messages to purplelotus:
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from reikihealing :
Hi, I've just started this website for a Reiki healing group I know personally, but the site it welcome to all who practice or are interested in Reiki. Based on you being a member on the Reiki diaryring, I thought you would be interested. I only just set up the site, so there isn't much to see yet, but a newsletter, symbol pictures and descriptions, and such are all soon to come. The site will be public, anyone will be able to post to it with their experences, advice, questions, pictures, and bio-pages for members. Leave me a note if you're interested or to decline this invitation. ~Phoenix
from godmoney :
very, very cool. i almost learnt reiki. good luck in ur spiritual + otherwise eandaveors.
from funda :
This is a Happy Valentine's Day wish for you. It may arrive late due to cosmic radiation or sun spots, or some other good excuse. It is no less sincere though. It would be good if you could laugh at the excuse cuz there is no excuse, but there is sincerity, that is real. Hope you are enjoying life :)
from funda :
Thank you for adding me, you put me in daunting company and such respect means more than words can say. I shall look forward to more of your insightful words.
from allan1789 :
thank you for hosting the taoist ring
from sylviashadow :
Thanx for taking my badhabbits survey! You have a really cool screen name! Come back anytime!--sylviashadow

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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