messages to questquecest:
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from haylee4 :
hi im haylee4 nice direy leve me a note if you can byby
from sweetresent :
Mmmm. You reminded me of my roadtrip again. I tell you it was freeing, and much-needed. I agree with you, nothing's like speeding away on an open highway.
from bluemeany :
You're not sappy at all, dear! You're sweet. And that's why John Lennon wrote a song called "Julia." (We can pretend it's about you, and not his mother. 'Kay?)
from anathema- :
Thank you! Glad you stopped by. Come back again. I love the company :)
from sweetresent :
Merci beaucoup pour ta commentaire de ma derni�re entr�e! Cette entr�e en particulier, was a part of a theme I was doing. One entry was about when i was a girl, the next and the one you liked was about adolesence (the august 10), and the latest is the last one in the series for now. I'm so glad you liked it! La solidarit� exactement! Parfois, nous devons nous r�unir ensemble!
from idontpretend :
Hey baby. I know things suck right now, but it will get better. I promise. I miss you right now. I wish I could come home now. But of course, I have to work. What does the Navy want from me?!?! :o I love you mami. <3heart
from sweetresent :
Pardonnez-moi! J'ai pris une �ternit� pour r�pondre! Je ne vous bl�me pas de devenir fatigu� de l'esp�ce masculine. Les hommes sont impossibles et embrouillants... Ennuyant. Cependant, je les adore. Parfois, ma seulement consolation vient sous forme d'inscription. R�cemment, j'ai �t� consacr� � mon seul journal intime digital, beaucoup davantage. Je comprends.
from sparkspark :
Merci bien and grazie mille! I'm looking forward to your updates. --Violet
from bluemeany :
Oh, I so would Yahoo with you, but I'm on the DoD computer right now; I can only Yahoo on the civilian computers at the "Internet Cafe." That means, not till I get done with my shift in 5 and a half hours.
from bluemeany :
Wow! I am so honored. That was some really good cheesecake ... mmmm ... Oh, and by the way? Poola's right for the most part, but I'm young and I listen to all that music. Maybe I'm just a freak. (I still didn't know all the words, though.)
from poolagirl :
No! You're not a poor excuse for a person because you can't identify music that a bunch of old people like. The hedgerow thing is from "Stairway to Heaven." That is the only one that might even come close to ringing a bell for you.
from idontpretend :
Hey baby. I miss you too. I think about you all the time when I'm not home. I'm sorry about last night. I guess things are just getting to me a little. :/ I'll try not to be so grouchy and stuff. I love you baby. *besos* Way to show off yer foreign language skills. :P
from sweetresent :
Tu es gentille et tr�s observateur. J'ai un autre journal intime. Bien, j'ai cinq approximativement. LoL Ils sont comme les hommes, vous peuvent jamais avoir assez, non? Oui, les femmes sont simplement trop complexes. ;) Combien de journaux intimes as-tu en tout?
from sweetresent :
Oui oui... La langue fran�aise est tr�s sexy. Elle est merveilleux. Je l'adore. Et nous tous avons besoin d'une vie. ;) It's always nice to meet a fellow lover of fran�aise. Bon... j'esp�re vous parler encore bient�t.
from breezip :
Hey - thanks for the comment and for buddying me. I'll be checking you out too. Peace, Bree
from sweetresent :
Love your name. Qu'est que c'est. Wish I'd thought of it. My name is after my second favorite poem entitled, "Sweet Resentment" by none other than myself. The second favorite poem that I wrote that is... Woah. It's one A.M. excuse the ramble. I'll be back.
from poolagirl :
Thanks for the cool pirate site! I snagged off the picture. I pirated it.
from idontpretend :
Hey there! How you doin? ;D I miss you so much right now. I can't wait to come home. *besos* <3
from poolagirl :
Here's the site for JournalCon. I tried to leave a comment but it puked on me.
from poolagirl :
Are you going to the blogging convention here in San Diego in the fall? It's at the Westin. It would be such fun to meet all these other writers! I'll be there - in charge of tourism. How funny is that?
from haloaskew :
Thanks for the note! Yeah, I've been in a nutty crime story phase lately...Sorry about the washing machine link. The goobers apparently already took the story off their site (I hate it when sites don't archive their articles!)
from bluemeany :
I tried to click on those thingies to link you with, but they won't work! Bah, humbug. Also, your comments section is telling me lies (such as that I haven't filled out all the fields, yada yada) -- what to do?
from poolagirl :
Thanks for making me a fave!
from poolagirl :
YAY! I am your second note? Oh, that bluemeany always has to be first! Thanks for stopping by my diary. I got the picture of the clothes pins from Google. I have no idea what I put in the search box. I think maybe it was "morons who do stupid things to their faces" or something.
from bluemeany :
Oh holy shit I'm your FIRST NOTE EVER?!?!? Wow. What a sobering experience ... I wish I had something better to say. Thanks so much for the mental picture of chai geysering out of your face, and of course the power I must wield to make that happen. Hooray for the happy-fuzzy power feelings! Take care -Meany

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