messages to prncsaimee:
(click here to add new message):

from allykitty5 :
You still around? I miss you.
from shadesofblk :
I lost you but would like to touch bases. Same diary, same email. Please let me know where u are. U live very close now. S
from allykitty5 :
I know its coming up soon, so I wanted to say Happy Birthday. Miss you hon. E-mail me, woulda ya? allykittie79 AT
from tarted-heart :
Hi Aimee! I can't believe you are back! its been so long, I'm not sure if you will remember me, I may have moved diaries since we last spoke, I would email you, to let you know, but I don't know it! please email me at: freaky.styleey(nospam) so I can tell you who I am (I can't do it here, please delete this after you read it) thanks! :-D
from captivated- :
Aimee! Do you have a new diary? please email me [email protected]
from mrs-mom :
from sheblogs :
welcome back... you look great hun, best of wishes to you! xoxoxo
from diarydawn :
I am sooo happy to see you're back!! I know many of us here were very worried about you for just disappearing on us like that. Congrats on your weight loss, you look great!
from allykitty5 :
You made me late for work today (I didnt even shower!). I was too busy reading your other page. I've searched for you on the internet quite a bit since you left, I'm surprised I didnt find it. I hope to hear from you soon.
from laughinplace :
my email came back to me undeliverable, the dland one you have on your page. please send me an email and i'll send you my pass. :) [email protected]
from xnavygrrl :
I emailed you. However, I don't think the email addy on your page works. I found you through wifemotherme and added you as a favorite. I'd like to give you the password to my journal, but you'd have to give me an email addy! By the way, it seems like we have a lot in common...
from hcatty :
Welcome back :o) Congratulations on the weightloss! You look wonderful, hope you learn to feel wonderful about yourself.
from laughinplace :
i used to be flyinby - i've moved a lot because of things in my life. i dont know if you are interested in keeping up with my soap opera, but if so, [email protected] will give you the password. you made me a beautiful layout with my beautiful babies in it right before you disappeared. i'm still very greatful. i'm glad you are back, really glad. *hugs*
from wifemotherme :
Just read the other page (all of it). I am just so damn imprssed! You look wonderful but above the outside apprance, you seem to have grown so much in the time you were MIA. It is wonderful to have you back! (now dont ever do that shit again cause I was really really really worried about you)
from spritopias :
I do need help with the comments! They used to be beautiful, now they are unreadable and unattractive.
from spritopias :
Congratulations, you look fantastic.
from allykitty5 :
Thanks for the note. I've missed you more than you know. Hopefully we can get back on track soon. I feel like I have missed so much!!
from angelmum :
Wow! Welcome Back Aimee, You look great, and have the kids ever grown. I have often wondered what has been happening with you and hoping things were ok. Take Care, HUGSSS
from mpeacock :
Your password is peacock. I am so glad you're doing well, I sure missed you!
from wifemotherme :
Oh wow its so nice to have you back!!! I emailed you not more than 2 weeks ago. Did you get the mail by any chance? Seems your earthlinik email address wasnt right. Anyway WELCOME THE BACK! and you look fantabulis!!!!
from catie-dids :
My dear friend! you're here?!? You're really, really here?!?! I've tried to e/m a few times but it was always returned. You look amazing. I am so proud of you, and all the kiddles (dogs included) are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I'm so happy you're back!
from mpeacock :
I am glad you're back. I wish you well. I am locked now, as students found my diary. I missed you.
from sinorsaint :
aimee - you are priceless!! hehehe...i'll have your results up soon - look for them! :)
from p-brain :
welcome to the -79 ring
from shortst101 :
Shame on Tiger for forgetting you as one of his favorite diaries. He needs a spanking or something. Smiles
from sinorsaint :
HEY!! i can't believe i didn't have you in my buddy list already! What the hell is wrong with me?!? Will you evere forgive me???? :(

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