messages to selfbiased:
(click here to add new message):

from rockhound :
Interesting to see you here again after your move to more modern facilities. I can understand the thought, however.
from rockhound :
I'm so sorry. I hope you can recover from this blow...
from rockhound :
I don't know what B'Tuzz is. I think it's better that way. If it's remotely like an RPG I am sunk, lol. I am so fricking addicted to RPG's it's not funny
from rockhound :
Happy birthday. Thirty is still a baby. My son's older ;)
from rockhound :
There's a great deal to be said to connections when they're right. Sounds like with regard to Erin and to others, your connections are very right :)
from rockhound :
And the line blurs between fantasy and the merely fantastic :)
from rockhound :
Welcome to real life. It's easy to fall into precisely the sort of traps you described. Sadly, few have the presence of mind to get past it. It looks like you and your wife are among the lucky few. I hope you both grow from the experience and appreciate each other the more for it.
from virginistic :
3/9- So...I thought the conclusion was going to be that Erin was e-cheating and you broke her laptop. =/ Guess not. Glad y'all are better than that. I sent you my e-mail address...
from rockhound :
I look forward to the promised evocative fare.
from virginistic :
2/28 - My comment has been "forthcoming" for over a month on your profile. Get your life together and do it already! You're weird, guy. I find myself having to google half of your terms to get the gist of your comments, but I don't mind. =] I'll shout you out again soon. And I'll reply to your comments on wordpress too, so check back.
from rockhound :
You're more than welcome to my share of overtime. I will probably have close to sixteen hours this week alone, and while I appreciate the bump to my paycheck, the added hours are ripping my health to shreds.
from rockhound :
Familiar feeling, living on the razor's edge of success and never quite tilting one way or the other. Perhaps, though, that's the nature of life: we walk that thin line, dealing with the inevitable discomfort of it but staying at its acme as long as we can.
from rockhound :
I hear you. I have all kinds of great intentions and even better opportunities. I just have to get my ass in gear and DO something about it. Only life - hubby, kids, grandkids, work, etc - keeps getting in my way.
from virginistic :
1/27- Hopefully that means you like something about my diary and it'll keep you interested for more than a little while. =] I'll be keeping an eye on you as well.
from rockhound :
Life has a way of stealing your blog away, doesn't it? Sometimes for good reasons, other times in sheer perversity. I hope in your case it's the former, rather than the latter.
from rockhound :
Oh my... I'm sorry to hear about the work situation. I've lived that life and it sucketh. I hope you're able to find a more long-term alternative, and that it's a step up in all regards.
from rockhound :
So tell me, Sir Biased. When does your world domination plan finally go into effect? I'm looking forward to it.
from rockhound :
The infrequent posts are symptomatic of a richer life than you had a few years ago. Despite the frustrations, despite the disappointments, we both know you'd never trade your wife or son for a simpler life, no matter how much freedom you had.
from rockhound :
I like the thought of exploiting our bloated, out-of-control dictatorship. I hope you can do so with panache!
from rockhound :
You seriously expect a woman to make SENSE? HAHAH. HAHAHAHAHAH. HAAAA! Now I try to put out those kinds of vibes; but I assure you, it is all veneer. Underneath it all I'm the epitome of irrationality and proud of it.
from rockhound :
Bachelordom can lose its glamor in the face of lovely wife and a shared lad.
from boann7 :
hello friend, contrary to what might be said i am not dead. though if you play my record backwards it might say so.. ;) no, i don't hang much with the pollies anymore. one slowhand i keep in touch with on occasion. sometimes i go lurk among them to see what i can see. its nice to find you still here. =).. i was trying to catch up on reading you.
from rockhound :
I'll have to catch up on the reference. Devilmunchkin?
from rockhound :
Could be a fortuitous change. Watch the munchkins as they get older. They're apt to share mischief in a big way.
from cerulean030 :
Still without comment? I'm sorry I haven't updated so much lately... life has gotten in my way!
from rockhound :
If you and your wife are on the same page, the rest will fall into place. The same has been true here, so far as I can tell. At least I hope so. *Sigh*
from lo-ghm :
from rockhound :
I hope your unemployment, if it occurs at all, is short-lived and brings you to a better job situation. Believe it or not, sometimes that CAN be the result!
from erari :
disabled :)
from itchymicchi :
is a perspective of things that is vastly different from mine (as you may have noticed, i have the attention span, and possibly memory, of a goldfish) that reminds me that no two people are alike (and how different they are when you bother to look!).
from rockhound :
Waiting doth indeed fill, if fill you must. But whilst waiting, weigh this: life abounds in your domicile, and life unquestionably calls you, "Daddy."
from cerulean030 :
If you wrote about your similar experience, I'd love to read it!
from rockhound :
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you ;) I'd love to hear you play, should you ever choose to record your work.
from cocoabean :
you probably can draw that line, but no one pointed me here, I found my way here myself.
from cocoabean :
we?? Just found you in a kind of roundabout way.. and wondering if you wrote or write as someone else..
from rockhound :
Ahhh... the freedom!
from vxxen :
Consider me assured.
from vxxen :
Hahahah. Why thank you! I do these things to throw people off the beaten path. Consider yourself lost.
from rockhound :
Intriguing. Is this a continuation of the project we discussed previously?
from rockhound :
from rockhound :
Friday night and unexpected company can wreak havoc with one's online time!
from rockhound :
Let yourself breathe. You have chosen to walk a path with some briars that can encroach and yes, you may conceivably encounter some of those right away. Just don't let the risk prevent you from taking a step. The only thing worse than getting caught by brambles and briars is becoming immobilized by your fears.
from brightopal :
Yes you DO need to start writing again. You have a cheering section of at least one here :)
from brightopal :
Even if it's someone you barely knew, a suicide of a person you've met, face-to-face, is a shock. You will inevitably wonder if you could have done or said anything to change the outcome. And the sad truth is that you almost certainly couldn't. I went through a comparable situation when I was a little younger than you and felt the same way at the time. However, I am curious about your five-year deadline. Care to elaborate?
from brightopal :
Ah yes, Hell already has a ruler though. I think I married him once.
from brightopal :
There's nothing wrong with that. Happiness is the best of all reasons to set aside a blog! *Hugs* I for one will miss you, but I am more than glad for you and for your family!
from brightopal :
I think I missed what it was you missed. I'm definitely missing SOMETHING. However, I do like the cool serenity of your current template. If its lines and colors are any indication, fatherhood is having a calming influence on you :)
from brightopal :
I'd help you move, but not sure I can get there in time on the bus. :p Good deal on getting your place, though!
from elgan :
I have been laboriously backing up my diary entries with their comments on my hard disk as my gold membership has run out and I'm planning on installing haloscan comments. I came across yours from mid-April, so I thought I'd wander on over and say hi.
from bangetsavoha :
Hah. That sounds like a horrible reason for marriage. All together, I'd rather clean my room than break my back at some job.
from brightopal :
I really REALLY like the new template. Very contemplative and a good deal of depth. Your priorities are right, though I don't ignore the importance of work. There will always be work. Your son won't always be an infant.
from enfinblue :
Oh my goodness. You're talking to a Canadian here. I've never even *seen* a gun up close. :)
from brightopal :
*Hugs* I haven't been to my father's grave since he died. But since he's buried next to my mother I suppose I should go visit again. I don't think either of them would care, though.
from brightopal :
To the point and accurate. As ever.
from brightopal :
Good for you - and for your father.
from brightopal :
Bravo for all - for fatherhood (unending diaper-dom and all;) for the D&D game; and for the update! And while it may not seem like it at the moment, the endless march of diapers will taper off. They won't end for a couple of years but they do reduce to more manageable levels, and I am guessing your son is already beginning to develop his sociable side - smiling, reacting to you and to his mommy :) Things can only get better!
from brightopal :
Time will tell, indeed. The lack of time, unfortunately, shouts much more loudly!
from brightopal :
Erm... With a new baby and your wife's current physical condition, that's about all she SHOULD be doing at this point in time. Though I hear you about being hard to deal with. Between hormones and real physical recovery, post-childbirth moms can drive EVERYONE batty!
from brightopal :
Congratulations again - You and the wife did well. ;)
from o-twinkle-o :
such a beautiful baby! congratulations! and things will never be the same, but you -know- you're now in the market for so many unique happiness-es.
from brightopal :
There's a lot to be said for ambition, but having a child will remind you (with neon exclamation points) of the value of things that have nothing to do with work ;)
from brightopal :
Your esoteria rings true, with an echo of "huh?" Perhaps expounding a bit might reach the hidden recesses of understanding!
from o-twinkle-o :
from brightopal :
We bring new life into the world in the tacit prayer that in some way, our offspring will enrich a future yet unknown. I hope for the sake of our progeny that it will be true...
from bangetsavoha :
What photographs? Packaged them how?
from brightopal :
*Hugs* When is your child due? Do you know yet if you're expecting a son or a daughter? I want to see a picture! :)
from brightopal :
Unincluded profundity always welcome.
from o-twinkle-o :
it's completely ok. i find myself without the energy to really deal with posting a new template right now, anyway!
from brightopal :
Forever is a very long time - and if there is a child after forever, so much the better to take the steps forward
from brightopal :
Hey! Glad to know you're alive - and know exactly what you mean about the lack of Internet access. I'm there myself these days... Finally getting back online after several weeks' absence. How goes the baby watch? You haven't said any more for a while. I hope all is well.
from brightopal :
Ah yes, you've been out of the loop. 'S all right. I'm getting out in what I hope and believe will be a matter of days. Cross your fingers for me!
from o-twinkle-o :
start with a landscape, or some kind of black and white. i'll hunt around and send you a few urls .. [email protected] ..
from brightopal :
There's something to be said for finding things, though I'm not sure that's enough to recommend moving. (I hate the moving process!!!)
from o-twinkle-o :
a few weeks is fine with me, and i don't really have anything in mind. but i love all of the templates -you've- had, very simple, a modern and quiet style. keep me in mind? and let me know what details you may need if you & your friend can manage it?
from o-twinkle-o :
do you create templates for others at all? congratulations on your bun/oven.
from brightopal :
Not to worry. Muses are transitory, but they tend to return when needed. Babies, on the other hand, are the reason the sun rises in the morning -- and their infancy, unlike the muse, will never come around again. Hold on: you're in for one heck of a ride, my friend!
from brightopal :
I try NOT to do that to Gerrit - he gets mad when I DON'T tell him, though. So I attempt to improvise, since 99 percent of the time when he asks me how work was, if I were brutally honest I'd just say, "The same as yesterday. The website was down and I spent the day trying to resolve things that I couldn't do a damned thing about!"
from boann7 :
happy news about the new baby coming. =)
from brightopal :
I remember how excited I was to be expecting - despite the morningsickness and despite being constantly on the verge of collapse from exhaustion. I'm waiting to see pictures - ultrasound welcome ;)
from brightopal :
Ooooh, I love those, both of them! :D
from brightopal :
I still haven't read the newest book - will have to wait a bit longer, I'm afraid. But I already rejoiced with you over the baby-to-be. Just make your wife promise to take care of herself. Pregnancies can be wonderful gifts, but there are also risks along the way.
from brightopal :
Confused, as usual - and that's fine, too :) How are you surviving these days? You and the new wife okay?
from brightopal :
Ugh - sorry about the financial fiasco, but glad you caught it quickly. And as to my end of the world, I was actually feeling guilty for airing my dirty laundry on a semi-private diary, where the closest reader is still several miles away. However, since my husband decided to give a near-verbatim account to the people we live with, I'm pretty damned disinclined to cut him any more slack right now. I'll email you but not until I've cooled off.
from brightopal :
Forgotten is the bane of any language. I can't really remember why though... ;)
from brightopal :
And if the wife balks, remind her that the guitar is a one-time expense. A horse costs every day of its life.
from brightopal :
A horse is just a horse. A guitar is a GUITAR. Good luck playing!
from loathe :
Depends, do you think I can actually write? [email protected] is the address, let me know the details and we'll see where it goes. Honestly though, no promises.
from brightopal :
Ah, but those deceptions may also bring to light the sweetest imaginations, those thoughts otherwise buried in the netherworld of dormant humanity. Do we gain more by burying the darkest elements, or by burying the beauty it may also bring? The answers escape me but the balance is its own intrigue.
from loathe :
Sadly, or maybe not, I know exactly how you feel.
from for-you-only :
I love your username. I think you're a really good deep thinker. I like that. I tend to think that dreams are our spirits either traveling and accomplishing, or contemplating and deciding. Just a less consious meditation. However, that doesn't negate the power or importance of dreams; or even the possiblity of us all living in the dream world. But with my beliefs, I suppose that the other side is much like the dream world, and because in our dreams we only have our spirit, that the where we came from can be compared very much to dreams. The only thing is, then our brain would not be connected to the events in the dream. I do not believe we were created by Gods; my thing is that another race of beings much like our selves created us, and those that created us have existed much longer, than that many many generations, melenia ago, the beginning of their race did come into being much likr you described in your entry. Anyway, drop me a line sometime.
from brightopal :
Interesting conceptualization of the aborigines. It's not so far from my own thoughts these days.
from brightopal :
I hear you. Just keep in mind that it's the people closest to us who can piss us off faster and more deeply than anyone else. They know all the buttons to push, after all.
from brightopal :
I'm glad it worked for you :) Did you find the download program? It's AWESOME for mapping images. In the interim, I'm looking forward to reading more - and I'm seeing a progression (in the best possible way) of your painting skills. Some of your work is just amazing!
from brightopal :
It sounds pretty darned good to me :) And I haven't forgotten your template, just haven't had any time online to speak of, not in several days...
from brightopal :
Paint. You'll be glad you did :)
from brightopal :
Sleep deprivation can be a very good thing as long as what you accomplished doesn't have to be RE-done when you're conscious again! And quick question, because you never do this: any chance your template could include a link to the NOTES page?
from brightopal :
I have no clue what you're talking about, but glad it's done. I think.
from brightopal :
Interesting semantics. Your propensity is to paint extraordinary pictures with a paucity of words. Intriguing, you are.
from brightopal :
Ugh - hope you're feeling better soon. :(
from brightopal :
Goals are always a good thing. How goes the painting today?
from brightopal :
Actually a Jedi-like state of mind, while originally presented as fiction, is a pretty effective way to get through life. Belief in nothing is a downward spiral. Faith - or belief, if you will - is a power in itself. Adding to that the discovery of peace within, and you have something no one else can touch. Though some might try to bitch-slap the beatific smile off your face ;)
from brightopal :
Fascinating. For the past several days I've been stuck on the opening line for a story: "The apothecary moth was my undoing."
from brightopal :
The perfect Dune quotation.
from brightopal :
I'm glad to hear that your wife has acquired an understanding from experience. There is no better - and no stricter - teacher, on any subject.
from brightopal :
'Tis a far, far better thing you do, to allow a passion for confrontation go unquenched. Indulging in that white-hot fire can raise up a fearsome monster. Though truth be told, there are times the fearsome is necessity, too.
from brightopal :
Aha - yes, your "older" page IS working and IS gorgeous. Nice job!!!
from brightopal :
You have far more patience than I do when it comes to this. You DO know, don't you, that you can also configure your "older entries" page to match your primary page?
from brightopal :
I *knew* I should've taken that course in cryptography.
from brightopal :
Hope you were able to get some rest. No sleep is NOT good!
from brightopal :
I like it - nice effect, well handled. Glad to see you posting again, even if in sleep-deprived mode.
from radiogurl :
*Frowns* What's a phoebe?
from radiogurl :
Scotland? Is that the destination for your honeymoon? I would certainly HOPE that there will be pictures!
from radiogurl :
I hope your painting works out for you. You have so much going for you now, it should help channel your efforts to a higher level of expertise!
from radiogurl :
I understand your self-doubts. You yourself said you know you are married to the woman you adore, but it's testament to you as a human being that you still care about others. Marriage doesn't install blinders nor end what whispered through your heart and psyche before. Cheating? No, not an option. Caring about someone else, however, is a reality if you're one of the good guys - which, clearly, you are. *Hugs*
from boann7 :
you answer your own ponderings. listen to your higher self.
from radiogurl :
Subliminal message?
from radiogurl :
Rabbits, huh? Rabbits generally signify good luck and/or children. Whichever way the wind blows, I hope it brings you the news you want. :)
from bantenhut :
I've never heard of paying attention to one's spouse as a part time job, but it's a realistic simile. I'm sure she really appreciates it, good for you.
from radiogurl :
Marriage is work, no matter what. But I'm glad you're willing to go down that path (and hopefully the wife is equally willing to compromise.)
from radiogurl :
Bravo! Well done! How fares the new wife? Last word was a broken arm...
from radiogurl :
Oooh, I REALLY like the current design :) Dark, elegant and classy.
from radiogurl :
Happy birthday to your dad?
from radiogurl :
I hear you. It sucketh not to be able to just dump the thoughts directly from brain into text and be sure they are perfectly arranged. I really gotta see about fixing that ;)
from radiogurl :
I'm sorry to hear about your friend's deployment. War is never a good thing, but we accomplished our ostensible goal long ago: we ousted Saddam Hussein. He's even been executed now. Why are we still there???
from radiogurl :
Your inertia is a human reality for most of us. I've had opportunities presented to me on a silver platter and I was locked so tightly inside my self-made box that I let them slip by in silence. However, I am a believer in whatever was meant to happen, WILL happen. It may frustrate us to see wasted opportunities, yet when the right one comes along we will grasp it and embed it deeply into ourselves - so deeply that it cannot be extracted, only expelled at our own election.
from radiogurl :
Hmm... I understand your reply to the person who commented to you, but I think she wasn't so far off, either. Christmas, whether or not accurate of date, is supposed to be the anniversary of Jesus's birth. I also, however, agree that the greater event occurred at a later point in time. But that's another issue. For now my focus is on the fact that Christmas has become an over-hyped, over-commercialized miasma masquerading as a religious holiday.
from radiogurl :
Awww - well, the offer still holds on the painting site, if and when you're ready. Just let us know *hugs*
from radiogurl :
I hear you on the schedule. The only way I got time off from that vicious circle was to quit, which is its own vicious circle... And before I forget to ask again, would you mind emailing me your snail addy? I'd like to send you and wife a Christmas card
from radiogurl :
Sorry, can't help you on the shift-giveaway. Just moral support... Though even that's kinda thin tonight, as I'm dead on my butt, too.
from radiogurl :
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help...
from radiogurl :
I hear you on the diatribes. However, while they change nothing, they do help give you the impetus to keep going, sometimes.
from radiogurl :
Ack. Job and suicide do NOT have to be synonymous. I promise you. Whatever madness makes you think that two or three hours of sleep a night is adequate, stop it right now. You do NOT want to do to your body what I did to mine. Trust me. :(
from radiogurl :
It's going around. Trust me on this :(
from radiogurl :
The Cobalt Blue is extraordinary, but you're right. Spiders are actually pretty delicate when kept as pets. But it sounds like you may already have a good sense of the responsibility involved. :)
from radiogurl :
Well, here's hoping the resumption of your duties in Hades will be short-lived and will result in a step UP the ladder of success. If nothing else, you might consider trucking. It starts at around $30-35K per year and if you go with Swift, they pay for your training. Bonus points because you don't have someone constantly looking over your shoulder while you're on the road, but the downside is being away from home weeks at a time...
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* I'm sorry about the apple. And a rotten apple, to boot :( Did you get my email?
from skinnianna :
do i know you? i ddn't understand what u meant by your message
from radiogurl :
It sounds as though your new wife hasn't yet acquired a knowledge of the real world. I hope that she comes to a reckoning out of reason, rather than a rude awakening. She is extremely fortunate to have you in her life and it sounds as though she very much takes you for granted. Let her know that I've never NOT worked, yet at just shy of 49, I don't have a home of any kind. She should be grateful for what she has, rather than chastising you for not providing her every want, and on an unrealistic timeline to boot.
from jammybastard :
Where can I send the access info?
from radiogurl :
It's really an experience to look back over our own words, poured out across time and viewed in retrospect. Sometimes only then can we see the wisdom or folly of our decisions; be reminded of how far we've come or how much we've learned along the way.
from bi-pet :
heya! i just stumbled across your diary and loved, loved, loved the template. i may come back some time soon and read a little more...
from radiogurl :
Ack - I hope the problems aren't between you and your bride. If they're outside issues you can cope, but friction between you is not so easy to escape :(
from radiogurl :
And the trifecta is fait accompli
from boann7 :
between you and her .. the eyes say everything...lovely photos. shes very beautiful and you look beautiful in her eyes.
from oceans-depth :
Congrats what warm and loving pics .thanks for sharing. all the best xoxoxo Deja
from radiogurl :
What wonderful pictures!!! The two of you are clearly magnificent together :D
from radiogurl :
You don't owe any apologies. It's called a life - and now that you have one, only those who don't would deign to criticize you for failing to do something as minor as exchanging a graphic on your personal (YOUR!!!) journal.
from radiogurl :
It sounds like this job might be the perfect opportunity at the perfect time. I hope it works out well for all concerned!
from radiogurl :
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about Erin. I hope she heals fast *sigh*
from radiogurl :
This place will be here - or not. But the most important place in your heart is exactly where and how it should be right now. :) My best to you and your beautiful new bride. *Hugs*
from kaybiff :
A huzzah for you, sir, and your new official status. Many good tidings your way.
from she-shines :
Many congratulations! :D
from radiogurl :
A lot of people are jaded but I'm glad you're not one of them. Yes, about half of all marriages end in divorce. But honey, the other half do NOT, and I am betting on you being the second half of that equation. You're a gorgeous couple and I can see the love in your faces. Just smile knowingly at the naysayers and go on to prove them wrong :)
from boann7 :
hope.. sometimes there seems to be so little hope left in the world. don't let anyone take your joy and hope in this. i wish for you all the best. =)
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* It's not very much longer, is it? I wish you both all the best and am just sorry my job situation limits my ability to send much of anything - but I DO still want your address, if for nothing more than a card.
from radiogurl :
The enemy pissed you off, eh?
from radiogurl :
Any true horror master knows that the key to fear is to tap into the most basic, shadowed forms of ourselves. We are the vampires, the aliens, the monsters - each of us, individually and collectively, has the capacity for unspeakable things. We call ourselves civilized only because we manage to cover up those instincts with a thin veneer - but they remain embedded in our psyche, where they wait for the opportunity to exert themselves.
from radiogurl :
Perhaps the most certain reality of the universe is the principle of entropy. No matter the path you follow, your life remains firmly in its disintegrating grip. It is the cosmic equivalent of a zombie, as all existence crumbles into disorder.
from radiogurl :
Considering I was up half the night in pain, the non-sequitur is just fine.
from radiogurl :
Not much longer now - I wish you and your future wife all the best and hope that this is a springboard for a terrific lifetime together! *Hugs*
from radiogurl :
Good. I think. Considering how little I've been online lately I don't even have a clue what's going on with my diaryland friends :(
from radiogurl :
Darn... three dollars a figure really isn't much, but at least thank God it's SOMETHING. Good luck!!!
from radiogurl :
There is no such thing as coincidence; just don't let the briars along the side of the path detract you from the fact that your destiny lies ahead. :)
from radiogurl :
Glad to hear you found something productive. It's horribly frustrating to be without ANY resources. Been there :(
from radiogurl :
Ack... Unemployment is NOT a good thing :( I hope you find something viable soon... *Hugs* You've got a lot on your plate right now!
from radiogurl :
I heard THAT. The same is true for the man I love. Without him I would probably by now have stormed off the job and lost everything.
from radiogurl :
Next installment? And perhaps a bit of backstory for the uninitiated?
from boann7 :
ok im hooked, waiting for more.
from radiogurl :
Captivating world, in any event :)
from radiogurl :
Is this taken from the war games or have I missed a critical translation? The message is compelling - if confusing!
from radiogurl :
Oops... Getting knocked out isn't fun. Take care of yourself. *Hugs*
from oceans-depth :
nice visuals Mr.Man * nudge* unties your shoe and runs away xoxo
from radiogurl :
Wow... what a radiant change, both of image and of verbiage. Methinks the molten soul is poised on the cusp of the mountain and is awaiting the moment when it will fly outward and upward, giving an outward display of the fire so long held within.
from radiogurl :
Good luck as you build cities and fortunes!
from radiogurl :
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you :)
from radiogurl :
Response to your entry: And if the lack of painting and the lack of entries are indicative of a full life, you have every reason to smile.
from radiogurl :
Email me and we'll try and coordinate a time. 10pm your time is only 7pm my time - most days, not a problem, but lately who knows!
from radiogurl :
Why would a short entry on a kilt be any issue? It's anything but feminine (Hel-LO? Mel Gibson!) and it is a tangible connection to a remarkable heritage. But I agree that ironing pleats sucketh.
from f-i-n :
i love labyrinth too....
from boann7 :
you have been tagged... see may 23 entry in my diary
from radiogurl :
I've never had a horse, either, so can't really relate. I also don't get uber-attached to pets, anyway. My sister, on the other hand...
from radiogurl :
Then again, President Roosevelt had never seen Britney Spears.
from radiogurl :
And the words spell out the measure of a man, a high rule indeed with such words!
from oceans-depth :
oh bah humbug * nudge nudge besides my fine feathered friend you are always the exception to the rules. xoxo
from radiogurl :
What do you want changed on the template?
from boann7 :
just wondering when the wedding will be. is it soon or already done.
from radiogurl :
No human being has mastered the art of omnipresence or omnipotence. When the time is right, you'll be back to pen more words of wisdom, rants and humor. For now, use the time allocated for other aspects of your life. We your readers will be waiting, and others will discover or rediscover you.
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* Such is the life of the working man... or woman...
from radiogurl :
It looks remarkable. And I apologize for dropping off the face of the earth. It wasn't exactly planned that way. I think I still have your half-done template on my desktop, but it didn't look half as good as your existing one!
from radiogurl :
Good luck on reasoning with folk online. Typically those who make the most cutting and least relevant remarks can't be swayed by rationality.
from radiogurl :
For the record, I rarely tip less than 20 percent (I occasionally do for VERY bad service or inedible food) - and when my children were young and left a mess I ALWAYS left an extra 10 percent. I also took one of my children OUT when he was screaming, which sent one of the staff running after me as if I were going to rip them off. Nevermind that the rest of my family was still inside. There are fuckwads on both sides of the equation.
from radiogurl :
Now you have me curious...
from radiogurl :
Ack - hangovers are SUCH fun. (Yes, you may infer a heavy dose of sarcasm from the previous line.) I hope you're feeling better and the future in-laws turn out to be sweet people, just like their daughter. :)
from radiogurl :
I dunno the musicians you're referencing, but can second the suggestion of a pro for a producer. I've dealt with so much dreck in my job I will beg for ANYTHING that can up the quality.
from radiogurl :
Hmmm... what's happening with the marquee? I live and die by Firefox and other than a quick scramble at load, it is working fine for me. If you can, grab a screenshot and email to me - [email protected]. If it's broken, I need to see if I can fix it. :-s
from radiogurl :
Grrrrr.... I hate any so-called "expert" that blows off your choices, pretending that you hired them to override your own sensibilities. Idiots. They're there to enhance, not to argue.
from radiogurl :
I'm glad to hear that the new vocational turn is looking up. Perhaps this place should be dubbed Jericho - maybe the walls will fall and you'll be permitted to march forward...
from boann7 :
happy valentines day =)
from candoor :
hope you continue :)
from radiogurl :
I hope that the new fragments of verbosity indicate your life has taken its inevitable upward turn. *Hugs* Despite the occasional frustration, you've got talent and intelligence. Sooner or later you will triumph.
from radiogurl :
Wooohooo! Glad to hear you got out of the pit of vipers - now, don't take your cues from me, who invariably ends up suckering out when asked for help from my former employer. Tell them to stick their pleas for help into someplace dark and warm and smelly, lol.
from boann7 :
refering to radio girl, i couldn't say it better or add to it in anyway .. so ill just say .. yeah, what she said. =)
from radiogurl :
You want my honest opinion? You're long overdue for finding a different occupation, one in which your obvious talents and intelligent aren't buried in the ooze of two-day-old grease and diced onions. You have so much ability; believe in yourself and don't be afraid to reach for the occasional star. You just might be amazed at the things that are within your grasp.
from radiogurl :
Dull can be a good thing. Dull means the absence of tragedy and grief. I'll take it. Though I suspect dull with Erin there is still better than previous excitements. :)
from oceans-depth :
That just made my day.-Amen xoxo
from radiogurl :
*Grins* Best Christmas card I've seen all year
from radiogurl :
*Sigh* Darn for the verbal reaming. I hope sooner or later somebody has the brainpower to put you in charge. It would get you a raise and also inject a little positivity into morale, from the sounds of things.
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* Hopefully things will right themselves soon enough - and you'll have the opportunity to enjoy the new year with the love of your life.
from radiogurl :
If I'd realized you planned to immortalize our words, I would've attempted more intelligent responses than, "I know..." Then again, tonight I wasn't feeling terribly intelligent. Still, I do believe what I said about the FCC and I'm not the first one to predict they'll be moving into regulation of satellite and pay services. It's only a matter of time.
from radiogurl :
Thanks for the info - will try to check it out when I come out of my sleep-deprivation-induced stupor, lol.
from radiogurl :
Beautiful paint job!
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* It's daunting to start a family; just be kind to yourself and to your wife and children. The money and the things they won't remember; but the love, they will.
from radiogurl :
As you know, I work in radio. There are good and bad aspects of satellite radio, just as with everything else. We were just discussing this at work a few days ago; Howard Stern will still gather complaints and the FCC is eyeing satellite with dollar signs in its eyes. Because no matter how crappy a job it's doing, the federal government is just another big business, watching the bottom line and greedy to feed upper management through inflated wages and perks.
from radiogurl :
New game or continuation?
from o-twinkle-o :
from radiogurl :
It's nice to hear from you again, though understandable that you're not writing as often. You have other things to occupy your time - important things and important people. No reason to feel bad for your lack of writing. You'll write again in time, but for now, you're accumulating the experiences to feed your muse for years to come :)
from radiogurl :
I am officially, completely lost now.
from radiogurl :
Oh that's just bad... truly bad, lol.
from o-twinkle-o :
hey, did we move in with our lovers simultaneously or something? *hugs.* congratulations.
from radiogurl :
Dang... I don't blame you. Almost ANYTHING pales in comparison to having your feet rubbed, lol.
from radiogurl :
It'll take a while for things to totally sink in - and I'm sorry about the wall of ice between the families. Hopefully it'll melt before things go too far. Otherwise my wedding gift to you might have to be fur coats, and you can't get those here!
from bangetsavoha :
Your address is the same as it was at Christmas, correct?
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* I know you're counting down the minutes. I hope when she moves in that it's better than your dreams.
from radiogurl :
Congrats on the raise. I hope it all works out for you :)
from radiogurl :
Oops. That's some high mortality rates. New hobby recommended but I know it won't happen, lol.
from radiogurl :
Went to the link. Know it's an RPG. Still clueless.
from oceans-depth :
from radiogurl :
Darn... Sorry to hear the plans didn't work out quite like you hoped. Maybe next time *Hugs*
from radiogurl :
Congratulations on the new job - I forgot to say so before. I hope it works out well for you. :)
from radiogurl :
Interesting wordplay, on so many levels. It's both poetry and prose, nuanced through the eyes of dappled sunlight. Very well done.
from radiogurl :
Ack - how could you possibly miss something as important as Talk Like A Pirate Day? Ye'll have to walk the plank now for sure, you will, ye scurvy dog!
from hamlette2002 :
My, you're a miserable little fellow.
from o-twinkle-o :
(how can you let your conscience be your guide when it's you who keeps it satisfied?)
from radiogurl :
I'll have to take your word for it, because I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.
from darkenedhell :
love the layout its fucking beautiful. later. --KiTTy
from radiogurl :
Patience is supposed to be a virtue. I prefer to think of it as practice for Alzheimer's. At the moment I'm not feeling terribly patient so you're well ahead of me, lol.
from radiogurl :
Interesting link.
from oceans-depth :
Your happiness makes me smile :)*nudge
from radiogurl :
I won't donate to the Red Cross because of the money you donate, only a small fraction actually goes to help anyone - and even then, the Red Cross bills for its help.
from alonereviews :
your reviews is (finally...) up at sorry it took so long.
from radiogurl :
Your template, like your entries, grows more bright and electric with each new step. I am glad for you both. :)
from radiogurl :
Pssst... go back and re-read and edit. Your slip is showing...
from radiogurl :
Hopefully your rent rant resulted in something really good. (Sorry but couldn't resist the alliteration.) And as always, glad to hear things are well with you and Erin :)
from virlomi :
Thanks for the note! I do keep up with you as well, and I'm glad things with Erin are so great. :)
from radiogurl :
Shrimp, huh? I will keep that in mind, since I don't like oysters but love prawns. It's a sheer joy to read your entries when you are talking about Erin. I hope she appreciates you for that devotion. Not many men are capable. :)
from boann7 :
Thanks for the note ...... you are delicious. And yes that was just a tiny flirt�=) Your sweet Erin sounds perfect for you. You have enough material for a novel in your past,but I have a feeling the best is yet to come. The world has but heard the first notes to your melody.
from radiogurl :
You'll write again in time - but for now you are understandably preoccupied. I know the feeling well.
from radiogurl :
I'm glad to know that your working conditions will be changing for the better. I hope that they off you opportunities to expand.
from radiogurl :
I hope the horse situation works out... and that Erin doesn't have to give him up. Horses are expensive to keep :(
from radiogurl :
If she doesn't know already, she will. You will find ways of telling her, of showing her.
from radiogurl :
Hey - no worries about the painting. It will be there tomorrow, and next week. For now you have other things to occupy your life, moments with Erin and other important asides you cannot dismiss.
from radiogurl :
Darn - nice paintings, but you really gotta postpone the murderous rampage and/or exploding selfbiased thing until after you finish. You wouldn't want to let the assholian raiders win, would you???
from radiogurl :
Darn... I would hope that the job would make it easier for Erin to move in. *Hug* I hope things work out for you both!!
from oceans-depth :
what like you can't say Hi anymore. Don't make me pull your hair. xoxo Deja
from radiogurl :
Hang in there - sorry I dumped out of IM tonight. I was expecting the phone call, just didn't expect it to last so long!
from radiogurl :
That's the nice part about getting married... you don't have to see her leave to go home, because her home will be with you. :)
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* I'm glad things are going well with Erin but sorry that other things aren't cooperating. Hopefully everything will smooth out in the near future. I still say you need a new job...
from radiogurl :
I haven't played anything on Gameboy but Mario Bros and Sonic, I don't think. I assume that games have come a way since then. ;)
from radiogurl :
Glad to hear that the butterfly work was a success - but as we mentioned, illiteracy is not necessary. If the acquaintance wants to change it, he/she can do so.
from radiogurl :
Nevermind my email. Diaryland is wonky. Again. Ugh.
from radiogurl :
from radiogurl :
Ack - the raise is a pacifier. You really gotta get a better job :(
from radiogurl :
What happened at work now???
from radiogurl :
I'm not complaining about a few piercings. I'm talking about the over-the-top kids I've seen who have 100 piercings or more, whose whole face and body is metal. My 'adopted' kid has piercings in his tongue, eyebrow, ears, nose, and so on, and that doesn't bother me. My daughter has some piercings and that's cool. But you get some of the extreme cases done solely for shock value and yeah, I take issue with that. It isn't safe or healthy. It's like anything else done to excess. Heck, I've got pierced ears so I have nothing against piercing on principle. It's the extremes I take exception to.
from rubyredrevue :
Well that's nice, for you. I guess you can't expect everyone to do everything your way, right?
from radiogurl :
From your mouth to God's ears, my friend. *hugs*
from rubyredrevue :
The point of a squirt entry is so I can get to know the basics of the person. It's just easier to review someone if I know a little about them. It's not like I'm judging the diaries based soley on the squirt entry.
from radiogurl :
I'm glad to see you happy and just because you'll be married doesn't mean you'll stop being interested in star destroyers, lol. However, about the woman gonna take advantage... Um... not sure that's necessarily a good thing.
from oceans-depth :
smiles* it's nice to see you so happy! seeing you happy makes me happy. see i told you that nice guy thing you got would payoff. *snickers best of luck xoxo Deja
from radiogurl :
When you wake, quickly write down the details of your dreams. When you go back to sleep, you may pick up where you left off or at least return to the same world.
from o-twinkle-o :
*hugs.* s'alright, really. she's yours, you're hers.
from radiogurl :
we never know what may hinge on the smallest and most seemingly insignificant of moments. our lives can rise and fall, twist and tilt, blend and mesh, all as tangent to a single point in time. i am glad that you made the connection you needed to take the next step. and i look forward to hearing about many, many more.
from radiogurl :
Hopefully the inevitable doesn't happen tomorrow or until you've both had time to get into better job and living situations. From the sounds of things, your apartment isn't the ideal place to raise a child. You really need a better job, obviously. Sixteen hour days (not to mention the conditions) are not conducive to long-term survival.
from radiogurl :
Amen to that. Life generates death, which generates life. It's a cycle and a fact .
from radiogurl :
One thing of which I'm certain: nothing happens without a reason, even thoughtless siblings. Whatever her original intent, she drove you to a better destiny. Your best possible revenge is to thank her without telling her once why. She'll drive herself insane, her brain fixated on the question of whether you're serious (and if so, about what) or if you're somehow mocking her. Enjoy >:D
from radiogurl :
Inebriated ideas shouldn't be arbitrarily dismissed. While I don't recommend trying to do any serious writing in that state, I've written some pretty funny stuff while zoned out on cold meds. I would think that alcohol would encourage similar loss of inhibitions, which in terms of writing can open the door to extreme creativity. Let me know how it goes! :D
from radiogurl :
Awww thank you - I was genuinely curious as to your musical choices in the multiple genres. It's perfectly fine that you chose not to pass it any further. To change the subject, I'm delighted to know that you're looking at a date in a little over a year. I wish you both all the best!
from panchopanter :
Thanks for the note, I already added you to MSN, hope we chat there soon. I'm on there almost all the day, I don't like AIM though.
from panchopanter :
Your diary kicks ass, today I'm also staring at the screen waiting for something to happen. Um.. do you have MSN? Maybe we can chat there so you won't be bored.
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* It sucks to be bored. Nothing on TV either, huh?
from bangetsavoha :
Eeeeeeee! You're getting married!
from o-twinkle-o :
congratulations, that's awesome.
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* Congratulations! I am very happy for you both. I'm also not surprised to hear that you were the best dressed and best mannered one at the wedding. Piercing, while it's not my thing, has no bearing on who you are as a person. I know another young man in your age range who's got just about everything pierced (everything visible - I won't ask beyond that, lol.) He's also one of the sweetest young men I've ever met, despite having grown up in hell.
from radiogurl :
I'm finally back! I don't get the appeal of voluntarily putting more holes in your head, but whatevah flips your switch. I'm going to try to read your backlog of entries. For once I'm glad you normally write short posts!
from bangetsavoha :
Whoa, whoa, whoa. What magic is happening this weekend? And by this weekend, do you mean two days from now? And, you should be applauding me for getting out of the house more. And, you could have called. I'll be needing an explanation rather quickly, seeing as I received your message rather late.
from green-kiwis :
gotcha. should I still just pick anybody?
from green-kiwis :
hey...that old password isn't working. what's up?
from hunurevu :
I'm looking exactly where you said the link back was, and I don't see it. I'm sure you didn't omit it on purpose after you went through all of the trouble, so you're on the pending list, just, as a personal favor, can you get a link up when you get a chance?
from panchopanter :
Hi, i'm enjoying every bit of your diary. :-)
from nicim :
familiar eyes? perhaps the soul shines through and we are kindred. and perhaps you saw them in a magazine or newspaper - reaching out to you. while actually blue, not green, they are as real as anything can be and were once mine.
from radiogurl :
For every thing there is a time and a season. You have lived through bitter times; now is a time of sweetness. There will be other ages of your life, and you will react accordingly, in prose as well in emotion.
from o-twinkle-o :
it's okay. i realized i was getting boring when i entered into my relationship, too .. i saw myself becoming whiny/mushy/whiny/mushy and thought the same things. fuck *me,* i'm a boring girl right now! and s'okay. chris rock and george carlin are wise, wise men. just write when you have something to say, s'what i'm doing.
from kaybiff :
Now that I have slept I remember another thing that I wanted to say in my previous note. It was about the English on nonEnglish and how you can manage to have the best of BOTH worlds--those worlds being NOT having the English and STILL not confusing the readers. It involves javascript and "onmouse" hovering. When done appropriately it's really a nice effect: when a link is hovered over with the mouse an English description appears seemingly out of nowhere at a point you have specified. I am sure you have seen this somewhere. You could have the descriptions follow along the links, lining downward. Or maybe just toward the top by the theatre link. You could even have it in italics. Or you could have a different script where the characters turn over themselves. I have a book on this stuff and I am a coding junkie so I know, like, a billion of these codes. I could go on and on. But I am going to stop because I think I made my point and I haev class. GOOD DAY!
from radiogurl :
Boredom means nothing bad happening in your life. Vive la boredom!
from kaybiff :
To rebel against the "new" black (I thought it was blue right now, anyway) and to demonstrate Tux Paint (free software):
from duckreviews :
Ahoy and what not. Your review is done. You can see it here: I apologize in advance about my probable incoherence. (Here is where I would thank you for waiting, but you hardly waited at all for this. I could thank you for waiting for the cookies though, but I haven't sent those yet. So that's all pretty much void.) Gah, I need sleep.
from radiogurl :
A krakken on your arm - that LARGE? *Shakes head* If you say so... Definitely not my cuppa, lol.
from candoor :
art, life, hello.
from themandikat :
Your diary is AMAZING! What skill! Huzzah!
from radiogurl :
Check pawn shops - you can get some killer deals on amps, instruments, and other equipment there.
from panchopanter :
Hey what's up? I saw your banner and what got my attention were the Chinese characters. I'm learning Chinese. :-) I loved your diary, i'll add it to my favorites. Take care, read my diary if you want...
from oceans-depth :
sorry*hugs you and runs away. xoox Deja
from radiogurl :
Hopefully you were able to reassure her and make her believe you. Sounds like you both have issues but at least you're on the same page :D
from radiogurl :
Ugh... laundry... Don't remind me...
from radiogurl :
Your creativity sounds to me like it's stretched thin, as is your bank account. Don't let the things you enjoy be so demanding that they become a chore in themselves. Otherwise what's the point?
from radiogurl :
Pssst... Notes aren't turned on for the Archivist...
from radiogurl :
Maybe now is the time to consider that move...
from radiogurl :
Wow - if Erin has agreed to move to Austin, that's serious. I hope it works out for you if that's where you want to move.
from bangetsavoha :
You're not moving!
from radiogurl :
I hope you're able to paint again soon. The frog symphony sounds wonderful, though. I haven't heard frogs in so long...
from bangetsavoha :
I didn't know you listen to Howard.
from radiogurl :
Good luck with the fix. I am lazy; this is precisly why I keep my links and my template simple.
from radiogurl :
Umm... I can think of much MUCH worse things for someone to say if you wander out in underwear for all the world to see, lol...
from radiogurl :
Have you attributed any meaning to your dream? I didn't look up any symbolism but would imagine it contains more than a little.
from radiogurl :
See this is where we differ. Your diary is a work of art. Mine's idle chatter and ranting. I should be ashamed but I'm having too much fun, lol.
from radiogurl :
You know, as I started to write this note, a banner above proclaimed "There are no naked boobies in this diary." And I realized that the banner was right. However, there are soon-to-be-archived entries. And it shall be good, lol.
from radiogurl :
Take it from someone who knows. It's nice for your mother to relate to you as an adult, too. Probably a little strange, but still nice, lol. And as to double standards, sounds familiar to almost any workplace. And sounds like you need a new mgr!
from radiogurl :
How goes the painting???
from radiogurl :
I'm impressed by your ambition. I'll definitely be watching :)
from zodiacalstar :
Yeah, I know...I'm having some problems with that. The layout's still a work in progress. :)
from zodiacalstar :
Hi there! I saw where you were on a pending list at Alone Reviews, and I thought I'd invite you to come and get a Zodiac Review. Come on by!
from radiogurl :
I'm with you over the frustration with Diaryland, though I know Andrew's doing his best to get things operating again. And as to your situation with Erin, if you've been together for a year and still feel that strongly, you're both extraordinarily fortunate. A lot of men could never handle that level of commitment, and a lot of women would have flaked out long before now.
from radiogurl :
I love the new graphic! Very sleek and sophisticated variation :) And a one-year anniversary in a relationship is a unique milestone. I hope that it is one that you both meet with joy. *Hugs*
from radiogurl :
What you're discussing is risky for everyone involved. It might be fun, and your relationship might survive it, but methinks it would be forever changed. No one but the two of you can really know HOW it would change.
from radiogurl :
It's still fairly cool here today, though of course that won't last. I am sometimes surprised to see how similar temperatures here may be to areas northward. Glad you're getting the reprieve from winter, though - you're overdue. :)
from bangetsavoha :
But...but what about my idealistic perfection? When does THAT happen?
from radiogurl :
Still boggling to me that you spend that much money on your gf every month. I know you're crazy about her but if she cares about you, sooner or later she's gotta take a little concern and ask you to cut back. :( As to the contact, I'm guilty of that, sort of. I have a lot of people I talk to but can't keep up, so some of them just get dropped off my IM :-/
from radiogurl :
Man... tell me you don't *literally* spend $500 a month on her... I'd be thrilled with $5 now and then, LOL!
from radiogurl :
I actually read this last night; then, after talking to you briefly today, captured the perspective. I hope that the talk went well.
from radiogurl :
*hugs* thanks for the offer. I'm so exhausted right now that I'm not really coherent. I'll try to update - but spent the weekend at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, didn't really resolve anything but they gave him an IV and sent him home.
from o-twinkle-o :
did you know that i would roleplay with you?
from radiogurl :
Very intriguing. The bird-lore extends even to the now, with reports of birds the size of small planes making off with creatures as large as kangaroos and small deer. Some are credible; some are marginal; but with so many reports and with the true limits of the animal kingdom a matter of uncertainty, always good for speculation!
from to-my-heart :
Cool layout. Lovely writing.
from duckreviews :
I feel that I must apologize for the absense of cookies and the obvious lateness of the sending and whatnot. But rest assured there will be cookies, and they will be delicious. But, uh, the point: I am sorry.
from radiogurl :
Gonna look good :)
from o-twinkle-o :
you can only blow so much smoke. i'm just .. really tired of lying with a smile on. i suppose if i could, i'd talk about what's really going on in another diary. blahblah. suffice to say, things are not all fantasy in emilyland.
from radiogurl :
Women don't suck the life from you. Their absence leaves you empty, not vice versa.
from dearcynthia :
cute? it creeped me out..
from bangetsavoha :
So, yeah, I found you in that video. It was weird. Sort of felt like I was remembering a photo of you instead of seeing you.
from radiogurl :
I'm with you on the whole weekend thing...
from radiogurl :
Why next week? *Curious* Did I miss some significance?
from radiogurl :
Hmmm... not my taste in music but I tried to watch. Unfortunately since I have no clue what you look like, makes it tough to spot you!
from o-twinkle-o :
first of all, yay for the ren and stimpy. .. and you must have been living under a soundproof rock if you haven't heard suzanne vega's 'tom's diner.' i'm sure you'll know it if you hear it. download!
from radiogurl :
Ren and Stimpy, huh? It's a generation thing. I know the show, at least vaguely, but never watched it.
from radiogurl :
Good luck on the paint job. Some of those pieces are so small that you're going to need a magnifying glass and an extraordinarily steady hand for the details!
from radiogurl :
I'll have to take your word about the dreadnought being small. But you know what they say, it's not the size, it's knowing what to do with it, lol. And from my own experience: it's not the size, it's the quality of the person wielding it.
from radiogurl :
Yup, now THERE is a reason to trust what the media has to say. Nothing like taking a firm stand, eh?
from o-twinkle-o :
you're so cute about your girl. i just thought you should know.
from radiogurl :
I hope that Erin understands how much that she is treasured. And I hope that the time flies until she is with you again.
from radiogurl :
Neanderthal at work acting up or an ex-girlfriend?
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* I saw and I'm askin, lol.
from radiogurl :
I'm sorry to hear that you're locking your work away. I understand it but always hate to see it.
from radiogurl :
Wonderful. The beast is back. Maybe you should take out a hunting license before the drivers license.
from radiogurl :
Definitely paint. Write. Do whatever you can. Don't let time steal your creativity from you. It's too precious a commodity!
from ditries :
hey turd burglar, some cool shows heading to NL heres one for febuary. Otep, American Head Charge , Candiria, Blood Simple and Last Call tix are 12 in advance and 14 day of. also Snocore looks interesting. i will be getting my tix for otep prolly this week. snocore im still undecided about.lemme know whats up.
from bangetsavoha :
I'm sorry I overreacted.
from radiogurl :
Oooh, the game is afoot - or maybe ahand. Whatever. Intriguing introduction. I want photos when Mister Biased grows fangs ;)
from snow666white :
Engulfed by your words, am i... Intrigued... -Whitest of Snow, Snow White.
from radiogurl :
You're all nicely organized. How dare you, and make the rest of us look bad, LOL?
from radiogurl :
Ha! I like her review, in spite of her not liking some things about your format. Cool beans :)
from takexmyxhand :
Haven't been here in awhile. How are you?
from duckreviews :
I bet you would never guess what I did today, although, I'm pretty sure you could. I retract my bet--we didn't shake. You can't hold me to it. You can read your review here: Thank you for waiting that absurdly long amount of time (which I am sorry for making you wait).
from radiogurl :
*hugs* I hope you and I can both buy our freedom in the foreseeable future. I'm working on my half!
from radiogurl :
I know what you mean on several counts. I just got told today to send my resume <em>toute suite</em> for a job in Indy. I'm applying, no clue whatsoever how I'll get there if I have an interview but hey! I'm game to give it my best shot!
from flirtreviews :
Hi. I recieved your note about your review. As far as contacts go, I don't search your diary for them. I only count the ones that are linked on the main diary page or on a contact page. I think that the only place I can find your notes and AIM name is on your profile, yes? As far as what entries I read... I dunno. I jumped around quite a bit. I'll look through your diary again and try to make a list of what I read... but give me a little time on that one, okay? ::smile:: I hope your review wasn't too crappy for you... I thought you did a pretty good job. Thanks for responding, though, and letting me know that you actually appreciate getting a review and took the time to check it out.
from flirtreviews :
Hi. Your review is up at flirtreviews. Go check it out, yo.
from radiogurl :
Everything happens in its own time. Perhaps four years ago you wouldn't have accepted or have been accepted. We never know what an alternate path may have brought. If you became friends it was because it's time.
from bangetsavoha :
I was TRYING to keep a sense of anonymity. Now it looks stupid. Okay, I can't really tell a difference at all, but still.
from radiogurl :
Girls making out? Okay... I guess it's a guy thing, lol.
from candoor :
happy new year :)
from radiogurl :
Losing a friend can be painful to extremes. In a lot of respects, it's a shadowing of a death. What is grief over a death if it's not the anticipation of life without that person? I hope that your friend is able to collect herself and appreciate the value of friendship. And if not, grieve and move on, recognizing that in this case, her choice was death.
from radiogurl :
I heard THAT! It sucks to have so little time off and to know that you've got a couple of weeks' worth of things to do and only two days to squeeze them in, along with sleep!
from radiogurl :
Oooh GOOD booty! Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. Glad to hear it :)
from bangetsavoha :
It wasn't an error. I thought long and hard about whether or not to include a return address, and then I didn't care anymore, so I just put it. Sorry the book isn't of set. I tried. That one sounded the most interesting to me.
from oceans-depth :
happy holidays sweetie. xoxo Deja
from emperorincxt :
thanks for the note.. I really do have to keep in mind that I am an adult, and so should act like one, and make my own damn decisions, and do what I want to do (aka what makes me happy) instead of what is expected of me as a daughter/friend/'good' person. But since Im not very good at communicating this choice its usually perceived as simple ignorance of family values, and/or asshole-ish-ness (um thats not a word but you can get what I mean) just for the sake of pissing people off. *sigh* there is change in the wind, my e-friend, I can feel it. This is the year that I am sorting myself out and solidly defining my character as both what I think/want it to be and as it naturally is. A solid effort to stop pretending to be all of these things I am not. And effort to accept those things about myself that I cant hide or ignore (without making myself miserable). This is getting long-winded. I hope you have a good holiday and make an excellent impression on the girl's parents. btw: brilliant work on the layout(s) Im in awe with every change. Its wonderful to witness.
from radiogurl :
Wow... I knew that the Roman Catholic Church had a colorful history; I simply had no idea how MUCH so!
from radiogurl :
Nice intro. More? ;)
from omnipre5ence :
Nope, can't say you do.
from radiogurl :
As the beacon fades, daylight remains only a dream away. May your new journey bring you joy.
from omnipre5ence :
from bangetsavoha :
See, here's the thing. If the girl in that picture with you is Erin, which I suspect it is, and that is her identity, then she spoke to me long ago. So, I need confirmation before my head implodes.
from radiogurl :
And when failure is imminent, so too is rebirth. Celebr�!
from radiogurl :
I hate when a dungeonmaster/game master gets a superiority complex...
from radiogurl :
*Hugs* Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself :)
from radiogurl :
You're echoing the words I've recited a million times in my life. When you're betrayed on such a profound level, it is all but impossible to trust again. And the worst part is that you stop even trusting yourself, stop trusting your heart to guide you, because it was such a big part of the betrayal before. But someone put it to me this way recently: when you hold your past experiences against someone in a new relationship, it's like condemning executing an innocent man for a murder someone else committed, judging him guilty just because he's a part of the same human race. When put to me that way I realized how true it was. Erin is not your past, she's your now and quite possibly your future. Your fears are legitimate, but you can overcome them. It sounds like she is very much worth it.
from radiogurl :
Singing lullabyes to yourself these days? And if so, does it work??? I'm desperate here, lol.
from radiogurl :
Oh I know the blur is intentional. You just make it tough to comment is all, lol.
from radiogurl :
Y'know, you make commenting more and more challenging by muddying up your background graphic, lol. But that's okay. Sooner or later it'll become a genuine game to figure out where you mapped what and I'll end up commenting to you on the notes to Santa Clause. Does this mean I should ask you for a Jag for Christmas? (The car, not the TV show, if it's even on any more.) But I digress. Sorry about the non-game and non-sleep thing. Hopefully your work week will also permit you to catch up on a cat nap or two, too!
from radiogurl :
I think the process you're describing is order to disorder - also known as entropy. Or alternately known as politics. It's equally true in the workplace as in the nation's capital. Politicians suck but they don't swallow.
from oceans-depth :
Hey Chris I miss you xoxo Deja
from radiogurl :
Awww - hopefully you'll have the freedom soon to walk out of there. It sucks bigtime to hate your job, to have to work with a total jerk. Here's to better circumstances for everyone *clinks glass to yours*
from radiogurl :
LOL! Should I be scared now? ;)
from radiogurl :
I'm not a Nine-Inch Nails fan but I'm glad you got the opportunity to experience their particular nirvana :)
from radiogurl :
Ack... now you're starting to sound like me!!! Take some time off, for pity's sake. *Hugs* You deserve it!
from bangetsavoha :
Going back, I see how much more social you were a year ago. You were suspicious of me, sure, but at least you talked to me. *sigh*
from o-twinkle-o :
ah! a roleplayer!
from radiogurl :
You're right - it IS a cool song!
from radiogurl :
Ah, there's no revenge as sweet as watching an idiot do so much to screw himself over. You could never do half as much as they do to themselves.
from radiogurl :
When anything is overdone, it devours the original meaning, obscuring it with consumerism and irrationality. Free enterprise allows it, but I believe that several famouse authors and news people have repeated a simple, profound question: Just because we CAN do something, doesn't necessarily follow that we SHOULD do it.
from lttln :
You dont <i>know</i> me but you did a review for my old diary on inspired me to try to write a better diary.
from radiogurl :
Interesting change, entirely in line with the observation. Cheers to a good winter.
from radiogurl :
"I love you," if it's just words, is empty. If your heart is behind it, it's everything.
from bangetsavoha :
You do realize that I'm not a stalker and have never spoken to him. I collect what I can find. Why? Is he different? Is his face broken?!
from radiogurl :
I hope that note isn't indicative of trouble in paradise!
from radiogurl :
It sounds like Erin should be very happy. Not many women are so much loved. I hope she loves you with equal fervor. You deserve it!
from radiogurl :
Nice picture - is that you? And about the election results, I'm posting more on that on my diary tonight. It's scary. And I'm not surprised.
from radiogurl :
Wow... unexpected beauty unfurled in those carefully-chosen words. I hope she appreciates you.
from radiogurl :
Interesting pics. Hope you had fun!!!
from radiogurl :
I'm glad you survived the trip, but do you really want to be living around J again? Even if you have another lady in your life now???
from bangetsavoha :
You can't move away...
from radiogurl :
I hope your trip to Austin was awesome, and that you were able to dig up a bit more money - though if your lady friend's only concern is how much you spend on her, be careful. She may be a repeat of an earlier not-so-good performance :(
from suta :
Oh and I wanted to thank you personally. Thank you. *smirk* Hey, can you explain me that cursor-thing a bit better? I didn't understand... ^____� Sayonara!
from laracroft69 :
Since you have my diary listed, I just wanted to personally let you know that I moved to a new one...It's KaotykDreamr. So if you still wanna list me. thanks Faith
from o-twinkle-o :
clothing theft aside.
from o-twinkle-o :
wow. that sounds like an awesome weekend .. ! 2 weeks until my own naughty elipses ..
from oceans-depth :
Integrity now theres a art that all should admire. You my dear are sadly one of a dying breed. Thats one of many reasons I like you Chris! smooches xoxo Deja
from sirhcdetsiwt :
un/pw = your name
from emperorincxt :
mmm hardcore.. :D
from o-twinkle-o :
i love your layout. led to you by your banner, equally beautiful .. buddying you to read!
from bangetsavoha :
Almost 300 entries you've written. I thought I'd point that out to you.
from bangetsavoha :
Dear Mr. Biased: I haven't the slightest clue how to go about reviewing people, when people have certain wishes, and there are passwords and webpages, and I'm not exactly sure how to go about things. Please help me before I start to hemorrhage. Thank you.
from virlomi :
melted when I read your 'I love you' story. doesn't it feel amazing when you finally say it and you know it's so right? :D
from j3ff00 :
Love the template. :)
from bangetsavoha :
There's this guy on XMike, and his screen name is Cris, and he's 24, and dating. He said he saw Skindred open for Sevendust about a month ago (I don't recall when he wrote that). It took me a while to figure out it wasn't you. At least, I'm pretty sure it's not you...unless you have mulitple names...Anyway. I just thought you'd like to know! Or, you know, not.
from oceans-depth :
all tweaked look under chest to see. Thanks again smooches. xoxo Deja
from bangetsavoha :
Quitter is a very good song. Well, I like it very much at the very least (three verys?). Every time I listen to the song though, I can feel it trying to pull me into a very, very bad place, which is a shame, because I'll be listening to it much more. *shrugs* What's the worst that could happen?
from bangetsavoha :
You're not foreseeing the end of the world are you? An apocalypse would really put a damper on things.
from oceans-depth :
Just sending Love ♥♥♥♥ xoxo Deja
from skibabe23 :
i am sweet234. new name. long story, in short... someone read my other diary that i didn't want/couldn't have reading it. i'll email you a password in few minutes. ttyl
from virlomi :
Your conversation with her made me melt. :)
from virlomi :
c'mon, tell her you love her. I'm still riding the high from telling my guy and hearing it back, two weeks ago.
from oceans-depth :
I've missed you sweetie. xoxo Deja
from duckreviews :
To answer your question: you would not lose points for modifying your template. And now for some unsolicated design advice! Perhaps you might want to consider changing your "cast" link into a "links" link where you can make a cohesive collection of extras and what-have-you's. Thank you and good day.
from komachi :
thanks for your kind note:-)
from sweet234 :
yea you were my first note =) lol. i meant what i said though, i believe it was the slumber entry that got me hooked. i quote you in an away message of mine when im sleeping sometimes. see you around.. -kelly
from itchymicchi :
it was the "slumber" entry that got me hooked. :D
from oceans-depth :
Love the new template very zen. missed you xoox Deja
from virlomi :
I'm definitely a fan of the new layout. :)
from starlight42 :
clicked on your banner, I like your design! And yes, you are lucky to have a gfriend to drive all that way to see you :)
from oceans-depth :
Its ok pony boy I still love you xoxo Deja
from autumn667 :
obekabe....just gimmee a moment....laugh....kiss kiss
from oceans-depth :
Why Bad what have you done? Hmm * looks at you curiously? xoxo Deja
from oceans-depth :
Hi my name is Deja and I clicked on your banner to get here for no other reason than to say you rock Chris that is all. xoxo Deja
from virlomi :
ah, the newly-begun long-distance relationship. funny how you and i, both formerly so lonely, have both recently found someone - a few hours away to boot. i'm with you on the not-wanting-to-be-hurt mumbo jumbo, and as such i'm easing myself into this one slo-o-wly. best of luck. :)
from oceans-depth :
I know that includes me *sighs My lack of responses to all your notes is horrendous on my part Bad Deja. Bu my Dearest sweet man It doesn't mean I still don't worship the very ground you walk on.... You complete me Chris * teehee Seriously I adore you but now I'm going to go play in traffic ok xoxoxo Deja
from moongazer17 :
i failed to mention awhile ago that i'm loving the new layout. and, as always, yr words.
from oceans-depth :
Hey sweetie I am so disapointed I am in New Jersey taking care of my nieces and nephews until my sister gets out of hospital. She had a near fatal anyurism burst and needed brain surgery. So I am playing Mommy for a while. But If all goes well Ill be up your way for 2 weeks in june. Sorry I couldn't email you some J/O hacked my account. But I want to wish you the happiest of Birthday's Sweetie ** Hugs xoxo Deja
from moongazer17 :
username: falling. Pass: apart. npt sure if you want it but hey.
from takexmyxhand :
yes yes, indeed you do. :)
from takexmyxhand :
have fun painting, sweets. i'll miss you while yr gone. [it's moongazer btw]. ♥
from bangetsavoha :
It seems my goals are to do nothing but bother you lately. I hope you're not too sensitive, or it's bound to not be pretty. Should the inevitable stage of hate happen soon, make sure you inform me. Subtlety is unperceivable to me you know.
from stormyweatha :
what do you mean by that?
from phreakazoid :
heylo, you've got so many adoring fans! thought I might finally get round to leaving you a message, erm, hi? lol, anyways, speak soon
from candoor :
This is a test. (beep) This is a test of the Emergency Valentine's Day System. (EVS) This test is to see if leaving notes around DLand will make this a wonderful day (and weekend) in spite of not particularly being with anyone romantically at the moment. (ummm) May the results be that all this love in my heart found some productive use. (smile) And maybe a giggle or few (Happy V-Day from my other persona too :)
from hamakosan :
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, CHRIS! Just keep your chin up.. and remember that you've got people who love you on this day and every day. Now go out there and make it a good one! <3 Hamako-chan
from moongazer17 :
hey, i love your layout, chris. you=stunning. ♥
from bangetsavoha :
I'll remember next time to not reassure you. Only vicious blows to your ego from here on out. I promise.
from moongazer17 :
Chris, I hope you find happiness and a beautiful woman that loves you completly. It will happen, because it happens to those who deserve it. ♥
from moongazer17 :
dont be sad, love. be happy. you deserve it
from moongazer17 :
Have i failed to mention lately, Chris, that you are amazing? ♥
from virlomi :
hello, I fit your criteria (except possibly the age . . . how old are you?). just kidding. but yeah, i understand the search. i'm searching too . . .
from oceans-depth :
I will be In Toronto Feb 12-16 then Ohio from 19-22 when are you coming? Shoot I would have been so down for that. What is your Email Ill send you my # . xoxo Deja
from bangetsavoha :
I'd explain it, but I already did. I suppose you knew that, making this pointless.
from oceans-depth :
Hey You Big smooches * to you. Ive missed you and Im gonna catch up on you now hot chocolate in hand and assume the position xoxox Deja
from lovely-freak :
i'm not a fan of progressive rock... is that what the prog stands for? huh.... but i digress... i don't like it. i'm more fond of punk rock, emo-punk, jazz, hiphop, and the very old country. thanks for your comment... i read your entry about the very thing. very nice...
from moongazer17 :
thank you for making me feel better, dahling. you rock. ♥ ps:that notebook doesnt sound like such a bad idea.
from bluesaiyan :
and don't call me sir, because if you have a degree then you must be older than me, and i don't like adults calling me sir.
from bluesaiyan :
yeah, a pretty voice is enough. I think she is good at singing though, but even if it was just her pretty voice...
from rentfreak82 :
Hey- just stumbled across your diary. The second symbol down on the right is the tattoo I have on my hip. It means 'luck' Just thought that was pretty cool.
from moongazer17 :
hmm..i'm hoping like hell that she's okay. ps:i love all of your famost last words. theyre always so damn good. ♥
from virlomi :
don't know if you're still interested in reading my diary, but if you email me at [email protected], i can give you the password. had to lock it due to offensive notes.
from oldpenguin :
Not too shabby, for a frozen soul. I like your quiet, introspective style of writing. Aren't memories lovely? But only if you take them with a pinch of salt, hard as that may be. Peace. OP
from kimisamazing :
either from a banner, or another person's comments... either way, it's a damn good layout.
from moongazer17 :
chris, have you heard anything from deja, at all? im starting to get worried...
from angelicbeaut :
Hello gentle soul, turquoise is a lovely shade and a turquoise layout is better yet.
from kimisamazing :
hey... love your layout, but is it designed for a 1024 screen? I'm sure it would look amazing if I didn't have to keep scrolling to the right...
from candoor :
so much i read I understand, that i have done with my own hand, my wish for you is a wonderful life with honest hearts and little strife...
from moongazer17 :
okay, if that's what you think. Grins* ps:makes me smile when you call me "sweets" take care, ♥ Crystle
from bluesaiyan :
from moongazer17 :
Lacuna Coil kicks come serious does evanescence.
from oceans-depth :
Happy new years Chris, May you find the Happiness you deserve in the new year xoxox Deja
from autumn667 :
LAUGH.........isn't D-Land Greeaaattt!!! anywho, if this night is new years night that you are calling, i will not be home......i am out and, autumn
from moongazer17 :
holy hate mail. not cool...
from msdevilqueen :
Nope, I'm done. won't be here anymore..... Only point I was trying to make is that there are always two sides to every story and since you felt the need to tell your side on the opened up the preverbial pandora's box......You can't have it both ways.....let me put in out there in public and then get upset when someone disputes you...... There is a saying: Let sleeping dogs lie. This is something you've never been able to do. If you didn't publisize it then I wouldn't feel a need to defend. Again as bootsie said...a journal should be for private thoughts. And as you is your story from your mind and of course you have to make yourself out to be the hero because in the end that's always eaiser then the truth. ta ta
from autumn667 :
be asured that ....YES...i will......BUT the question is When will i remember when i am not falling asleep?.....?
from autumn667 :
*rips open the Star Wars action figure........and then realizes she still hasn't called Mr. Biased.....i'll email ya my new cell phone # tomorrow...i'm half drunk and can't remember it right now.....giggle....merry Xmas... kiss kiss
from oceans-depth :
Oh Santa Thank you **winks ** for my present. Happy Holidays sweetie love Deja
from moongazer17 :
aww thank you. that was so kind. there's something wonderful about you, chris. i hope you find happiness, because if anyone deserves it, it's you
from bobsquared69 :
<3 merry christmas to you too
from virlomi :
a bit on the cynical side, are we?
from moongazer17 :
you are too funny. thank you thank you for making me laugh. big grin**
from autumn667 :
yup...i got your email and responded.....i see your email, and raise you a dollar...... kiss kiss
from autumn667 :
oh shit......i'm sorry doll,i'm there all the time........our work party is there early next week.....i me your number again......and i'll ring at ya........ kiss kiss....can you believe that crazy shit.....????
from oceans-depth :
Personally I would prefer a spongebob square pants one. I know Bad Deja *wink*
from oceans-depth :
Oh don't mind me I'm just silly like that.xoxoxo
from oceans-depth :
But you didn't answer me can I play in your hair.xoxo
from oceans-depth :
Can I play in your Hair? Don't mind me I've had way to much coffee today. But i have always wanted to ask someone that so why not you. I like this entry but if you slip into the dark side again this time im gonna pull you back. Love ya Deja
from moongazer17 :
I loved,loved, loved your latest entry. Stunning.
from oceans-depth :
Sorry I missed you last night left my comp on and fell asleep when I woke up you were gone:( I hope you don't have as much snow as we do. love Deja
from oceans-depth :
Sorry we got cut off last night that lovely storm knocked out my electricity. Loved our chat xoxoxo Deja
from gothiceyes :
I have emailed you my u/pw... please don't release this information to anyone else! Thank you, also, may I also read your diary?
from autumn667 :
i'm sorrrrrrryyyyy.......i've been so busy...hard to believe huh? lil ol me.......sit at computer all the time i'm never on....or home.......i will be REAL soon cay from work in about a week and a half.......and i'll have an apartment next i will call i promise.......i sleep late and then do some play tombraider.....or shower......and then go to work......or go to work before I have to be there......ugh.......oh well..........i'll call soon...i just put your two phone numbers into my email contact info on you.... kiss kiss
from moongazer17 :
Hey you...I see you've added my diary to your favs..(thanks). i just want to warn you, though...I suck.I'm Not worth the read, really. was nifty talking to you the other day. IM me anytime you want, I enjoy talking to people..sometimes. xxCrystlexx
from oceans-depth :
Enlist me Baby* cough cough
from oceans-depth :
Oh shoot does this mean I have to stop passing out those flyers to your site. I can't help it you know it's hard to keep a good thing like you chris to yourself. Hugs Sweetie xoxoxoDeja
from lambrini :
yeha, u rule, u know it
from moongazer17 :
Wait, wait..I found it. Woo hoo. wanders of to read your words...
from moongazer17 :
wow..stunning layout and words. Only question I have for you: do you have an archive page? I'm in love with your words..seriously. I want to read you from the begining. ♥ Crystle
from oceans-depth :
I love this new one too. Your such a zen kinda guy. I like that about you. I don't drink but that black berry brandy and tea sounds real good. I think I may have to start drinking. If you Def come to the city let me know. Hugs and Love Deja
from virlomi :
i love the new template, and your amanda story is close to home for me.
from virlomi :
i've made the same type of discovery . . . the one i thought i missed desperately turned out to be merely a representation of the feelings of love and acceptance.
from loathe :
It wasn't Kory. By the way. . I'm a guy.
from oceans-depth :
It's amazing what one can see once there light.{hugs}♥Deja
from autumn667 :
my name is Otto and i like to get Blotto...(ed)....kiss kiss
from virlomi :
my heart breaks for the 'pariah.'
from trapidi :
i was excited when i finally learned how 2 do a template & everything else. now i help my friends and i feel important. your template rocks ♥ check out mine. if u want help i'll b glad 2 help, but remember...i'm still learning ♥
from oceans-depth :
WOW I really Like it alot very zen and original ♥ Deja
from oceans-depth :
Thank you Sweetie, That's it I'm convinced I'm Invincible. Must be my Wonder Woman Complex ♥ XOXOXO Deja
from autumn667 :
it's when the world is going to end..........kiss kiss
from autumn667 :
yeah i liked that one...nice......i wanna be a Sith when i grow up.....kiss kiss
from autumn667 :
the link was brought me to an error hoo.......later skater.....kiss kiss
from autumn667 :
i've seen that list before....and yes i can relate to everyone of those statements....and my parents live in Burnt Hills and the mailing address is STILL Scotia...laugh.....kiss kiss
from stormyweatha :
hey... ive read a lot of em thus far... and i found you just by a banner or someones favorite... i dont quite remember... but it was something that caught my attention.
from lambrini :
3, technically. i hav nine inch nails on my extra list.
from selfbiased :
*wink* thanks, sweets. at least someone sees what i'm trying to do here.
from autumn667 :
all i can say......isn't the name of your diary "selfbiased"? we are all on our soapboxes......and we ALL push the negative.....the good is always better...and we leave the best stuff for ourselves to enjoy only...not totally.....but for the most's only blatant lies that are most hurtful.....and when you use your knowledge in a bad know that i can speak of all this and know what i am saying....i don't know if i'm making sense...i think you anyway......i'm done...kiss kiss
from autumn667 :
it isn't pretty i can tell you that......and you saw what i had to do.....good luck my friend.....remember that everything is worse when it happens to's the truth unfortunately.
from oceans-depth :
wow, now I got a migraine got any tylenol. lol smooches
from autumn667 : SURE pissed somebody off...laugh.....TOOo much to read though.....when you're putting someone down you gotta keep it short and sweet.......for instance......just write..."you fucking liar..."...laugh i crack myself up......anywho.....i like the layout.....the wording needs a brighter color, mayhaps red...??? i'm super busy the next week or so....i might be able to help ya with some coding after that........but you should start looking up some coding on your own....there are a bunch of sites that will help ya.......take care doll....and no more talking to seems to get you into trouble...laugh.......kiss kiss
from stormyweatha :
dude. as lame as it sounds... i totally know how you feel... my life is so full of heartache and drama that when i found the right guy... i had to take him from a good friend. lame huh? welcome to my drama.
from makeluvwitme :
wuts rong wit u drama my heart is out wit u and your drama stuff...but don't stay a drama boi in your main...stay a drama boi on stage...ppl will luv u...or at least make books and junk if the play thing don't work.
from oceans-depth :
I would like to offer a unsolicited non biased opponion. Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, and sometimes when enough time has passed in a situation and you can see things differently.She was probaly writing these things down and then reread it again and said wait this makes me sound bad let me add this so she doesnt have to claim responsibility for what happened.You seem like such a Nice guy and as much as you seem to still care . you only deserve to be happy. so be happy now.xxoo Deja
from oceans-depth :
good luck and be safe on your move.<3 Deja
from ragdoll23 :
guess you got sick of lj and came to join you lol. *hugs*
from autumn667 :
well goodness......females and online forums don't mix...i know from well as you....i wish i could go into more detail about MY experiences the past three years...but i am read RELIGOUSLY by "people/person" (i use that term loosely) who hate me.....and would find it necessary to remark...(remember...they have before) this point i would use real names and dates too, because there are no "innocents" in life.....ALAS.....i am too nice and i respectand love first and third parties in these matters.....(i truly wish i could hash it all out online...but instead...i have begun to write a book.....on paper/microsoft word...) i have 50 pages already...mostly notes...waiting to be elongated into paragraphs/chapters...laugh...i have several titles as well.....this one i find the funniest...'that girl is Psycho'...laugh....prolly won't be used...but i crack up everytime i read it.......rereading my notes and listening to audio tapes that were made for evidence i just keep thinking what the hell was i thinking...why did i put up with that?...well i'll write more to ya later.....kiss kiss
from oceans-depth :
Awww Princess, I love guys that wear makeup lol I'm a lost soul.. How are you? xxxooo<3 Deja
from autumn667 :
hmmmm, Angry Princess....i like mine smells like oranges....*evil laughter....
from oceans-depth :
Since I didn't see a guestbook I'm leaving you a note. I really enjoyed reading your diary ,your honesty is refreshing not like all the kiddie angst on here and personally I think nice guys Rock so do you. Deja
from oceans-depth :
Since I didn't see a guestbook I'm leaving you a note. I really enjoyed reading your diary ,your honesty is refreshing not like all the kiddie angst on here and personally I think nice guys Rock so do you. Deja
from autumn666 :
that's a good was going to be i don't know......hopefully before Christmas... kiss kiss
from greypoupon :
Thanks for the guestbook entry you left me. I appreciate it.
from autumn666 :
Clive Barker used to drink in a gay bar in Albany ALOT!!!! i saw him once almost 10 years ago.......funny.....kiss kiss
from autumn666 :
hey.....mayhaps in a few months i'll be up in ex is moving up there...sooo.....mayhaps i'll get to say hi in person...kiss kiss....btw...i'm back...
from autumn666 :
i answered you.....
from autumn666 :
ok...well not TO describe me...but you know, in my description.......kiss kiss
from autumn666 :
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE!!!!!! i just noticed that you used the phrase cool beans to describe me......i haven't heard that in FOREVER....too old friend's older sister used to say that ALL the time.....O Mi Gawd........kiss kiss
from liastaind :
Hi. Thanks for ABANDONING me. You suck. :-(
from autumn666 :
thank you......i like my friends close...where they can stand up for me....kiss kiss
from autumn666 :
hey email or AIM for password
from girljesus :
Did she really say that stuff to you? How horrifying. And here I thought I was the only one interacting with douchebags...
from autumn666 :
i can't believe you live in amsterdam.....tha's like right where my mom's relatives live.....Hagamen...(sp)...too funny.....i took the "quiz"'s in my diary....kiss kiss...i responded
from autumn666 :
Happy V-Day..........
from autumn666 :
sorry too much to digest.....i watch movies, type, surf, type, play video games, type, read, type, eat, type....both at work and at other words i write quite abit.....sorry...kiss kiss
from autumn666 :
I too live in interesting times...where do you live in NY? i'm originally from Saratoga. well ya said to i did. kiss kiss
from wretched-sin :
im sorry i ate it....please dont hate me :)
from greypoupon :
Heya, Chris. It is I. Eliza aka Grey Poupon, but I guess you already knew that. I just wanted to let you know that I've read through all 26 of your diary entries and there is nothing wrong with being a nice guy. The problem is not that you're too nice, it's that the world isn't nice enough. I think that people can't believe and/or accept it that you're being kind without some sort of ulterior motive and the only way they know how to respond is to hurt you before you can hurt them. That ex of yours seems totally...psychotic? Yes, that's the word. If I were you I'd cut off all contact with her because it's obvious that she's fully capable of deceiving you to get what she wants. So just hang in there. The forecast for you is sunshine. Dunno when, but it'll happen. ;)
from wretched-sin :
NiN...such beautiful sounds..The Albany area is so dreary without music...get back at me... ~Becca~
from glam-star :
Rap is shit. But I had a friend tell me a good point: If it makes people happy then I guess it ain't all that bad. He didn't say it in quite those words, we had a debate for about an hour on the subject, but that was one of the arguments. It's still shit in my opinion. Thanks for reading. I like to believe I'm popular on the internet! P.S- Mudvayne Rocks! Not Falling.... *drools*
from keanur56 :
read your diary too. thx for reading mine :) makes us all feel a bit special from time to time.
from borrisbean :
Thanks, I like my layout too. I would take credit for it but I didn't design it, although if you want a cool site to go to I got it from :)
from liastaind :
aww Hiya! I hope you cheer up, and I bet you'll find some hot chick to call YOUR soulmate pretty soon!!
from selfbiased :
testes, testes... one, two, three?

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