messages to princessdy:
(click here to add new message):

from duranfanatic :
Thanks, babe. It was really nice to hear from you, especially since most people didn't quite get what I was ranting about, and the two or three people it was aimed at pretty much ignored it, if they got it. I know I need to write more too, and I know how hard it is, and I can't imagine how hard it is for you to find time or energy to do it. :( But I wish you could...I'd like to hear more about what you're up to these days. I hope that everything is going well for you, and that you're happy and healthy and having lots of fun. One of us should be! Hehehe.
from lemonteaser :
I can't wait to do the TOP TEN THINGS IN TACOMA scavenger hunt. YAY! ;o)
from lemonteaser :
Thanks PD! You are also essential in my life. I know, I miss you bc you are the one true friend that ALWAYS makes me feel better, no matter what. The people I have met here are nice but I'm so glad to know that you have sent me good tidings. It doesn't get better until Princess Dy sends me her well wishes, you are simply the BEST! Ugh-huh! ;o)
from katy-bug :
Hey, thanks for still visiting me. I hope you have a wonderful 2005. Happy New Year! ps. how can I read you?
from lemonteaser :
LOL---Ahem, I like how subtle your request is, as far as what you want for X-mas. Not a bad idea though...I mean, you won't get it if you don't ask, right?! Ha! Ha! You had me grabbing my tummy on that one! ;o)
from lemonteaser :
Hey, it's funny you mentioned that show bc I was flippin through channels and I happen to fall upon it. It was a'ight except for when they started into S&M. Otherwise, you're right, it's like a bad car accident, you can't not watch it.
from lemonteaser :
Hey Chica! I just wanted to reiterate what we talked about earlier. Oprah and Mya are all-knowing beings! "When People Show You Who They Are, Believe Them" LT OUT!
from lemonteaser :
Yahooee! Congratulations PD! I checked out the firm you'll be working at this Summer. M&A, I'm impressed. I'm SO happy for you chica! LT Out! ;o)
from somnambulist :
All that, and you STILL owe me an email. Cough, cough. ;)
from somnambulist : I think someone Martin's ex wife was dating changed his play and made it so it ridiculed him (Martin). The Martin "character" sang ridiculous things like "I'm a writer, not an alarm clock!" when fighting with the ex-wife "character" on stage... :) <BR><BR> Also your guestbook isn't working, I keep getting internal server error. And you haven't emailed me back in 2 weeks, you better secretly be planning to come here. ;) You probably read Matt... would be great if you both ended up here, then I'd have two more totally awesome friends nearby (I imagine that there's only so much Steveocity poor Rachel can take).
from beanernizzle :
Aww I can't believe you miss Texas!! I have an idea; you can transfer to UNLV, (they have a law school, I checked!) and I'll quit my job and we can move to Vegas together!!! I miss you and I changed my layout so you can read it easier!!
from lemonteaser :
Shingles! Yeouch!!!!! Well, here's to recovering and having a good week. Ta-ta! Pray for my pup please. ;o) LT Out!
from beanernizzle :
No prov stuff here. Er, but I do have some valium my dentista gave me!!! Unlike you, I need sleep. It's the only time I don't have a headache! Miss you princess!!
from lemonteaser :
I just got my hair done and it looks A WHOLE LOT BETTER! I love it! I miss ya too. Of course we can hang out this Summer. We are gonna tear this town apart and turn it inside out. I love it here and I can't wait to see ya! Can you hold your drink? he he! LT OUT!
from lemonteaser :
Thanks for checking in with me. Study hard but don't study too long. Luv ya! I should be asleep but ah well... Tuesday 12:07am (Pacific)
from somnambulist :
OK, I re-sent from Yahoo this time. Hopefully it worked...
from duranfanatic :
Hey Dy, I'm sorry we missed you last week too. It would have been great to talk to you. I know, we should have left a mesage at least--we're dorks like that. Well, maybe you and I can still talk sometime. Send me a message if you're ever on AIM (it's the same as my diary name) and we'll go from there.
from lemonteaser :
Hey thanks PD! Well, what's up with you? Me, like I said I will be packing soon...Should have started already...ah well. So, I just wanted to say hi and ask, "Porque no uvas?" LT Out! ;o)
from lemonteaser :
Thanks for the note. Well, I just came back from going to Sea World-San Diego. Oh, I also took a picture next to the RW-San Diego house. There were "NO TRESPASSING" signs everywhere but we had to get a shot of Pier 8. He he! Love ya! LT Out!
from somnambulist :
No rush getting back but this time, I checked my email and did send to you and it looked ok... slip me a note if you got it. My email is making me want to bonk myself on the head... :)
from somnambulist :
Just letting you know I got your email at the new address I gave you. (my ISP one) Will reply later, when my back heals (I think I did something to it bowling...)
from beanernizzle :
There you go again with your monkeypox!! You crack me up!!
from somnambulist :
boo... been trying to reach you... where you hiding at? :)
from somnambulist :
hey, you're back online... saw you in my guestbook... have you tried to email me again? 'Cause I only got the one you re-sent before you went back to TX. Try the yahoo address, it's probably more reliable for you...
from lemonteaser :
Hey Girl! Well, all's well that ends well... Like you said, at least you have your health. I bet your tan looks good. Rolls Royce, huh? Nice... Well, I'm seriously sleep deprived so excuse me if I'm rambling and spewing tangential thoughts. I did want to weigh in and say that you made the right choice bc now you have made some phenomenal friends who seem to make your life richer. God Bless! I'll relay more later when I actually can remember what it is I'm supposed to be commenting on...I know it has to do with Iowa/Texas but right now I've been up for awhile and I really need a siesta before "The Swan" finale. Girl, can you stand to wait for the SFU premiere? I am looking forward to it. Peace out! LT Out!
from somnambulist :
I have ThisIsMyTrashBox in my contacts list but I haven't gotten anything. :( Should I have something else in there ??
from beanernizzle :
Hey you!! seems that HATERATION is alive and well up in corn country! So uh, since you're going to be in Laredo this summer, does that mean you're going to visit me too?? MISS YOU MUCHO!!
from beanernizzle :
You never answer your phone!! *Sniff* I missed you terribly in Austin this weekend. Meximarts just aren't the same without you....
from somnambulist :
yo, did my email ever get there? i could have sworn i wrote to ya...
from lemonteaser :
Update soon girl. I hope your finals are going well. God Bless! L to the T.
from lemonteaser :
Nomas queria dejarte una nota para decirte que trabajo con una mujer que se cree tan fuerte. Ella no quiere discutir sus preocupaciones conmigo y llamo a mi directora. Te pregunto porque hizo eso? Porque quiere gararme en tanto pena? Quiero gritar en sus orejas para que sepa ella que me va volver loca! Tengo que recordar que no puedo controlar eso pero si puedo controlar como yo voy a reaccionar... Ya me siento mas mejor, Hasta Luego!
from somnambulist :
Is your email the one on your page? Just don't want to send anything to the "trash box!" (for now, this week's entries sum up recent events; I'll fill in the details once you confirm where to email you... I need to sleep now!! It's 1:31 AM!).
from beanernizzle :
Uh, ok so my laptop wigged out on me...hence the idiotic, duplicate notes. *MEH* Sooo...I am doing homework and I am watching the Secretary but I felt like leaving you a note. Did you call me earlier?? Maybe I need to check my voicemail more often.....
from beanernizzle :
from beanernizzle :
from beanernizzle :
from somnambulist :
hey... did you change your password recently, or am i on crack? Not that you update much, but still, I come by on occasion. Email me (check my page) if you wanna talk - I never see you anywhere anymore! :(
from lemonteaser :
Girl, come on down here to the Southwest where we can have a grand ol' time, "Texas Style," Summer in Arizona. Besides, we can head on out to San Diego and show them youngun's how to really "paint the town red" so to speak... Anyway, I've been sick for the past 6 days, I can't believe I am going back to work later today but the rest has done me some good. At least I hope it has. Ciaosito! LT
from lemonteaser :
Thanks girl, one of your faithfuls is glad you finally let me in on what's up in IOWA. Dude, it has been cold here but nothing to the degrees you're reporting. Yikes! Well, just remember what the "late great" Aaliyah says, "If at first you don't succeed, brush yourself and try again, try again!"
from somnambulist :
Oh. Huh, I thought you had a Sprint Samsung. Must have been someone else with the same exact model. Now I'm wondering who the heck that could be. And really, how much differerent are Ohio and Iowa? :) I blame you -- if you'd updated more, I'd remember which it was... ;) Glad you're doing ok out there... good luck on the job hunt!
from somnambulist :
dude. you gotta update more. you could even outpace me! :) just wanted to let you know i switched to verizon because i lost my phone, so if you still have yours -- which i think was the same model - i still have the charger and spare battery if you want them. I found them in a drawer preparing to move (not far. just a little closer to boston...) -- anyway let me know, and keep in touch. i hope ohio is treating you well. And that you're kicking its ass. Cheers :)
from lemonteaser :
No joke, thank the Lord above for "small favors!" I am back from Texas and needless to say, it rules! Well, tomorrow it's back to reality and I am NOT ready to work. What's new right?! Hooray for the extinction of Bennifer! Hmmm, will it be bad Karma to wish such unhappiness on J-Ho, I mean J-Lo, hmmmm, whatever and who cares because I don't. Ha! Ha! Take care PD and thanks for updating... I was LOL bc I agree.
from duranfanatic :
Dy, Dy, Dy, whatever am I going to do with you? *poke* I love reading your diary, and yes, you DO write well. And hey, if I'd had one of these things in college, I would have written, "School sucks, me drunk," quite a bit too. ;) Anyway, thanks again for the compliments, I really appreciate that!
from duranfanatic :
Hey Dy! Thanks for letting me back in, I've missed you. :) I'm glad that you survived your first semester up there...I told you that you would do just fine. And tell me about driving in snow--I've been doing it for years, and it never gets easier, because it keeps trying to kill me. I'm sure you get much more of it there than we get here, too. Anyway, I'll let you get back to celebrating--well done! :)
from somnambulist :
I guess this means I don't get to read about the secret life of Dy? :) :P
from lemonteaser :
Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it like a Polaroid Pic-ture! Fo' sho' I hears ya! I LOVE that song! I'm sure you did fine on your tests P-Diddette, aka PD. -LT
from lemonteaser :
Yeesh! What is THAT all about? Anyway, UPDATE please! Take care... LT
from somnambulist :
I don't think I ever actually *agreed* with him... I just said it should go on a T-shirt. I also called it an "aggressive" sentiment. That's a bit different. It's not entirely true, just, at least 87% true. And I think what he's talking about is how almost every single attractive girl/woman under age 35 (and many who aren't even that cute to begin with) will ALWAYS pick the pretty boy over everyone else (even over OK-looking, financially secure, all-around great guys, for useless, live-with-mom, no-talent, but ohmygawdhe'ssohot guy). But I never said "all girls are sluts" nor agreed with the statement outright - I agreed with the sentiment behind it, which is really: why do either of us bother to care deeply when we just get burned?
from somnambulist :
Hey, you've been locked up for three months, but it hasn't shown you updating on my list (Sera1231 just locked, and she DOES show up as updated) ... everything ok out there?
from lemonteaser :
Hey Chica! Thanks on the kudos for my layout. I know it's primitive but like I said, I'm learning. It'll get better once I figure out all the freakin' code. As far as shopping goes... I want that purse Ally is carrying. It WILL be mine! Anyway, I miss ya tons!
from lemonteaser :
How are you? You haven't e-mailed in a while. What be your PW? Este es el ultimo tiempo que te voy a preguntar. LT ;o)
from lemonteaser :
I was reorganizing my list and my computer froze. I just fixed it. Hey, what has been going on? I thought you fell off the face of the earth! I need the 411 on you too! I've been sick with the flu, ugh!
from lemonteaser :
I'm sure you did fine. Have a great 'LAW NIGHT". Give me the 411 later alligator. Ciasito! Oh, did you see the Latin Grammys? I am in love with Julio Iglesias Junior, man he is G-E-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!
from iamsorry :
happy belated birthday. don't really know if it was any better than yours. here's hoping the next year is an awesome one.
from lemonteaser :
Hey PD! You know I'm seriously thinking of making a detour on my way to NYC in October. Maybe I'll be able to come sooner. Oh, just so you know, I'm collecting the mini-gherkins etc. to send you the ultimate care-package. Do you like mini-gherkins? You know, the 'best made' mini dills except I can't find the "BEST MADE' brand in these parts. Whoops! Sorry, I'm a rambling rose aren't I? Anyway, I hope you got the card I sent... (((((Hugs)))) Take care Chica! LYLAS! (Yeah, I know, I'm SO 7th grade)
from loveandlust :
sometimes the drunken makeouts can be fun other times, you ask yourself "What was I thinking?" I was in this similar situation not too long ago myself. Have to admit,'s good times ;)
from loveandlust :
sometimes the drunken makeouts can be fun other times, you ask yourself "What was I thinking?" I was in this similar situation not too long ago myself. Have to admit,'s good times ;)
from bigbadbrake :
Hey, LP! You did it. You are now in Iowa, and in a few weeks, you'll be throwing down intellectually in law school and letting your fellow students learn the truth of the saying, "Don't mess with Texas." Please do as much as you can to relax now. You completed an unimaginably long drive and move. You deserve a welcome break. I know you have stuff on your mind, but please try to take it easy for now. Talk soon. :)
from lemonteaser :
Yo girl! You there yet? Just kidding. I just wanted to let you know it's early Wednesday morning and you'll be getting to Iowa soon. I hope you have a great day and say, "hello" to your Mom for me! You'll have to post pix of your new digs. Big ups! 8/6/03. 12:10am
from lemonteaser :
I 'heart' you. You are the most understanding, best person I know. You really deserve all the happiness and success that comes your way. Yes, just let me know when you are settled and I'll be sure to save so I can visit you in Iowa. Why? Because, Iowa you a visit. (Yep, I am the cheese) I know you will be super busy once you get started. But, you know you can call me or just e-mail me if you need to talk. Hey, don't forget to send me your new address so you can get a 'care' package from your amigita! ((((HUGS)))))!
from duranfanatic :
One good note deserves another! :) The guestbook signings never appeared, so don't worry about that. I'm glad you liked my latest rant, so far the only comments I've gotten about it have been from non-Dlanders. And that's so sad that no one else but me noticed your graduation announcement. You all should be ashamed of yourselves!
from lemonteaser :
I don't want to 'skirt' the issue so I'm writing you about that thing you told me about that time about you know who? Excuse the non-sequitors but anyway, what in the hell what she thinking when she put on that outfit and those shoes? Yeesh! I'm sorry, God is going to punish me for that one. I couldn't help it though bc those shoes are just hideous! She's got some 'splainin' to do! hah-ha-ha!
from somnambulist :
Ummm yeah you probably need to know where to email me, huh! It's on my main page. I want to try and work everything out tomorrow so I can spend Monday finding a rental car, etc. And hopefully get Katy's attention too. Would be bummed to miss either one of ya after driving 4+ hours! :/
from lemonteaser :
Complicated? Do tell. Please let me know if you need a 'cheer up' call. Eh, maybe I'll just call ya anyway. I hope your day is great! ;o)
from lemonteaser :
Oh that is so boss! I love what you reported about MelVic. See, Karma does come to find those that wrong others. I totally agree about the dinero, 'don't mess with the bull because you will get the horns!' You are so MONEY!
from somnambulist :
Hey Dy ... � Tienes AIM ? Tengo una pregunta para t�. Just grab my handle from my profile and poke me sometime this week...
from somnambulist :
Chica ... no he hablado espa�ol cada d�a para m�s de siete a�os. I'm not TERRIBLE but I am horribly out of practice; I had to use Babelfish and a Spanish rhyming dictionary. Consider it dedicated to you. As far as Wendy's/KFC ... probably a photo/MPEG of them at the counter would work best. And finally on the accent -- people with it are often seen as uneducated, especially if they're as mumbly as I am. So, I got rid of it a long time ago. But if you're ever in "Woostah" or "New Hampshah," maybe we'll take a cah ride into Boston and see if we can say hi to Nomah. ;)
from lemonteaser :
Are you wit' me? 'Cause I'm wit' you! :o) Thx Hey, Don't forget to sign a random guestbook, it's random guestbook signing week...Some Kelly girl in the UK signed mine, I was pleasantly surprised. Oh, the RW Paris was on! I was totally stoked to watch it and then I fell asleep. No matter because I taped it this afternoon and was so flabbergasted when that Commodores' son told that girl that thing that he told her. (Ha! I am totally para-phrasing to sound like that character on HACKERS that said about a pirate disc, "It's in that place that I put it that time.." Anyway! You's my girl!
from somnambulist :
Wait, you LIKE a Boston accent? And you're not a townie? Can I bring you in so the boys in the lab can give you a CAT scan? ;) Actually, I used to have one but I eliminated it ... but if you get me mad and worked up, sometimes it'll slip out. Kind of like that one time with Lisa (Maura Tierney) on NewsRadio... that was hilarious :)
from bigbadbrake :
You stole a hamburger? That makes you the HAMBURGLAR!!! :) Seriously, you cannot do this again. If drive drunk and get caught, you can kiss your future legal career goodbye; people have been denied admission to the Bar for lesser offenses. And if you do it again and hurt someone, the guilt you'll feel will wreck any chances for professional success that you have. If you think about driving drunk again, try to remember what that girl looked like-- that pretty 20 year old whose face was burned off after a chance encounter with a drunk driver. Enough said.
from lemonteaser :
Chica, you are far and away one of the best people I know. Thanks for the reassuring note. I guess I was just feeling all alone out here and Sunday just resonated all the 'old' feelings I have had in the past. Thanks for letting me know who you is! :o)REALLY! As far as Summer goes, you are definitely welcome to come and stay and we'll paint San Diego and the Southwestern United States red! Take care and thanks again for being such a caring person.
from lemonteaser :
Hey! Thanks for the sentiment. You are one of the best people I know. I really needed those words of encouragement. Take care! LYLAS!
from apexsensatin :
Thanks for taking my survey. You totally rock.
from somnambulist :
Hey. I just meant that I didn't think Diaryland has any mechanism to stop people from listing you as a favorite. I was just kidding ... it's been a slow day in the life o' me ... but I really don't mind at all ... more linkers = more readers = ego food. All's well that ends well, right? :)
from somnambulist :
Sure, go ahead, I don't mind, and I couldn't stop you anyway! :)
from cavecanem :
oh hey, if you go stand outside Tom's Liquor and face Club Latino I'll wave at you from my balcony.
from cavecanem :
east riverside? what's yr favourite taco shack? mine's antijuitos. I haven't eaten at the taco truck yet though.
from bigbadbrake :
So I was talking to some anti-war people the other day, and they're like, "War is bad." And I was thinking, "Yeah, well, we KNOW war is bad! Hello???.... Pizza is GOOD!" Hey, in four short months, you'll start on a path toward learning how to get out of a contract with Satan (hint: you can use either the unconscionability doctrine or the reasonable person standard). Yay you! :)
from lemonteaser :
Girl, you should have called me. NEVER use a chemical relaxer in your hair! I took Cosmo in highschool one year. You can use a regular perm without the rods. I wouldn't use it anytime soon though...especially since it's been through the mill as of late. That was the first thing they taught us in Cosmo junior year. Next time just ask me and I'll be glad to give you the 411 on your hair. Remember, I am the master at making my friends look good, if not better than me. Why? Because I keeps it real for my peeps, ha! ha! I'm glad your hair survived. Listen to Little Miss S!
from lemonteaser :
I like the new page, but then that's just my humble opinion. Girl, I am so tired. What the hell did I think I would feel after driving through the desert today?! Anyway, it IS a 'beautiful' drive with all the mountains, very calming. Anyway, back to your design, it's better than Britney, ugh! But then again, you know I like X'tina (that's what she calls herself, I ain' hat'n) bc she actually SINGS on her records, ha! ha!
from lemonteaser :
Damn straight we gots our own ride! Why, because we know who we're! Ha! Ha! A little humor from Latin America circa 1998 or somewhere thereabouts...
from beanernizzle :
*SNIFF* YOU WENT TO TRUDY'S WITHOUT ME??!?! Aww I forgive you this time. But my time will come....
from crackheadred :
wow dood...that coulda been MY entry from a few days ago...about the protestors...i HATE em...stoopid phockers!!! i wish they got ran over...SQUOOSH! lol
from lemonteaser :
I am LOL bc I just got back from out of town and I updated my page and then I wanted to check out yours. Well, upon reviewing yours, I see we were channeling eachother bc I totally picked the same song of the day. How funny! Anyway, I know you'll get everything done you need to do! I say go ahead and spend at least 1 hour by the pool, you deserve it! Do that for your old friend, LT! Later alligator!
from lemonteaser :
How cute is that picture? You and your brother look so cute! Your mom is so gorgeous! Okay, can I be your sister? Ha ha! Just kidding. I love my family, no I really really do!
from lemonteaser :
You crack me up Chica! I have a tunerizzle for you to punizzle your ear to. Politic by COLDPLAY. They ROCK!
from lemonteaser :
You crack me up Chica! I have a tunerizzle for you to punizzle your ear to. Politic by COLDPLAY. They ROCK!
from beanernizzle :
OO I love your diary! But don't be scared to write in it. Unless you're gonna say something about...well nevermind. I'll email you what I was going to say!! *Gigglz*

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