messages to providencia:
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from myeels :
kim, as usual, is very right in her g-book entry. But gilly! SXSW is in Texas, is it not? You will fly to Texas? P.S. if we play SXSW it will surely be in the context of a NATIONAL TOUR, so in that case, we will just make it easy on you and play in Providence. HUZZAH!
from myeels :
do you read your "notes?" you guys (you and kim) need to make like Yours Truly and QUIT your jobs COMPLETELY. Then you can live dirt-cheap and happy, doing whatever you want all day and never showering. Ah, it's the life, I tell you. But then suddenly you realize you have about 50 bucks to your name and your car insurance is overdue. That's not a good feeling. What I mainly wanted to say is that I hate puking more than anything, but that I actually have friends who, given a choice, would CHOOSE to puke rather than have the shits. Is that weird to you? The shits are infinitely more enjoyable! You can read a book while you have the shits! And mainly, you don't have to TASTE the shits while you're having them!! I rest my case.
from marconiplein :
p.s.-- as an addendum to the last note, please feel free to delete it. you will not hurt my feelings.

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