messages to ripetomato:
(click here to add new message):

from theduckshirt :
sorry to bring you all the way back to this site only to say this, but I read your diary a butt-load time ago, before I had an account making diariez.
from sadistboo :
from sadistboo :
Sup babeh? ;)
from geeked-out :
I was sad that so many people had never even heard of weezer. I figured everyone knew who they were. Weird. I had to add the clues in later too. You.Are.Awesome.
from geeked-out :
Yeah it is. I don't know if you saw the other entry where I said it first or not, but since only two people told me the correct answer if you'd like a prize you got it. send me an e-mail if you do =) androidtomato at
from f-i-n :
i'll put you on my "do not call" list...heh heh
from i-am-jack :
You added me back! ;^}'
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email.
from i-am-jack :
;^{' It kind of surprised and saddened me that you deleted me.
from moonshine76 :
mwa. i got your text but my cell battery died. so in advance, i'm going to wish you a welcome back! :)
from less-than3 :
have a great trip!!!
from kitty-clawz :
hey you probably don't remember me, but i was going through my notes and saw on from you from a long time ago. i just read your latest entry and i agree that when you write something down on paper, ur mood changes and you don't feel like posting it. well i guess i can't bring up anything about weight or job so uhhhh *cough* eat better! *cough* *achoo-find a good job* ugh excuse me, must be my alergies acting up ;) i love you're copyright thing at the bottom of the page haha i want to steal that but it says i can't so i guess i won't. have fun doing whatever! --accident prone amanda
from ajontour :
I've been most entertained by your diary entries so far. Sorry to hear you're poorly-sick and hope you get better soon.
from sherpahigh :
You made me smile... thank you.
from carnageus :
You should have a backup date a few days after your birthday at which point it's permissable for those who forget your birthday (or can't get computer access til afterwards) to wish you a happy one with no ramifications or otherwise negativity. And call it 'Lara Day' or something.
from cwesq :
The pictures are all fine. Don't be so hyper-critical! Besides, vanity is over-rated as a vice. Go for something more comforting like lust, greed or even gluttony!
from no-map :
hello there.. love when people posts lots of pics of themselves.. dunno why! its just fun.. im adding you ;-) xxx
from arc-angel666 :
Hello Ms Ripe Tomato: I was surfing the members area and came across a ripe tomato, How could I not stop by and see that. I am glad I did. I know this is my first visit but I can't help but comment. Work! If it is something you like, something that you can become a part of, that you can lend your creativity too, and its final product is there because you had a hand into it..then its stops being work and becomes what you do...that's cool. Some of us find our work a pleasure and I think you may find that to if you look for it. One bit of advice about your current job and your boss always remember don't kill them until after Payday lol. I see my friend Dangerspouse(we are actually friends) visits here. With people like dangerspouse and I visiting here..well, there goes the neighborhood lol. It was nice to meet you Ms Tomato, respectfully Michael
from sadistboo :
The images for my rings arn't working, I just notied. Is there anyway you can fix them? o.O :(
from lesbfriends6 :
from i-am-jack :
I sent you an email from my address. Just look for an email that says something like "from I-am-jack"
from i-am-jack :
I definitely want the link to your new diary. When I read that you were quitting, I hardly knew what to say. You were one of my first favaorites listed, one of the ones that has been there from the beginning. Well the beginning for me anyway. Diaryland will not be the same without the Ripe One. ;^{' I know that people have to go eventually, that they can not just write endlessly forever, but it always depresses me. Its like they die or something, because that little window into their life is gone. I know, I get a little too into this, but lately I feel like all my oldest favorites are dropping off one by one. Anyway, I understand that feeling of obligation and pressure, I have been feeling alot of that myself lately. The thought has been crossing my mind to quit too, but I am just not ready yet, despite not updating in 20 days, which for me is really long. Like this note. LOL
from less-than3 :
me! me! me!
from dangerspouse :
I'm a regular reader from your Mailing List, and I'm gonna miss seeing that tiny tomato. Oh, and your writing, too. Best of luck to you in the future - I hope whatever changes you're making in your personal life turn out to be happy ones. Godspeed, kiddo :)
from krugerpak007 :
I guess it is damn depressing coming back from a great holiday and having to start from the beginning. I hope you feel better! Maybe you should try anti-depressants again at least until you get over this initial job searching stage! Take care!xoxo Kathy
from sadistboo :
I'm on a VERY small dose of Ionamin just to push me along with losing weight. Eating less isn't really great to do. It's what you eat that you need to really change. (Unless you ate like, all the time lol or meals that could feed 3 men) 3 meals a day with snacks. NEVER let yourself get to the point where you're really hungry, because what happens then is you don't care what you eat, as long as you eat something,and you usually turn to things that take less time to make. Like take out, or cookies n' such. So this trick is to not let yourself get hungry, eat snacks. The less you eat, the more your body thinks its starting to starve,therefore it stores the food you do eat as fat, even if it's healthy food. Cutting out white bread makes a HUGE difference. And of course greesy food. I've lost ten pound in like a week and a half or so. Bread is the real kicker though, it turns straight to sugar then hangs off your ass. lol Eh, just thought i'd let you in on some tips. If you already knew it all..sorry lol. :D
from i-am-jack :
Maybe you could try getting a spray on tan. My roomate is really pale, and she went and got air brushed. It actually looked very very real, and was not that orange fake iodine color. All her boyfriend's friends thought that it was real. The only thing is that it cost $30, and the color only stayed for about a week and a half. But I am not sure what you are paying now, going every day. Or if you do not want an artificial tan you might want to try high pressure tanning. In only 3 sessions my roomate had a complete tan. Anyway, thanks for adding me to your favorites, I was really surprized. LOL. I have been reading you for a year or so now, and it made me feel good that you added me.
from i-am-jack :
Sadly, I know where you are coming from. Everytime I get into a really close friendship or relationship, the other person inevitably decides that I am just too much or too boring, one day. Without telling me. They become short, blow me off, and finally stop talking all together and ignore any attempts I make to talk to them. It is one of the worst feelings in the world, and really leaves me reluctant to become close to any one else again.
from gay :
nice hat. adam is down with the tweed. jesus loves you.
from moonshine76 :
I have the same problem going on too. I wish I could fix it =/ I always looked forward to the little emails telling me someone signed one of my books ;)
from mediocrepunk :
arent you just the cutest. hm, not in any sort of "weird" way, but just in a friendly way. Well, have a nice day...
from sadistboo :
I have the same guestbook problem. :|
from carnageus :
Squishhhhhhhhhhhh, word is we're having a reunion of simultaneous online-ivity. Partaaaay! Oh, mech is organising it. Says I. She's pretty lazy, mind, you might need to give her a kick up the arse (bottom).
from sadistboo :
heee I love that pic,it's cute :D
from ddrboy :
I love! It's freakin awesome.
from sadistboo :
Dude,got to and make a free account to host images. It's easy and diaryland actually ALOWES it lol
from furiouspuppy :
Hey there; You asked if it was right to like Christmas so much and not be Christian. My answer would be: of course it's fine. Christmas has almost nothing to do with Christianity anyway. Seriously dude. It's not even Jesus' real birthday. xoxoxo Lori
from sadistboo :
Cha! Dude, i'd be pissed off to if my boys mom just went and told the whole family.She has no right to do that at all. You should STAB her. Anyway,I ALWAYS forgot about my stupid pill,there was never a 7 day span when i'd not forget lol. So I'm doing the shot. Only need one once every three months.T'is 99.999999999999 safe. mwa ha.You should check it out.
from furiouspuppy :
Hi; Ummmmmm . . . thanks for letting my join your ring. xoxoxoxo
from thinksecret :
Yeah - The gold membership has more features then I had realized before getting it. (I didn't know about the stats until last night). I have loads of image hosting from both u of guelph and my own isp, but another 5mgs won't hurt! ;) ttyl.
from i-am-jack :
I have been having strange dreams too, except instead rats everywhere, for me its bugs. Usually bees, spiders, or silverfish. No matter what it is, its everywhere, and there is no escaping from it unless I walk through it and get bugs all over me. Its a terrible recurring nightmare I have been having for maybe a month or so now. All I can get out of the dream is that I feel panicked, and trapped.
from cindydasilva :
Hello, you really dont need to many qualifications if you are going in as an assisstant providing you get through the interview. If you want to be lead and making the big buck ($11 YEAH BIG BUCKS) then you have to take a two year course. Sorry i took so long to write back
from mooms : v nice thought from you..she was a realy lovely moggy.just so sad in the end *sniff* :0(
from hyacinthgirl :
hi! scrabble747 has moved to cheers!
from keeds :
why did you cry? i thought you were very cute. do you always get emotional when guys give u compliments?:) anyway.. thanks . i read your diary some more today.. good stuff. byeeeeeeeeee:)
from moonshine76 :
oooh, I don't think I've ever left you a note. Sorry I took off last night, my computer gave me a blue screen becomes frustrating to use. xx
from kingbastard :
Oh ok. Well, sorry about that.
from kingbastard :
I read your diary all the time, babe. And relax...why so angry? I just think you might find my stuff entertaining. Give it a try and I guarantee you'll like it. Bye bye!
from emmielouhoo :
hey there...long time lurker, creeping out of the shadows...i've been there with the laying about and stuff (i.e. biohazardous floors), and at least for me, i can handle doing things in 20min in, clean for 20min, screw around for 20min, repeat as sure you already knew that technique, but it really does help me, especially when im not in a good mood and cant seem to concentrate...anyways, love the entries!
from kate-san :
Yeah, I got them. Thanks a lot! Damn, somebody responded! Heheh. I'll probably put the answers up tomorrow. I'll let you know when they're posted. Thanks again!
from l-a-i :
from thatmarygirl :
definitely ripe. :)
from thatmarygirl :
from ddrboy :
Fucking Hot Brunette! (sp?) Hi! Longtime reader, first time noter. Love you much! Hugs!
from neon7c :
a non-ripe diary? please share. :)
from i-am-jack :
I remember when I was on Paxil for a short time. Which I desperately needed to stabilize the emotional imbalance from my head injury. Part of me liked the numbing, calm acceptance of the world around me. It definately stabilized me, but I also did not feel like myself anymore and I did not like that part at all. I felt almost montonous.
from argylecool :
Always on the lookout for new fetishes. Heard about a girl who needed to put a band-aid over her bellybutton because if you touched her there it was all over. Thought I'd share.
from i-am-jack :
Whoa I see what you mean by an early Courtney Love. But your hair does look good. Though your classic red is still my favorite.
from i-am-jack :
So, when are you going to show us a picture of your blonde hair?
from caged-freed :
saw you were a member of the anti-anorexia diaryring and thought this new forum at caged-freed might interest you. check it out, if you can, and take care.
from quietthought :
Someone's a liar.
from i-am-jack :
Finally, I dug that herb book out of storage. Sorry it took so long I was waiting for a warm enough day and some motivation. The book is called "Liquid herbal drops in everyday use." By Daniel J Gagnon. It is seriously the best herbal book I have ever read. It covers a lot of sicknesses and herbs that can help them, and it even tells you the herbs's side effects, which most books say do not exist. Its a complete little book.
from sir-inky :
WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH INKY HUH? Inky is quit stylish and slim, but you look better without it. -opinion dropped by his inkyness
from mirabile :
dude, i don't know--maybe it's cuz I use a mac? ~shrug~ Mira
from ringostarr :
Hey, just read your most recent entry. We should hang out again sometime. I keep meaning to call you but haven't cos I wasn't sure if your number changed when you moved) . If you want drop me an e-mail with you new number (if it has changed) and also maybe send me your number if it hasn't changed cos I can't remember if it's in my phone book or not. Anyways, dorp me a line at [email protected] Hope all's well with you. Later.
from mirabile :
hey, maybe it's just me, but I'm hoping that your menu in tha new template (swanky, btw) is still on its way? because I can't click on anything--just a heads up! :) Mira
from i-am-jack :
I was interested to see that you are into herbal rememedies. I have been into herbs for a few years now, and have a few success stories about how they have helped me. People always seem to think that its insane at first, but then get interested and ask questions. I have a recommendation, book wise. But I can not remember the name of the book. I need to dig it out of storage. I will have the name for you in a few days
from hermitage :
i think quite a few people go through what you're going through, or at least i know that i have. it's too hard being a hipster sometimes.
from maeve-arie :
My cousin used to put a little chocolate syrup on a banana to cut her cravings...I am in the precess of going from omnivoire to I look at the food and tell myself that it looks like flesh and muscle to get myself over the if it is ribs I am craving...I realize that it is only the BBQ sauce that I really miss...not the actually I have something with "just" enough BBQ to cut the craving. Luv Maevie
from inverse :
Eat a chocolate or two every morning or a little helping of something you crave. That way, you won't feel a craving because you already had a bit, and you won't go overboard.
from sadira4satrn :
I know this is going a bit overboard but I have to make sure that you see this template. GO HERE, PLEASE IT'S URGENT.
from fixinto :
I just went Veggie myself, although I can't say I could ever do the Vegan thing... good goin'. Oh yeah. Kick some ass on the job hunting.
from kate-san :
Good luck on the job interview! With your sudden gain of confidence you should do well. And I can't think of what those plastic things were called, but I think I found one once they had gone out of style and wore it for a day. I guess I'm lucky for being born in the late 80s. Though the 90s were merely an extension of the 80s, so I guess I wasn't exempt. But yeah. Anyway. Good luck.
from mirabile :
alive. Just so lethargic as to be mistaken for dead.
from i-am-jack :
;^}' Welcome back!
from chiv :
from i-am-jack :
I LOVE the black hair! Very SEXY ;^}'
from i-am-jack :
That is cool about your black hair. ;^} At least you posted that pic for us so that we have an idea of what is going on in the Ripe one's world. I miss you. Please change your mind and come back. ;^{
from i-am-jack :
Somehow, I had a feeling that was going to happen. ;^{' All the good diaries always end. Please, don't go!! No need to let being a diaryland icon get to you! All your fans should be inspiring, not intimidating, we love the Ripe One!
from maeve-arie :
nooooooooooooo...*clinging to ripey's ankles* I WON'T let you go! Just kidding darling...though I am sad to see you go...but I understand your least you let us know before you disappered...funny how we feel the need to make closure to uncounted strangers eh? Have fun with the ratties :) Love Maeve
from blue-candy-b :
Sorry 'bout your boo-boos. I hope you get better soon :-)
from sir-inky :
I am signing here for now because i cannot get to the guestbook. Much love and wishes of better health from your true inky reader and friend. Yours Truly with Prayer, Sir-Inky
from i-am-jack :
((((Ripetomato))) Gentle yet warm hugs. I almost do not even know what to say, except feel better real soon. I hope that you are managing to keep the pain under control at least.
from blackcat14 :
call one punky & call one fuzz.
from i-am-jack :
Well, my roomate has a rat identical to your one with the dark head. She named him "Dexter" It is interesting, if you feed rats and mice, cat food, they grow very big, very fast. The dry crunchy food is high in protein. Call me insane, but cat food fed rodents appear to have higher intelligence than vegetarian ones. Dexter quickly learned to climb his water bottle to escape his tank.
from raven72d :
Chinchillas are quite pleasant. And Hamtaro is the Brave Little Hamster for the new millennium.
from raven72d :
Canadialand can be scary and full of Evil Esquimaux... But your photos are wonderful (you *probably* don't need an exorcist), your small rodent is a delight, and I love reading your entries...
from koreamatron :
hello. you have a new fan. That whole lesbian bit made me roll over laughing. That other bit about not even knowing if they were lesbians or not because they looked like typical clubbers- what do lesbians usually look like? It was pretty funny when my brother realized that I dig on girls 'cause I don't "look like one". ; ) anyhow, thanks for the laughs.
from chiv :
hi hi.
from i-am-jack :
Congratulations on the new gerbils. I remember when I got my first rabbit, it was very exciting because we never had any pets other than fish, and a bird. Chinchillas are not funny looking! To me, they look like a big mouse with a squirrel tail. I have wanted one for a while. But the dust thing sounds messy and keeps me wondering if I should get one
from liesinc :
Hello, this is your friendly Neophiles diaryring leader! In the spirit of Operation Mindfuck, I thought you might enjoy the following links: All Hail Discordia, Saint Bill Drummond and the Holy Jello Biafra!(not to mention a few others)
from scanzilla :
Decepticons inferior, Soundwave superior.
from sir-inky :
i love that hair cut. i know this will sound semiwierd coming from james, but james is lucky. as well as you to have a less active impulse control. good evening, good night, and good luck in scams to come.
from i-am-jack :
(((Ripetomato))) Welcome back! ;^}'
from i-am-jack :
I am so glad that you have not completely forsaken us, and left some pics and ripelog updates. About the Sims, it is not just you, the hotdate expansion always locks up on my roomate when she plays. Especially if she tries to turn on the sim radio. It is just a glitchy game.
from chiv :
damn it, i was going to say that! i knew i should have started reading my buddy list at r, instead of that blasted a. damn you, aff!
from i-am-jack :
;^{' I will miss my favorite "blip" while you are gone!
from i-am-jack :
Sorry to hear you lost those readers. It might make you feel better to check up on them, if you remember how to spell the names. When I lose a reader, more often than not, they have deleted their diary, or gone private. But there are always the few that just bore of me.
from i-am-jack :
Sorry to hear you lost those readers. It might make you feel better to check up on them, if you remember how to spell the names. When I lose a reader, more often than not, they have deleted their diary, or gone private. But there are always the few that just bore of me.
from chiv :
maybe you'll go from pop to cult, and be much cooler that way, eh?
from quietthought :
Bloody guestbooks. Oh yeah, what Damo said. Oh, and when unleashed comes out you can have a nice New Orleans style house and a cat, which Qui Moon can....... look at. Yeees.
from neon7c :
heh. i learned that about psych too. then i became a sociology major. now...i'm a receptionist. :)
from prowlnfox :
I think I heard once it was dogs that dream in black and white.
from damodred :
sim vacation has vacations in places of different seasons, like a skiing vacation and a fair vacation... i ran out of money for the sims right before hot date though.
from sa-land :
I LOVE that picture!
from chiv :
(cries as he falls several places down in your profile) yess, that's why, and not because i misssss you, at all.
from mstwheelie :
Hi, Welcome to the diaryland aquaqrians ring. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging you but I have been in hospital. Hope to chat with you sometime.
from ringostarr :
Hey, how you doing? Hadn't heard from you in a while. Hope school's going well. If you're not doing anything on Sunday I'm playing with a band in your new neighbourhood at a place called Lion on the Beach. Feel free to come on out. Drag Crystal out if you wanna as well (cos I ain't met her yet). Hope you're doing well. Hope to hear from you. Drop a note or an e-mail (I hope you still have my e-mail address).
from i-am-jack :
What! No new ripecam shot to show off your new hair!? ;^O'
from i-am-jack :
What! No new ripecam shot to show off your new hair!? ;^O'
from chiv :
heheh, funny! =)
from chiv :
(gives you a butter pie) (shrugs)
from blackcat14 :
dude, i was sooo addicted to sims when i first got it like 2 years ago :D i have the livin large expansion, if u want i could email u a really good cheat *kah-ching*
from chiv :
pyow, lovely.
from chiv :
(hops about) am bored, quiiick, talk to's a'wastin'. heh, sorry (something).
from patw-21 :
i'm fellin' twisted and you?
from blackcat14 :
weee u have the same hair color as me now :DD
from chiv :
oh! =( i didn't realise how much that upset you, or i'd have..erm..looked sympathetic, like this (pulls face). ach. good luck with the uni thing though..see you laterrrr.
from kate-san :
I saw that one survey you filled out, and you said "shiggity shiggity shwa." Did you get that from the Mario Twins flash cartoon or whatever it is, or did it just appear in some other movie, or...? I MUST KNOW!!!
from chiv :
(reads notes) heh, awww. em..i..can't remember any of my past entries, i'm afraid..i can't remember if it's been long enough that i should be posting another, even.
from chiv :
a house is not a motel.
from chiv :
miss you, good luck with the exam, and "woo!" regarding the meeting thing =)
from dazy81 :
Thanks for joining the sleepnaked diaryring :)
from carnageus :
*brings flowers*
from smile-n-nod : maybe it wasn't the heat. I see you like Salinger too-cooool.
from blackcat14 :
my eyes are cool too.
from tiffni :
uh-huh. i left you a few guestbook messages, but was ignored. you wanted to know how you could stop losing fans, i suggested that you reply to guestbook messages (hint hint), but I still didnt get any little messages of thanks. but whatever, i dont really care, i still read ur diary anyway :)
from solstice36 :
better late than never, thanks for joining the arachnophobia diaryring :-)
from chiv :
bah, everyone's relating to your shoes and weight and geography..well i'm a lazy bum, too! woo, i have something in common with you toooo *sticks tongue out at everyone else* *hugs lara and wonders where the hell she just went*
from ringostarr :
I just read the link to your London entries. It's amazing how we went through the same experiences (apart from the relationship thing [of which was virtually non-existant]) while living down there. Only I stuck it out for 8 1/2 months. :D
from mailmanmel :
I saw your banner. omg.
from autumnal :
i love you. i ean it. i had heard of ripe tomato but only now just took a bite out of it. I am doing the same exact thing wiht my weight issue. I want to mark my progress because people never believe i am overweight. one can take a picture and look thinner if they do it properly. so youve inspired me to take some no nonesense pics and post them up on a fat/thin diary or what not. :P and the pics are good. anyone that would say anything mean are just bastards.
from i-am-jack :
;^}' Alright! You finally saw Fight Club. So other than disturbing, what did you think of it!
from eebee :
I had a similar problem with a pair of sandles I got from Old Navy. The first time I wore them, I cut open my feet on the straps, and I still have scars from them. Look: Look at the two circled areas right next to each other. See the discoloration? That's them. The other one's from a fold-out bed. Anyway, I kept the sandles and wore them with socks for awhile to break them in, and now they're one of my favorite pair, with or without socks. I know regular socks don't go well with flip-flops, but toe-socks are perfect for them.
from jamisonn :
hey... i just happened to be cruzin around and I read your newst entry. I mean, you don't even know me and I'm not devoted fan or anything, but I was interested in what you had to say. You see, I've always been one of those teeny-tiny girls who could eat as much as they wanted without gaining a pound. But then I became insecure and I was afraid of gaining weight (obesephobia), so I became belimec. I stopped a looong time ago, but afterwards... i stopped eating a lot... it mad me very sick and unhappy. so now that I'm eating again, I'm gaing weight and it scares me...I don't know what to do... I don't think you need to lose weight if your happy w/ who you are, but I don't want to gain weight... i thought maybe we could help each other since you want to lose weight too! I want to lose like 10-15 lbs. w/b if you want! later days...jamie
from i-am-jack :
I laughed when I read the "Just say no to skittles" entry in ripelog. Its not just sour skittles that do that. I did the exact same thing with sour patch kids once. Ate an entire large movie sized bag. By the time I was done, my tongue felt all scraped up and my whole mouth was sore and puckery for the night.
from n23 :
I think that could be arranged, as soon as I learn. Heh. It's not that hard, just hold someone's hand till you find your balance!
from ringostarr :
Guess you weren't able to make it to the show last night, but oh well. Next time hopefully :| Um, how does one go about joining your HSR ring? Lemme know, either note me or e-mail me.
from n23 :
Hey, haven't talked to you in a while, I thought I should say hello. I'm glad things are going so well for you (and James, you know, he's so lucky to tag along). Your diary's still the best in the land. P.S. The black wig was fucking sexilicious!
from chiv :
fun. i came to your notes page, and your banner i clicked on it, and came back, to tell you about it. a horrible waste of a banner! *does something nice, to make it worth the while*
from chiv :
ach, i feel guilty, if anything i was trying to make you feel less..picked on, or something =/ *hug* p.s.ish.. look, what are you crazy shits on about? ikea is awful, and swedish, and awful! eesh.
from i-am-jack :
Yes, I did not know about it until I saw Fight Club. I don't know if you have ever seen it but "Jack's" whole condo is all furnished in IKEA. That was where I first heard about it. Then I looked it up on the computer and ordered one of their catalogs off the website. Pretty cool stuff.
from i-am-jack :
Who told you there was no IKEA in the US. I have ordered their catalog and there are about 15 of them across the country. None of them close enough to me to shop at. pouts. ;^{'
from chiv :
pyow? hmm, i'm, no, i'm insane.
from tithonus :
I know how you feel, I think. *hugs*
from sadira4satrn :
You little bitch. I hate you. FUCK YOU! What can I say? I like kicking people when they're down. Mwahahahaha!
from mailmanmel :
Pff. Just don't ask them for the smallest needle they have, they hurt the most.
from mailmanmel :
what the hell kind of wuss are you?! the back of the hand doesn't hurt at all, I get needles like every two weeks there! Although a bruise like that, thats never happened to me. I guess they suck at taking blood.
from ringostarr :
Hey bite your tongue! James isn't the only one who lives in Mississauga!!! I mean granted I don't like living here, but it's not like I'm living in Burlington!
from chiv :
i can.
from carnageus :
I CANNOT believe you DID that! After giving me a telling off about doing it too!!
from carnageus :
It's not? Ach...*runs off to cancel the limo*
from carnageus :
Aww, you left me notes. Not the friendliest I've ever had, but loved all the same
from oedalis :
rings page is long as it works <G>
from chiv :
cool..this person *points down yonder* is worse than me. meh, i mean huggy things *there*
from sadira4satrn :
I just realized I've never written you a note before. This means a whole new way for me to stalk you. (I'm never gonna let that go ya know.) I guess I should start leaving you notes seeing as how you never answer my e-mails. But maybe that has something to do with the fact that I use outlook express. Or maybe you really think I'm your stalker and started blocking me. Ah well. TTYL and LYL
from oedalis :
hello ms. ripetomato---welcome to the james-lover diaryring! just stopping by to say howdy---also, please have some form of code up in the next three days.
from chiv :
ah well, it's a two way thing, so i can sign again, i think. yes..what was i saying, though? oh..i was going to ask if you dropped me from..wherever else you linked me..but that was ripe2, and, damn it, who dropped me this time? *grumble*
from chiv :
ach, damn, i'm the last signer here, too. ah well. of course i wouldn't. unless.. no, hehe *squeeeeezes you* sorry, sorry. um, soo..oh, no, that's it, isn' it?
from chiv :
cha..pah..fah..! and so on. i mean, hm, goodnight, apparently.
from christabean :
Well, it's blue now, anyway, so you've escaped the whole redhead-fakery. Blue is a nice choice, also.
from chiv :
sorry, lara, you keep catching me at bad moments =/ *hug*
from rubysoho15 :
where did you get your hair done? i live in toronto and i really like how they did it. unless you did it yourself. in which case you did an AMAZING job
from i-am-jack :
OK, so intially I did not think the blue hair was a very tomato like thing to do, but it looks amazingly good. Very mystical somehow. You must be one of those lucky people that looks good no matter what they do to their hair.
from hermitage :
Coming from someone who had pink streaks for quite some time, I must admit that your blue hair looks rather nice. YAY!
from ringostarr :
The hair looks smashing!!! How did your mom take the nose ring? Big props to whoever your hairdresser is for making your hair look so great!!!
from innocentluv :
good luck with the father-meeting-boyfriend thing. PS. your diary reminds me of something odd. hm.
from cholera :
I'm leaving you a note. You know I'm leaving you a note, because you just left to use the restroom, and I told you that I am leaving you a note.
from chiv :
out, shoo, this is my bit of ripey, and i'm clinging to it. no one else may have it =( eventually i'll own enough note-page to trade for a real ripey. that's the plan, anyway. more =(
from quietthought :
Queen night in the UK, fat bottomed girls and all I see talk of Ripey Got Back?... pity you've not seen Arabella Weir in The Fast Show. Oh well :)
from chiv :
oh, an attempt at taking over here, eh? well *puts a stop to that* also..where did you go? some be right backing! *cries* don't leave me all drunk and..stuff..shiny coin..ooh
from mailmanmel :
There's nothing wrong with a little booty, especially one thats as fine and dandy as sour candy. But even pornos have breaks in between sex scenes. See where I'm going?
from mailmanmel :
You go through an awful lot of trouble just to take a picture of yourself. And despite all that trouble, all you ever get is a gratuitous shot of your ass. You should get a timer.
from chiv :
ooh, no one uses the notes page's mine! mwaha! *clutches* hi.
from chiv :
i had things to say, i forgot them. i'll make up new ones, now. um. the top doesn't make you look purdy. i mean that in the way that's complimentary to you. i have chocolate orange, and you probably don't. ha! *hugs*.
from i-am-jack :
Thanks for the hug! I definately needed one myself. ;^}' Hmm. The blue hair color looked interesting. But not very tomato like. How about streaks of all different shades of red? Thats funny that James out-redded you. You almost sounded competive about it. This should be interesting.
from blackcat14 :
definently dye your hair blu! it'll look cute. lol i heard your ghetto sound wav! you'd fit right in at my school ;D
from ringostarr :
Wow! I just listened to you reading that Ani thing. Let me say you've got INCREDIBLE delivery. I didn't even think it was you at first! Have you ever considered becoming a spoken-word performer? Anyways, great job on the sound file. I left you a message on your machine. Call me sometime.
from thebot :
I read about what happened to your profile. it's been wacky around here lately. Bummer, man.
from carnageus :
because you're nnnneverabout. And even when you are, my memory's...a little...
from i-am-jack :
Just thought I would leave a nice big hug for the ripe one. ((((Ripetomato)))
from carnageus :
mmm, yes, I wondered how long it'd take you to notice that the quote from my diary ended a little...abruptly
from ringostarr :
awww. I feel insecure too sometimes. Albeit I'm not on medication but I know how it is cos members of my family are. Just take it one day at a time. You'll have ups and downs no matter whether you're on meds or not. If you need to talk or something e-mail me for my number and we can call each other. *HUGS*
from punkyjunky :
How'd you do your guestbook? Ive been working on mine, and I dont know how to manipulate a lot of it. If you have the time, please leave me a note. The link to my guestbook is Thanx, ~Qiaosi
from chiv :
oh no, i missed your going away! damn you, boddington's! ah well, you're coming back for my birthday. of course it won't seem the same if you update from there *strokes chin* meh, i'll pretend it does *babbles a bit more*erm, *hug* bye.
from cholera :
yes, er.. check the log'r ;) *beams*
from chiv :
gah. feckin ocean. other people had better be doing a good job of cheering you up *stern looks towards them*. of course they'll get dispropotianately high credit, if they manage it *grumbles off into the background*.
from chiv :
starting to miss, i think...yep, starting to miss you now. also, ripecam keeps telling me it's update, when it isn't =(
from halfdevoured :
*hug* *love* *hug* :)
from tithonus :
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lecture. I just... for several months I got quite obsessed with the idea of having superpowers. At first it was just a game or a joke, but after a while I started to realise that I was way, way more into the fantasy than I was into my real life. Um, yeah. So I kind of blamed the fantasy for a disconnection with my real life circumstances or whatever. But, yes, it was presumptuous of me to jump to the conclusion that you were doing the same thing. :(
from carnageus :
Sod it all. Erm, you can just get rid of that last note. And this one... *mutters*
from carnageus :
can I use html here? nyeh, well, even I can't... that hans zimmer tune thingy from True Romance
from chiv :
i'm not trampling on them. well, just the tattoo one, i can object to one thing, can't i? you're better than some tattoo artist's work. as for anything else i criticised, it was just meant to be some comfort for your lack of the thing, like the distance running ability..i'm not saying don't do it, or want it, just that you're okay without, since you probably aren't going to get it..i'd prefer to be happy without, than not. yea, that's all.
from tithonus :
Well, if that's what you're aiming for, is it really any wonder you're feeling a bit low? Like, how on earth are you ever going to get reality to even compare slightly with that picture? And even if you could... people are never what they think they are. You can't pin your self worth on anything, any attribute, any talent - because it'll go and change on you, and you'll be back to where you were today.
from chiv :
well that's just adding to things, damn it, no tourmenting me. ...*hugsss*
from chiv :
hiz name vill alzo go on zi lizt! that aside, erm, oh, yes, the pre-cute description of the dog and its activities made me smile, for whatever reason. toodles.
from blackcat14 :
you remind me a bit of kelly osbourne :)
from ringostarr :
Don't worry Lara, Ringo still loves ya (even though he can't have ya). Consider yourself on my list forever (or until you do something dreadfully wrong to me). :) *hugs*
from chiv :
*pets* it's okay, you meant well, and we'll all survive. except for little timmy. ...and he had it coming, little bas*trails off*..
from chiv :! =)
from apathee :
sheesh.andtothink that i had you onmyfavourites.alas.annoying, eh?i'm banishedforever.maybe chivwill defendme. -a
from sa-land :
Did James sustain some sort of head wound?
from carnageus :
Eh? You died your hair green? And put on green lipstick? And your skin turned slightly green? Something's afoot...
from chiv :
fucking thing failed to post my note. thanks, mechy *stabs carny* sorry, carny, lara, ...james. *goes to get more beer*.
from mechanica :
I'm leaving a note so that carny and chiv don't look too obsessive with their multiple notes.. see how nice i am? SEE??
from carnageus :
You know, if we were all in the same place right now I'd be shuffling chiv off telling everyone to 'ignore him, he's just had a bit too much to drink'. But I can't for the life of me think of a way to do that here without giving the game away.
from chiv :
i miss you. i'm afraid i hate james. it's not at all personal, i just want him to die.
from carnageus :
Aaargh! crappy crappy crappy...I'm pretty sure the camera wasn't meant to be taking pictures then. Oh, that was michelle, and she'll kill me if she finds out about that. Wheesht now, no blabbing!
from carnageus :
overrated and unoriginal pile of pap I thought. but then, I'm biased because other people seem to like it. I'm contrary like that. except in the case of...well, you obviously
from carnageus :
paranoia, squishy - it's the curse of the beautiful
from chiv :
carny, you can get all the same online test results as me, like the same wonderous, lovely people (see, this note is allll about lara, too) as me and go for a lot of the same crappy puns, but now you're starting to babble foolishly like me, and i'm somewhere between scared, filled with pity, and satisfied that i'm not as bad as i might have thought. ta. ripeyripeyripeyriperipemc.ripe. all about lara, love you =)
from carnageus :
Well, I know I've been restless in my sleep lately, but instant messaging would probably be a bit extreme. Not that I'm awake now, mind
from carnageus :
Look, just..I..and I can't...this is...ungh...I'm sorry.
from carnageus :
bah, you have NOT been ignoring us!
from carnageus :
hmph...have...*feels astoundingly ignored to the point of suicidal thoughts*
from carnageus :
You have sooooooo!
from carnageus :
Pah, so she's been ignoring us then...
from gelert :
*looks at recent noters* hmm, okay, i shan't terrorise your notes page, then...wait..i'm logged in as gelert, that's excuse enough *runs arround..fecking shite up* erm, i mean...i want attention *bobs about*
from chiv :
right, now that i'm actually logged in, i can't remember what i wanted to say, exactly. sorry, in a fractionly less pathetic way, this time.
from chiv :
web cam ideas...hmm...let me think..ooh, play the thorw-knives-at-no-lucky-bastard-inparticular game, on cam. it's not a crime if it was accidental. unless you need a licence to throw knives at people.
from ringostarr :
Yay for you! It's amazing how a new relationship can give you a new perspective on life. I never did hear back from you when I e-mailed but I figure that's cos you're busy and all. Anyways we should hang out sometime when I get home. Take care.
from carnageus :'s always the same story, isn't it. You go out there into the real world, find a social life and forget where you came from. You've changed maaaan.... >:o(
from mirabile :
i would like to point out to you that i now, as well, have "it's my life" stuck in my head. it disturbs me. Curses on you for having done this to me. So nyah. ;)
from i-am-jack :
The mystery animal is a chinchilla? Damn. Well it sure did not look like one to me. I still think it looks like some sort of fucked up sheep. :^}' Real chinchillas are alot cuter than that. They look like huge mice to me.
from chiv :
*clicks* aw, you're showing us the nails..
from abfab :
Awwww you're right! In my profile it was the improper, uh, spelling? of it. I just changed it! In my diary, though, the link has always worked. My profile wasn't even accessible with my template, but I just changed that as well! Hooray!
from abfab :
Hey! Thanks for leaving me a not *tee hee* I feel...important now. Anyways, yes I do read your diary (hope you don't mind) and I always find it quite hilarious and definately worth the time. Since I'm so generous and kind, I linked you in my diary and added you as a favorite just so everyone else could find a way to enjoy this tasty tomato. If you'd like to read my humble diary *I bow before your greatness*, the user is: everybody, and the password is: noparents -for you see, my mother is nosy and I'd prefer her not reading it. I'm sure you can appreciate that. Thanks again for the note!
from carnageus :
This ripelog thingy's just going to be all about sex, isn't it? Like I need to be reminded about...ungh...I hate life
from mailmanmel :
-jumps out from behind bush- You left me a note! hehehHEHEHEhehehe! -runs off-
from itsmylife :
Did you find out what all the cameras were for?
from chiv :
ah, it was the response appearing in ..the other diary, thing..that..confused me...yoghurt? *eats*
from chiv :
don't make me...eyes..narrowing..brow...furrowing..
from chiv :
from toothbrush :
No, spidey was living with me since Saturday morning and took off last night. I don't know why s/he left. I kept checking on him/her and s/he was always in the same place and so we'd talk... or rather, I'd talk and spidey would nod sympathetically. I guess spidey was a vagabond. Who knows where spidey is now? Possibly hanging out in someone else's doorway.

But this morning, I found a fucking earwig in the sink again and I turned on the hot water and drowned/scalded that little fucker! Eggghhh! I hate earwigs!
from chiv :
it bothers me that other people are alive. look at them..what (the hell) are they thinking? i prefer the problems of other people, my own bore me so (which is probably why i can't be fecked to come up with my own soundbites).
from endless-loop :
I understand exactly what you mean with the "I'm alive" feeling. It just dawns on me every now and again--that I am a living person. Sometimes I have to go look at myself in the mirror and I'll just stare at my face and all the different parts of my body, as if I was just born yesterday. I also get another feeling related to that, which is more of a "I'm going to die" feeling. I first got it (sounds like some sort of disorder) when I was maybe 7 or 8, and I was laying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling, when it just hit me: I am going to die, and the world will keep going on. It seemed so depressingly encompassing, that I would live such a short life, and wouldn't get anything else. (At that time I had no notion of reincarnation, or any other sort of religious belief besides what I knew from Sunday school). I just couldn't comprehend the fact that the world would keep going on forever and ever and I would just be a tiny dot on its surface. I started sobbing by this point. But anyways. Yeah, I know what you mean.
from i-am-jack :
I know exactly what you are talking about when you mentioned the "I'm Alive" feeling. The first time I felt it, I was a kid too. Its almost relieving to know someone else has felt that. Those profound life/death/infinity thoughts are so interesting. ;^}' PS: I think your new hair color looks great.
from carnageus :
Maybe it's a sheep-dog then. Erm, sorry, very poor joke...
from i-am-jack :
I think that the mystery animal is a very poor attempt at a sheep. I know they do not have furry paws, but the face and ears look very sheep like.
from itylus :
from damodred :
it could be a dog...
from chiv :*hangs on to you* what?
from chiv :
oh my god! i don't think i want you having anymore of this "phun" without me! *worries*.
from blackcat14 :
i got a webcam cuz i was sooo jealous since u seem to have phun w/ yourz =D but it's a piece of shit. what kind do u have so i can trade it in for another one?
from chiv :
even though i was the last to sign, you haven't updated since, and i'm already talking to you, "hello!". look at the lengths i go to for you, look!
from chiv :
woo! it's taken me 13 minutes to get this thing to open...what the fuck was i going to say?....uh...oh! yes..mooney complained as well. i hate you all. that, or i got tired of people asking what was going on, so i had to kill you nine times. canadians have more lives than cats, right? *pokes* uh oh. then..of course, it's not the drugs, it's meeeee, look, watch this....see? happier already, aren't you? ...i wish i could say i was drunk...but i'm too pissed.
from chiv :
aww *smil..well, shows neutralish expression for first time today*
from carnageus :
Oh no, it's that time again. Someone fetch his pills
from chiv :
hehe..i can't remember why i'm laughing. i love you =)
from sa-land :
Hey, juicy girl, thought you would want to know that I got here by clicking your banner!
from itylus :
You can take it up to three days afterwards, but it's a horrible experience, from what I hear. If at all possible, avoid. ;)
from chiv :
hello *waves*hands over sweets (god, i hate these).
from carnageus :
from dazy81 :
Congrats on reaching 100 and thanks for joining the over100 diaryring :)
from tiffni :
hey ... i found ur diary and i think its bitchin.... ur one funny chick :) haha
from chiv :
stupid think logged me out when i was trying to say...y'know =) um. but i doooo. um, i love you =)
from chiv :
fuck morpheius. i'm drunked.
from itylus :
Have you tried Morpheus?
from apathee :
very well then. i love you heaps, too. i'm not the kind that likes to tell you just what you want me to. -a
from slapmeharder :
thanks for the link to the chiv thing....very lovely of you indeed. xA
from shereen :
canadian. it figures.
from chiv :
that's it..your civilisation is getting a kicking, damo... i'm leaving a note because i am easily made jealous.
from damodred :
if i ever find one of those i will definitely find out if he has a friend for ya. ;)
from i-am-jack :
A comment on Barbie. The reason she looks like such a sex object is she originally started out as a porno doll. Somewhere in europe they made porno dolls for men to do naughty things to. Someone in america thought it would be a great girls toy, with some minor changes. Maybe she hasn't been adapted enough from her whore like ancestors.
from carnageus :
I'm fantastic with a sword. You'll be hard pressed to find a weapon I'm not better than you with, so you might as well call for elephant guns and at least you'll make a mess of me too when you go down.
from chiv :
you're challenging me, eh? i get to pick weapons then..mwaha. how're you with a sword?
from carnageus :
Right here, in my hand. ~slappetty-slap~
from chiv :
clearrrrly you didn't understand my confused babbling. tsk, how stupid does that make you? *cough* well, anyway, that's assuming a bit much, on your behalf, isn' it? how improper, where's me gauntlet?
from carnageus :
soulmates? Is that the extent of your ambition, chiv? Pah, ripey and I are going to mate in a far more conventional manner...
from chiv :
does that make ripe and i extended soul mates? and in a y'know way, not way, right? and by family way, i don....ah, feck it. bye bye.
from coleybear :
I think you might be my soulmate...freaky shit hey? think of how I must feel though...stranger. But anyways, don't be afraid. if you are...ask chiv about me. I hope he doesn't think me creepy...but he might. Because I think I'm his soulmate too...
from chiv :
dinner. pfft, offensive and such you're're far too friendly *narrows eyes*. hello erm..what's yerface. you know the one.
from carnageus :
I don't do these note thingies often enough. And when I do I'm often insulting and just make a mess of things. And now a tired joke about how I never finish my
from chiv :
what the chuff? i just got kicked off your notes page somehow. i was going to whine about the quality of these files i just spent..we won't say how long making, but now your guestbook is evil, more evil than my mic, less evil than most rabbits, but still. *cough* bye for now. you like electrical crackling, right? i spent ages picking it out.
from blackcat14 :
LoL, hey i used to do that with my barbies too XD and i would trace betty n veronica too but not naked, heehee
from chiv :
*smiles*hugs* ooh, someone's swimming, maybe i'll tie a rope to her, and get a lift.
from slapmeharder :
I live too far away...ho hum...I'm a good I'm a girl...but it was just friends hey? I also live in a defunct relationship that consists of reading, being on the computer and going to movies...movies are made of fine stuff though..seems to fall through the sifter if you know what I mean... cool diary.
from gelert :
woo, i arrive from a juicy banner, and all i had to do to find it was list you again =)
from sa-land :
Maybe you could write all of your notes on tiny bits of paper that you hide under your watchband or in your pen cap like my best friend in high school did with her physics cheat sheets or you could have them tatooed onto your flesh like that guy in "Memento"
from fuckingdrunk :
from chiv :
hey, i turned john into a seven foot chunk of bronze, i'm pretty sure i can...set fire to bingo's head!
from i-am-jack :
;^}' Thanks for linking me as one of the opinions on the penis lamp, that mattered. I wondered, could one of those "hims" possibly be me? Na. Then I saw that one of them was me! I took it as a great compliment.
from always-crazy :
thanks a bunch for joining the jughead jones 'ring! you rock the casbah! take care, DiDi
from ringostarr :
OOOOH Bedroom eyes. Baby, you got GREAT bedroom eyes! :) *kisses*
from sa-land :
My God! You make me feel like the hippest 43 year old woman in all of North America! I'm signing you up for Inappropriate Punctuators Anonymous! I hope your diabolical ruse proves an effective means of making new friends!
from angryquail :
Thanks for joining the honesty diaryring!
from chiv :
my name isn't the last one here, or in the guestbook, that feels wrong, and carny's increased stalking is putting me to shame. i was sleeping, probably, it's not my fault, i'm still a fanatic! now to set tomato traps, and wait.
from sporkqueen :
Have you submitted any of your google results to oddgoogle? Sounds like you've got some worthy ones :c)
from peth :
oh. wait. you didn't join that ring, did you. I'm sorry. I get my rings entangled. Welcome to the Penis Envy ring. ha!
from peth :
Welcome to the Harold and Maude ring!
from kstarr :
jd salinger .. hooorah. xox.
from chiv :
pfft. you can't possibly believe i'm interested. what? i am 'not' still here. okay, i feel asleep =/
from chiv :
where on earth did you just bugger off to? also- no, don't worry, as far as we can prove, you typed in perfect silence, bingo.
from sa-land :
Do you have other superpowers in addition to that dog-like hearing that allows you to be able to hear people salivate?
from ringostarr :
Oh shit did I write that last part out loud? :)
from ringostarr :
The addition of Ripecam is great! Now I remember why I have such a mad crush on you. :)
from chiv :
ah! pfa, um, bah!
from chiv :
mm, further eduhmucated ripey. *takes notes* -don't wait until stoplights. -find out if stoplights are like traffic lights.
from damodred :
people always told me to smile. (i just think they don't anymore because i'm more hermit like..) anyway, i eventually learned to put on a perfectly natural smile on command.
from chiv :
=( you're leaving me with less choices, i'm going to have to come over there, and do something amusing/soothing or something else i'll have to make up as i go along..and we all know i'm simply not capable of looking after myself're trying to kill me! unless i'm paranoid. bah! *hugsss*. look, in public too, how unreserved.
from sa-land :
This bout of insomnia and questioning the meaning of life and the quality of your life in particular is clearly the result of withdrawl from chat and instant messaging.
from damodred :
my mormon name is Kristilyn Perthanne. weird, what does having a mormon name mean anyway?
from damodred :
make sure we get to see what the business cards look like.
from damodred :
with the business card thing, you will get creepy older guys trying to get into your pants. just thought i'd warn you. though it is a cool idea.
from i-am-jack :
At least you have not abandoned the diary. But that was so sad, especially for your best computer friends i'm sure. Do not let your therapist brain wash you against the evils of chat.
from ringostarr :
Oh how I wish you were on ICQ right now. I had a great time talking to you on the phone the day. It's too bad I was so broke we couldn't get together while I was down but next time I'll have some money! *hugs*
from chiv :
*reappears here*leaps on ripe* welcome back! *bobs about happily*reaches for both bottles of vodka*
from sa-land :
Ben has a superiority complex.
from chiv :
i was thinking some fairly similar stuff myself, but never mind now, i suppose, i'll talk to you *insert next time you're about, here*does eyes/fingers thing*wonders how that sounds to someone who doesn't understand/has forgotten*
from i-am-jack :
LOL!!! Yes that is definately one plallic shaped lamp! You'd be surprized how many phallic things are around. What always gets me, are those funny metal things on fences.
from hapithoughts :
hahah, attack of the penis lamp!!!! ok, really though, don't lamps have to ahve shades which account for the "head" and they have to have the bottom part too, for the candle. it all makes sense. maybe phallic symbols have t do more with superfluous use of the shape.. nice lamp though.
from ringostarr :
I don't think it looks anything like a penis. If anything I think Ben has an overactive imagination! :)
from inverse :
You should definitly look for an office job. It's fairly straightforward and easy, often pays pretty well, you can get health benefits and there are way less bitchy customers than when you're a waitress!
from sa-land :
penis penis penis I think it was deliberate.
from chiv :, if you don't come back, i mean. *hug* if that's not terribly poor timing.
from ringostarr :
sorry for going offline so abruptly. There was a serious lag and then I couldn't get back into the chat. Anyways just thought I'd let you know
from ringostarr :
Hey, hope all's good with you. Hadn't seen you on in a while. I'll be coming down to TO the week preceding the 23rd of Feb if you wanna hang out. Lemme know. And drop me an e-mail sometime. Cleavage shot swould be nice! :)
from hermitage :
oh for real! pants that have an uber-long crotch are terrible!
from chiv :
yea..*clings to lara's leg, if only in an electronic, non-restrictive manner* damn, that was useless.
from i-am-jack :
Frightening! Everyone around is going on some sort of computer vacation. I just got back from mine, and now you and one of my other favorite journals are starting yours.
from ms-m :
Stinky laundry and too many days online! What a nut you are! How goes the battle?
from brain--dead :
PS. Sorry for mispelling your name LARA.
from brain--dead :
Hey Laura, Braindead from #nin. Hope you dont mind me droping in, I got bored at 1:00 in the morning, couldn't sleep started downloading music and Whoopie it's 6:45 in the morning :) huh Guess I got a little carried away reading. I started from the begining and got up to 17/10/01. I actually took some notes if you care to read this post. 1) Fiesty DOES = Crazy ass bitch, how very observant of you. o_0 2)Whatever happened to your idea on the english to blunt-ass dictionary? Sounded like a good one. 3) the ripetomato amuses me, keep up the good work. 4) I agree, Geri was the hottest spice girl. How nice of you to discuss thai hookers with the rest of the class. 5) the Add runs rampant through currend journal entry, suggest you decrease doseage for those oh so important rants. 6) Asian porn from rotting marketplace :) FUN! 7) My Gay test score:39% gay, I can live with that 8)Me want Schl�shd beer 9) Overall you seem just like me.... I either A: pity you for your chris-ness or B: I pity myself. 10) you said "I'm all congested and stuffed up. this is how i sound. I wanted to give you all an idea of my condition." BTW was it the flu or strep? 11) How dare you, M*A*S*H IS A GOOD SHOW!! *weeps softly* 12)I am truly bits and pieces of other people, will someone please sell me a life. I am willing to offer three bucks and some change. And Finally to end MY rant, I Openly Admit The Use Hair Goo, Were it not for this marvelous invention I would have a 4 inch afro. Me and my dammn curly hair.
from raq :
Look look I"m signing a note for you!!!!
Did I make your day?
from ringostarr :
hey you. Just finished talking to you. You really are pretty. Anyways, hope you're doing well. I'll talk to you soon. Jeff
from quietthought :
I didn't mean anything seeeerious by it... and I thought you were just ribbing me... eeep....
from mechanica :
I read all your entries. Do you feel the love? Do you?
from kate-san :
ACK! I missed your birthday! Nooo! Well, uh, happy belated birthday! Heheh. This can't be as bad as that one time I bought a birthday card and sent it off about five months later...
from inverse :
just wanted to wish you a happy birthday! hope you're having a great day =)
from protogarland :
Happy freakin' Birthday. :)
from evil-edna2 :
Ack, you know me - #Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Ripe Tomato, happy birthday to you.#
from shellbug :
you don't know me but i read your diary every time I update mine...just wanted to wish you a happy birthday :)
from blackcat14 :
u don't know me but i read ur diary all the time, have a happy birthday! ^_~
from i-am-jack :
Happy Birthday! If its belated, sorry. I had to break my computer addiction for a few days. ;^}'
from jadedsoul49 :
happy early birthday :o)
from protogarland :
What a refreshing concept in layout. Great job.
from dragonsparx :
I really love your diary. You are spunky and majorly hilarious. Just remember that life sucks, but hell can't be any worse. PS: CHECK OUT MY FUCKING DIARY!! lol, later!
from i-am-jack :
You need a coffee friend huh? Go to any coffee shop long enough, and they just happen. That is what happened at my old burger dump, Before I knew it, everyone there knew me, and I knew them. Imagine Cheers, but in a burger dump.
from komradphil :
I want to be unemployed....want my job?? Its not so hard really....I dont think anyway..
from chiv :
interesting punctuation. i'm so fucking special (woo!).
from dee-heretic :
hmmm, even though your face is not woe. you make woe seem so much more believable. than that angstified 15-year-old shit all over diaryland. kudos.
from ms-m :
Unless I missed something (and I know I most definitely did) what the hell happened to your job?
from komradphil :
Everyone seems to have had a better new years than me...Oh well...thats what I get for signing contracts and not reading the fine print....
from chiv :
not that i'm so easy, but *fawns all over your notes page*
from hadooga :
hey, i love your pictures. if i had a little camera i would probably get all excited, too - even though i HATE having my photo taken. and let me say that half-booty completely cracked me up - but only because the word BOOTY has always cracked me up. i say it all the time. in japan, i had my photo taken with a sign that said "headshop booty" just because the word BOOTY was on it.
from sa-land :
Juicy McHot Hot! What a tease you are with your half-booty shot!
from sa-land :
You probably need to get rid of that stuff yesterday and hey your diary is as good a place as any.
from inverse :
Don't worry so much! Everyone feels like that sometimes... Hell, I can't even use Herbal Essence shampoo - it reminds me too much of my ex-bestfriend.
from sporkqueen :
Thank goodness for the Internet; without it, many of us who strongly dislike talking to members of the opposite sex (and I know what you mean when you say it's weird to call them "men," for some reason) wouldn't appear nearly as prolific as we do on Diaryland! ;c)
from maeve-arie :
Dude I am sooooooooo in love with you that plataonic I'm not a lesbian way...I say screw what everyone else wants from you...or thinks of you...Be you! And the right boy will ask you shakingly for your phone number! :) Maeve~Arie
from sam :
Holy cow, look at all those online tests you've found! I am impressed. I'm forwarding your URL to an acquaintance who is obsessed with online tests (heh. this should keep her occupied for a while). Nice diary you have here.
from sa-land :
If you have a pet, you could post pictures of it. Ooh-ooh! How about your mom?!?
from mailmanmel :
Solid. Best thing out of Canada since Celine Dion, no doubt.
from evil-edna2 :
Love the mugshots! It's always nice to be able to put a face to the name.
from blue-candy-b :
awesome, awesome. i love the layout of your diary and you are really humorous. I think a lot like you, hahaha....have a good new year :-)
from evil-edna2 :
Hahahahahaha. At least I wasn't the only one on Xmas day with a killer hangover.
from chiv :
oh, dear. i hope ... it's being over-tired that makes that sound, bye bye.
from chiv :
gues who got here via his first ever bright-red-link... spiffay. right, i think i've pestered just about everyone with my new found, and limited html skills, so i'll be off.'ve a bit of grimlock between your teeth..yea, there.
from soapypjs :
hey, i just wanted to take a few minutes to say hi since the holdays have kept me pretty busy. it took me forever to find you because i kept spelling tomato with an "e" at the end. that's so me. grrrrrrrrrr! well, love you lots tomato!:-)
from hevbell :
Hey, just wanted to say I love your diary :) I do the exact same thing with emails. I put off answering them until I have more time to devote to it and do it properly then I end up feeling bad for taking so long to answer back.
from chiv :
i'll have to try more direct hints, like "" *nods*. notify lists...don't you have to click something, to send the emails, after you update? if so, when you update more than once in a da...wait, i've finally seen the flaw in that, not everyone's internet habits are the same as mine..some go to bed at the end of a day. never mind, i'll never try to correct your logic again. you'd better not just have drifted off again, without saying goodnight. curse this silent treatment, bitch! um, sorry, i meant ''bye''.
from sporkqueen :
Just remember, you have to put peoples' brains back on the shelf when you're done playing with them! ;c)
from leopardray :
My fake smile sucks and fake smiles hurt, anyway... I always look like I'm actually trying to push a Rubik's cube out of my nostril when I fake smile. Good luck, there.
from dragonsparx :
Your diary is so intense . . and you're really funny. Btw, did you work in Claire's before, or something. *snicker* Anyways, love your diary . . great concepts . . great grasp of issues . . great EVERYTHING!
from maevearie :
Sunshine you can DO the smile!! Just rememember how special and unique you are and how lame ass everyone else is!! I play it as if I were an actress and I am somehow making these people believe that this is the best job, and that I am so happy to see them. If you watch you can tell what will make them believe that. Some people like a little sarcasm...some like a sweet compliment and others love it if you DON'T smile at them...because they aren't good at it either... Life isn't worth living in a get out there and CALL THAT BOY!! And I highly recommend getting a waitressing job...really makes you learn how to deal with people on a different level when you are trying to get them to tip you!! Love Ya Girlie!! Maeve
from evil-edna2 :
I'm gonna nick all those tests you've done :-) Except for the serial killer one - I was Charles Manson. Useless information about Edna (1) One of my first dates with Triple 6 was a tour that took in Jack the Ripper's murder sites.....
from chrissy-love :
cute idea - love the tomato. Makes me hungry tho.
from failu12e :
Awesome diary. Never stop writing it and I won't stop reading it. =P
from forallweknow :
Hehee, k, buddy list linkage repaired. ;-)
from chiv :
consider yourself lavished with attention. tis easier that way, no? *stalks, slightly*
from evil-edna2 :
Shit - you're not incompetent! So what - your talents don't lie in that sort of work. Shit, you'll get something better. If they're like that (and your boss was way out of line on what she said) you're better off the hell out of there.
from missmari :
just a quick note to thank you for joining my ring. i knew i wasn't the only one proud to be a bitter bitch.
from bug2099 :
I like our entries, and yes i know how it feels to argue with someone you like
from atypicalgirl :
just a welcome to the City Kids ring- I dig the layout! (And the diary, too, by the way)
from ranul :
I wish I looked like the girl in the painting! :) I love the comment for me. I wish I had room to add you! I will next open slot I get
from riot-pills :
a subconcious which hates you? that's never good news.
kickass diary.
from shy-violet :
hey i'm looking at some of the sparks brilliant diaries and urs is right up there :) it's so nicely and easy to read and neat and clear :) tis rather nices, keep it up .... and i can relate to the mothers who see it as there duty to wreck lovely sleep ins. hehe
from augustdreams :
Welcome to The Spark! Woo-hoo! I love talented new members with yummy diaries. You're layout is delicious and I enjoy your entries. Rock on, ripetomato! :) ~Nicole
from soapypjs :
love oooh, uv oooh, uv ohhh. tomatoes, yucky, tomatoe soup, yummy, tomatoes in salads and sandwiches, yummy.
from sa-land :
I'm really really disappointed at not having invented that phrase! Oh well. I updated my entry giving you credit for my disillusionment. Two links in one entry! You go girl!
from katress :
Hey Lara, I rather enjoy reading about what's going on with you. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, so you're not writing to nobody. :) Hope that you start feeling better soon!!!
from halfdevoured :
Oh, you'll most definitely get a link on the DiaryGoddess page. I'm currently planning changes to the design and the content with Molzo, another atypicalgoddess. All the goddess links will be in a side menu with lots of other features. If there's any idea that you have for the ring... anything you'd like to see on the homepage... let me know. It's your ring, afterall. I'll give ya more info soon.

I am thrilled to have you in the ring! So don't worry, you'll see your name soon.

And no X-Files is a crime.
from chickee004 :
hey. I laughed at your entry on the pic of the sheep. My friend sends this one of a seagull she took while in California. Then she goes on about seagulls until they block her. I just thought that I'd say hi.
from conan-andy :
Hey, I love your diary. It's funny :-) You're a great writer.
from myrhlyn :
WHAT????? No X-Files????? That should be a crime. I'm ashamed of you. =(
from piscesgirlie :
you're so funny. i just started reading your diary... you're so cool. :O) i especially like that lone tomato in the corner... hehe keep on writing!
from dragonnas :
!!! He Returned!!! !!! :D Go ahead and delete this note if you feel like... it's a rather useless note =)
from ms-m :
I get very angry/impatient with people too. It's only been happening recenty - I think it's due to job dissatisfaction. I need to win the lottery. You may say, "Don't we all!!??" No. Just me.
from broken-glass :
Hmm. Anger. Sometimes feeling angry makes me feel energized enough to go out and DO something about things, in which case its good. Usually though, I suppress anger and turn it into depression, or get way too angry about things that don't really matter and then want to kill someone. And that's not so good.
from astralfrog :
indifference is, i think, the scariest thing from people. i'd rather them be angry, depressed, or overly perky and annoying. but indifference is.... creepy. *liclick* behave, 'mato. (mmmmmmm, tomatos *drool*)
from ekitten :
yes it's ekitten with another "heyIlikeyourdiary" cliche... ahhh I'm so eloquent... but hey it's the truth :-) I'll be back; your layout is cool btw <3
from katress :
I'm sorry that you are having such a bad day. I read you all the time, and I wanted to let you know that it's okay not to be funny sometimes. That's life. It's just not always funny.
from dselljr :
Love the diary! Welcome to Geeksville! You are lucky number: 13 -Dennis S. Guru-In-Training of Geeksville
from inverse :
Your personal ad was cute, I feel sooo the same way. If only it was that easy!! =)
from bighed :
nice diary!
from theshivers :
cool diary , I just added you to the 'thinking girls' ring x0x0~S
from ms-m :
You are a nutty little broad! Have a good day.
from mymichele :
I've gotten many many hits containing "japanese school girl porn", which makes me feel all naughty inside.
from sporkqueen :
If you ever manage to find out where the single male geeks congregate, I'd *love* to hear about it- I'm still looking for one of my own... ;c)
from n23 :
I just read a few entries in your diary. I think you're the cutest thing since blue suede shoes! You're honest enough to say what you think, but smart and tactful enough to do it without annoying anyone... keep it up, it's hard to please everyone but you seem to manage it :)
from msophelia :
man oh man... i looked at the HTML stuff you were talking about - i have *no* idea why things are showing up the way they are. must be little minkies in the machine. :)
from ms-m :
Dude, you left your brain in the blender. Again. ~sighs heavily~ Must I do everything?! ~inserts brain back in Ripe's head~ No need to thank me.
from affablealien :
Yes, we are all anal. But it doesn't make us dull, I think...(searches for an interesting topic, returns with none.)
from ywhistler07 :
cool diary... no mean comments here (I'm not very elequent)
from davidr :
Thank you for that. . .
from ms-m :
Pass the chicken chow mein please.
from erica2175 :
Hi! You just joined my distict diaryring... I like your diary, very kick-ass!
from hadooga :
hi! hi! i have nothing else to say. i'm sorry, but i'm lame like that.
from cage :
hello, I've checked to see how you are doing every now and then. I'm glad you are doing well. (i hope this made your day.)

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