messages to primquilter:
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from smags01 :
Interesting entry about the school legislation. I went through it with my daughter and finally put her into a parochial school that used Abeka. Other kids struggled with the curriculum, but not mine. She didn't even do homework, while the rest of the kids spent most of the night doing it. I'm glad I did it and kept her challenged.
from smags01 :
Mmph! Sorry. Sound like a stalker. But so few on here are normal people with normal lives.
from smags01 :
Did you decide to take a break? I've missed your diary entries.
from smags01 :
I've spent this last year simplifying also. It's been great to get rid of all the stuff I am no longer using, but what frustrates me is that I'm not done yet. I should have done this several years ago. Congratulations on getting started with it.
from smags01 :
I cannot believe the depth of your entries. I so enjoy you sharing them with the rest of us. That's unfortunate your mother-in-law didn't give you a chance to "clean up" the room, but as you noted so eloquently, the issue is between yourself and your wonderful hubby. I loved the last paragraph about Christmas and the shoppers, etc.. My husband and I went to Cracker Barrel for supper tonight and I had a few minutes to just chat with one of the employees on the floor and ask her how HER Christmas was. I had a great chat for a few minutes before our table was called to be seated.
from smags01 :
Thanks for the entry on 12/25/04. Very bittersweet, yet a wonderful ending.
from kleptica :
Hi! Just thought I'd tell you, your diary is a breath of fresh air :) I'm so glad at least one other Diaryland member doesn't write entries full of self-pity and helplessness! Keep it up! lol -Kate

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