messages to scubas311:
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from gumphood :
nice pictures. I'm all over them with you as well.
from basal :
from amyiswaiting :
Yea, Peroutka is a bit pazzo. Funny thing is, he's distantly related to my boss, she didn't even know he was ruinning until she saw his name on the ballot.
from vancookie :
uh, boston, steve. right?
from vancookie :
welcome home, you devil
from ksthoughts :
If you don't see any other movie this year, go see "The Passion of the Christ" WOW!
from mestupchick :
such cute fishies. good luck with 'em. (alana)
from vancookie :
i love you. but then, i mean, you know, i love you.
from ksthoughts :
Well poopies. I must log in at the wrong time because I have not yet been priviledged enough to see one of your banners. I suppose I'll just have to keeping looking. Or log in more frequently, eh?
from nerryna :
oh, i am SO not original, because, i too, came here, because of the banner. but i like the picture. very ultra cool. cheers!
from glassshell :
love the banner. i dont know you. you don't know me. we know each other.
from gumphood :
nice banner. If oyu seens my diary, you know why I like it. But of course...mine is a little photoshopped.
from princess0831 :
Hey friend! I just wanted to let u know your diary rocks!! :) and to make sure to add me to your buddy list. Keep it real Scuba steve :) and if Brent gives ya too much shit, just tell him to come over here and eat some food :) lol see ya ! Kel
from todream :
Happy birthday, and love the layout.
from clear-mask :
My My someone is very greety
from ksthoughts :
Need money for school? Get a job! Need money for school? Get a job! Need money for school? Hey - I know! GET A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from ksthoughts :
Scubas311 "The hottest guy to walk the face of the earth" Wow. You do have some fans out there don't you bubba? Yowsa ;-)
from ksthoughts :
Sorry love! High cholesterol runs in the family. Although your 41 yr old Mom - without the Oprah arms thank you - has more of the good triglycerides than the bad ones, you still need to be careful. oinker! Love you!
from ksthoughts :
Hope you had a great time at the concert! Love you lots & don't worry about the AIM - even if it is a piece of shit. Your friends and/or family love you anyway. xoxox
from ksthoughts :
Perhaps your lack of sufficient funds could be remedied with a job? Yes, I realize that would cut in on serious sleep and download time, but it would be an honest thing to do, rather than waiting to be picked up and sent to the clink. :-)
from ksthoughts :
Okay so after reading your guestbook, it appears the majority vote for Australia. Just remember your Dad's favorite beer used to be Fosters. heehee Besides, if you decide on Australia, you're Gramma would never forgive you for going without her.
from ksthoughts :
A dingo ate my baby! Australia has a lot to offer, particularly if you're interested in anthropological studies as well as history. However, if you're more interested in actually going somewhere for the broader studies, Great Britain is the place to go - especially if you're into WW2. With the close proximity of the major battle scenes - Dunkirk, Normandy, Omaha Beach, et al, you would have a wonderful time exploring places you've only read about. Good luck with the academics advisor - and with the pocketbook. You'll need it!
from veggiedog :
hey, i haven't read back far enough in your diary - are you a drummer or a bugler? i played the trumpet for 8 years, that's why i ask.
from xpaperdoll :
ooh the names backwards yes clever :) i remember 4th grade we had to memorize part of that i had a dream thing. or mebe we just kept hearing it n thas why i know a li ul. l8er -nessa
from gcriotgirl :
Have you created... a monster?
from bobmcgoogle :
Hi thanks for the Amen, but for what? I always like to know what Im being given props for, you know its a girl thing. :-) Leah aka bobmcgoogle
from iloveyou14 :
I'll miss you. But I have a feeling you already know that. And why do you keep ignoring me? you have to be mad at me, I don't know why but you act like you are, and if you are there's obviously a reason, I would just like to know what it is. I'm not mad at
from stargurl14 :
Wow you're a really awesome writer, nice diary. 311 RULES!

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