messages to reinje:
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from nynorskmann :
Um, don't so much like to be called "Him," or "He." And why is this site all about cleaning? I mean, like I totally found some of my dirty socks in the fridge this morning. I don't care if I may have left them there myself on a bender last night, but doesn't your readership think Reinje should have been on top of that if I had?! And speaking of being "on top of," does this site have to be all about cleaning...
from jackhansolo :
It's great to see that your passion for astronomy hasn't dissipated with the damage of your telescope. Even after my recent cataract surgery (left eye) and corneal transplant (right eye), I still like to to take the telescope out and take a look at the pleiades, or maybe even uranus. Good on you, Reinje!
from mavenhaven :
Bwahahaha. When my sister was about 9 or 10, she was actually heard to wail to my parents (re our adenoidal mouth-breathing brother): "He's BREATHING THAT WAY ON PURPOSE!!"
from hissandtell :
Hello - I've just read all your entries after miss maven linked to you, and although every word was indeed fabulous I am distraught there was no further, ah, dirt on the PSH/Geoffrey Rush/Tom Cruise menage. That is all. Love, R xxx
from taipraita :
hellooooooooo? I think it's been something like 72 days since an update, reijne. I think Noah was in his ark for less time than that. Yes, I'm Biblically taunting you. It's the most extreme and hopefully effective kind. Don't make me open up a can of brimstone!
from taipraita :
So good to have you back in blogland, dear friend. KEEP IT UP you big spaz. I hope you're planning on getting some celebrity photo ops! Sidle up to old Tommie boy and see if you can figure out what the heck he's up to with this Katie person.
from mavenhaven :
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA. Bend the house's hygiene to your will, bitch! I've been bending my grandpa's dish hygiene to my will this week--so as to avoid playing "dish jenga" in the drying rack. I even swept the patio today. It's amazing what you'll do when stuck in Pittsburgh.
from taipraita :
Whaaat? You can't change your entire personality like this. Believe me, being a slob isn't all that it's cracked up to be. You think it's a way to alleviate stress? nope. I'm under continual stress due to the guilt of giant piles of dirty laundry, kitchen countertops covered with fossilized food bumps, and Penny-sized dust bunnies roving the halls. Not worth it. You'll be trading one stress for the other. Stick with what you're used to.
from mavenhaven :
You so crazy. Of COURSE he was taken aback when you offered to clean his bathroom. REGULAR CIVILIANS DON'T DO THAT. Have you read the Tomato Nation entry about bathroom-cleaning? I think it's around the time of the Roomba entries.
from mavenhaven :

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