messages to sarika:
(click here to add new message):

from mrgrainger :
yay, jolly good. Nice to hear you're still with us.
from mrgrainger :
hello, I noticed that you haven't updated for more than three months and thought I'd ask how you are.
from mrgrainger :
Last night I sorted out an excuse to go in. I did find it quite amusing though that she wasn't there. Anyway I'll be going back on tuesday and will likely post something of the outcome later in the day. J Grainger
from gumphood :
I'm backed.... and locked.... new comp and all.
from mrgrainger :
thankyou, I do feel the same though.
from mrgrainger :
sorry, I just locked it temporarily, I've deleted my last entry now so it's back to being unlocked
from mrgrainger :
interesting, I'd have likely sat on my own in that lesson had it not being that wogan also did the subject
from mrgrainger :
in what way do I remind you of someone?
from mrgrainger :
Yes.. but I do keep seeing other people, saw someone today I knew from school.
from mrgrainger :
lol, the only thing now is that I can't help but look round when I'm in public (since it was said)
from mrgrainger :
well, how it happened, she was walking past looking for a taxi, wogan wanted a take away so he (being drunk) had me walk the wrong way which was behind the girl and her friend, we were talking and then one of the girls said the take away "is that it" and she asked where to get a taxi from.. Anyway, as she walked in my direction I thought she looked kind of how I'd pictured you might look once (when you start to read someones diary), the same when she spoke.
from mrgrainger :
haha, Not how I thought I'd picture my ideal woman but she was rather nice.
from mrgrainger :
I've just sent an email. One of the girls did remind me slightly of you. I figured it wasnt but a nice thought.
from mrgrainger :
well strange as it will seem she reminded me of...... Anyway I saw your diary was locked when I tried clicking on it the other day.
from rockboy :
leave me a note with your e-mail! or zeropong at aol dot com ps, have you ever heard of the band the hush sound?
from mrgrainger :
Have a nice summer yourself
from mrgrainger :
I am ok, thankyou. I'm about to write a bit more on a topic soon.
from rockboy :
always but fools, but i feel we are both allies on the same team. the kind that would have a cup of coffee on a rainy day. we speak the same language and that comforts me.
from gumphood :
are you still in Italy? Is the semester over?
from gumphood :
lemoncello is so italian. I hpoe you are enjoying it immensly.
from gumphood :
You never reply to my emails. lol
from mrgrainger :
right, ok.
from mrgrainger :
hello, I have wondered for ages and thought I'd ask... How did you end up finding my diary a while ago? I'd just like to know as I cant set up a banner that I'm aware of.
from gumphood :
I will just state, thats scary. If I had men like that all over me it would be a little disconcerning. And the mopeds. Its like a semi-gay gang. I am glad you are taking care. Hopefully no one followed you home.
from gumphood :
So when you say you dislike Italian man generally, does that mean you like one specifically?
from gumphood :
Can I call you Rika Tika Taffy?
from gumphood :
"mer" I get "mer" what the hell does "mer" even mean Italy.
from gumphood :
Its kinda amazing that you are now in Italy. I mean. Not that it makes a diffrence to me, but I am jealous.
from gumphood :
I liked that one alot.
from gumphood :
You are musically inclined my poet.
from mrgrainger :
mmm, in terms of what I want there's not a lot, as daft as it sounds with my unusual ideas. If left to my own divices with a job I'd probably end up spending money on watches and a few new clothes. I dont have an ambition and I'm a little to "rigid" to just go completely with the flow
from mrgrainger :
part of the problem is that I dont know where it is taking me. I'm waiting for next week to hear if I'm still at college or if the course is even on. Alternativly I could possibly go to birmingham or chichester to learn watchmaking - it's currently a hobby but then that brings some problems
from mrgrainger :
I guess in some ways I'd be happy to be at school again, it was quite a relaxed time and there wasnt anything to worry about - though now I tend to ignore that sort of stuff.
from mrgrainger :
it's not bad, I think I'd possibly prefer a different age but with my current knowledge etc. lol
from mrgrainger :
Sorry I must have forgot to include it. I'm currently 18, nearly 19
from mrgrainger :
mmm, I've typed it down now
from gumphood :
You are not dead nor forgotten, though sometimes its a lonely existance.
from gumphood :
and I am not getting into your knickers. UNless they are pretty.
from gumphood :
old...ha....just your soul
from mrgrainger :
I didnt realise until I saw a program that London throughout the ages has suffered problems. EG; Fire - to name something obvious. Sorry to say this but sometimes it seems like a gamble... with time
from mrgrainger :
I'll see, might work up to it. Besides, I attract but also repel at about the same rate so there's rarely chance.
from mrgrainger :
haha, I'll say you're right and I know a couple of people who'd agree. I just like to get it all across rather than some details.
from mrgrainger :
well, I think many of them do know but they just refuse to admit it. Say, I saw a couple emo's last night who I know and hugged them, though also loads of metal core kids who look a bit like emo's.
from gumphood :
what do you suggest as the most active step that I could take to make myself more fun.
from gumphood :
I am sorry that I am less fun than you would like.
from gumphood :
I'm glad you enjoy my games then. I like to keep everyone entertained.
from mrgrainger :
just thought I should say, I wasnt implying that you've lots of loose hair in a previous message. Sorry if it sounded that way, I wondered and wasnt sure for a bit.
from mrgrainger :
Having just read your latest entry, I think I get what you mean about becoming aloof and detatched. Perhaps I'll write an entry to explain sometime.
from mrgrainger :
hahaha, I might get a little bit of hair between my teeth :(
from mrgrainger :
mmmmm. :)
from mrgrainger :
I just quite wondered, since I was younger I've liked seeing them. in the past I've been a bit renowned for wearing a hat, though I have a top hat as well as the "1950's type", I have only dared to wear it a couple of times - though I'll wear the frock coat happily.
from mrgrainger :
well, like attitudes, how people respond or react to things, how sentimental people are, or emotional. I'm refering to seeing people who react in the same way, who also have certain kinds of personalities - this is a bit thin though, but I know people who dont know each other but they've turned out to be quite similar as people.
from mrgrainger :
lol, I'll get my brother or his friend to tell me what that means. I was going to ask before and sent the message to gumphood by accident.. how often do you wear a tiara?
from mrgrainger :
mmmm, say, apparently the next trend will be indie music.
from mrgrainger :
ah...a little crafty but I like it.
from mrgrainger :
real emo kids...I know what real goths are, and my brother and his friends have also explained what metal core kids are. I've seen emo looking kids at the local pub just acting like everyone else, and emo's all together in the past at "diatribe" nights, apparently emo music is often played. Actually I've got my brother to play me samples of different types of music so I can sort of identify them. lol, how do you define them? roughtly.
from mrgrainger :
phewwww, quite a few - being modest, a shame one cant purchase shares in him - though now I'm making him sound like a comodety, hehe.
from mrgrainger :
well I dont mind them, just that I've heard of a large group gatecrashing one of my friends birthday parties. I think I agree with the support group! Perhaps if we imagine him as a massive corporate company. lol, poor gumphood.
from rockboy :
that's true, thanks so much for the support. it's just so hard to have an inner child with all the stuff that's going on in the world. but get busy living or get busy dying right?
from mrgrainger :
likely send a note and write another entry after the weekend (on holliday for the weekend)
from mrgrainger :
mmm, I'm just embracing the holidays, ei, not getting up until lunchtime. I'll agree that it gets one down always being reminded , - though it's often the case though with the media and any disaster.
from mrgrainger :
yeah, I only actually heard about them this afternoon
from mrgrainger :
say, I hope you werent near the bombings today.
from mrgrainger :
I wasnt completely happy with it myself, I tried a couple of directions but they didnt seem as good.
from gumphood :
Mr Grainger is on you babycakes. I think HE/SHE is the one into you. You should take up pole vault. The Olympics are coming!
from mrgrainger :
mmm, an error, I meant to write "I'm going to go home"
from mrgrainger :
I'm at my grandma's at the moment.
from mrgrainger :
I'll see later this evening, deleting it and also writing an entry. I'm going to home though now. x
from mrgrainger :
yay! I managed to send myself a message by accident.
from mrgrainger :
Yeah, my german teacher was also my form tutor, she had a reputation for being strict but she was alright, easy to speak to. We were streamed, not only were there sets 1 to four but also A and B sides of the year group, A was suppost to be the better of the two, in science (set 2, B) we were often compared to set 3, though it was fairer in other lessons - the A and B were suppost to be like two sets of timetables as well so we wouldnt all go for the same lessons at the same time. I might have another entry coming on here, lol.
from mrgrainger :
hahaha. trouble is I've forgotten enough and cant really practice it. You must have been in "set 1" as it would have been at my school. We mainly learnt phrases and some sentences, plus the "ein, eine and einen", did you learn much more than that or just practice it more than other classes who had students at my level?
from mrgrainger :
Sometimes he does and he remembers some things I dont get quite right but generally he'll say something like "what" or "stop speaking german" and a name for me. I just got a C in german. That will certainly give you some practice, are you getting a job etc for that amount of time? or having a long holliday?
from mrgrainger :
ah, I often regret not trying harder with my language skills at school, especially considering my brother (just finished school) doesnt always know what I'm saying.
from mrgrainger :
mmm, I might do that later on, currently I'm trying to find out about nazi flying saucers after I got lectured by my dad that no government has yet developed one.
from mrgrainger :
haha, do you mean, to tell people my actual name etc?
from mrgrainger :
mmm, I'll explore the options later to check, though I rarely check my list.
from mrgrainger :
ah, lol I'm a little on the slow side regarding the site. though I cant remember actually recieving a notice myself about anyone else. can it be turned on and off?
from mrgrainger :
btw, I'm pleased/impressed that you noticed I'd altered my profile :)
from mrgrainger :
oh yes, it was in your last entry. Whilst breifly it was enough to make your entry imaginable.
from gumphood :
live 8 was strange.
from mrgrainger :
yeah, I don't talk to many people so it's a nice change. thankyou by the way. I think I'm going to go to sleep myself now good night x
from mrgrainger :
not bad, I'm impressed :D x
from mrgrainger :
haha, I'm just eccentric, though a nice thought.
from mrgrainger :
Jolly good. night x
from mrgrainger :
mmmm, I'll certainly agree with that last comment :D though I'm not perfect myself. "just another lilly" well it's rather neat.
from mrgrainger :
Hello, just wanted to say, what a nicely presented diary. Also you're better at writing than I'll ever be.
from gumphood :
well you are british. hehe
from gumphood :
when moving in a circle, you are always moving forward. You progress just is circular.
from gumphood :
you are senior diary citizen.
from outoftime :
So to cut a long story short, short people will rule the world eventually, because they can sneakishly outwit all the tall people ;-) Seriously though, interesting entry, food for thought :-) Have a good Sunday.
from gettingnaked :
When you said you had a dream about someone trying to eat you, I took it to a whole other level in my head. I guess that goes to show you that my mind resides permanently in the gutter. Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comments. Comments make me happy. :-) Happy Wednesday!
from gumphood :
At least they weren't gay, and hence made you think you were a man.
from eatyouryoung :
That was a very interesting comment, I can't say I've ever heard that one before =) Thanks for the note.
from simslife4 :
actually, it was just a random thing..finding your diary, but I'm glad I did. thanks for the note.
from simslife4 :
I really like your "pink cowboy hats" line.
from hedge- :
well, reading me and getting understanding about yourself doesn't sound at all crazy. unless, reading me makes you understand what crazy is and leads you to the realization that you may be crazy. ;c)
from gumphood :
Sarkia, is a special girl. Jimmy Walker used to say give it a whirl!
from gumphood :
gone less?
from gumphood :
I wish you were around more.
from tithonus :
from gumphood :
I rmemeber when you were discovered by dinguspie and he was really excited. Glad to seee you still write!
from cutie1083 :
I'm trying but every day it just gets worse...thanks for the note, it's nice to know not everyone is cold inside.
from gumphood :
You got a problem with Astronauts....TO THE MOON WITH YOU RIKA!!!
from gumphood :
I hope you take some risks. High rewards.
from gumphood :
People seem to really like that song. How have you been doing Mrs. Rika?
from rockboy :
send me another e-mail and i'll send you a password. i'm just using the diaryland for people who have a
from gumphood :
random things are randomly beautiful.
from gumphood :
the tan one
from gumphood :
who's the hottie?
from rockboy :
why did we stop writing letters? it's probably my fault.
from gumphood :
wow. The pics. I didn't know you could do pics. S_A_R_I_K_A rate it
from gumphood :
naw, that halls the best, because no one else has anything like that. Most unique. Except you did it twice....
from gumphood :
it wasn't really suppose to make all that much sense kid. I did that on purpose, because you are in that hall twice. And you started it.
from gumphood :
I reviewed random poetry.
from gumphood :
how r u
from gumphood :
I liked that. You are running hot from your cold. I liked that.
from pyjum :
Hi Sarika!! My 1st note to you.just happened to chance upon this site and read your are an intense person and write well.havent read all your writings but soon will.i am from india and you ? sarika is an indian name. do you study ? do leave a note for me as i dont have a single friend on the take care
from cutie1083 :
I know; it IS ridiculous. I wish I would've started getting really fucked up at 18, then yesterday wouldn't have been such surprise, lol I mean, I've been fucked up before but yesterday was the 21st birthday fuck up which made it so much worse.
from gumphood :
I am glad you are still alive. Now the question is what kinda trouble you got in.
from cutie1083 :
omg, I love The Used!!! I think my favorite song is "Poetic Tragedy", and I also really like "Noises and Kisses"
from cutie1083 :
my boyfriend lives over there
from garit :
Yeah, well I feel inspired more by random poetry then your personal one but they're definitely both better than mine. I was thinking about the affect of music a lot so when I read yours I had to add on to it.
from goldn-eggsit :
nice. seriously. Perhaps in some past you'll find me over Gabardine. did you see beep beep last night at Sokol? I'd be interested in hearing about it...
from gumphood :
Hi rika. How you feeling you say "happy" but like...what'... what does that mean is that satisfied. Is that what you are saying.
from rockboy :
haha, no worries, i feel bad not finishing it soon enough. they're great questions, for sureand and they should change that brand new song to 490.
from ginger-bimbo :
ooooo, yey! thursday! that's goona be lots of fun! hehe, i dunno whether to look forward to knowing how badly i've messed up! ah well i'm getting shit faced afterwards eitehr way! xx
from ginger-bimbo :
hey, u've got some good taste in music... i'm new 2 the site and was browsing some and came across u, seem like a cool chick! keep on truckin'! x :)
from rockboy :
i've mailed them! to you :OP
from rockboy :
it's taking some time, i really want to give you good answers, and work has been hell!
from aquietboy :
sorry its taken so long to write you....i hadn't looked at my notes page in a long while and it was a little overwhelmning. it has been years, and you were always just about the sweetest girl in the world to me, much too nice for my own good. i hope things are well in your world.
from rockboy :
ok sarika, i want to be interviewed. send me those 5 questions, yeah?
from rockboy :
hehe dashboard, is that a bad or good thing? i'm vindicated. :OP and ps. broken social scene kc accidental is such a good song. are you sure you don't live in the U.S.?
from rockboy :
have a safe wonderful trip, sarika. trips away from can change your life forever. and they the world look a little different, for the better. but i'm sure you know that already.
from rockboy :
be sure to thank your mom for the good advice in fasion. now you're irresistable with the polka dot flip flops!
from cutie1083 :
That I can't seem to stop crying. Thank you so're so sweet and I just have to send you a *hug*
from beepbopbloop :
of course! you're incredible. your writing totally won my heart. now quick, go look at my diary and see the best boy in the whole world. aw. i love him.
from beepbopbloop :
p.s. i found you through aquietboy's note page. we'll all dance in circles around amazingly magnetic people.
from rockboy :
yeah i'm just worried about not being able to be spontaneous, which is not spontaneous at all. eh. :OP
from beepbopbloop :
i adore that i didn't even have to second guess that you're from the UK. my mom grew up in scotland. i absolutely love europe but oh gosh where have you been when i have been over all the kids i talked to listened to awful techno slash pop slash rap slash trash. i felt like an alien for knowing who the Sugarbabes were. p.s.The sky is pink. In places. Where it meets the horizon. {lovely line}
from rockboy :
hehe that fiat Cinquecento is adorable. the name is bigger than the car. you must take pics driving it. <3 ps, i'll come over from the u.s. and watch dvd's with you. how does lost in tranlation sound? and sigur ros track number number three is really making me feel in love.
from rockboy :
thanks,sarika, i think things are on the up :o) even if you still hate flip flops..hehe
from parisinflame :
you are my new favortie person for liking Sigur Ros. <3333
from cutie1083 :
*hug* Thanks for the note.
from gumphood :
Hey sarika what did you do for the 4th. hehehe. Just kidding. Don't die of alcholol posioning, I would have no one to leave me saucy notes. But it does sound like you are having fun. Tell me more about your job.
from nelapsi :
I didn't really add you, in a sence you got added. I started using Trillian, which is msn, aol, and yahoo mesenger in one. It seems that everyone's who has used Trillian on this computer before me, their buddies gets on my buddy list. So, theres 100 plus people asking me the same thing.
from gumphood :
Now, is it Zombies or all scary things that get you.
from rockboy :
i leave an exception for co & ca. touche. hehe.
from rockboy :
i hate tiaras. :OP
from rockboy :
yeah don't worry about it, i'm sure you'll do fine on your exams for university. you'll be in with flying colours. but what's this? you hate flip flops? shove a stake in my heart! anyway, just as long as you don't hate me, i think i can manage :OP
from rockboy :
thanks for the note, it means a lot. i've been away from diaryland for a bit but i plan on being around a lot more. how are things in your neck of the woods?
from cutie1083 :
Thanks for the note :)
from outoftime :
Yes, I'm sneaky like that. Don't break any walls with your hands, I can tell you, that hurts like hell ;-)
from gumphood :
hi sarika. why are so down. I am a little concerned. I hope you feel better. Happy Birthday? beltaed?
from jimmysworld :
So Sarkia. Do you shag?
from gumphood :
You know Boston consumes the most ice cream per capita of anywhere else in the world. Rock it.
from parisinflame :
thankyou dollface.
from gumphood :
are you doing okay over there?
from jimmysworld :
Yeah...hi. I am glad you enjoyed something I said, but in the future, just know I didn't say it about you...unless it's mean.
from parisinflame :
thank you. unfortunetly i am not taleneted enough to create my own template. oh well. i rather enjoy your writing as well, mind if i add?
from gumphood :
Hi Sarkia. Pigtails make you look more mature. I would love to see that! I usually feel it goes the other way. Sorry you are bored. Want for me to give you something to read?
from gumphood :
I like the idea of letting your hair free. I also would buy the stolen stuff. I guess it promotes the theft, but stuff! And finally you spelled pajamas wrong. Silly teacup.
from gumphood :
I know what you mean. Rarely someone does something they know is wrong with great justification. So either they justify to eliminate the guilt, or then they deny their actions were wrong. I try to avoid this, but I fall prey sometimes!
from gumphood :
Rika! I mean...whoops...Sarika. How are you doing. I haven't seen an update in a bit. Do you live in London...or around it. Just wondering!
from rockboy :
how are you, dear? :O)
from gumphood :
Rik! I love Ice cream Ice Cream Ice Cream. And I am tlaking ICE CREAM! I mean it. Like jars of it. And then buckets. Then Fries. I like fries and ice cream. Hot and Cold. Was that too bold?
from gumphood :
Hey there Rika! Long time no update. Just wanted to check in and ask you if you could only have one junk food from now until forever, what would it be, and what was second!
from gumphood :
Are you sending me an uplifting email?! Thanks!!! You're the best!
from gumphood :
Did you get an uplifting email>?
from gumphood :
what is going down brown. That was a pretty happy uplifting email you had there. I hope that you live well and longly prosper.
from tithonus :
The part where I say I rattle on? ;)
from myagi :
I have noticed you do not have a comment for me in your profile. My ego is bruised...;)
from oralboy :
Umm, hey sarika, I know this a little late, but i just checked my notes. My diaries are oralboy, sundance-99 *Note the dash. Hope to talk to ya soon!
from oralboy :
Sarika! i have not talked to you in a long time, i miss you. :(
from gumphood :
were those words said to you...or something you told soeone else?
from gumphood :
you update again...and yet are...a ghost writer
from gumphood :
I love snow sometimes and I love your new layout. It made me very happy. You shulld say bananan for me sometime.
from gumphood :
to many suck on the pipe that time.
from gumphood :
Dood. It's almost Feb, you mised the boat. And also, very poetic letley...on purupose....Poosome? spelling?
from gumphood :
Hi. Do you feel not alone...but empty? That's the sense I get Sarika. This makes me sad. You aren't empty...
from rockboy :
well done! onto becoming a famous celebrity, yeah? :O) oh and happy new year and all that fun jazz.
from cutie1083 :
from gumphood :
Congradulations are truley in order. Good job, and give yourself a break. No one will ever care.
from gumphood :
Damn you Sarika. There ARE no cults here. YOu and your cult talk are going to drive away the subjects....I mean buddies...I mean... AHHHHHH> just's it going?
from gumphood :
PS (and really I think that means Pre not Post cause its above) I have no cult. I maintain no Cult.
from gumphood :
oh sarkia. 1/2 of them are my other diaries anyway. (for real)
from cutie1083 :
You're welcome! Thanks for the note; it's always nice to know that there are people out there who find my diary somewhat interesting...and of course, it's always nice to connect with other members of the gump-cult.
from gumphood :
Damn you DAMN YOU!!!! You and your winning ways...I won't go easy, but it looks like I will go....dammit.
from gumphood :
You declare yourself the winner....I claim that I am the winner. I am the warmonger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from gumphood :
This is like...the longest war ever...usually somone has puked or done something with their life at this point. Not us...not us...
from asdotcom :
It did not induce vomiting when I saw a chick waving her bra around. You know -- in case you were looking for some support here.
from gumphood :
Ice Cold is cooler than cool. Ice Queens are just frosty. But i hear that they are demons in the sack. I not saying that you are...just what I heard. Okay, so I heard it from a movie called "the cutting edge." Movies are something we have in america...they are movie pictures...just so you know.
from gumphood :
I can feel you will wearing down note page takes so long to many more of these can you muster....HOW MANY!!! And are cool. But I am ICE COLD BABY!!!
from gumphood :
oh and your cool enough...but not cool enough to win THE NOTE WAT
from gumphood :
now you can be honest with me. Is it true that the virgins actually AREN"T vigins, and in fact mexican immigrants who work 24 hour shifts on the looms?
from gumphood :
you may win this note battle, but you aren't cool (and you may never win the WAR)
from gumphood :
I bet, though, that you could tell me a shitload about rugs though. That's just my suspision.
from gumphood :
Awww...Football, I am sad that you have to flirt with the cutomers. I did too though when I was a waiter. Gotta get the tips, and be all charming. What is your favorite rug, or is it hardwood floors all the way for you?
from gumphood :
It's okay Champ. I know it gets to you. But I am confused on one point...why do you pay strangers to be nice to you sport? Seems silly.
from gumphood :
well its a oeriod of time where we note each other back and forth until someone can't take it or leave the computer. grrr... we have had them before dearheart, honey, darling, dear, girl, face. hehehe.
from gumphood :
I would say that you have to comment 3 times max per day. Notes have no limit because everyone love the NOTE WAR!!!!
from tithonus :
New look, I like it. :)
from gumphood :
whoa. This diary is like...girl power, or something equally as confusing. Anyway, I don't know about it, but it's not bad looking. We will see if you can grow into it. Write about teddy bears or sex in a car or something. THat will help.
from tithonus :
Ah, you've still got at least one dland buddy. :)
from gumphood :
Well this make sense to me. However, my excessive notes anger inciting did not. What caused such a spurious response?
from gumphood :
sarkia you are unique in this way. Not everyone has so many faces. Often times they just present one. But you, I imagine, can get along with anyone in lots of settings and are always liked, but sometimes I bet you lose yourself and who you really want to be? Maybe? Do you think of "what they want to hear" before the "what you want to say?"
from gumphood :
How was your Christmas darling? I hope it was spectacular.
from gumphood :
I left you a comment in my diary, to the extend of Brits don't have Christmas. I came out funny. Just wanted to let you know. How's the poety thing coming?
from starz8gold :
ur wel!
from rockboy :
i hope you're having a good holiday. i'm cleaning my room up now too. ps. i don't have a calender. i mean there's one on my computer, but i don't have one to look at constantly. maybe i don't like to feel obligated to things i don't feel like. i don't know. but i see my floor now too. take care.
from dinguspie :
i enjoy plucking eyebrows, too.
from rockboy :
hehe me too, those are the ONLY labels i will except :O) and those labels sent by mysterious senders :OP
from gumphood :
Don't worry Capitalistc theroy, at some point, will be replaced by something goofy, like love or Sciencetology.
from gumphood :
were you really drunk or just out of it?
from cloudpaper :
Hey, I love your diary...I got it from a friend's diary (isadoragirl. And your music taste rocks!
from rockboy :
yeah, i was never good at listening to good advice. i'm sorry.
from rockboy :
uh you can leave one for other entries too :OP
from gumphood :
Oh, I really like your side project pink eye. I mean nail...I mean eye.
from rockboy :
hehe that's right. i think about all the people dedicated toward a better society and my (ahem) part to i think you're beautiful because you being emo like i do, and you've arranged your buddy list in alphabetical order. only someone brilliant would do that.
from tithonus :
I don't know... maybe I could stop worrying and start enjoying my life?
from gumphood :
I liked it; because you didn't. Does that make snese?
from sundance99 :
Hello! I am Calvin, and this, is my other diary!
from tithonus :
That makes sense, but... I don't think it happens quite that way. I'm not sure, but I think girls fight with their mothers in a different way to boys. I don't know how it works. Freud would call it rivalry, but I don't know it that's right. Um.
from gumphood :
stick with the review. Avoid the personal statemtn.
from asdotcom :
Who knows? The day's not over yet. :o)
from reviewgump :
Listen up you. 4 out of 10 is .4 thats 40% good. 4/100 is .04 which is 4% good. 4% is alot worse than 40%. Would you rather have 4% of a million dollars or 40%??? But anyway, I think you like where you are. If not...then fine. I'll whine more too. WhaH. Or Something.
from gumphood : ...and your score was 4/10 not 4/100. 40% May be good enough for hall of fame...let me think about it.
from reviewgump :
your review is up. It was done by Anniewaits18 AND me. I hope its okay.
from gumphood :
Avoiding love. Where's the hopeless romantic when you need them!!
from tithonus :
Haha, thanks. :) That actually comes from a rl incident... Star and I were sitting in a restaurant waiting for the waiter to come, and she pulled an orange out of her bag and started eating it, and I was MORTIFIED...
from gumphood :
haha. I liked the way that you wrote to that survey. Sassy and Sarcastic, yet you answered almost everything. 5 sentances were my favorite.
from tithonus :
Thanks so much for your kind note. :) I guess it is ok to be curious... just not sure how curious. ;)
from pigment :
that's what i wanted to tell you too, below... A hug for you...
from gumphood :
:( I hope that you are doing okay. I am sorry.
from rockboy :
thanks so much, dear. it's great to hear from you <3 - krisana
from usedrocker :
hey! so your journal sounds pretty interesting. thats kinda cool you found me through searching! haha. ill talk to ya later on, ciao
from unclepumpkin :
How did you find me?! And where is my kitten? You give her back, or I swear to the good lord Vishnu you'll regret the day you ever separated from your placenta...actually, I kinda regret that day myself. My placenta ROCKED! Hi, how do you do?
from gumphood :
Dingus was our bands dark writer and rythm dancer. We never had a band.
from asdotcom :
I suppose it's my job to conform to whatever day is open for you, huh? ;o) It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world.
from asdotcom :
I'm tired of fighting. Let's make out instead.
from asdotcom :
But that's my point -- what chicks want is always changing. Guys can't always be "that guy" at the drop of a hat. I'm not saying it doesn't happen... just that it's hard.
from asdotcom :
Single indeed.
from asdotcom :
I've known a guy or two that had absolutely no sensitive side.
from asdotcom :
Makes sense? Definitely! Makes things completely unreasonable for men to try to find a chick due to the fact that you have to meet the girl at the right time of the month on a 50/50 chance that she's in the mood for what you are? You betcha!
from asdotcom :
Seriously? You totally change the word? If you say so...
from wiccalyns :
hey, loving this entry! i'm only half way through but its great. you made me cry. the bit about your mum. i suddenly remembered how sad you looked that time that you broke down in English and it made me sad that you were in so much pain and there was nothing to be done about it. *hug* two years belated i know, but still. It's the thought that count. You're raver bear eh? I'm stoner bear. tehe. :D gotta love those quizzes. :)
from gumphood :
well I find what you write very enjoyable regardless of how you feel it turns out.
from gumphood :
I liked your poem. However, I slightly wished that it were about ponies...I wonder why.
from dinguspie :
i liked this entry a lot.
from gumphood :
the trashcan one was my favorite. hehehe. hi.
from oralboy :
That is coolest thing ever. I'm gonna stick on my wall with some thing sticky. Celebrate T.V. appriciation day!
from pigment :
HAHA...! where did you find all that?
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
from gumphood :
I consider "drama" to be like, someone ate my peanut butter, or she left he tampon in my shoe. Not the way you described things. I expect dingus to have like 30 more notes in your note section is all.
from gumphood :
I was hoping for for Dingus here, but I will say that drama is underated. It gives you the best stories later in life. I love drama.
from monsterfreak :
I think drama can be overrated. I guess it all depends on context? x
from tithonus :
Thanks so much for your kind comment. :)
from dinguspie :
hey. that is so funny that you joined my ring--i appreciate it. How silly the whole thing is! You rule! And: I'm a total idiot when it comes to burning cds...I think I have about a 25% success rate. Ugh.
from dinguspie :
you know (and this will tell you how much time I waste on ridiculous activities) I just re-read your answers to my crapping survey, and I have decided to award you the "Best answers" prize. I especially liked your comment on the survey: "Rabits. Strawberry. Vanilla." I felt that was totally appropriate. Keep up the good work!
from asdotcom :
I guess we have a flair for the different. There's just something about British and Aussie accents... Couldn't tell you what it is. Surely there were things here that you thought were pretty nifty and the Americans were like "Seriously?" Where did you go while you were here?
from dinguspie :
This was a very good entry, I think. And, to respond to your question about my entry, no, she doesn't read it, intentionally not. I am glad, because I probably wouldn't be as open as I am--I wouldn't mention the hot girl in my recitation, for example.
from asdotcom :
Well, don't get /mad/. Actually the British diaries I've read do have quite a bit of "Britishisms" in them. And I'm not quite sure what you're referring to with the "fist base, second base, etc." There are a couple things you could be talking about. If you'd like to use it in context, I'll be happy to explain. :o) And it's not that we're trying to be coy... I guess our culture's goal is to paint a verbal picture instead of saying things outright. It makes life more interesting. Anyway, don't be offended by my note... I love Britons. And if you're ever so inclinded to visit my neck of the pond, I'll be happy to show you around our nation's capital as a sign of good will. (Well, that and English accents are hot.) "Cheers" (that's an ending Americans usually /don't/ use ;o)) -AS!
from asdotcom :
I've never noticed that we have a lot of baseball related sayings. ...You're British!? Wow... usually I can spot 'em... you don't sound British.
from asdotcom :
It's a warning. As in when you're playing ball and the ball is headed straight for someone's head that isn't paying attention, you say "Heads up!"
from gumphood :
ARe you sure that is your stance. Do you think its going to change or are you pretty set in that idea,
from asdotcom :
She is. She's just a goin'-to-the-show buddy, though. Thanks for the heads up, though. :o)
from gumphood :
oh man. that's classic. YOu must just get bored by the end.
from rockboy :
no way!1 you're great! i love what you write :OP
from rockboy :
i wave to as many people as i can, especially tourists on red double decker buses. :O) thank you for all the kind notes, you're on my buddy list now!
from wiccalyns :
you have so many notes. me is jealous. *sniffle* looking forward to going back to school? i actually am! its madness! last year ever. scary as hell bUT exciting too. we're gonna be the oldest there! the oldest! we can be mean and bossy to EVERYONE!
from dinguspie :
sarika, I enjoy your entries. You seem to be a very thoughtful girl. At the same time a melancholy one. A lot, I gather, has happened. The thought you express in your latest entry--"you grow too old to wave at trains--although it would still achieve the desired effect--but you're too do it" reminded me of the srot of thing I think about all the time. And the sort of thing that depresses me, from time to time. Anyhow, good show.
from gumphood :
hey there. I read more than one entry, but I didn't know what to ask about the others. Also this last one; lets take that; it seems to be about something that happened, but you do a good job at skirting the actual happening, and focus more on what happened to you. I could have asked a question about that, but thats what the entry is about, and would make for a boring question. At the same time I could ask what is was really about, but that might be such a simple question. I like more to ask loaded questions. Sorry if you think you got the shaft.
from oralboy :
Ha! Check it out, the very second person I've note-ed! Go you. Guess what? I got my drivers permit today! Fuck yea!
from dinguspie :
Sarika. Update. For fuck's sake. I need some British data. Data from a Brit. Are you in school yet? Or are you still on vacation?
from gumphood :
oh yes my friend. Oh yes. Its a american term for a Shot that Kareem Abdull Jabbar used to do in basketball.
from gumphood :
did you see some of the questions I asked!!! I have no idea what I am going to get, I just try to make thequestion free enough so you can answer comfortably.
from gumphood :
Well, not trying to sound harsh, but good. When we pour alot into something I always thing its comes our pure, and that really was a special piece there. I hope you and your readers like it. I did.
from gumphood :
No I agree. But it is about the freedom. We may not see ourselves as free, but we are. I think that could have been phrased better, but I just wanted to know what it meant to you. I guess not too, too much. Thats okay though. Valid.
from gumphood :
Number five was meant to say -->yes, she does have that stress in her life, but the picture is the glamorized image of fresh air, sexual presence, and sexual freeness. In 1000 years that image will seem so speical and unquie. They might be breathing only recycled air and having invitro incemnation. Think of how unindustrilized the world was 1000 years ago with the roman empire. They just had invented indoor plumbing. The idea was to look at the glamorization of life today.
from gumphood :
Oh man. You posted before I was able to get to you. Sorry. I thought that it was about the age not the number---so dumb. I thought It was weird which is why I asked it.
from gumphood :
you questions are up. Hope you liked them!!
from byngbyng :
Thanks for the compliments, i try to keep it real. I love diaryland cause i love going back in time and seeing how ridiculous my life was or to remind myself of the mistakes i shouldn"t repeat!!
from gumphood :
No I know that. But bad times make for great leaders. I don't think that anyone would say Churchill folded. He was an interesting figure. I would never want to meet the best, cause what exaclty would I have to offer.
from davidnm :
haha thanks, its nice knowing more people read my diary than i know about, haha it makes me feel popular, feel free to leave more notes
from gumphood :
♣ Who ever said you were stupid. It certainly wasn't me ;)
from dinguspie :
gump leaves pointless notes...i do not. doh!
from gumphood :
I am back btw. What's going on?!
from aguyuoncenew :
i dont know what ur talking about!!!
from aguyuoncenew :
did i?
from gumphood :
HI there. I hope you feel well after drinking. Its sounds like Malubu is wonderful. I should have not drank as much. Oh god.
from tithonus :
Thankyou. I feel better about it now. :)
from kerbang :
thanks for stopping by, glad you like the name. you have renewed my faith in the human race.
from dinguspie :
happy to oblige your request. sorry the entry was so...well...pathetic
from dinguspie :
hey--congrats on the results. And yes, as you speculated in datchery's note-log, you have stumbled up a diaryland community cult. Except we're a real cult. (We're all from the same town.) But we're not really a cult, more of a group of idealogues. Or, really, just a bunch of fuckers.
from iamalanwhoru :
I was going to ask this in your guestbook, but I forgot. How do you get the title of your entry to appear at the top of the webpage? I have never figured it out, even by looking at the HTML. Could ya tell me? Please? =]
from dinguspie :
hey! I so don't have a crush on gump. We've just been best friends for 10 years or so. Also, we're very open and silly people, so we say silly things that make other people question our sexuality. hahha. but i assure you, i am not gay, and if i were, i would have a crush on kerbang, anyway, not on gump. hahahaha.
from maths-boy :
I've locked my diary... so if u wanna read it... maybe drop me a note or smth :)
from dinguspie :
I think it is perfectly reasonable to be scared of blowtorches. I also think that English people are more likely to be afraid of blowtorches than Americans, because the word "torch" (meaning "flashlight") is more common there than here. Here is just means torch. There, it means flashlight. I've already said that. As you can tell, I've got nothing in my pram, or under the bonnet. Hahahahaha
from jackstruelo :
yes yes -- i have this obsessive fear of them though. it is because of a story i read when i was younger. i get goosebumps just thinking about it.
from maths-boy :
Hmm I don't understand what ya typing... yr saying something in my diary that attracts u? :)..thanks :)
from spritopias :
thanks for the effort
from gumphood :
thx for joining
from gumphood :
which one...Ms. Sarika, you confuse me with your question of my diary. hehe. I am silly...I think...hmmm... well anyway...I am on IM all the time
from gumphood :
hahaha. I always ask. I am from NEW england. Hence I may live in the sister of your town...cause most of our towns were named for yours. Englands....towns....Its hot there. I don't buy it. Its foggy and raning...I saw it in a it must be true
from gumphood :
I read the entry you recommend to the pie. You are quite the interesting lass. Rather...lady. Rather...hmmmm.... "I was named after an actress." HOWEVER "I am the only person I know called Sarika. And to be frank, I am probably the only person you know who is called Sarika" ... please explain.
from dinguspie :
hey. i am trying to get a sense of who you are. Any entries of yours you'd recommend? (Thus far I am just shocked that you had to take home ec. I began at the beginning.)
from jackstruelo :
oh and i like yours too.
from my-esoteric :
that was last night bout the party thing. tonight i will have fun, don't worry.
from jackstruelo :
thank you. usually it is more interesting than it has been lately.
from my-esoteric :
i know you burn calories by just being here, sleeping, watching t.v., and all that. i know that. but you can't eat 2000 calories a day, and manange to burn 3500 which it takes to lose a pound. eating right and working about takes too long. but eating under 900 cals i lose sometimes 4 lb. in one day, and everyday at least one. don't worry about me..., trust me i've been doing shit like this for like 3 years. it's ok. don't worry about me. seriously. i take viatamins and all that crap. also it's not like i am under weight now, so it's really not that big of a deal. i apreciate your concern, but really it's ok.
from my-esoteric :
i know how you can get help. my sister was anorexic and bulimich for 5 years. i just don't really want help. i don't want no one feeling sorry for me. plus the issue is sorta embarrassing with family.
from my-esoteric :
hi. thanks for your note. it means more to me than you probably think. i don't want an ed. you were talking about how after fasting and then when you start eating again, it stores up on energy and you gain lotsa weight?> well, i've been through that process. that's how i ballooned from 104 to 130. i know exactly what happens. you just can't stop bingeing. but now i am finally losing the weight again. i didn't say my 'dream' qoute because i want an ed. it's because i want to die, go up in that place so called heavan, and start everything over. i try to eat normal, but i can't, i always end up binging, and eating alot of calories, it's easier for me to starve than eat normal. i don't know if you understand that or not, because alot of poeple don't. thanks so much for your note. you are prescious, and i will remember you always. <3 me
from my-esoteric :
hi. i turned my notes settings on. i saw on your diary you wanted to talk to me?
from neangel :
Why thank you!
from asdotcom :
Thanks for the note. :o) I poked around your diary a bit and thought you might like this entry:
from igetit :
i adore aldous. did you design this yourself?
from breakmyflaws :
oh ok. i see. well thanks, and i'm sorry for the mis-understanding. <3 kara
from breakmyflaws :
i read your note you sent me. thanks for reading my diary. i read yours. i liked it, untill i got to the bottom and it some something like 'inspired by poeple who don't apreciate life.' i know my diary was one of the diary's you read about not apreciating life. i just wanted to let you know that i don't know if i'm eating disordered. i don't know what's wrong with me. i don't know how i got into what i am in. i don't know how i've come this far into all these pointless/ hurtfull things i do to my self, but i do know that when i read the qoute at the end of your entry that it hurt me. it made me relize that i don't apreciate life, and i should live life at its fullest, and not as a punishment. the qoute was hurtfull, but inspiring. good diary. <3 Kara
from cubanuntboy :
You rock! Thanks for reading my journal... :-D Cuban
from ddrboy :
from outoftime :
Monsoon, that's a good word. Definately a good word. Yup. ;-)
from tithonus :
Are you ok?
from wackyman :
:( sarika someone made fun of meeeee! :( ne way, i left them a huge message on my notes page, so read it and enjoy! hehehe, they will never court my wrath again!
from mr-sparkles :
ODing on drugs, for shame.
from outoftime :
you're in the chatroom, am I a sneak or what ... *glows with pride*
from outoftime :
You have a glowworm in your diary that chases my cursor ... everybody should have glowworms chasing after them. Though I imagine that would get rather annoying if you'd wanna go to sleep. ok, so forget the glowworm-idea. I feel I'm forgetting something .... hmmm .... oh yeah! nice diary! yeah that was it ... I think. Hmm. Yeah. Well bye now.
from mr-sparkles :
yeah, you should get a banner thingie, they're cool.
from pigment :
Guess what! i've lived at last (!) a very interesting thing in this yahoo chat, it was so cooooool! Er... so, you'll start again tomorrow...? i hope you'll have a good day. true! Bye...
from saintdamien :
Sorry that I haven't dropped you a line before now. I was out of town for two weeks and then.....well, it's in my latest entry. Congratulations on the 7 A's and 4 B's also.
from schattenmann :
I run from no one. My computer broke down.
from shopaholic16 :
Hey! Half the things u h8 about urself every1 else loves, including me, and the other half aren't true neway! love jen
from randix :
hey. dig the scroll bar. why phesants? I mean, I've got anteaters & invisible chickens, but why phesants? anyway, I agree xmas was over hyped & I'm glad you got a hair dryer. I got a freakin lint roller. thanks for listing me as a fav diary. I really appreciate it.
from blackedout :
Hola chickapie, I ned to stop saying that but hey, I'm signing everyones books so I can persuade myself i'm too busy to revise... Luvya to infinity and beyond, Wren +x+
from blackedout :
how am i gonna cope without your diary being updated?? remember me, all you holidaying peoples...
from blackedout :
Sorry I scared ya, I really am that bored. Brought back memories- rememeber when Mr Lester and Miss LAwes were busy wallpapering? ;) Wren +x+
from kittenclaws :
sarika sparkles sounds so good i'm might just let you have him.
from mr-sparkles :
Cool ass layout, lotsa new and neat stuff, I must say it's bangin. Thanks for adding me to the DIARYS YOU SHOULD READ section. You make me feel extra special......I might just have to marry you now.
from blackedout :
britney?? *looks scared* Wren +x+
from blackedout :
Ha! Now I don't need to set up tallinia :) Or rather, I still can't be arsed, so note the whole blackedout thing. Everyone needs to go sign my book, so its not just saz :) Wren +x+
from tallinia :
I promise to set up tallinia soon. There, you have it in writing. Now I actually need to get off my ass and do it.... Wren +x+
from mr-sparkles :
I don't think you love're playing silly games.....well, you ain't pinning no tail on my ass missy! Anywho, what's up?! you're my only fan.....well, you're the first, Hi-neighbor likes me. I need to sleep.
from greendaygal :
*changes her name so it doesnt look like shes obsessed or anything* Aloha babes! You rock my little rainbow socks (and yes I do have rainbow socks. Theyre damn groovy :) Feel free to call me sad) Wow. I have an entry devoted to me *is super chuffed* And I'm jealous of all your fans. Ah well. I s'pose if I wrote in a diary regularly... :) Wren +x+
from chirpy-wren :
Hola babe! *makes her presence known too* Looks like you have a fan club :) and I am very jealous now. Ah well. I'm sure I'll live. Good luck with those pheasants, luvya loads, Wren +x+
from curioushunk :
thanks....but it's terrible!!!!i can't concentrate. they are messing my universe!!!!anyway thanks! alot of my friends finds it so interesting but it's just so complicating! i don't know whats wrong with me its probably me! but i'm not dramatic about it....i'm having fun, infact! but i know behind all this..., it's all coming back to me.....again as usual! and i know pay back sucks!!! i know what's going to happened but i seem to enjoy it and i'm trying to stop myself from doing the same mistake! i'm just stupid i guess....but i'll see what's ahead of me eventually!! thank you, lots of love from italy, just me, jeff>>>>"ciao" for now my sweety!!!!
from aquietboy :
if you don't stop it, your going to give me an ego the size of Cleveland! You are much too sweet and kind for your own good...... p.s. you also write ridiculously beautifully......
from aquietboy :
if you don't stop it, your going to give me an ego the size of Cleveland! You are much too sweet and kind for your own good......

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