messages to saturndragon:
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from aliisfunny :
i like your freak entry. the one about people who are are thought of as weird or outcasts. those are my favorite kind. i find myself mesmerized by the strangest people, people who all of my friends just look at and laugh. in them i find inspiration. for my films and also for me. one time i stayed on the t for an extra 20 minutes just sitting behind these two homeless men who were the most intriguing people i think ive ever seen. i just listened to their conversation. it was amazing.
from anniewaits18 :
yo. Saw you imed me this afternoon. I was out to lunch (did my sn say that I was idle?) Anyway, didn't want you to think I rebuffed you. Take it easy.
from aliisfunny :
hi i like you but you spelled my name wrong in your favorite diaries part thingy. you wrote alisifunny instead of aliisfunny. im still drunk. ps- do you live in boston too? ps again- i didnt just write to tell you you spelled my name wrong. for real i like your style. and ps one more time- i do photography too, but mostly im a film major but the reason i went into film is cause i was goddamn good at photography. oh, and my neck hurts cause my man bit it wicked hard last night when we were wraslin'. ok bye. xoxoxoxox
from anniewaits18 :
hmmm.. how young do you think I am? but thank you for putting me as a favorite. I write a lot of crap you know but if you think it's interesting crap, more power to Cosmo and the black box. But I sound really YOUNG?
from saturndragon :
Just wanted to say thank you all for your input and reading my thoughts. Means alot to me. All your diarys inspire me too. thanks.
from gumphood :
Right decsions. I would say wrong way to say it. Things like that are like flowers on Valentines day. Its a disapointment not to see them
from anniewaits18 :
Hey, thanks for the note! I appreciate it. Intrguing? Making an impact in the world? Haven't I already? I kid. Nah, that's the dream not necessarily the reality....yet. DA-DA-DUMMM. I'm giving myself till the age of 30 to do something otherwise, I will migrate to the east and remain Gladula (Did I spell that right?) I'll be reading your keep it..._______ fill in blank with an accolade.
from gumphood :
I added you to my favorites. Since you are
from gumphood :
Time ravages almost everything in life. Not writing though. Relationships, yes, but writing and film stay despite time. Its humans abilty to pass information from generations. That won't disappoint. That won't disappear.
from anniewaits18 :
you write a lot about what I have either thought about in the past and/or what I am thinking about but would never write publicly. Hmmm. Btw, the whole not finding love issue...been there done that (still haven't) but I actually don't care anymore. I'm going bungee jumping. I think it's cooler and it's not a tease.
from gumphood :
Well dude, You are pretty deep. I am liking it. I hope you are pleased with your entry. I liked the lunar eclipse and the photoshoot one alot. Thats all for now
from gumphood :
It works dude. And I am liking what I am reading. Keep it going
from saturndragon :
lets see if this works

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