messages to schnozzberry:
(click here to add new message):

from scarydoll :
I just realized that you had me as a buddy & added you on my buddies list! What can I say, I'm a slacker. GIMME PASSWORD. Aren't you Cookie?
from theshakedown :
can i have the username and password for the "private" entry????
from anamlabodis :
Oh my god. Pharrell is so my new boyfriend! That bald little head, the tattoos. Yummay.
from tallgirlsam :
i dont work in the morning, but if you come in the afternoon, i'll pull some strings
from theshakedown :
sorry, I should have read the first entry, but don't you think he'll be able to find this one as well, through your favorites and such?
from theshakedown :
why did you change? I love soverycherry!!!
from ray0flight :
*whines* you forgot to add me!
from always-crazy :
i'm obsessed with cute boys. and hey, i AM in middle school!
from gutterpoet :
Ahhh! Your new home. However, yes there may be something wrong with you enjoying watching Mama's Family before work. Seek help immediately.
from nerdgroupie :
Hey, sorry to hear about your forced relocation...I've been there, and I know I'd rather burn out my retinas with a flaming hot poker than deal with the drama that comes from people you know reading your diary and getting their shit in a knot over it. Fuck em, I say. *raises glass*
from scarydoll :
i just noticed that you added me as a favorite - thanks! I was just wondering though, do you have a password?

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