messages to quietdespair:
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from jiltedsoul :
Thank you.
from bassclargrrl :
Okay! So a quick lesson in Portuguese: mais rapido = faster // mais forte = harder // quero mais = I want more. // (voce) quer mais? = do you want more? // mais = more // me fode = fuck me // fode minha buceta = fuck my pussy ///// Pronounciation will probably be a bitch, but it's almost like Spanish. There ya go, from one perv to another! ;)
from quietdespair :
No, I'm not writing a message to myself this is for Sara if she ever reads this. WRITE IN YOUR DIARY! E-MAIL ME! DO SOMETHING! I'll probably be down in west Texas in September. I'll come by & if you're not there I will hunt you down. I miss you, I love you, I hope to see you very soon. with all the wrath of the gods, your dumb cousin Beth :)
from girlwithtoes :
sorry it took me so long.i forgot my password was in numbers.....sigh...i dont even have much time anyway, its really crazy round here, ,so i guess ill go, bye, hug hug i love you
from girlwithtoes :
Yes, well, what can i say, i loved the name, im gonna get more, and name them : g-spot, tampon,camel-toe, and mortimer..he he, anywho, yeah, you better come and see me!and my smelly dildo!well, hope to see you soon,bye, and love ya!
from girlwithtoes :
hey, sorry, ive been workin on finishin that one entry, i did..yay....the one with the prep sorry about your friend.oh, i got a cell phone..ooooo...ok, im gonna go play with.....the puppys...yeah...hope to see you soon, bye, hug hug, love you
from girlwithtoes :
he he, yeah, im about to finish that one, about my day at skool...i didnt get to cuz, mom wanted to get on..oh, i cut my hair...ill try to find away to send it to you....or..send a pic..not send my hair...hmm..well, yeah.i guess ill, um, i bow now...praise, praise praise...farewell!!!
from girlwithtoes :
he he, thanx, and i enjoyd seein, are you outta trouble yet?lol, you BAD person!how could you?!well..poo, i must leave you in hopes of talkin to me in person, and if that is not hoped for...well.......damn......bye!have a great......stay
from darkfairy13 :
Awsome diary and sn. We all belong in strait jackets (i'm not another angsty child, i'm just weird).
from youngflower :
revel in your ignoredness. nobody cares about you. all that freedom is great!
from girlwithtoes :
he he he, well, i WOULD email you, ,but damn thing is messing up, so this will have to tide your wishings....if you cant cope with it,im sorry, but, youll have to..and as for the clothes of clothes, well, im lucky if I wash them, so, i doubt theyll do them, themselves....but, who knows, i could over power you.......BUT, i doubt that as, i must part wit your page, good day to you......
from girlwithtoes :
HA!!allas, my dear Alla, ive awaited your the laundry doin its self yet??i wish you luck with that.
from tornlace :
well too bad shaggy's off to LA, maybe you can stay in touch by email? that guy does sound crazy :) nice to have people that can make you laugh.
from yvette18 :
hey liz good that you get to see your parents soon. And now, dreams can go true, if u want them bad enough, they will come true.
from yvette18 :
Yeah sometimes things happen for a reason. WE do not often why things happen the way we expect to. But we cannot question, because only he knows why. But hey you hang in there okay?
from yvette18 :
hey girlie cslm down. You have to take it easy. I know that the enviroment you are in is probably a little stressful, but do not let that get to you down. You stay and finish your education, I know you can do it. Keep your head up lizzy. *hugs*
from yvette18 :
hey elizabeth. I'm sorry that you see those shapes. I know that they are scary. I have never experienced nothing like that b4. I hope you feel better.
from evilgal :
Also, if you like Kittie and Natalie Merchant for the love of god go out and buy Patti Smith's Horses. (Okay, okay, I'm done!!)
from evilgal :
Upon reading your diary (I suck, should have done that first) I'd also like to say keep up the writing as even spewing bile is theraputic in its own way, and if you're not familiar with it already you should read Allen Ginsberg's famous poem Howl. I read it for the first time when I was 19 and it's a good example of how anger generalized at the entire world can be turned into legitimate art. Any William S. Burroughs is also good for a brain-fuck.
from evilgal :
I think Andrew was going to put up some tutorials someplace, and I know there are diaries that offer advice to new members. It's not really my forte, but good luck with it!
from yvette18 :
hey there. Hi Elizabeth. thank you for emailing me about my Michael Jackson Banner. My friend made the banner for me. She justs adores Conan. This banner has become quite poplular.Anyways welcome to the Diaryland Family. I hope u write in your diary often. I hope u read mine, as I will most def. read yours. Oh by the way get a guestbook so readers can drop you notes and such. Oh by the way my name is Michelle. Nice to meet you! *hugs*
from quietdespair :
you suck

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