny" type like you when my son was 17 weeks old! Perhaps I wouldn't have gone so deep into post-partum depression (and gained 70 pounds). You will make a GREAT mom - someday. Let me tell you from experience - not yet! Wait it out - it WILL be worth it later too. ~dolphin
from dazy81 :
Thanks for joining the weeeeeee diaryring. Drop me a note or email if you want the funny squirrel pic :) WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
from brile :
Welcome to the iwannabeamom diaryring
from thisisjohn :
yeah, i figured that out later. silly me. =)
from thisisjohn :
i dont recall recieving an email from you.
from thisisjohn :

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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