messages to pygmilocks:
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from digitalelf :
Where did yer go? Cripes!
from digitalelf :
Fark me! More pygmi! I thought you had all vanished like ya know.. JC on good friday! But woot! Like easter sunday yer back! yay!
from digitalelf :
Fark me! No more pygmi! It's no fun living with the sensation of being stalked . That blows big time. *Wanders off sad*
from cabbie :
I did know that about Marvin Gaye, actually. I just try not to think of it, cuz of the squickiness. :-)
from cabbie :
hey babe, thanks for the advice. i think you might be right. as always, you rock. :)
from digitalelf :
Ohhhmeegawd, I remember as a little las in Australia when for a buck you'd get so much frigging hot chips it was enough to feed a nuclear family and their dog. Now I live in America and nobody here knows what hot chips are. Apparently they are either freedom or french fries.. ::mwah::
from dont-stop :
I just have to say that the rubbish...that was unbelievably disgusting. Some men can never be trained.
from denzoner :
gee, thanks for the nice note. the emo scene has made it down under? poor thing. they'll go away once everyone gets bored of the music. ah, the trends and the scenes. gotta love em'.
from embrangled :
Thanks for the note. Nice to have someone drop by. Hey, I'm also a chemistry student.
from cabbie :
interesting theory about the ugly guys, pygs ;) fortunately (or unfortunately for your plan?) it seems like a lot of the guys at my school are really attractive. or maybe i'm just sex deprived. it's hard to say.
from smarmy-elf :
You are welcome to join my cult. Pushups optional, but drinking is necessary for enlightenment.
from digitalelf :
I don't know if I have ever told you but womyn you are fabbo --
from lolasavage :
Great taste, great diary, and I really like the set up. Do drop me a note.
from dont-stop :
Yeah, you're right, it does sound like that. I guess I'm dreaming about a society where evil does not exist and you are free to explore and gather knowledge without having to worry or experience pain.
from smarmy-elf :
You nailed exactly how I'm feeling today. Happiness is the rarest, most valuable thing I can think of.
from dont-stop :
cheers to a girl who loves her beer
from smarmy-elf :
"Luxury Problem" is easily one of my favorite albums of all time, probably one of the top two even. They rock real hard. Have you Heard "Bantam"? It's Gina's side project, and it's pretty cool.
from raschel :
Welcome to the ocean diaryring. *smile*
from smarmy-elf :
Hey thanks for stopping by. I dig your pages as well. Drinkers of the world unite! Cheers.
from pants4sale :
i like. it kind of resembles my cousin...anyway, i checked out your gallery of pics that i never realized was there. i like the nose piercing. and you're cute. our hair kind of matches...i think mine's a shade or two darker, but close.
from swimmmer72 :
oh, yeah, i get to be FIRST message!!! i'm glad you're back. are you going to go in a different (than your old diary) direction with this diary? in any case, i like the way you have started.

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